Fan Fiction

Curiosity Led To A Beautiful Love Story – OS

Firstly THANKSS for opening my OS!! I hope u all will love this beautiful journey of love ❤

We all do experience love ❤ in our life.. Every person ? on this Earth is born for some reason and to complete a soul…

Not just persons ? with eyes ? do fall in love.. But persons ? without eyes ? too fall in love…

Welcome to the story of love ❤ between a person with Eye ? and without eyes ?

::::::::::::::::::::Here It STARTS::::::::::::::

“Okay! Soo this is blind school ? U can go and discover how blind people read ? and learn ? Understand each person ? And all that.. Since they are blind ? They smell ? each person ? and tats how….. “The teacher ? continued..

But my concentration in teacher’s words were disturbed when.. I saw that girl ? She was unique from all.. She had a perfect figure… And was Lean.. Fair.. And has hair till the waist… But the thing that attracted me towards her and made her unique was her forehead.. She was nt a girl ? But she was an another half of a soul.. Yes,she had worn sindhoor on her fore head… I stared at her..

My friend ? Pinched me and my eyes ? and ears ? again got attention to the teacher’s ? words… “Okay children disperse… But assemble right here itself after 1 hr.. Is that clear??”teacher said and we shouted a big YES… We all got dispersed… But my mind was still attracted to that girl ? OPPS!.. To the other half of someone.. I was curious to know who will be her husband ? Wat will be there love ❤ story?? And therefore I ran ? towards that women ? before she got disappeared from my eye ? sight…

Now I was in front if her.. Few steps back from her.. And in curiosity of knowing her story… I addressed myself.. “Hello ? I’m swetha! A girl ? from Abc school… ”

“Hi… How could I help u?” She spoke in a pure english accent..

“uh.. Uh.. U have applied the vermillion on ur forehead!” I said in a unpleasant voice

She smiled ? and said… “Yes,I know it.. I’ve to do their itself na!”

“Sorry ?”

“Yes.. I’m ? married and married ? womens
Usually do it here.. My kid” she said softly

So.. She is married ? and I was correct… But how will I ask her about her love ❤ stry and about her husband ? I thought.. ?

“Wat happened?”

“Uh.. Nothing” i said softly but little confused ?

“Wats ur doubt ? my kid??”

“How come u know I want to ask something??” I said surprised ?

“From ur sound it was clear!!”

“Wat from my sound.. Uh?” I spoke but with some hesitation…

“MERI.. JAAANNN” came a voice.. And it disconnected my conversation.. It was a boyish sound..

“On my left ? some wat 10 footsteps ? away”.. She said as a reply..

I saw a boy looking down ? and keeping each feet ? one after one and counting the steps towards her from him..

“As usual corect” he said and lifted his head…

OH MY GOD!! WAT A BOY ? He was soo lovely ? No girl ? can stop getting attracted to him.. He had beautiful voice.. His Lips ? and eyes ? seems to be a drawn one… He will be nearly 5’4″ if I’m not wrong… He hugged that women ?

He looked at me and spoke… “How can I help you?”

The women ? introduced him proudly.. “My husband ? Shivaay”

“Wat ur husband ?”I screamed ?

Shivaay said.. “Why any problem??”

“No no no.. Actually.. “I was not able to complete the sentence.. Not because I don’t know ? the words to complete it But because .. Because I felt that the beauty of that sentence lies within that incompleteness..

“Shoot the question.. No worries!” She said Positively and with full energy and smile ?

“Nothing”.. I said..

“Champ.. Shoot it.. Don’t hesitate.. I won’t feel bad..” Said shivaay

“B..bu..but..!”I said hesitating..

“Shoot the question now.. I’ll say how many footsteps ? far you are…” Said the women ?

“Really… Then how u two??” I said anxiously to know whether she will give the correct answer how many footstep ? I was away from??

“6 steps ? u r away from me..”Said the women…

I kept my foot ?step by step.. And surprisingly YES! I WAS 6 STEPS AWAY FROM HER!! And said yes It was correct and moved to my earlier position with a smile ?

But Shivaay bhaia replied to my question ❓ why not we two ✌ ???

