Fan Fiction

When the clock strikes 4 Intro

Hey guys this is my 2 nd OS.. I am writing this in a belief that you guys will like it, please please do point out if there is any mistake I want negative remarks too.. Riya dint expect this much of love, Abhigaya hope your true name is Aliza thanks yaar, Maya thanks a lot, Monesha, Maahi, Anjali( Arshi fan) , Saranya, Durga, Priyanka, Akshaya Kannan, Reshma Pradeep, Nirmal, M, Naanu, Varsha, SheerpaThank you for the comments guys , I dint expect this much love for my very first OS.. Thank you so much guys…
Abhi said, She must be here now, why is she late today…? Did something happen to her!??

Pragya said, I can’t go through this let me live please leave me…

What made Pragya say so!?? Wait for it …

Guys please I need feedback it will help me improve so please provide some feedback..


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