Fan Fiction

When cupid goes blind we create our destiny. Episode 37

A bow down thankyou for eveyone who gave me lovely comments and suggestions on the track. Keep supporting guys. Dhar, arthi, niriha, banita, sofiya, sam, fffan1234, Anoushka, Mrunal, Jerry, shashi, sagithya, alekhika, niktha jai, anonymous, sana, neha-17, haridhra and everyone reading my ff. Love, love and love ???

You are going nowhere!” On hearing this, shivay and anika turned with such terror in their face to see who it was.

“You are going nowhere.. without us!” Chorally Om and rudra.

Shivaay and anika could see om and rudra nearly going to crack the floor with their tears.

They came running to shivaay and hugged him.

“You decided to visit Ria without us uh?” Om asked tapping shivaay’s head.

“Bhaiya, we love Ria didi, take us with you” Rudra pleaded.

Breathing in deeply, Wrapping one of his hands around his brother, and the other holding Anika’s hand.. “come let us all go” he said and smiled.

Getting into one of her ordinary dress, anika got ready. And gave shivaay his regular wear kurta for it looked alright in visiting a burial ground.

She helped him in locking the buttonsq on his chest. He grabbed her eaist and pulled her close. Still her hands on his chest, she smiled.

“You have no idea.. how happy I am” he says and hugs her tightly.

She rubbed his back, “your happiness, is my happiness shivaay” she says.

He release the hug, leans forward and kissed her forehead. A gentle one.
Sharing an eyelock for a pretty long time.

Rudra entered his room to see Sowmya going through his bookshelf.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I am searching the harry potter book. Prisoner of Azkaban part” she said not looking at him but still searching.

“Dont make my cupboard untidy. Here is no prisoner in my cupboard” he said pushing her away and closing the cupboard.

“Oiiii Rudy boy.. mind it huh… i only asked her to see your cupboard.. any problem?” Sahil asked raising his eyebrows.

“It’s okay sahil, ill buy a new one. Thankyou. You are truely a friend. What are friends for then uh? She voices at sahil but smirks at Rudra.

“Wait!!” Rudra says.

She faced him with a irritated look.

Pulling and pushing away all the books in his cupboard he pulled out the book she had looking for.

“Dont make my cupboard untidy huh? Look who made it so clean” sahil jokes and laughs.

Rudra suddenly takes his shirt off. Sowmya closes her eyes with a jerk.

“Sahil.. im going out. Will return by evening. Wait for me. I have something to tell you” he says looking at sowmya.

Sowmya knew that his words are addressed to her. She smiles.

Om? Gauri calls him.
Wearing his casual wear, army trousers and t shirt he looked at Gauri.

“Make sure everything goes alright. I hope you understand” she says dropping her head down.

Not understanding her he just nodded in confusion cause she looked nearly tear-shreaked.

Cupping her face, “i hope everything goes alright” he kissed her forehead.

All four jumped into shivaay’s car. Shivaay taking in a deep breath pulled the gear and started driving.

They reached Ria’s place. Shivaay stood there with a blank face.

Anika pressed his shoulders and asked him to enter.

Shivaay forwarded first followed by AniOmRu. The door creaked as he opened it.

They entered and looked around her house. Her pictures were hanging here and there on the walls. All were crazy pictures. Her pout face, she huge wide smile face, her karate class photo, her swimming class photo.. just a bunch of polaroid photos clinging on the ropes above, tied across the room. Serial lights decorated her room. Small but a cute and cozy house. Looking at all her stuff in awe, everything was silent for a while.

Suddenly someone placed a hand on shivaay’s shoulder.

He turned to see, someone a bit short than him, short traunt hair, glowing under the light emiited from the serial lights, Eyes reflecting the light, a huge wide smile.

“You came back” said the voice from the figure standing before him. The voice was so soft that it could reach all their ears but not an inch away only beacause the room was silent.

Anika smiled. “Sorry, we came in here to conduct Ria’s last rituals. Who are you btw ? Ria’s friend?” Anika asked in a happy tone.

“No….It’s RIA” Om said in shock. His breath stopped for a moment. Grabbed her hand and hugged Ria bone-breakingly tight.

Didi?? Ru was confused yet joined the hug.

Shivaay was broken. He kept looking at her but fell on his knees.

Ria broke the hug seeing him and bent immedietely to him. Placed her hand on his shoulder.

“How.. how come.. how come you are alive?” He asked still terrified. Anika was shocked too but happy to know that she is still alive.

Softly sighing, “i never died. But i was near to death. You know.. Cancer!” She said.

Cancer!??! Everyone gasped.

“IM ALIVE.. IM ALIVE.. Dont react so much making me collapse again. I collapsed the first time hearing it from the crazy doctor who shouted the same” she says and giggles.

