College love to evergreen love (Riansh) part 4 by Real@kriti

Today’s episode starts…

Days were passing Riansh grew closer to each other . One day vansh didn’t came to class , ridhima was waiting for him but he didn’t came .

Ridhima – Vishal , where is vansh ?

Vishal – he has gone to uttarakhand .

Ridhima – what ??

Vishal –  yes , actually there’s a function in his family  , so he has gone there .

Ridhima – ohh , when will he come ??

Vishal – after 5 days

Ridhima – what ?

Then after the class , she went to her room . She was missing  vansh but she was avoiding this fact .

2 days passed , ridhima was badly missing vansh .

Ridhima – vansh , vansh , vansh what have you done to me , everywhere I can only see you . Ahhhhh strange

On the other side vansh too was missing ridhima .

Vansh – ridhima , no more no more ridhima , I can’t  pretend anymore ridhima , I have fallen for you and soon I will confess it you .

More 2 days passed .

Ridhima was talking with khushi .

Khushi – ridhima , you wanna eat chocolate ?

Ridhima – vansh also likes it .

Khushi – ridhima i am asking for you

Ridhima – haan yes i will eat

Khushi –  ridhima , I am feeling like watching a movie . You wanna watch ?

Ridhima – vansh also likes to watch movie .

Khushi – ridhima , I am asking u . Ridhima what happened to u , you are connecting everything with vansh .
Are you okay ??

Ridhima goes to her room .

Ridhima reached her room . She opened her diary . She wanted to write something .  She was unable to concentrate . She was hell frustrated .

Ridhima – vanshhhhhh what have you done to me ?? I am missing you very badly .

Then she heard a knock in the door .

Ridhima – come in .
Khushi enters .

Ridhima – khushi

Khushi –  ridhima , I wanna talk to you

Ridhima – tell

Khushi – ridhima , are u missing vansh ?

Ridhima – no

Khushi – to whom are you lieing ??

Ridhima – no I am not lieing

Khushi – ridhima u are lieing , admit it

Ridhima – no

Khushi – yes

Ridhima – no

Khushi – yes

Ridhima (loud) – yes damit , yes I am missing him very badly .

Khushi hugged ridhima .

Ridhima – I am missing him

She broke the hug

Khushi – ridhima , i want to say you say u something .

Ridhima – yes

Khushi – ridhuma it is love

Ridhima was shocked to the core .

Ridhima – what ?? Are you mad ??

Khushi – ridhima , ridhima belive me , I really think like that .

Ridhima – No khushi , this is impossible .

Khushi – ridhima , just for once ask yourself about your feelings for vansh.

Khushi goes .

Ridhima was thinking about her feelings for vansh very deeply .

Ridhima – Do I Love him ?? Vansh what have you done to me .  Do I love him really ?? Ahh…I love  him . Yes I love vansh . I love you vansh . I want to confess you .

The next day

Vansh came to college . He just reached the entrance , ridhima saw him and rushed to him . She pulled him into  a bone crushing hug . Vansh was amused . He reciprocated .

Ridhima – I missed you

Vansh – but I didn’t (chuckles)

Ridhima patted his head . Then they enter the class . The teacher came .
Ridhima was eager to confess her love .

Teacher – good morning students . I have  to inform you all a very important thing . Your final exams are starting from day after tomorrow . Ao start preparing . All the best

Ridhima (in mind) – if exams are starting then how will I propose him ?? I have to wait till the exams get over .

Vansh (in mind) –  how will I propose her ?? Shit man

Then everyone started preparation for exams .

One night before exams

Vansh and ridhima were sitting in garden . They were learning something .

Ridhima – so finish

Vansh – yes

Ridhima – vansh , how to propose someone ??

Vansh –  but which proposal ??

Ridhima – love proposal .

Vansh was shocked .

Vansh – love proposal , are u going to propose someone ?? do u love someone ??

Ridhima – Are wait , you are asking questions like bullet train .

Vansh – you just answer my questions . Do you love someone ???

Ridhima – yes I love someone .

The moment she said this , vansh heart was broken very badly .

Ridhima – and soon , I wanted to tell him .

Vansh – hmm , ok bye now I am going , good night .

Ridhima (in mind) – what happened to him ?? Why is he behaving odd ???

Ridhima – ok bye good night .

In vansh’s room

Vansh was all broken , he was frustrated too . He punched the mirror . Then , his hand started bleeding .

Vansh – she loves someone else . Ridhima doesn’t love me . Ridhimaaa , I can’t be with her , I will stay away from her .

The exam day

Vansh was coming and Ridhima from the opposite side , she was wearing her watch . Just then she and vansh bumped on each other .

Ridhima – ahh

Vansh – ahh

Then they looked each other.

Ridhima –  vansh

Vansh – ridhima

Ridhima – I am sorry

Vansh – me too

Then ridhima noticed his injured hand .

Ridhima –  vanshhh

Vansh – what happened ???

ridhima –  vansh your hand . You are injured .

Ridhima band aids his hand . Then she kissed it . Vansh was in tears .

Ridhima – how did this happened ??

Vansh didn’t responded .

Ridhima (anger and concern ) –  I am asking something , how did this happened ???

Vansh – woh I punched the mirror .

Ridhima was shocked .

Ridhima – whattt , you punched the mirror , vansh you and your anger issues . Just impossible .

Then they went to exam hall .

Seeing the exam paper ridhima was very happy as she knew most of the answers . Then after a while the exam overs .

Ridhima – vansh

Vansh – haan

Ridhima – how was your exam ???

Vansh – good

Ridhima – okay  bye

Vansh – bye

Ridhima – ahh vansh wait , actually you know na I am very poor on maths and you are very good in maths , so can I come to you at evening ??

Vansh – yaa

Then they bid goodbye and go to their rooms .

Ridhima’s room

Ridhima to herself – why was vansh behaving so odd ??? Is he fine ?? I will talk to him . Vansh I am so so so we eager to confess my love . Exammm pls get over soon . I love you vansh

Vansh’s room

Vansh to himself –  ridhima why are you not leaving me alone ?? Why damit , why ??  I have to stay away from her . I have to stay away from you ridhima .

To be continued…

Thank you




Riansh are love ... Writing is my passion . Love yourselves. Enjoy your life . Wish me on 31 December

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