Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Choti si pyaar choti si dard- (Episode 38)

Recap : Swasan reunion. Raghu got out of their way and Sanskar Meera reunion.
Meera’s School
Meera says Shona maa do u know one thing I saw papa in the morning and tells the whole incident. So what name u have chosen for ur papa said Swara. Darling u gave her this habit too very bad said Sanskar in fake angry tone. First u two stop talking and stand said Meera and the both stand. Ok first thing papa today I want treat for ur come back and second thing I want more jilebis and last we both should only go out said Meera. Arre u father daughter joined a group against me I will see u both but onething come before evening said Swara. Sanskar and Meera said Yes Shona and laughed. Swara left to her music class and Sanskar Meera roamed thr whole city. They bought lot of toys and Sanskar told about family memebers.

In the evening
Both came from shopping and sat on the sofa. Meera got some sweet smell and said Papa do u get any smell. Both shouted jilebi and ran to the kitchen and saw Swara making their favorite fruit jilebi. Both tried to take it but Swara hit their hands. Oouch Darling what is this ? Mere Shonamaa plz Said Sanskar Meera in pleading voice. Achaa from where this Darling and Shona maa came suddenly u already I am managing u now ur papa came na both will play tantrums and what u both enjoyed outside na these all jilebis are for me only said Swara. Shona u r already fat so dont eat too much said Sanra unionly and laughed. Ok then I am going to eat and took one piece. She saw Sanra looking at her like they will eat her also. Sanskar signed Meera. Meera hugged Swara and Sanskar ran with the plate and Meera ran after him. U both I wont leave u and Swara chased them. They got tired and sat down. Swara saw Sanra eating jilebi in the same manner and smiles. Shona maa Papa told that I have big family Dada. Dadi, Nana, Nani, two chachas, two chachis, Badi Dadi, Badi Dida. Tears roll down from Swara’s eyes. Sanskar saw this and says Meera tomorrow we are going to mumbai. Meera shouted and hugged Sanskar. See Meera forgot her maa when she saw her papa said Swara. Meera hugged both of them.

In the night
Swara makes Meera sleep by singing lulaby and comes out to see Sanskar standing near the window. She placed her hand on his shoulder.
Sanskar: Shona Its like a dream for me. I saw my beti and hugged. She called me papa. I was eager to listen those words. In these three years I was a robot Shona. All told that u r dead but I had faith on my love that u wont leave and hugged.
Swara: Sanskarji I was in the guilt that I separated u from ur rajkumari in these years but now I am so happy that going back to my family. How is Maa. Sanskar remembered how Sumi said If u want to speak to me then come with my Shona or else dont come.
Sanskar: waiting for ur return darling and where is our room.
Shona: its a surprise and she closed his eyes and brought him to her room.
The room is full of Sanskar and Meera’s collage. He was shocked to see these pictures and looked at Swara.

Sanskar: Thank you darling for this wonderful gift. Today I am going to sleep peacefully.
Both lie down and slept in hugging position
In Maheswari house
All are running here and there preparaing for Swara’s arrival. Sumi and AP are preparaing Swara’s favorite food. Sumi says Purna I am so happy that our Shona is coming. AP says han Sumi and our house little rajkumari also coming. Shekar and Dp are canceling all their meetings. Dp asked Laksh whether Swasn arrived. Laksh says Jaggu called and they are on the way.
In the airport

Jaggu saw Swasan coming with their luggage. Jaggu hugged both of them and he heard voice of Meera. Arre Jaggu chachu u forgot me na and she made puppy face. Jaggu says Oh mere princess is angry and gave her a rose. Meera is still angry and he gave a mickey mouse toy. Meera hugged and kissed him. And they left to the house.

Back to Maheswari house
All heard the sound of the car and came to the door step. Swara got down and saw the whole family waiting for her. She ran and hugged Sumi. Both cried. Swara hugged each one of them. Ap says where is our rajkumari. Meera said I am here Dadi. All saw her coming with Sanskar. Sanskar says Maa I kept my promise and brought ur daughter back. Sumi hugged him. Meera says all forgot about me and hugging Shonamaa and Papa very bad. All laughed hearing. Laksh took her his arms and said Meera u r the princess of this house how will anyone forget about you. Meera said Lucky chachu where is Sweety chachi. Swara also asked about Ragini. Sumi said she had gone to temple. All done her grah pravesh and she entered her house. Meera sees the house and says Lucky chachu this house is so big. Shekar called Meera and she sat on his lap. Shekar says darling she looking like u that same smile and her eyes. Swara says Darling pa dont uderestimate her both father and daughter rolled my head yesterday. All laughed. Meera says Dada, Nana y u all didnt came to meet me in mumbai, I was angry on Papa also. All smiled seeing her pleading face. Ap says oh mere rajkumari is angry then Swara tell me what to do with these jilebis. Sanra shouted jilebis and ran to the dining table. All had every good family time.

Precap: Ragin’s entry and reason for Raglak separation.


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