“I did my chemo. And I am here, alive before you. Came back here just a month ago. Haha, Flashback over” she laughed. “Sorry guys.. i just couldnt inform you about my thing cause i know you guy will worry alot. That’s why i told my friend to inform you guys that i was dead.  Its been 5 years… she says and looks at everyone.

“OMG rudy.. you look more handsome than i imagined you to be” she said Ruffling his hair.

Om hugged her. “Missed you so much Ria” he says crying.

Wiping away her tears fastly.. “hey come on buddy, im back. Lets rock and Roll” she says all happy.

She turns to shivaay now, who btw is looking the ground not turning his face towards her because of his guilty feeling.

“So? The same ironbox face uh? She says.

Going near him she lays her hand on his shoulder.

With a jerk, he hugged her. All were looking at him in pity.

Cried aloud. Kept crying till she rubbed his back and asked him to listen.

“Im back shivaay. Im alright now. I have never seen you cry. And i never wanna see you cry, wipe it now. **Shivaay singh oberoi shouldnt cry** she says, smiling and placed her thumb and forefinger on either side of his lips pulling out a smile.

Turning towards anika.. “who is this Shivaay?” Ria asks.

Anika smiles to Ria and looks at shivaay for his answer.

“Errr… errrrrr…. FRIEND” he says. Anika’s smile faded at the very moment.

That was the worst moment of her life. Her eyes bulged out in disbelief. Om and Ru looked all shocked.

“Hai im Ria” she says forwarding her hand.

Looking at shivaay she gently lifted her hand.

Ria shook her hand and started talking like a chatterbox not seeing their faces.

Before Om and Ru could speak up, Anika strictly turned her head towards them signalling not to reveal who she was.

“Guys i have some work.. you carry on” Anika says and gets up.

“Okay anika see you later, Ria says and continues talking.

With Tears rolling down their cheeks,Om and rudra looked at Anika while shivaay blankly looked at her leaving.

So Om any breaking news in your lives? She asks.

“I am married” he says.
“OMG!!! So my partner in crime finally is locked up in prison uh? She giggles.

“And Rudy? How many girlfriends now?” She asks with a teasing tone.

“Just one” he sighs.

“Aww Rudy boy. So sad.” She says pinching his cheeks.

By evening, they come out of her house and stand nearby shivaay’s car.

“Wait here guys. I have something for you” she says and hops in.

“Are you out of your mind shivaay? What in the hell did you do in there? Anika is not your Friend ,shivaay. She is your wife for God’s sake” Om yelled.

Standing there like a lifeless person shivaay cried.

“ shouldnt have done it. How hurt must bhabhi be right now? He says sighing.

“Speak up shivaay…. open your mouth.. Why did you do injustice to your legally wedded wife?? He yells again.

“Because i dont want to lose my Ria again!!!! He shouts back. Om is shocked.

” If she comes to know that i married someone no different than her.. wont she question me to why i didnt love her back then? If she ever asks me, “Even Anika is a low-class person. Why did you avoid me and to how did you marry Anika… ill breakdown the next moment Om”

“You cant cover up the truth for so long Shivaay. Ria will somehow get to know it soon. But shivaay just know this… You broke Anika today. You broke the girl you fell in love with. You broke the girl who fell in love with you. She is never gonna be the same Anika ever”

Just when everyone hears a THUD sound. They turn to see Ria dropping all the stuffs she had carried down.

“You could have told me. You could have just told me” she said droping some tears down.

ShivOmRu looked at her in shock.

“Shivaay i loved you. I dont regret that. You know what.. i met this guy at hospital.. cancer patient same as me. We had lots of stories to share in the last 5 years. We both encouraged, stood together and faced Cancer. Eventually in the process we both fell in love. I have found my guy. And you found yourself a true love.

You kept breaking my heart once. Please dont break another girl’s heart now. I am happy with another guy shivaay. So go.. go get your girl now” she says.

Realising his mistake, he moved his eyes like a fast pendulum and rushed into his car.

Waving a quick goodbye Om and Ru jumped into the car. They rushed to OM to find Anika.

Ria stood there controlling her tears. Only she knew that her love story was a cooked up one. She loved shivaay so much that she could even sacrifice her love to see him happy.

Rushing back home, Shivaay ran straight into his room to see her missing.

Om called sahil, who was colouring his book. He raised his head up “what happened Om bhaiya?” He asked.

“Where is Anika?” He asked with a trembling voice.

“She went out with you guys only no…. she didnt come after that. Is she not with you?” Sahil asked.

All three looked terrified.
Hope you liked it today. Sorry bubblu and mrunal for doing this between shivaay and anika. *grabs ears*. And a big thankyou to everyone who believed in my track. Dont worry.. it is not for so long.

Special thanks to anonymous who mentioned about if first.

Love you guys. Silent readers a special thanks for keep on reading my work. I say the same. Keep reading. Interesting track on the way. Stay tuned.
Missed my previous episode?
You shouldnt have. Okay.. her you go..

Click above for episode 36



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