The episode starts with Tanya screaming in pain. Sonakshi puts her phone down, rushes forward and holds her demanding, “What happened Tanya?”. While, Ajit who is still on the phone gets worried and raises his voice asking, “Hello, Bhabhi, Tanya anyone there, someone please tell me what is happening?” Rohit, YK, Naren and Nishi turn around on hearing Ajit and get anxious seeing his panicked state. Tanya informs Sonakshi in pain, “Bhabhi I guess the time has come!” Sonakshi is taken aback. She then, makes Tanya lie gently onto the bed, frowns at Pari and runs outside. Once, she reaches the landing thread of the staircase, she shouts out, “Mamma, Badi Mamma, Pooja, Vimmi everyone please come fast……” Everyone along with Rohan assemble to the living room when Sonakshi informs, “Tanya’s labour pains have started” All the women and Rohan get bewildered on learning that. Mohini, Vimmi, Pooja rush upwards, while Veena stays behind to call Naren.
In Sippy Hospital
Rohit, YK, Nishi and Naren ask the matter to a tensed Ajit. He answers “I don’t know what exactly happened there but I have this gut feeling that Tanya’s labour has started!” All get shocked. Soon, Naren’s phone rings, he picks up the call when Veena on the other side informs him about Tanya labour. Naren is astonished with mouth agape. He advises her to bring Tanya as soon as to the hospital. Veena agrees and hangs up the call. Naren then turns towards the others and says, “Ajit was right, Tanya’s labour has started.” All get tensed on hearing that. Ajit says, “Let me rush home, there are only women over there right now! Tanya needs me!” He swiftly turns and about to make a move, when a hand stops him. He turns around to see his father holding onto his hand tightly. Naren tells him, “No Ajit, I think you have to stay here! Because I’m sure Veena and Sonakshi will handle the things well and bring Tanya here as soon as possible and you know about the roads of Mumbai, you could get stuck in the traffic anywhere and may not reach home on time! So, it would be better if you stay here!” Ajit gives in and gets thinking in worry, “I’m really sorry Tanya, I promised that I will always stay by your side always, but right now, I’m not there with you when you need me the most! Pardon me Tanya!”
In Sippy Mansion
Tanya is crying in pain, while Sonakshi is comforting her and asking her not to lose confidence. Pari is confused and worried about the happenings, just when Rohan, Pooja, Mohini and Vimmi come there. Mohini asks, “But there is still time left for Tanya’s due date to come, then how did this happen?” Sonakshi looks hotly at Pari while reminiscing how she had accused Tanya of marrying Ajit for the Sippy’s wealth. She is about to speak out the truth, when Tanya catches her hand and signs NO. Tanya says, “I do not know Badi Mamma how did this happen! I was taking rest here when all of a sudden I started feeling pain….” and she cries out, “AAAHHH!” All get concerned for her. Suddenly, all hear the alarm of an ambulance’s siren. Veena races inside and tells, “I had informed Naren about Tanya’s labour, so he sent the hospital’s ambulance here! Come on, let’s take Tanya to the hospital fast!” All try to help Tanya, when Rohan says, “I will take Tanya downstairs!” Pari is astounded with mouth agape, while Rohan comes forward to lift Tanya in his arms. Tanya stops him saying, “I don’t need your help!” when Veena says, “Tanya please let your ego come in between when you are in NEED! Let Rohan help you!” Tanya gives in, so Rohan lifts her in his arms and takes her downstairs. Pari gets exasperated and Sonakshi notices the change of emotions on her sister’s face. Once everyone goes out of the room, Sonakshi catches hold of Pari and warns her, “If it weren’t for Tanya then I would have surely opened my mouth and revealed that you were the one responsible for this situation! But I’m warning you Pari, don’t you try hurting Tanya once again! And if you do then there will be none worse than me!” on saying that Sonakshi lets go of Pari and rushes downstairs. Pari is infuriated with her words and clenches her fists hard.
Sippy Hospital
Ajit is pacing up and down waiting impatiently for the ambulance to arrive. Naren is instructing his junior doctors and nurses and setting up the labour room ready. YK, Nishi and Rohit too are waiting anxiously. Rohit comes to an overagitated Ajit and tries to calm him down saying, “Hey, just be calm Ajit, it seems that not Tanya but you are one who is in labour, just chill!” Ajit takes a deep long breath and nods affirmatively and continues to stare at the exit waiting for the ambulance to come.
The driver of the ambulance is driving as fast as he can to the hospital, but unfortunately, just a kilometre away from the hospital, the ambulance gets stuck in traffic. All the family members panic at the situation and ask the driver to take the vehicle forward. However, even though, the driver tries his best, he is unable to take the vehicle forward, while Tanya starts screaming even louder in pain. When the situation seems to go out of hand, Rohan gets up, lifts Tanya in his arms and runs to the hospital. All the other family members are amazed, nevertheless feel relieved and follow him. Pari fumes in jealously seeing Rohan’s concern for Tanya. Soon Rohan reaches the hospital gates with Tanya in his arms screaming in pain. All the heads turn towards them. Ajit is dejected to see Tanya in Rohan’s arms, however, maintains his composure and rushes forward to help. As Tanya is placed on the stretcher, one of the hospital’s new nurses who is ignorant about the Sippy family details asks, “Who is the child’s father?” All are stunned and dumbstruck at that question. Finally, as Rohan is about to open his mouth to utter his name, Tanya pronounces, “AJIT SIPPY! AJIT SIPPY IS THE FATHER OF MY CHILD!”
