Ragini was walking with laksh in a park..where they plan a small picnic.. Ansh was making all arrangements with difficulty because swasan were busy looking at raglak n burning in jealousy. These two are villain in my love story, pehle swato..and now her idiot husband..never let me talk to her..Aggghh..thought sanskaar making irritated face. Raglak were talking, smiling laughing.. while walking she stumbled n laksh hold her.This was it for them. I am going to kill him …said swara giving up n headed towards them with full anger. This time I am with you, don’t spare him…said sanskaar supporting n walked with her. Are where are you two going… someone help me naa…said ansh looking at their back but will they listen.. Naaahh..coz they are on their mission right now..
At raglak side
You ok..asked he. Yaa..replied she. I knew that.. I knew that.. that you love me from college time.. that’s why u accept my offer to be my girlfriend n now you are falling upon me.. said he winking. Oh how did you know that… I never told you.. You are really intelligent laksh.. replied she in the same tone winking n than both burst into laughter. You know now I have got someone who can be my best friend.. same level.. you know.. said he forwarding his hand.Okaeey.. But..isn’t sanskaar ur best friend…??..asked she confused while shaking hand with him. Sanskaar… My bestiee..no way… no one can take place of his swato in his life.. Even swara is equally possessive about him.Both are inseparable from childhood.. You know when ansh make him his bestiee, than also swara got angry.. But atlast she understood that like her… Ansh also loves her sansii very much…. said laksh smiling widely remembering those days.
He can’t live without his buddy..he loves sanskaar so much..even more than swara..said laksh smiling. Yaaa they make a perfect family.. said ragini controlling her emotions. Yaaaa they really make….wait… Whaattttt…..asked laksh shocked. Yaa I mean their father -son relation is really admirable… said ragini with a genuine smile..but somewhere in her heart something broke to registered that..she is not a part of his perfect family. Wo ragini…. What u r thinking is not right…. I mean… I am… (Oh so she thought k swasan are married n ansh is their son..hahaha poor sansii ur true love story starts.. now…thought he with a naughty smirk)) …..not flirting yaar.. I am actually complimenting you….said laksh immediately changing the topic seeing swasan n smile mischievously making ragini confused. But laksh….. started ragini but interrupted by swara….we need to talk.. said she looking at laksh n left from there. Laksh immediately followed her giving a playful smirk to sanskaar… Because he knew that his plan worked. You really annoyed me sansii when I told you that I love swara.. Now it’s payback time.. Hahaha.. thought laksh with a naughty smile that how sanskaar told her that he too loves his swato… that to from childhood..n no one can comes between them..,U never let go a chance to make me jealous.. Now it’s my time but before that..I have to convince my jaan…..!!!!!
So he was flirting with you…..asked sanskaar still jealous..(( Idiot,he took my swato m now he is flirting with my love.. n she also laughing with him very freely but with me ughhh..why my life’s two most important girl like that idiot..thought he irritated. )) . No actually we were talking about you n ansh n suddenly he… said ragini nervous but interrupted by sanskaar.. So he wasn’t flirting with you.. asked he again. No… replied ragini little confused at his sudden behavior. And sanskaar takes a sigh of relief.
At swalak side
You know that I hate you.. said swara looking straight at him. Yupp…replied laksh winking. You know that I am gonna kill you for dat.. said she in stern tone. Yupp.. said laksh again coming closer to her. Still you have to do it again n again.. said swara irritated. Yu….but before he could complete swara comes towards him and punch him on his stomach. Aaahh..screamed laksh holding his stomach.Don’t you dare to do this again.. said she smirking. And if I do so…asked he placing his hand on her waist and pulled her towards him.He started leaning towards her. Swara became nervous but composed herself. Then you have to face the consequences my dear husband said she giving a quick peek on his lips, pushed him and run from there…. If this is the punishment then I am definitely going to flirt with all the girls…said laksh winking. This is just to tell you that you are only mine … n ur punishment hasn’t started yet..wishpered swara in his ear again coming towards him with a smirk .Both headed towards ansh smiling.
At Ragsan side
Sooo….said sanskaar looking here n there. Soo…replied ragini nervous. So u r single…asked he.Yaa..said she putting her hair behind her ear nervously.His mouth went dry looking at her action. Why don’t you marry till now..?? Do u love someone…?? … asked sanskaar in a single breath n cross his fingers praying.Ragini’s eyes filled with tears..but she immediately composed herself. Sanskaar was egerly waiting for her reply. Yes I love someone but…. Beautiful, buddy.. Come mumma is calling you both.. interrupt ansh their conversation. Sanskaar left with ansh with a heavy heart. But… he already belongs to someone..n can never be mine..said ragini completing the sentence still standing n looking at sansh who reach little far from her.
Please rago… Stay naa.. U can leave early morning..said swara to her. Actually tomorrow is first day of my office… so I am really sorry..May be next time..said ragini hugging her. Ok but next time pakka beautiful… said ansh holding her hand.Of course champ.. said she kneeling down n kiss him. Swara who was observing sanskaar upset…immediately said..then ok… Sanskaar will drop you now.Ragsan look at eachother instantly n have an painful eyelock.Bye girlfriend… said laksh winking at her.Ragini laugh a little n swasan glared at him. Huh girlfriend…. idiot.. murmured sanskaar.So let’s leave.. said sanskaar opening the door of the car.
In car
There was a complete silence in the car…So how’s life.. asked ragini breaking the ice. It was fun…having everyone with you..But now its completed mom,dad,ansh,swato,laksh…and you.. replied he expressing his emotions. Meeee….asked she shocked.Yaaa you…I me..an wh..hat about you.. said he fumbled. Oh I thought.. said she but interrupted by him… What you thought.. asked he looking into her eyes. She became nervous. Hahahaha… look at your face… chill baba…I was just kidding.. said he lighting the atmosphere seeing her uncomfortable. You are still the same..who became nervous in my presence.. said he smiling. O hello.. I am not nervous..replied she collecting her little courage. O really… said he coming closer to her still driving. Wh..haat a..re yo..uuu d…….sanskaaaaaar……screamed she looking at front in horror.
Done with another part…
So how’s it..??
If you like it please let me know..
Be happy, keep smiling..
Thank you
Thank you
Awesome episode Waiting for next part
Thank you.. will post soon
Thank you
Awesome dear. Loved it waiting for next part
Thank you… will post soon
Next part plzzz..,
Very excited..,
Thanks dear.. will post soon
Amazing…. waiting for next
Thank you.. will post soon
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you..
Thank you
Awesome update next part sooooon.. Cant wait
Thanks dear.. will post soon
awesome dear….loved it alot….laksh u didn’t told the truth to ragini…so bad dear….waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
Thank you asra… will post soon.. tc
Lol loved RagLak scenes & Sanku’s jealousy
Love the car scene of RagSan but at last part u gave me a sudden shock
Pls post soon sis
Thank you dear… Glad you like the car scene.. I will post soon sissy..:-)
Superb. Loved jealous sanky
Thank you dear..
Awesome……..I’m sitting in d bus while reading n I was literally smiling reading those raglak n swasan scenes n then fa a second I raised my head n the ppl around me n d bus were seeing me like I’m mad ,it was so embarrasing bt wtever I liked Ur ff a lot n eagerly waiting fa tommo epiepi,,,n plsss write more ragsan ff
Thank you so much dear…. I am really glad to know that….that I am making someone smile with my work.. will post soon..
And after completing this story.. I will definitely think about it.
fab and soz for late comment.xx
Thanks dear n please don’t be sorry everytime…