Fan Fiction

a colourful dhamakka (OS)..swasan, rosid, vidhani, tharuv, arydika, premar, raglak, adhihaan

here is a small one shot story….
lets go to the story directly

a college is seen….
in a class….
teacher is taking attendence….
teacher:thapki, dhaani, swara, ragini, adithi, roli, simar, aradhya…..ohh today also they are late haa….
“no mam….we are always at correct timing”
teacher turns back and finds 7 standing at the door….just then bell rings
aradhya:see mam…we are on time….
teacher:get in….
all 7 moves to their seats…

soon class starts….its about animation
teacher:any doubt….

ragini:mam…one doubt…
teacher:okk ragini ask…
ragini:u knw walt disney…
teacher:is that ur question
swara:let her finish mam…
roli signs something to aradhya and adhiti….they nodes and aradhya takes her camera and shoots
teacher:k fine ask
ragini:walt disney animated his charecter micky mouse..
simar stands:so…question is…what is so pequoler in that character…i mean..there are more characters invented or created my animators…bt micky mouse is some what differnt…why
teacher:is this ur question
dhaani:yea maam….now answer us….

teacher:may be because all children liked it
adhiti:for that also..there must be a reason maam…
teacher:wo…th…that…act…ually…disney. ..must have…ddid sommeething…
all class starts to laugh…
roli gets up:wait…maam…u dont knw the answer ryt…maybe ur students no that…wait we will ask….
swara:so any one knw the answer….thapki u say…
thapki stands up….
simar:haa thapki…if u knw shoot it out dear…

thapki:its bbbbecause…micccceyyyy mmmousee cannn ddddrivvve ooour emotiooonsss….iiit mmmmakkkes us haaaaaappy….ittt redddduce ouuur paiin….wwwwwhen everr…eeeveryone ttteases me….i would imaggggine mickeyy…and iiiit helllp me tooo forggget abbbout it….
all claps….
aradhya is still shooting…no one notices her
ragini:wow thapki…excellent…..
teacher:whats going on here….are u insuting me
simar:how can we insult u maam….
dhaani:when u become the root cause of everything
roli: mam do u remember…when u asked thapki a questin…she answered it well bt u taunt her u hurt her saying about her stammering….
thapki have tears in her eyes
swara:mam….stammer is just a mode of speech…it is the silence between word and deed, word and its meaning…then why did u tease her
adhiti:u r our teacher naa…teacher is as equal as parents god…but what u did….now look u even stammer when u dont knw a answer…bt thapki…she have just a problem with the tongue…bt she is good at mind, heart…and intelligent….

teachr looks down…
aradhya off the camera:mam…we knw what we did is wrong…bt for doing a ryt anf understanding things we can travel in wrong path…we are so soryy mam.
6 of them hold their ears and neel down….
teacher:im so sorry….i did mistake…and u opened my eyes…im happy my students…..
she leaves
6 of them turns towards thapki who was crying
swara:thapki….why are u crying….its all for u
thapki:bt the wayyy u chooseddd is wwwrong…
roli:we asked forgiveness
thapki:im llllucky tooo haveeee a ffffrnds likkkke u aaallll
swara:we are lucky naa….
8of them hugs…..
in canteen:
a group of boys are seated together….the college principle comes there
princi:prem, sid, druv, bihaan, viplav, sanskar, laksh, aryan…
the boys stood up

druv:yes sir….
princi:congrates my students….u all have won the dance championship….now direct towards final
all boys cheers up…
princi:and u must find partners
laksh:whats the need sir needed
viplav:bt sir…our is group dance naa
prem:haa sir…then wats the need of partners….
princi:listen children…its the order of managenent…
sanskar:what the helll
princi:just control sanskar…
look u all have 2 days…in these days u must find ur dancing jodi…and give their names….and one more thing…only junior girls are allowed
aryan:so u mean…we should go and pleade them for participating…
sid:its impossible sir
princi:look u must do it…else forget about the trophy…

he leaves…..
sanskar:how can we ask that girls….
bihan:dont worry sanky…all girls are behind us naa…so chilll
sid:we arr going for dancing not for flirting…
druv:yes…guyzz just chill..