To be continued.
Wow!! great episode!! And the past ones too.
I was busy with my academic stuff and could not read these as and when you posted, but read everything in one go today.
Very beautiful twists in the story, and it seems Rohan is realising his mistakes. But what can be done next is the real question. Since Pari has also made her way into the Sippy house, there exist more problems for Tanya, Ajit and their child. Should Tanya accept Rohan back? Will Pari realise her mistakes and go back to her mom before it’s too late? I mean, I want a real world, moral solution to this problem.
Hey SerialLover, really happy to see you back! I thought you had left my FF because the original series is over!
It’s absolutely alright if you were busy with academic work, because academics is really important!
Thanks a million for your appreciative comment. Yup Rohan is realising his mistakes and what will come next is a question!
Yes there are probems coming up for Tanya, Ajit and their child. And you have asked a good number of questions which will be answered in the coming episodes!
And don’t worry I will give a moral solution to all the problems!
Now I see why this ff is named “Curse of love outside marriage”!!
Very nice!!! The way Tanya said that ajit sippy is the father of this child was awesome. I am anxiously waiting for the next FF. Curious to know the reactions of ajit and rohan. Arggh!! Many questions are going through my mind. Plz post the next FF soon.
Thanks a lot Amanshi for your short and sweet comment! Good to know that you liked Tanya’s statement! Rohan and Ajit’s are going to be a suspense in the next episode! I know you must be overflowing with questions.
I will try to post the next FF ASAP!
Once again thanks a lot for your comment!
the tracorner is going very well. It was nice toseeRohan’s concern forTanya but I was a little sad to see it because it will create misunderstanding between Tanya and Ajit. Tanya giving the fatherlyrightstoAjit was very nice and impressive. I feel the real villan is noneother than Pari!! please updatesoon
it is track not tracorner!! sorry for the mistake
Firstly thanks a million for your comment Mohita and please don’t worry about mistakes, because even I make them so I never look into the mistakes of my readers!
You are right Rohan’s concern is a problem in Ajit-Tanya’s relation and even Amanshi liked Tanya giving the fatherly rights to Ajit part.
Yup, the real villain is Pari so wait and watch what she does!
I will try to update as soon as possible!
Once again thanks a lot for your comment!
Nice episode. Rohan realizing his mistake and Pari is turning more evil. But I wish that Tanya and Ajit live together happily. Their bond is really lovely. Ajit is really caring, Tanya giving him right to be the father of her child was also nice. No Rohan and Tanya again. Rohan repent for his mistake forever.
Thanks a million Adhu! Yes, Rohan is realising his mistake and Pari is the evil one. Well, wait and see what happens next in the lives of these five Rohan, Pari, Tanya, Ajit and their child!
It’s going to be a small surprise!
Wow it was really fantastically interestingly awesome. All of a sudden Tanya’s labour plan started because of pari,never expected this coming. I really liked when Ajit says I have a gut feeling that Tanya’s pain has started and on hearing that from Naren that Tanya’s labour pain has started,I really loved the way Ajit says, “Let me rush home, there are only women over there right now! Tanya needs me!” it was really nice. But when naren tell him that, because of the traffic you couldn’t reach in time,I really feel bad for Him and when he says sorry to Tanya for not being there when she needs him the most in his mind that was really awesome,I can totally his compulsion.
And in sippy mansion when mohini ask” but there is still time left for Tanya’s due date to come ” Sonakshi is about to speak the truth but Tanya stopped her for saying the truth,that was unimaginable,I thought that this time truth will come out and sonakshi will tell the truth behind tanya’s pain,but that’s okay,it was situations demand. But in the very next line Sonakshi criticse pari for Tanya’s state that’s was really awesome,she deserves such a cold criticse.
I really really love the last part where nurse ask que about, Who is the child’s father? All are stunned and dumbstruck at that question, including me because I wanted to know what was Tanya’s answer regarding this question, and when
Finally, as Rohan is about to open his mouth to utter his name, Tanya pronounces, “AJIT SIPPY! AJIT SIPPY IS THE FATHER OF MY CHILD!” ,I really loved that part.
Now That’s what called curse of love outside the marriage.
Really enjoyed it till the end and waiting for next episode.
Always be happy and stay safe and sound????.
Thanks a million again for your brilliant analytical comment.
The points you have pointed out such as Tanya’s labour, Ajit’s dilemma, Pari’s fault and Sonakshi’s criticism are indeed those which creates the whole episode.
That was just superb Petal?