“No.. No.. No.. Not like that..” I said little feared ?

“Chill my girl ? come I’ll clear all ur doubt??” Said Shivaay!!

“But wat is my question ❔ My doubt ❓ ” I questioned..

They both smiled ? and said OUR STORY ISN’T?

I showed my 32 teeth ? and smiled.. We all went inside the staff room.. And sat on the chair ? left their…

“So … I’ll say my story.. Opps our story.. ” said shivaay smilingly ? looking at his other half…

“So I’m Shivaay Oberoi.. The only son of oberoi’s… I came to this school ? On my 23rd b’day to distribute sweets ? ? ? to them… As on my b’day we usually distribute sweets to such children.. Hope u got it..” He asked…

I nodded as reponse..

And he continued ” I came with my parents ? and masi.. Er.. Mother’s sister… And I distributed to all.. At last came she.. With a beautiful salwar and a pony tail… I was attracted to her beauty… After all she is soo beauty.. ”

Vo toh hai… She AWWSOME.. I said… Stressing the word Awesome

“Soo How can my eyes ? cannot be attracted.. And made a pout face!! She was teacher here… So she came and forwarded her hand.. I was fully attracted to her beauty that I didn’t saw her forwarded hand… My mom said.. “Puthar do na.. Sweets ” and I came out of senses… And gave the packet of sweets to her… ”

“And do you know when he gave me the packet of sweets.. He touched me and i felt a current went inside me.. I felt lovely ? ” said his other half interrupting him…

“That feeling is quite lovely ? enough” i said it lovely with a smiled ?

“And do you know.. Instead of thanks.. Wat she said.. ” asked Shivaay..

“Em.. Wat she said…” I boasted… With full of excitement ?

“Aunty aapko kya hua??” He explained ..

“wat??” I blurted…

“Yeah.. She said aunty aapko kya hua? And I was like wat happened mom.. She is all okay ? And even she replied.. She is all okay ? And my lovely girl ? replied… Aunty u can say u r okay ? to those people who have eyes ? because they believe in wat you say… And on ur face… But we read ur mind through the tone of the language you spoke.. Aunty.. Soo kya hua aunty aapko?? And surprisingly ? do you know wat.. My mother ? had a stomach pain… And Anika ? asked to wait ? and went somewhere and came back with a soup ? and asked to drink it.. But masi ? asked my mom ? not to drink it as it was given by a blind ? girl and she asked wat if she mixed something??”

“Uh.. Anika is ur name didi??” I asked to the ? didi.. And she affirmatively replied…

“And do you know wat this bravo replied!!” He questioned ❓…

Wat?? I said anxiously

Aunty ? Why should I mix something in her drink ? Wat will I gain?? And you said that I’m a blind girl.. But though I’m blind I was able to figure her pain she was passing through… While you guyss having an eye ? were not able to figure it out?? Soo who is blind?? And aunty ? pretended to be blind in front of a pain… So who is ? blind?? Was her reply.. And My mom ? drank that and smiled ? at hr words.. And blessed her.. But I was AGAIN Attracted to her.. First she attracted me through her body language.. Now by her words and mentality..” He explained…

So.. That was how u fell in love ❤ Love at First sight! It was lovely ?

No! Actually I thought it was just an attraction… But later life thought me it was not an attraction but pure love.. Confessed shivaay bhaia cutting my sentence…

I don’t know whether it was a confession or correcting my sentence by removing love @ first sight with attraction.. But still I smiled ? and continued… But how u fell in love ? didi?? I’m sure u was not attracted by his beauty as u r…. I was not able to complete the sentence… Because I don’t know ? how will she feel If I completed the sentence using blind!!

Hey.. Don’t worry ? Yes I’m blind and even if u had completed that sentence using blind I won’t feel bad ? Because god ? took the ? eyes from me so that I won’t witness the bad ? things happening in this beautiful world… And also I’m not angry ? with the god ? Because he gave me a sharp ear ? and nose ? said Anika didi…

“Ah.. Tat was nice to hear ?” I appreciated… “But I wanted to knw hw you fell in love with him??” I said in a childish and naughty voice..

