Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Choti si pyaar choti si dard- (Episode 14)

Hi guys sorry for the late update I think if know about the flood in Chennai so the internet and mobile connections are disconnected so today only I got the connection so plz comment after reading. I know in this past five days there are many ff on Swaragini i hope that u all didnt forget about me and ff. This is a double episode hope u enjoy and plz plz plz comment guys then only I will continue this ff

Episode 11

Laksh waits for Ragini in the café. Sudir comes there and ask about Ragini’s reply Laksh thinks and says Ragini doesn’t believe about love and she is engaged also. Sudir says its ok Laksh and thanks for helping. When Sudir leaves Ragini comes and sits. Ragini ask Laksh y he is staring her? Laksh replies I haven’t seen a beauty in this world. Ragini blushes and Laksh says see that girl how is she. Ragini turns and sees Anisha (that time they were not friends) Laksh sees Ragini and runs from there.

Ragini goes to the cupboard and takes a box. It has Laksh things and their love memories. She takes a watch and cries thinking about their first kiss. Laksh also takes a bag and eyes a red piece of cloth and crushes it.

In Garodia house
Laksh calls Ragini. Swara picks it (she was studying 11th STD).
Laksh : hello Ragini
Swara: Sir jiji is down u can tell me the information.
Laksh: Ok then I have sent a parcel for Ragini ask her to pick it up.
Swara: Ok sir what is ur name
Laksh: Laksh and he cuts the call.

Swara goes down and tells everything. Ragini thinks that I have to get it before anyone gets it and runs to the gate. She sees the courier boy and stops him. She says it is for me give it. Boy says its for Ragini Lakshya. Ragini says I am only Ragini Lakshya. The courier boy removes his cap Ragini shouts Laksh and he closes her mouth Ajabi si Ajabi si song plays. Laksh takes his hand and says so Ragini Lakshya take this parcel get ready in 30 minutes I will come to pick u. Ragini says but….. Laksh interrupts tell ur sister to manage and be ready. He gives her the parcel and she goes remembers her words. Laksh says u will soon become Ragini Lakshya and he too leaves.

Ragini gets ready in a red maxi with black stone works on the top and it is one sided sleeve. She puts her hair on one side with some curls in the front and she does some light make up. Ragini says Swara plz manage for one hour darling plz plz. Swara says ok jiji but come soon ok. Ragini bids her and leaves through the back door. Laksh waits for her wearing black suit in the car. Ragini gets in the car and says Laksh lets go. Laksh gets stunned seeing her beauty. Ragini shakes him and he starts the car. They reach Laksh farm house. Ragini gets down and sees it is beautifully decorated with flowers. A small girl comes and gives her white tulips. Laksh comes there and keeps a flower crown on her head. Ragini is happy to the core of her heart and hugs Laksh. Laksh also reciprocate. Ragini ask how did u know I love white tulips. Laksh says I am Lakshya the hero of the world I know all the things come lets go and takes her to the garden. There is a table and a home theater which plays slow love music. Laksh takes her to the table and serves her favorite food. Then Ragini takes Laksh for dance and they dance Jina Jina song. They dance so intimately. Laksh holds Ragini so close and there is no gap between them. He runs his fingers on her bare back and Ragini tries to leave but Laksh twirls her towards him. Ragini says leave me Laksh but Laksh drags her more close. Ragini graps his shoulder tightly. Laksh sees her lips and comes closer to kiss. Ragini struggles but Laksh kiss her on her lips. Ragini gets carried away and it lasts for some minutes. When they separate Ragini’s dress stucks in his watch. While she tries her dress gets torn. Laksh says for our first dating u keep my watch and I will keep this dress piece. Ragini hugs Laksh.

Laksh says Ragini if there is any way to get u I will definitely get u. Ragini says I have closed all the ways Laksh it is better we stay away from each other. She keeps the watch on the table and goes to sleep.

Precap: Break up.

Episode 12
One fine day Laksh and Ragini are in the college café. Laksh says Ragini what about that Leku I have not seen her nowadays. Ragini says that dumbo is now like devdas always crying and thinking about u. Laksh says in this matter Sudhir is genuine I told him that u r engaged and he gone away from u. Ragini says Laksh u who told u I am engaged. Laksh says Yes u r engaged with me and now we classes lets go and they leave. On the next table Leku and Sudir r hearing Raglak talks. Sudir says so these and all their planning only. Leku says Sudir we can separate them easily. Sudir asks what do u mean and Leku says her plan. In the lunch break Sudir goes Laksh and says Lucky tonight my friend is holding a bachelor party so u should come. Laksh thinks and says ok Sudir I will come sms me the address. Leku goes to Ragini and says Ragini today we have girls party all our classmates r coming u should come definitely. Ragini says ok Leku and I will leave message me the address. Leku signs Sudir.

In the pub
Laksh enters the pub and goes towards the party table. Ragini also enters and Leku comes to her. Ragini ask Leku what place is this. Leku says come our frnds r on the other side and takes her. Ragini meets Anisha and Swathi in the pub and they be frnds. Leku sms Sudir. On the other side Sudir gives drinks to Laksh and he gets inhebitated. Sudir get Leku’s message and says guys lets play truth or dare game. He spins the beer bottle and its Laksh turns. Sudir ask Lucky truth or dare and he chose dare. Sudir shows Leku and says Lucky go and ask her to come and stay with u for one night if u don’t do this we will give u punishment Lucky. Laksh in drunkard state says Guys challenge accepted and goes towards Leku. Laksh flirts with Leku and asks for a night stay with him. Ragini sees all this and goes towards Laksh. Laksh sees Ragini and says Rago but she interrupts and says Laksh go from here we will meet in the farm house tomorrow. Ragini leaves and Laksh follows her pleading.

Next day in the farm house
Laksh waits for Ragini in the house. Ragini comes there and Laksh says sorry Ragini I was stupid to drink that much. Ragini says so u did all that without ur knowledge right. Laksh says y u r talking strangely Rago. She says No Mr. Laksh I got to know about u yesterday only my papa says a person’s character will come out when he gets drunkard u r this much cheap that u r asking a girl for a night stay how could u. Laksh says Rago ur every word hurts me our love is that much weak that u r doubting me. Ragini says Laksh I came here to say that this is over our love chapter ends here. Laksh grabs her shoulder tightly and says look at me Ragini y u r telling this but Ragini says Laksh leave me u were eager to hear that words na now I tell u Laksh I LOVE YOU……… I LOVE YOU but now I HATE YOU. She leaves from there but Laksh shouts Ragini one day u will regret that u will feel depressed when u come to know about my innocence from now on I will flirt with every single girl infront of u only to show u wrong.

Laksh says Ragini till now I am acting for u but u r becoming stone heart If the fate is with me one day u will come to me and this is my promise.

Precap: Swara question Ragini and Sanskar question Laksh about eachother.


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