And the last part is what everyone loved, “Ajit being called the FATHER!”
Once again thanks a million for your brilliant analytical message!
Hoping you too stay safe, sound and happy!
Its my pleasure that you like my comment,actually this update was so good that I can’t decide what to write or what to not as there are so many cool and amazing moments, and when I finished writing my comment, I was really hoping that you would liked it??.
Tnq once again,and stay safe????.
Love you Petal!
Love you too????.
I have a message for you ,actually MissT wants me to convey this message to you that she is unable to comment on KKM ff for a few weeks, because her clg starts taking online classes for students to finish the syllabus.
Therefore ,she doesn’t get enough time to comment,she said that she is extremely sorry?? because in the ff when there is an interesting plot going on she can’t comment. She further said that she is really wanted to see what will happens in the ff.
In the end she says when she get time she will definitely comment
take care of yourself????.
Hey Petal,
Please tell her that there’s absolutely no issues. I was very happy that she took time and gave her message when she could which was more than enough for me. Please do convey her my regards and wishes and a all the best for her studies!
And ctually if you don’t mind I too have a small request to you, Petal!
Do you remember the FF on Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara on which you commented, I am going to make a one shot(one part story) and publish it either coming week or the next week.
I wish to dedicate that to you, because you gave me such an amazing and encouraging message on the character sketches of that FF, that I feel the story should be dedicated to you!
So do you mind if I dedicate to you using your name?
On behalf of her I want to say tnq to you for understanding her situation,and I will definitely convey your best wishes to her??.
And I do remember the ff of Dil Sambhal ja Zara, whoa you are going to publish it soon,I am really looking for to read this ff??.
It’s really an honour for me that you want to dedicate this ff to me??.
I don’t mind it, I am really happy by the fact that you want to dedicate this ff to me??. I felt that I am flying high in the sky right now.
Really thank you by my heart??.
Thank you so much ????.
No dear it’s absolutely fine about Miss. T, I totally understand her situation because I too have faced similar things.
Please don’t thank me dear, I’m actually very happy that you are completely alright with me putting in your name in the FF, because some people don’t like that!
I’m actually very thankful and happy that I have a reader like you!
So thanks to you for reading my FF and becoming a part of it!
Again stay safe, sound and always happy!
With loads of love
I am really happy that I am a reader of your ffs and I am really happy to have a writer like you??.
Thnx a lot once again????.
Hi aleyamma…m a silent reader of ur almost all ffs….m a grt fan of ur roshan ff…n this one…this was a great one..rohan running that way was awesome and confusing at the same time…since I think that now ajit n tanya both r happy….well let it be I love ur writings…n storyline…best of luck for successfully completing this ff….if u don’t mind I will like to know ur real name n age..u know just for social friendship….hope u become friends with me too
u write very nice?
Hey Krishna,
I am so happy that you gave in your message even after being a silent reader. Rohan was running like that because he has realised his mistakes and was trying to help Tanya. I know you must be also confused thinking if Rohan would re-enter Tanya’s life when both are absolutely happy! Well that’s a small suspense but I’m realy glad that you like my FFs and my writings.
Thanks a million for that!
And I would love to become friends with you! My real and full name is Aleyamma Abrahaam and I’m quite really old, 26 years old!
I think I must around ten years older than you, which I’m when compared to other readers and writers of this Forum!
But again it was really kind to forward your hand of friendship towards me! Thanks a lots!
Hey aleyamma
I was so eager for your friendship that I myself forgot to tell my name n age…my name is Krishna Chakraborty n I belong from West Bengal…n my age is 16…have just given my board’s n is constantly being bored becz of covid 19 n all….
Well m quite surprised when u so accurately guessed my age…?
Frm where do you belong….m sry fr asking so personal questions as authors r many a times in sharing these type of details….
U can’t understand m so happy after being frnds with you ?
Well now m nt going to be a silent reader…as I love ur way of answering…
I heard about ur some test that u r preparing for…I wish that u get success in what u r hoping for..?
Well if sometimes if r free….I would really appreciate if you would continue to write the roshan ff…..
Bt again it was really kind of you also to accept my friendship
Hey Krishna,
My extreme apologies for this late reply as I never got notified of this message I am getting quite busy these days. So, please pardon me!
I’m extremely happy that you have come forward extending your hand of friendship and also shared all your details.
I guessed your age accurately because most of my readers are around that age!
I belong from Kerala.
Even I’m so happy to become your friend!
Yup I’m preparing for NET exam and also doing my research which is why I’m getting busy these days.
Thanks a million, Krishna for extending your support with your comments in my episodes. I always do appreciate silent reading but the feedback from readers are very important for every author to improve his/her writing and thanks a lot for giving in your comments.
Well, I don’t know if I would get free now because of the exam and also my research work, but I promise I will surely finish YJHJK FF once I’m free!
Don’t mention dear! Actually thanks a million to you that you extended a relation of friendship towards me! Thanks a lot!
It’s alright aleyamma… No need of apologies I am happy that you checked and replied to me?
Thanks a lot!