Sanskaar jerked n look at front with wide eyes. A truck coming towards them in full speed. He took the control of the car at the last moment n turned sideways with a swift move.There car loses its control and hit with a tree.
Ragini…. Raginiiiiiiii….he said worried patted her cheeks when he found her unconscious due to this sudden turn of event.He sprinkled water on her face. She opened her eyes slowly n look towards him confused.Ragini are you okay… asked he cupping her face. It was then she registered what happened few moment ago.
She jerked his hands n look towards him angrily. What was that … do you want to kill me..asked she horrified. What….asked he confused. Ragini turn her back towards him and started looking around. It was getting dark out there n they are somewhere in the middle of the forest. She immediately came out and look at the bonet of the car which was wide open steaming.He was just keep looking at her actions confused. Are you going to do something or you plan to spend your life sitting there only… said she irritated when she see him still inside the car.He came out instantly.O fish…..
Now what are we going to do…said he looking at his car’s condition. How I suppose to know… Its ur fault so u have to find the solution.. said she crossing her arm across her chest.It was ur fault not mine.. said sanskaar coming towards her. Really… Please explain… Because I am not the one who was driving and didn’t paying attention…said she looking in his eyes straight.I was not paying attention… because my full attention was upon you.. said he bluntly. Whaaatt….asked she shocked. Wo I mean… when you were disturbing me while driving.. how I was supposed to concentrate… said he to clarify. I was just simply talking.. but it was u who started coming towards me.. said she reminding him coming little closer to him.Haan toh…
even only your presence make me distract..n you are talking about taking.. said he again bluntly n realized what he said. They were standing with an inch distance between them.. looking at eachother intensely. What do you mean by that… asked she looking into his eyes. Both lost in eachother but soon sanskaar came in sense and started looking here and there. I…I..mean..only seeing your face, I feel irritated.. How could I be able to tolerate ur stupid talks…replied he to avoid the awkwardness between them not knowing what he was saying. When you have this much problem with me….then why you agreed to drop me home..asked she feeling hurt. Only because of swato.. not for you.. said he without looking at her. Yaaa.. That should I knew… replied she painfully n a lone tear escaped from her eyes. After listening her painful voice he immediately looked at her..but she instantly turns her back towards him. Ragini I am sorry… I didn’t mean that… said he guilty knowing to avoid awkwardness he made her hurt by his words. Can you call laksh and tell him to come here..said she looking at the opposite direction. Yaaa.. I am calling.. said he sadly. Again there was a complete silence.
Are we practicing to give an audition in a silent movie…asked laksh chuckling driving the car when he noticed that both didn’t utter a single word after he picked them. But no reply. Did something happened guys.. why are you both so silent.. asked he serious when he sense something wrong between them. Nothing like that laksh… Its just we are little tired..after all this accident n ol.. that’s it…said ragini smiling weakly. O that’s all..I got really worried about you girlfriend.. said he winking. She laughed a little. Sanskaar looked at her intent.. seeing her laughing. Thank you laksh…said ragini when they reach in front of her house. O don’t be….it’s my duty girlfriend.. said he dramatically. Bye ragini… said sanskaar looking at her. Bye…said she slowly. Gud night boyfriend.. said she winking. Haha.. Gud night n see you very soon.. said he winking back. What have you done sanskaar… before itself she always avoid taking to you.. But now toh..she will not utter a single word in front of you.. Idiot, stupid.. Instead of telling her how much you love were telling her..that how much she irritate you.. Wow just wow..well done… said sanskaar to himself while patting his back. What have you done so achieving.. that you are so proud of ur self.. asked laksh confused when he saw her patting his own back. Sanskaar looked towards him angrily n give him a tight punch on his shoulder. Aaauuu..What was that for… asked he rubbing his shoulder. You idiot, stupid,moron…If you were not my swato’s husband..I would have kill you till now..said sanskaar annoyed. Whoo woohh whohh…relax.. What have I done.. Why you both stupid chuddy-buddy always ready to kill me…show some mercy to this poor soul…said laksh dramatically making puppy face.How dare you to flirt with her n how dare you to call us stupid… said he n punched him again. Because that’s the universal truth..said laksh winking.Youuuuu…..
