Fan Fiction


karan calls Ragini
Rag:hi karan
Kar :ragu I have seen sanskar and swara together in a restaurant.. Sanskar was nervous, I think swara is blackmailing him
Rag(widens):did you hear their conversation
Kar:,no. .im just saying by seeing their facial expressions.. Already she has done many things to get him. So just ask it to sanskar and get rid of it
Rag :nods (started thinking)

@Swara’s home
door knock
As soon as swara opened the door, shocked to see Ragini
Swara :ma pappa is not in home.. Come afterwards by saying she tries to close the door
Rag :i cam to c u only
Swara:Wat me
Rag:(angrily) Wat u did? Y r u blackmailing my husband?
Swa :laughs madly ur husband
Swa:im feeling pity by seeing u.. Now it has changed Ragini
rag:(stammers) Wat r u saying
Swa:now he is MINE
rag widened
Swa::don’t u understand.. How to say it?(she act like blushing) V became one
Rag:(tears starts to flow on her eyes) stammers it means
Swa:u want me to say everything openly.. K, I lost my virginity by him. Is it clear now
Rag:u r lieing.. My sanskar won’t do this type of cheap things
swa :don’t u believe.let me show u
She calls sanskar and put it in a loud speaker
Swa:sanku cum to home immediately
san:but I have meeting swara
Swa:if u didn’t cum then (she drags)
San:i will cum
Swa:thats my baby (she cuts it)
Swa:(to rag) c he will come within Few minutes
After 15 minutes
as soon as sanskar came shocked to see Ragini
Rag:immediately hugs him and cries, sanskar she is saying stupid things, it’s lie only na.. Don’t think I’m doubting on u but I don’t want anyone to bad mouth abt u.(breaks the hug) and shakes him tell sanskar it’s lie only na
sanskar silently stands
Swa :wat sanskar ur wife Sry Sry ur ex wife is asking? U should say something
Rag:plz say.. Is it true?
San:(looks at Ragini) nods
Rag:became shattered,.. .she don’t know Wat is happening around, she slightly feel giddy and abt to fall but sanskar holds her in a Nick of time (both had a painful eye lock)
Rag jerks and stands and holds his collar,, angrily y r u telling lie?is she blackmailing u for anything? V will sort it out together.. Tell the truth sanskar
San cries more and hugs her tightly (fb shows swara called sanskar that she want.s to talk about laksh to which sanskar nodded.. (even though he was angry on her but believed laksh words abt Swara’s changed behavior) they both talk for a while and sanskar don’t know what had happened.Next day morning both r together on the bed…while sanskar were frustratedly trying to collect his memories but he didn’t and Swara’s says to him that they make out and he believed it by seeing their condition)
Swara :ragini I want to live with my sanskar.. Divorce him as soon as possible
Rag:silently leaves
San:(angrily) swara
swa:u have rights to shout at me dear but don’t prove me again and again
San:gives a disgusting look and went

Leap of 5 days… After that incident Ragini didn’t talk to him and sanskar too not tried to talk to her because of guilt

@ragsan room
San:in chocked voice Ragini
Rag:looks at him
San:nowaday u not even want to see my face na.. I became a disgusting creature to u na..
(a long tear skipped on his eye)
Rag:i love you sanskar
Rag:i can’t hate you.. If I try also (smiles sarcastically) it’s destined v should not be together…. V should not get happiness.. I don’t know Wat to do sanskar.. Whatever decision you take I will oblige it whole heartedly.. If u want me to go out of ur life (she finds difficult to complete it)
Rag:cries I know u r in guilt.. Only option to get rid of it u have to marry
San:immediately hugs her and both cries

@next day
Swara :(angrily) do you know Wat sanskar did? Cum to police station immediately (called Ragini)
Rag:confused police station, she went immediately as soon as possible

@police station
Rag :wat happen to sanskar? (worried)
Swa:(angrily) he surrendered himself to police
Rag:but y (shocked)
Swa:they filed a rape case against him
Rag:(cries) plz b clear
(fb shows sanskar itself went to police station and told to them that he rapped his cousin swara and want to get punishment for it.. They too arrested him and for Enquiry they called swara and she told to police that it happened with her will)
Rag:sign in relief where is he now?
Swa:formalities r there, and police wants to meet you too that’s why I called you… If they ask anything tell to them, he is going to marry me after u give divorce to him
Rag:looks at her
Swa:wat?r else he will be in jail only

rag:v will go to our small house?? (house which he gifted)
San:nods silently and went

@ragsan small house in their room
Rag:(sits in front of him) I will forget everything and v will start a new life sanskar
San looks on
Rag:but promise me r u able to live with me happily without any guilt …i know sanskar u can’t.. Then how v will lead a happy life? How I will b happy to c u like this.. V have only one option eventhoiugh v both didn’t like it.. V have to do it.. Divorce me and marry swara
San :tears started to flow from his eyes
Rag:cupped his face…v can live with pain but not with guilt
San hugs her
Both cries

I’m Sry
I dnt know y I’m writing lik this
This track will end after 1 episode… I will show more ragsan scenes after that….
Thank you for ur lovely comments

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