Fan Fiction

crazy love of thahaan (part-8)

this part is starting from dhruv is saying to staff,today special anchor is coming for our 365 channel for anchoring all programmes.everyones gets excitement.he……… a super…. duper…very entertaining…. anchor mr…. manish Paul……..manish Paul comes there. everyone’s claps for him.manish hugs dhruv.dhruv introduces bihaan to manish.manish says to him,hai….he hugs bihaan.everyone’s claps for them.manish says to them,hello… everyone…how are you guys…I am so happy to coming here.its 6th anniversary of 365 we are going to rocking today. (he screams loudly)everyone’s screams loudly.thapki smiles.bihaan sees her smiling.he stares at her.she turns at him.suddenly bihaan turns other side.manish says to them,OK now we are going to start romantic dance event.I will tell the rules and regulations.everyone’s has to form pair.I will give has to fold it in every round.but if foot touches floor that pair will be rejected.everyone’s forms a pair.nobody comes to thapki.she stands alone.bihaan sees thapki.he goes near to her.he says to her,didnt get you pair?she says to him,ye… ye… yes why are you asking.bihaan says to her,Even I didn’t get shall we form like pair.she looks angry at him,he says to her,hello madam don’t think anything wrong.I just came here to help you.thapki looks at him.he says to him,hello… don’t think too much.then they finished the event.he gives her hand to him.he holds her hand.they stands in paper.manish says OK…let’s play the music.(music plays……o re piya)

bihaan and thapki dances romantically.bihaan holds her hands.he sees her eyes.he sees her mole near to her lips.they looks at each other.they dances slowly. he keeps her hands in her waist.she feels nervus.then the music stops.again they folds paper .this time thapki and bihaan gets some small gape.she gets shivering and nervus.bihaan holds her hands.they looks at each other.
they have an eye lock(ranjhanna plays…)manish tells to stops the music.he says,two pairs lost in this stage of few pairs are there.again they plays the music.thapki gets scared.she thinks,go… go..god please do something.every stage of this game I am getting closes to him.please do anything.they folds the paper.thapki and bihaan stands on paper.bihaan sees her eyes.she gets shy.she turns her face from him.again they folds paper.this time thapki have stands on bihaan foot.bihaan says to her,hello mam pls stand on my feet.she says to him,no… bi… bihaan .I can’t do… sorry.bihaan says to her,I know you can’t listen what I am saying.suddenly he keeps his hands in her belly.she gets shocked.he lifts her.he makes her to stand in his foot.she gets nervus.she tries to falls from his foot.she lost her balance.suddenly he holds her belly.he hugs her her tightly.she gets more tensed.he hears her heart beat while hugging her.he heart beats becomes more fast.he says to her ear,what chuk… chuk gaadi your heart beat is so fast.dont worry I won’t do anything stops.thapki tries to seperate bihaan.they founds thapki belly chain stucks in bihaan wrist band.she tries to go from him.but she can’t. bihaan says to her,don’t shake your body. he hugs her more tightly.because of that band stucks in belly back.she gets nervus.he hugs her .he slowly removes that chain they looks at each other.manish says to them,now 2 pair is there.this is final round.this is last folding for paper.they folds the paper.thapki eyes becomes big.he asks her to come.she didn’t come to him.bihaan says to her,I am not asking permission to you.he lifts her in arms.she gets scared.bihaan looks at her.they have an eye lock (na na naa…. plays)everyone’s claps. manish says finally bihaan and thapki pair won this competition.everyone’s claps.manish says,now dhruv gives the trophy for this awesome pair.bihaan sees thapki. he shows his hands to her.she gives her hands to him.he holds her hand.they goes to dhruv. dhruv gives trophy to bihaan.he hugs bihaan.thapki smiles at him
manish says,OK now… we are going to starts singing competition.. everyone’s screams.
bihaan and thapki smiles each other.manish calls everyone to singing song.everyone comes one by one.they sings song.manish calls thapki to sings the song.she gets nervus.bihaan asks her to sing song.she goes on stage.she sings song.she stammers heavily.everyone’s laughs at her.bihaan gets upset.she tries again to sing the song.but she can’t.she cries and runs from there.bihaan sees her.he says to her,thapki where are you going stop…she runs.then bihaan runs behind of her.she goes out of office.she stands and cries heavily.bihaan stands behind of her.she says…lord… wh… wh… why are you gives this punishment for me.I am having very big problem.everyone’s laughing at me.she cries.bihaan comes near to her.he keeps his hands in her shoulder.she sees bihaan.she hugs him suddenly.she cries.he realizes her pain.he hugs her.he says to her don’t cry thapki.this stammering problem is not big are very good are pure hearted.don’t think about them.its not a big problem in front of your activities. she hugs him and cries.he wipes her tears.she looks at bihaan.bihaan smiles at her.he aska her to smile.she smiles.they looks at each other(ranjhanna plays…. )
bihaan says to her,OK come with me.we will go inside of office.bihaan holds thapki hands.thapki says to him,no bihaan I won’t… you… enjoy this party.bihaan says to her,I am with you don’t worry.then OK we will enjoy our party somewhere.thapki says to him,no bihaan I want to go temple now.bihaan says to her,OK we will go to temple now.thapki smiles.they goes to temple.
they reaches temple.thapki prays to god.she closes her eyes.bihaan sees thapki.her hairs are flies in air.she looks so beautiful.bihaan admires her beauty.thapki opens her eyes.bihaan suddenly acts like praying.then pandit comes to them.pandit gives prasad to them.thapki keeps kumkum in her forehead herself.bihaan looks at her.he stares at her.thapki turns to bihaan.she keeps kumkum in his forehead.kumkum flies in air into his eyes.he gets irritated.she touches his eyes.she sees him.she blows his eyes.he sees thapki.he didn’t get irritation. then they looks at each other.(na na naa… plays)he says to her,you are so beautiful in this yellow looks like gold sewing. she looks at him.they have an eye lock.

vasu talking about dhruv marriage with shraddha.she says,bihaan marriage also will happend surely on that same day with shraddha sister Sankara.bihaan gets shocked.

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