Next day
A big building is shown, Swansh Enterprises written on it. A guy walking here n there in his cabin impatiently. Where is he…why he didn’t come till now.. he is the only one who will rescue me from this strom…said he looking again n again at his cabin’s door.
May I come in sir….a sweet voice came.His phone started ringing suddenly.Yaa please.. said he n picked his call. A girl wearing formals entered in his cabin. Where are you… You know what have she done this time… n the punishment is still going on…said he on phone as soon as he attend the call. Yaaa come soon…said he disconnecting the call. Laksh…….asked girl shocked n surprised at the same time. Laksh looked towards her smiling.Yupp… so how’s the surprise.. I told you naaa…that I will see you very soon.. said he winking. So you knew that.. that I will be joining in ur company n you didn’t tell me.. said she faking anger. Now what had my swato done with you… said sanskaar entering the cabin laughing.
But as soon as she listened his voice…she immediately turned towards him..n he stopped at that moment. She was looking so mesmerizing in the formals, he just kept looking at her from top to bottom. Thank God you came.. said laksh hugging sanskaar making him to come out from his trance. Tell me what happened this time… asked sanskaar calming him.That devil….sanskaar gave a glare…. I mean the angle..first didn’t let me enter in the house, after so much pleading finally she agreed but now I am thinking it was better if I agreed to stay of the house… said laksh remembering his condition. Sanskaar nodded indicating that to tell further, it was became a ritual that whenever laksh get punishment.. sanskaar have to make him come out of it. I entered in the house.. Both ordered me to make dinner for them…I was happy that if this is the punishment than I would love to get it…Who would like to eat that tasty food made by ur swato…said he making faces.
Laksh was preparing dinner in the kitchen when suddenly he heard voices coming from hall… he came out of the kitchen and look towards the direction n became shocked to see whole house a complete mess..n swansh were running n laughing madly.. He stand there and smile looking at their happy faces. But his trance broke when swara asked him about dinner. O shit…said he running towards the kitchen but till then all food was burned. Swara came there smiling… Oooo what happened.. Food burnt..said she sympathically. He nodded innocently. That’s ok..his face started to glow…prepare again I am hungry.. said she sternly making his glowing 100 watt bulb fused suddenly. After making it..he served them and about to serve himself. What are you doing… Go and clean the mess first… said swara looking at messed up hall.Mumma let him eat first.. said ansh.Champ you keep quiet..
complete ur dinner and go to sleep… You have to go to school tomorrow… And you.. Start now……said she looking at laksh. He nodded sadly n started cleaning the mess. It was 1 in the night when he completed the cleaning, eat his dinner n slept on sofa in the hall. When he was sleeping swara came towards him… cover him with blanket n smile looking at him unknown to her laksh was awake n admire her care.
Laksh… wake up…… Laskh… Laksh… wake up…Splashhhhh…aaaahhh…flood..flood… flood…screamed laksh but wide his eyes looking at swara who was standing with a empty bucket in his hand n smiling mischievously. Wake up n Do every household work..wake up ansh..make him ready for school… Prepare breakfast for us n go to ur office… n yaaa… I will take my lunch at 2’o clock.. so be on time to prepare lunch… said she like she is telling him about his today’s schedule while he was listening all this with wide eyes. He did his work with half opened eyes because of less sleep… n rushed to office before swara could tell him other work and immediately called sanskaar to save him from his swato’s torture.
Flashback end
Please save me… I don’t want to go home she will find another way to torture me…please.. Please… said laksh pleading n joined his hand.So u r the one who were making noises late night n early morning.. I thought some dogs entered in our society…..said sanskaar laughing loudly. Laksh punched on his stomach. Before sanskaar could say something ragini interrupted him… I want to ask something from you both.. said she looking towards them. Confusion was clearly written on her face. Where were you last night when she punished him..??? Why laksh live in ur house..??? Why is she punishing him just because he became late..??… asked she in one breath. It was then laksh realized that ragini doesn’t know about the truth. I was sleeping that time… n because of this idiot my sleep got disturb…n why will he live in my house.. his house is just adjacent to my house so he lived there only… n third one…she is punishing him because this is her unique way to show her love..n she loves her hus………sanskaaaaaar…. screamed laksh suddenly.
