Fan Fiction

crazy love- teaser

Crazy Love Teaser…

Marriages are made in heaven. Elders say that. But, we get married on Earth. One person is not letting me get married…!!! ——— Laksh in tears.

Ragini “Driving is my passion. I run a driving school. But, only for ladies… anyone interested??”

Laksh—- I love Kavya and I like to marry her…

Ragini—- you have a work, before marrying kavya..! Remembered?

Laksh beats his head with paper.

Ragini—- I won’t leave you that easily Laksh…

Laksh shouts—- save me bhagavan..!!!

Swara— I will save Ragini from Laksh.

Sanskar— I like Ragini very much….

Kavya— I like Laksh’s property very much…

Confused? This is just the teaser.
Will Laksh able to find his true love??

The Raglak crazy love story going to begin from October….


My wattpad: Astra07

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