Anika didi responded by saying the words Gradually…

Uh?? I asked…

Didi.. Explained!! After that day.. He always came to the school ? during lunch ? time.. saying I want to spend time with these children.. But later I came to know it was just an excuse to spend time with me.. And smiled ?

I too smiled while shivaay bhaia Made a pout face..

With that beautiful smile on face didi continued.. So.. 12:30 -1:30 is the lunch ? time.. He will come by sharp 12:30 and will wait for the children’s lunch ? to be over and till that time I and he used to speak.. Say to be for 30 min.. I don’t know ? how come.. But talking to him before my lunch became my habit.. We became friends ? If u ask me how.. Then I don’t know.. We became friends… Friends ? means best friends ? we started to share everything… We discussed our likes.. Dislikes.. Fears.. Things tat made sad ? Things that make us happy.. Wat we didi after this 30 min all we spoke.. And Gradually those 30 min became my fav time of the day ? I started to wait for him.. For those 30 mins.. Later we started to call ? We became soo close.. How ❓ when ❔ I don’t know ? But yes.. We became closer within few months.. We started to eat lunch together in that 30 min.. Later I too joined with him to play with the children… But then came the days of separation.. It was very hard to move through… I started to count the days ? of his return.. I started to miss him.. I was…

I broke her sentence and raised a question ❓ angrily ? where you went leaving her??

Shivaay said… Business tour.. Had to go for the business.. But just like her.. I too felt sad ? I started to count ? days… I was feeling lonely.. I missed our conversation.. It was painful… But it’s result was sweeter.. Soo sweeter.. We realised that we were in love ❤ I meant I realized that I was in love ❤ Because first I thought I was been attracted towards her.. But that separation thought me that it was not just an attraction but pure love ❤

Oh.. Tat was soo nice… But anika didi how u realized that u were in love ❤

She laughed ? and said… I said to mom that I started to miss him.. This… That.. I also mentioned to mom that I missed The way he talk… The way he coloured by black and white world to a bright colourful world.. The way he made me smile ? Those conversations and all that…

Soo ur mom knows about him?? I questioned ❓

She is maa ka bachi… Every thing she used to say to her mom… Said Shivaay bhaia and made a pout..

“Ah.. I used to say everything to mama…”

“So wat ur mom said when u said all these?” I said quite anxiously and with some curiosity

“She said I was in love ❤ with shivaay…”

“soo she didn’t scold you for being in love with him??”

“Noo she didn’t… ” said Anika didi… “Mama was more happy ? than me… When she realised I was in love ❤ But she said one thing I’ll be more happy if Shivaay’s family is happy with this relationship ?!! ”

Soo Shivaay Bhaia u didn’t said this to ur parents?? I asked..

“No because first I Wanted to know was whether She was in love with me?? Soo that night ? I called her and asked??”

WAT?? I asked in curiosity!?

“That do you love ❤ me??”

So u made a call ?and directly asked do you love ❤ me?? I questioned

“No.. No.. No… First he said hello ? And asked me wat dng?? And something casual too.. And I replied something.. Then he came to the point saying actually I called to ask something… And with some mature sound he asked would you like to be mine forever?? And I was damn happy ? and I with joy ? I said yes… ” Explained Anika didi…

U simply asked would u like to be mine forever?? You could had added some more words and could have made romantic na?? I asked…

“It was just a sentence for you… But for me it had soo many emotions… Soo many confessions… Soo many questions in that?? One cannot simply say a yes to that question because to be with someone forever means To be Along with his success… Failures… Happiness? And Much more than happiness ? to be with his sadness? and much more.. “said Anika didi…

I felt ashamed and said sorry…

But didi said no need to be sorry because u r small now and u won’t understand it now… And smiled…

Soo wat ur parents said then?? I asked…

When I said they both asked me only 4 question.. Firstly my mom asked… Do you think you will be able to live a life with a blind girl?? And I replied mom in this century nothing is impossible.. We can do eye transplantation… And then she is no more a blind girl… And second question.. It was not a question but say to be an order.. It was you can marry ? that girl ? only if her parents ? allowed you.. Because I don’t want a girl ? to get separated from her parents just because of you.. Just because of a love ❤ And I nodded and said mom they seems to be happy with this alliance”

I broke his next sentence by asking how come you know they will be happy??