we have 2 days…we should find 8 talented girls…what are thinking laksh
laksh:where will we get 8 jodi..that too who can dance….im sure we are going to fail in it….
viplav:never lose hope guyzz.
prem:yea…we are going to crack the situation….
aryan:so lets hunt for the girls….
they moves frm the canteen…..
on the way
bihaan collides with thapki…
thapki:immm ssssoo ssssssorrrry ssssir…
bihan:hey chuk chuk girl…just to say a sentence u r taking this much time…any ways…iiiittttsss ookkkkkkay…..ruuuck ruccck girl
he teases her and starts to laugh at her….just them druv came and is memerisef seeing thapki….thapki is almost in verge of crying…just then adhiti comes there
adhiti:hey mr senoir…how dare u….who gave u the lisence to insult her….
bihaan:hey girl…im ur senoir…just behave witj respect
adhiti:respect should be given by heart not by force…u r senior i accept…but it doesn’t mean that u can mock everyone….
she takes thapki hand…and walks away…bihaan stands there shocked..whereas druv smile seeing thapki….
in hostel:

all are busy chit chatting….swara and roli is silent
simar:swaroli….what happened. ..y r u so depressed….
swara:nothing simar…
dhaani:something has happened….
roli:we said naa….
aradhya:so u will not say naaa
roli:past is past
adhiti:say yaar….
swara and roli looks at each other
swaroli was waiting for the bus….just then they saw a elderly women trying to cross the door…..swara goes to that women and helps her….just then a car came there..swara closes her eyes
sanskar comes down
sanskar:are u out of sense…if u want to die…just go to some other place…dont wasteour time….
just then roli comes there…
sid was memerisef seeing her
roli:excuse me mr….she was just helping a lady..cant u see that…instead u r scolding her blo*dy bathmaash….
sid was shocked to see her anger

sid in mind:such arrogant
roli:just shut up swaraa…u knw they are our seniors…look at thm…they used to rag everyone….
swara makes the lady cross the road….

swara:how dare u mr….dont u have anu huminity…
sanskar and sid looks at each other in shock…
swara:if i have done the wrong i would have apologised….bt its all ur fault…..
sanskar comes near swara:so do u think that i will apologise. ..that too u…never….u r my junior
roli:we all are humans….
sid:just come sanky
sanskar:u know sid..they are doing this drama…ao that they may get money….and become famous naa..
sanskar:haa….if we apologise then they will inform it to all college….
sid:ohh like that way…
sanskar:and one more…this both girls…they used to sing songs in street and gets money…i think by that they are living….
swaroli have tears….not because of their words…bt whole people are watching them
sanskar:why u bacome silent…if u want inform me i will give u money….
and taunt her more…..even their family….and leaves
fb ends
dhaani:how can they stoop too low

swara:we dont have any problems with what they said…bt they insulted our pa…u all knw na…we lost ur paaa…then why he taunt him
roli:chill swara….they cant understand our feeling…leave it….u have atleast seen ur pa naa…bt i didnt….when i was just 2 month both passed away…
all are emotional seeing them like that….
swara wipes her tears
swara:bt now no problem.

we got 6 papa…who love us very much. ..ryt roli…
she nodes…both smile…
a grp hug…..
aradhya, dhaani, simar, ragini signals something…..
and smiles evily….

next day
in hostel
ragini:swara…we are leaving okkk….there is a urgent work…
swara:okk ragini….
soon ragini, dhani, simar and aradhya left to the college….

in college
sanskar:hey….where will we find dancers….look naa…tomorrow morning we need to submit the names….
aryan:just leave it….we will get….
soon others too joins them…
8 are seated in a bench….
ragini comes there

ragini:excuse me sir
all looks at her
ragini:can u plz help me…i need to find principle office…will u show that….plz….
laksh smiles to see her innocent talks….
they shows the direction…
ragini:sir can u plz give any one of ur phone…i need to contact my frnd…
laksh gives his phone….ragini dials something and gives it back…
ragini:thanku….and sorry…
ragini:that u will understand later…..
ragini leaves…..
she reach top of the building….ang gives hifi to the frnds…
aradhya:everything ready naa….
ragini:yes….just call his no. then see what will happen
dhaani:how can they insult swaroli….

simar:time is going just dial his no.
ragini dial the no. andlaksh press the call button…
a big sound is heard….its full off smoke….all students gather….
smoke slowly fade away…all students starts to laugh at them…..their whole body turns black…and its full of different colours….
they feel much insulted…laksh phone beebs….he looks and finds a msg
“happy holi guys….because of u all our friends felt insulted in the middle of the raod. ..this is just the beginning…u should also feel the same insult…by ur juniors”
all fumes in anger….
later they found out that its the 8 girls team….
in canteen…
laksh with others comes and stand in front of girls…
laksh:how dare u….
ragini:mr laksh maheswary…its just a returning back for ur deeds….because of u people…my frnds suffered..
sanskar:so ur frnds must be that swara and roli naa…what i said us currect only…
dhaani:just shutup guyz…with out knwing anything dont talk…
viplav:haiwaa…so cool baby…..
roli and swara comes forward….
roli:sorry..on behalf of them…im asking u sorry…