Ragsan jerked n look at him shocked. What happened… asked both at the same time. Wo wo….we will discuss it later… first tell me some solution… said he diverting them. No…first he have to ans me… said ragini looking at sanskaar. Why didn’t you stop swara doing this much with him..poor laksh… said she looking at laksh. Its between them toh why should I stop her….n secondly I love to hear his adventurous stories very much..said he with a naughty smile. Whaatttt…..I thought u as my friend… But you… said laksh faking tears. Stop ur nautanki… said sanskaar giving him ‘I know you ‘ look. Ragini too laugh little seeing laksh behavior. But still its not funny, you should make her understand… said she composing herself looking at sanskaar. If she wanted to give punishment for being late… then she should give you when you became late…. Why laksh… asked she looking at both of them. Both wide their eyes… Sanskaar with a expression ‘WHY ME’ n laksh with a expression “PLEASE DON’T BLURTED OUT ABOUT UR CONFUSION “.
Excuse me… Why should she punish me…asked he raising his one eyebrow. Because u r her husband so she have to show her rights upon u… instead of laksh….said she looking at both. So what if I am swara’s husband that doesn’t mean…….. wait… swara’s husband… Whaaaaatttttttttt… asked he with wide eyes registering her words looking at her like he is looking at some alien.O God….why you guys are screaming like this..stupid friends…let me ask this to swara itself.. said she making her way out of the cabin. Laksh slap his forehead with his hand. Sanskaar was still looking at the closed door from where ragini went out.
Done with another chapter..
Hope you like it.
Guys I am extending this story to some chapter.. Please bare me some more time.
And if you like this chapter please let me know.
Be happy n keep smiling..
Nice post soon
Thanks dear
HAHAHAHAHAH…awesome update dear , i really couldn’t control my laughter throughout the episode , reallyyy amaaazzzinnngggggg
Thanks dear… Glad you like it
Thanks dear
Aaaahhhhhhhhh……… Truth is out….. Woooowww………. Suprb… Mind blowing update…….
Thanks dear… Glad you like it
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
wowww..truly an amazing episode pls post next one…And Im excited finally ragini is gonna know sanky is single.ready to mingle….
Thanks dear.. will try to post soon
Thanks dear
Awesome… superb…..
Thanks dear
Its very good and laughful
Thanks dear
Nice, Next part soon pls
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
Yaar awesome.., plzz upload next part asap..,
Thanks dear.. will try to post soon
fabulous dear…laksh punishment hahaha hilarious….cho sad laksh…poor guy….but u want thz….y u didn’t tell about ur marriage to ragu….so u want thz….finally ragini s going to know about truth….am excited to read ur nxt update….tkcr dear….
Thank you asra… :-* Glad you like it… will try to post soon.. tc
I didn’t understand the last part…can anyone tell me ??
The thing is that…. Ragini misunderstood that swasan are married… But in actual swalak are married n swasan are childhood buddies… So when ragini told to sanskaar that he is swara’s husband… he became shocked…
I hope you will understand
as you promised really you made laksh to love more than all the character. amazing he was really loved him more.
Today the entire part was very very funny especially laksh fb & entire thing baby.
Thanks dear… Glad you like it
Oh.. Godddd i m laughing like hell…. Itssss… I dont wat word i should say to this part…. Cant wait update soooooooooooooooooonnnn
Thanks dear.. Glad you like it
Thanks dear
Haha awesome update…
Thanks dear
Awsome. I reading your ff on wattpad and its amazinggggggg. Waiting for next update
Thanks dear… Glad you like it
Lolll my stomach is paining due to laughter.SanLak r really cute & funny & Rago finally became detective.Loved RagSan & SanLak scenes,RagLak scenes r also sweet
Hey r u a writer of any ff on raglak on any raglak fb page becuz i guess i think u mampi writer of what i did for love
No dear… This is my first ff… n my name is ragika
Hey anisha… I don’t know… Why my comment is not showing in ur reply… anyways.. Thanks dear.. Glad you like it
It’s ok Ragika

Btw beautiful name buddy
Post soon
Thanks dear…
will post tomorrow
Fab and still can’t believe she still hasn’t realised xx
Thanks dear…