Else she won’t say a yes to me… Bhaia replied
And I nodded…

Shivaay bhaia continued “Then the question was from dad ? Firstly he repeated wat mom said… If you want to marry then you should get consent from her parents ? Because her parents have a lot of expectations for her Marriage ? and also it was them who brought her into this world.. So u need the consent….

But Anika didi interrupted bhaia.. Swethu ? you should never go against ur parents ? for ur love ❤ Because your mom ? and dad ? are living for you… Are working soo hard that they are able to give you such a beautiful life and make all your dreams come true… Lastly never forget if the person ? u chosen is the right person ? for you then ur parents ? will never disagree ? you.. And smiled..

As a response I nodded and smiled ? And shivaay bhaia… Continued First question he asked was whether that girl ? be able to continue and uphold the traditions and the value we are following?? And for that question I didn’t took a minute to answer… I shouted a big YESS.. And the second question why do you chose her to be ur life partner?? And I simply smiled ? and replied It’s she who completed me… Who respected both my flaws and strengths.. Whom I saw a heart ♥ burning with love ❤ for me and I saw in her the Courage.. Courage that strengthened me to take risks… I’m sure Even When the world stands against me she will be in my side protecting me.. And For me she is a version of reality of my dream partner… And dad smiled ? and said Ask ur girl ? to come tomorrow with her parents.. I jumped with joy.. I took my phone ? and said everything and I heard a big scream of I LOVE ❤ YOU.. And next day they came.. Further our engagement ? took place followed by the functions of marriage ? and he smiled ?

“Wow ? tat was a super story to hear ? I loved it” and saying this I hugged both of them.. And I requested to them to show the photos of their marriage ? and they showed it… I shouted ? ” You both looking gorgeous ?” and asked them to call me after Anika didi got beautiful eyes ? and I walked ? off…

But I walked ? till the door ? and turned back and asked wat Was Anika didi’s reaction when she heard she will have eyes ? in near future?? They smiled ☺ and Shivaay bhaia replied she asked why I need to have eyes ? Because you don’t want a blind girl ? to marry you??

WAT?? kya didi? Why you asked like that.. That to, to such a guy?? I said in a sad ? tone..

Anika didi replied “Because.. Em.. Uh.. ” I saw her searching for words.. Before I spoke she continued “But the thing was I was able to hear ? a beautiful reply.. Do you want to hear ? It?? ”

I gave a positive answer ✔

Anika didi said proudly… “No.. Not that.. It’s because I want to see my face in ur eyes ? I want you to see how the world reacts when we walk through streets.. I want to see an eyes ? filled with love just for me.. I want to see a eyes ? that reflects proudness of having me.. Lastly I want you to witness how our body meet each other… And Both Anika didi and Bhaia shied and blushed.. Seeing their blushing and shyness I too blushed..☺ I with blushing face said “That wass so cute and ran ? towards Bhaia and hugged him… He smiled ? and hugged in return.. While hugging I again asked a question… “LAST QUESTION!! LAST QUESTION.. After eye transplantation when didi come here.. Won’t these children request you to give eyes ? to them also??”

He smiled ? and replied.. If I completed their wish ? Then what about the person ? born ? to complete that wish ?

I smiled ? at that psychological answer and moved out.. And discovered that school ?

After one hour we assembled and headed to our respective bus ? My friends asked me where I went… And gave a smile as my reply.. On the way back ? I looked at sky ⛅ and wondered the reason for my birth… The wind blew against me and I wondered how will be the person ? Born for me look like?? My thoughts were disturbed when my bestiee came and sat near me.. She started her talk and I listened ? to her and threw my replies.. And it led to a beautiful Conversation… Later we reached the school ? and I saw my parents ? waiting for me.. I went and hugged them.. And We drove back to my home ?

THE END————————————-THE END






Myself swetha. Believes that life is what we make out of it. #Teenager

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