swara:really sorry….
sanskar:who needs ur sorry
adhiti:swara roli…dont u have any sense to ask them sorry….
thapki:haa sssswaraa…ddddont ask….theeyyyy dooont haaave mannnerss…hhhhow caaaaaa
she get stuck….simar gently pat her back….
thapki:can u taunnnttt themmmm…withouttttt knowinggg anythingggg….
roli:thapki….calm down
aradhya:let her speak roli…if u and swara have tought them a lesson yesterday itself…then there willno problem…
sid:so thats the reason….
simar:do u think its easy…
arayan:what ever….its all because of their upbringing like this….dont knw how to respect….
aradhya:will u shut up
arayan:u 3 feet dino…mind ur tongue
ardhya: i wont….
dhaani:look mr…we know how to respect others…but what u did yesterday was really painfull…not for me but for them…
simar:u knw something..u said about upbringing naa….swara lost her family when she was just 7 year old…and roli…she havt seen any of them…both were rais*x in orphanage…..
boys are shocked to hear that
ragini:and even u scold her fathet naa…why sir….u knw how much they cry whenever someone ask about their parents….

adhiti:its waste to speak to them….they cant even understand the pain of lossing….they have only won naa….
girls leaves….
sanskar:we have did wrong with them…
dhruv:sanky sid…u too must ask forgiveness and u bihan..u should ask forgiveness to thapki…..
trio nodes…..

they go towards the audithorium…and ask forgiveness in public…
all are shocked to hear that….
ragini:is that them only
swara:we did wrong…we must apologise
dhaani:bt what we did….
simar:guyzz..what swara said is ryt…we must apologise….
they leaves for auditorium……and 8 of them hold their ears and neel down….
8 together:we are sorry sir….what we did was over…plz….forgive us”
aryn:its granted…but for that u should help us….
bihan:we need some girls who knws dances…so that we can participate and win in the competition…
adhiti:but we dont knw anyonn…bt will try…
druv:so lets be frnds
all shake hands
swasan, tharuv, adhihan, vidhani, premar, rosid, raglak and aryada…..
she again stucks
druv pats het shoulder

she smile at him…..
it starts to rain…girls leave hands and runs outside and starts to dance in the rain…
boys were shocked to see it…
sanskar:they dances well…
aryan:i think we got our jodi….
laksh:so we are going to win the competition
all hug each other…
dhruv:first lets give the names….
they goes to office and give the names….
after sometime…
all girls are seated in canteen….
boys comes there….
prem:so my frnds. ..we have found our dancing jodi…
simar:thats good
sid:bt dont knw whether they will agree or not…

swara:dont worry…we are hear naaa…
ragini:yes. .we will make them agree…
boys comes there and stand infrnt of their jodi…
boys forward their hands…”its you”
girls wete both shocked and happy. …they accept…

all pairs starts to practice….
and wins the competition…
in stage:
sanskar comes forward:
swaraa….the day i saw…i fallen in love with youh…with ur beautiful eyes….
dhruv comes forward:
thapki…u knw the day when bihan teases u….i couldnt see ur tears…i fell for u that day….
prem comes forward:

simar..i dont knw…how to express my feelings…bt i loved ur innocence….i loved the way u are
laksh comes forward:
ragini…that day…u played prank on us….i dont knw how…bt its true that i fall for u completely….
aryan comes forward:
aradhya….my 3 feet dino…..i fall for ur simplicity….
bihan comes forward:
adhiti….u knw…it was first time when a girl scold me…that too for her frnd…i loved ur caring a for angel, a for adhiti

viplav comes forward:
dhaani….u r as pure as white….when ever i see u i can hear my rising heartbeat which beats in ur name………
sid comes forward:
roli…the day i saw u on raod…i could feel some cool breeze passing though was because of u…ur love…

all girls are shocked and looks at each other….
boys:will u become my better half…i dont knw whn i fall for u..maybe during practice..but morethan that…ur nature make me fall for u…..will u be mine…with whom i can share my happinesd my pain…whom i colud love more…who can stood for me…trust me…will u maary me”
boys forward their hands….

they keep their hand on them….whole audience clap for them…
swasan, raglak, aryada, vidhaani, premar, rosid, tharuv and adhihaan hugs each other……

the end….

how was it guyz…hope u enjoyed it…anyways have a nice time

always smile


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