Thanking session*****
Priya : Welcome to TU nd thnkuuuu so much …
Rochika : Dear …I’ll face diabetes now… enough praise..
Chiku di: Adha guess sahi tha…Baki was wrong.. thank you so much…
Paavu di: Haha ! I know how to implement ri8 …well I also love black …but Kya Karu ??? Black rose …not possible …?
Sarah : Aha… thank you…well ya it was difficult but it doesn’t matter….you guys r satisfied that matters.
Kanchi : Thnkuuuu soooooo much….well sry for the short one…but I don’t get time…Nd yeah u requested it for yesterday but I’m late…Sry for that too
Akriti di : thnkuuuu di…..missed u too
Simiyy: Haha ! Lol I know it was short…. thnkuuuu….
Sohi : Well… thank you so much yrr…nd check the check ur guesses…
Ramya di: well di… thank you nd love u too…di I think I’ve blocked you by mistake…I tried contacting TU people but a reply didn’t come…plss try doing something.
Sushmita : thnkuuuu soooooo much……
Kruti di : Well , welcome back…nailed it ri8 !!! Ur exams…h n…well thnkuuuu di….hpy to see ur comment…
Monica di : I know u must be bzy that u didn’t comment…but in advance thnkuuuu….coz I know that u r always there to support me !
Today’s episode
Kunj takes those bouquets and comes to a place. The place is beautifully decorated with red roses and these is a small pool beside it nd in the pool there are petals of roses. On the wall beside is written ” Happy Birthday Twinkle “……
Kunj’s pov : I don’t know where are you. I don’t know how to find you. I don’t even know your surname and without it I can’t even search u on Facebook which is one of the most easy way to find someone. There are so many girls with the name Twinkle. Every year I come hear just to celebrate your birthday …I don’t know when will the day come when I’ll come here with you Siyappa Queen. I haven’t even seen you since the last 10yrs . That day u left me alone to face this world . I was very young to understand your importance then but after you left I came to know what role you play in my life.
Mahi : Kunj !kunj !kunj!.. She came shouting.
Kunj : What happened ??
Mahi : Kunj.. Twinkle left the school. She’ll not come to school from today. She didn’t even tell me . I came to know by the teachers . Kunj I asked you to propose her. She even changed her mobile number. Nobody knows how to contact her. She left kunj….your Twinkle left.
All this time kunj was listening to her quietly. He didn’t know what reaction should he give. He was like a body without its soul ..
Flashback ends
Twinkle, u left me that day. I knew that u hated me ..but to this extent ..I never knew. Twinkle I loved you, I love you nd will always love you. Come back Siyappa Queen… come back to me…..
Kunj had his legs inside the water , a pic of Twinkle in his hand. He sat there like a statue engrossed in the thoughts of HIS Twinkle.
Other side …
The girl is seen lying unconsciously on the couch still in darkness. Suddenly someone comes and starts shouting : Who brought me here ??? Where am I ..what am I doing here ??? I want to go out..leave me !!! Plzz
Suddenly the light turns on. Chinki comes out along with the whole family , everyone clapping and shouting : Happy birthday to u.. happy birthday to u…happy birthday dear Twinkle …. happy birthday to you…
Twinkle slaps her head : shit ! I forgot that today is my birthday…I really really forgot…
Leela : Puttar nowadays u r do bzy in ur work that u don’t at all take care about urself.
Chinki : Arre aunty !! After all she’s one of the most successful doctor presently. Thoda bzy to rahegi n..( she’ll obviously be a bit bzy )
Then Twinkle comes in the centre of the hall and leela brings the cake. She cuts the cake and feeds it to leela, then to Rt and then to Chinki . They dance a bit and then Chinki and Twinkle leave to open the gifts . After opening all the gifts , they sit down chatting . They have some common chit chats , but suddenly the environment becomes silent by a single question from Chinki .
Chinki : Twinkle !!! What about kunj ?
Twinkle keeps quite for a while then says : Why do you need to talk about him ??? Don’t you know that after I left school , I left all the memories behind. I just hate him … Get that !!!! Dare u talk about him Infront of me…I haven’t even seen him since 10 yrs neither I want to….
Chinki : Why r u getting angry ? I just asked…calm down Twinkle..plzz
Twinkle : Chinki , I’m feeling sleepy …Gud night.
Chinki : sleep. Good night!
Precap : Guy1- don’t you think she’s too beautiful.
Guy2- hmm..heroine !
Twinkle – Stop there !!! Pls …someone help me!!
Hey cuties !!!!
Well firstly … Thank you sooo much yrrr….guys the comments obviously increased… Thnkuuu soooooo much.
Well hope it was a bit long ! Keep commenting…
Love u all..
Wow Aadya. This is really good! Like seriously, how can you be so good at writing. I’m really loving the leap thing! Pls unite twinj soon, if that’s not against your storyline and don’t show Twinkle so stubborn! Kher, I loved it. May God bless you!
So this was the twist it was too good precap is somewhat scary do continue and post soon
adu I mean what a twist
I loved it
Post next soon plzzz plzzzz
Love u dear
It was mindblowing..and don’t worry u will not face diabetes when i am here and we all praise u just becoz u r such a gud writer..really and this episode was brilliant….ab itna praise krna toh banta hai yrr…and waiting for the nxt…keep writing keep it up?????
Adya it’s so cute epi…baby i luv it…ye vala na awsm tha…waiting 4 next one…and rem. My b’day is cmng 18dec
Awesome adya loved it to the core i am in love with ur ff
Awsm der….tooo cute….
Sry was busy so cudnt comment earlier…but ur gng fabulous….the new track is superb
Luv u
Hey Adya,
Firstly, sorry for not being able to comment on your previous chapter but I was a little busy! Anyway, coming to the chapter .. It was incredible! I knew it that the girl would be twinkle! Really excited on how the story shapes up now! Write soon,
Lovess! xx
It was awesome
I think Kunj might rescue the girl (Twinkle)
Post Soon
Love you ?
Woaaah awesome ?????lovely. Its soo cute episode.
I am sure kunj will save the girl(twinkle).
Plz post next soon
Love u?
Adyu dear kunj is awesome yrr twi why u hate him itni misunderstanding uff chal ab inka milan karade meri pyaru so sis
Hlw…..adya thank u 4 welcoming me…..i like ur talk soo much…..u r brilliant and fabulous writer………the episode is emotional,,, awsome,,,beautiful,,,nice……u showed kunj pain very beautifully….and the sudden turn on ur ff by young ege wala twinj love story…..plss make twinj meet soon…… i m very addicted in ur ff and waiting 4 desperately of ur ff…….plsssss post next epi soon…….love u lodssssss……byyyyyy……ummaahh..he he he…..,,,,,,,,
awesome amazing shocking epi…eagerly waiting for next part
Adya it was awesome amazing fabulous lovely both twinj have nt sewn eo
O God I’m so eager fr next update plssss asap
N I have send u msg I don’t know whether u get it or not
If not den I’ll give u my email or fb account
Don’t worry
Loved it n love u
Beautiful episode was but precap seen scary but as always our hero kunj will save twinkle.
Nice twist…Precap seems scary…This track is superb…
Fab episode yrr?
Epi was awesome…. And sorry for not cmnting in ur previous epis …… And plzzzzz try to post nxt epi soon and sorry again plzzzz forgive me….
Adya so cute yar….bechara kunj
But I know he will find his syappa queen soon…..y fear when Adya is here
Amazing epi…..continue soon
Loads of Love
Just Loved it
Love you sorry for the late comment