Fan Fiction

When she coloured my canvas – IB& DBO – Colour 16

Hi rikarians & Shrenalians, back with double DHAMAKA.

For the previous chappies
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Verna – red for love
Rasika,verna – blue – sacrifice
Astha –  deep colour of Love, passion and desire for each other, more red then the Mehendi on her palm and his blood at the point of sword.

Try to find the colour of this chappy.Hope u will like this. Please do follow the next one also as it is also updated today itself.


Recap:-Anika and gouri r part of Jodhpur royal family.Om came to know the truth & apologised to gouri. Kali kidnapped gouri on the previous day of their wedding and stabbed gouri in front of Om.Kali was arrested & gouri was rescued.

Now gouri was in her bridal attire, in the doorstep of OM, ready to kick the kalash & enter the OM,enter her married life, enter into Om’s life with her right leg.Of course she was tired with the attacks and had pain in her body, but the joy of beginning a new chapter in her life had engulfed all her pain.Om was holding gouri like some soft petal; this was enough for her to forget all her life time pain.She slowly hit the kalash, stepped onto the laal rang, walked inside leaving her footprints behind.She remembered her entry as chulbul & gouri into this house; she was thinking about her weird fate and smiled.They were seated on the hall; only their families were there now and rikara were given sweets. Om surprised everyone by eating the sweet fed by gouri.Jhanvi was very very happy on seeing this much happiness in her son’s face after a long time.He also surprised everyone by taking blessings from Tej on Gouri’s insistence; she had slowly brought in significant changes in him during this time.

All the rituals were postponed to next day due to gouri’s condition; she was ready but Om was stubborn.He asked her to change all the heavy clothes immediately from prinku’s room.In between shivaniru sneaked into prinku’s room to take selfies with gouri.Anika’s happiness was beyond control as she is gonna have her chutki with her for lifetime.She didn’t cry in front of gouri to make her also emotional but shivay consoled her right away.

Gouri was now about to climb the stairs to move into Om’s room.She had slipped into her night wear.It was quite difficult for her; but there came 2 hands to sweep her feet away and take her. She was at first shocked but then silently smiled.His hands were tough but yet he carried her softly.The door was already opened and even the room was very well decorated.She remembered when she entered as chulbul and then as gouri to act in front of sultana.She was confused that time but now also she is confused; except that now she was confused about her feelings for Om.She didn’t know what Om was feeling for her; was it a friendly care or something beyond that?She thought not to open up.

Om kept her softly on the bed which was filled with rose petals.The couch was already arranged as a bed for him.

As Om kept her on the bed , he wanted to talk to her. He had not talked to her for almost one day ever since she had come back from bareilly.Even she didn’t take an initiative to talk .He thought she was tired so he should let her rest.His heart was longing to hear her calling omkaraji after all those tough time he had.He covered her with the cozy blanket;she was still watching him with widened eyes like kids. He switched off the light and was about to settle on the couch when gouri called him.
G: omkaraji
His heart paced fast.
G: I want to….say … something
He was anxious, what does she have to say.
G: woh… can u …can u please open…open the curtains so that I can see the moonlight, I can’t sleep in darkness.

Om smiled, so that was her demand . But he wondered, all these days when she used to sleep here she had never opened the curtains.Is she hurt by yesterday’s incident? Does she remember that dark room of kali’s place? He wanted to ask her but then he thought not to remind her.

He opened the curtains and the cool moonlight was extra bright today, he felt may b just to console gouri.He saw gouri has already cuddled into blanket with closed eyes…..

Om had a small nap & he was awaken by some sound.As he looked around he saw gouri had opened the Windows & was staring the sky.He felt that she was disturbed.He slowly stood up from the bed & moved to gouri.She could sense him and turned back.
” kya hua gouri?”
” kuch nahi omkaraji!!”
” then come & sleep , it’s already 1 am!”
He hold her by her shoulders & made her lie on the bed.As he turned away , she took hold of his wrist.He was surprised.
G: woh darsal, if I ask u onething will u b angry.
O: no, just ask.
G: I’m not able to sleep.Can u …can u sit with me in the bed.
Om was amazed.So she wanted him now; may b she might have had a fear in her mind that she is insecure.T hat she might b attacked again.He could only adore her innocent face.
O: fine I will.But u should not sit.U should lie down ok?
She nodded.

Without thinking, he slowly patted on her head and forehead.Neither gouri nor Om stopped.Both were enjoying this.Gouri was laying on the bed and Om was sitting next to her.He wanted to ask her many things but he just didn’t.

G: mujhe maaf kar dijiye!!
O: kyu gouri( laughing)
G: u had to bear this much pain because of me.It was becoz of me kali had attacked u.I’m unlucky for …
Om kept his finger on her lips.Bith were shocked; suddenly he took back his finger as he had touched fire.
O: y do u think rubbish like this? R u still shocked from yesterday’s incidents?Do u still feel fear ?
G: haan…I’m not afraid of myself, I don’t fear about myself…but …but 4 u..If anything might happen to u…
O: ( fake anger) now stop all this ranting & just sleep, ok??
She smiled whole heartedly, yes he just wanted to see this Gouri.

Gouri was feeling so peaceful in this position.She was remembering about her marriage which happened b4 few hours.How she entered the mandap, how they took vachan,hiw he tied MS,how he filled maang, how they took pheras….she immediately slipped into sleep with a smiling face.

Om was in joy too; now he was almost sure that she do love him not just as a friend.Her eyes says it all; but she wouldn’t open up soon.But this was enough for him; he was sure that they will have a beautiful married life ahead.As for him, now it is almost impossible to b without her; but even he was afraid to say this to her as he thought how she would take it this soon.He have given away everything to time & fate now.He was dreaming of a beautiful life with gouri…

It was the first morning of a new journey of an adorable couple.Gouri slowly opened her eyes & at first felt strange to see a place other than her room in palace; but soon she came to her senses.She saw that both of them were sleeping in embrace; she was lying on his chest & he had covered her with his hands.Now she knew that this was not a dream; the fact that it was reality made her more excited.She slowly slipped from his hold & went to freshen up…

As Om had opened his eyes, the first view he saw was beautifully decorated idols of his room.He wondered he didn’t hear the sound of gouri’s puja today;had he slept that deep to not hear the sound of tingling puja bell and her sweet voice which chanted gayathri mantra.

Without even thinking, Om folded his hands and prayed silently with closed eyes for giving back his gouri safely; in fact it was her vishwas which had rescued her.

As Om came out from the bathroom he was literally flabbergasted to see gouri in a sleeveless skin coloured salvar with perfectly kajaled eyes.His whole day is gonna be most beautiful;he thought as this was his first view on the day.

She was approaching him with chai.
O: did u do ur puja today.
G:( amazed) haan Mandir.
O:( sad) y ..y didn’t u do it here?
G: u don’t like if I do it here na?
O: no…u …u can do here.I don’t have any offence.
Gouri was really surprised.What happened to him?
O: also u should do puja for this shiv parvathi too.
Gouri was surprised.She remembered him scolding her for touching the idol when she was his student.Gouri silently nodded.

Om took the tea.
O: is this special glucose wali chai.
Gouri realised her mistake.She should have took normal chai.She asked him to wait for 2 min to take another chai and went downstairs.

When she came back ,he was not in the room.But to her surprise, he had drank the whole chai into that cup!!!!

Precap:- lovey dovey rikara moments

Don’t go anywhere, next one is coming right now.

Waiting for all & every response?


In love with the swag of Janhvi Mittal ??

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