Fan Fiction

My CUTE Kidnapper (SWASAN) Promo-1


Somewhere in the woods……………

Boy1: By hurting u we can make the to be alpha (sanky) suffer……….hahahhaha(evilly)

Boy2: Yeah bro how can we leave such opportunity??? (to swara) A perfect revenge baby….

Swara(angry and crying): Don’t touch me u brute….

The two boys turn into wolves and ready to pound on swara.

Swara closes her eyes due to fear

Swara(crying): Sanskaaaaaaaaaaaarr!!!!!!!!! (shouts)


Sanskar hugging swara tightly

Sanskar: Please don’t leave me love plzz……… (almost choking voice) u know I can’t live without u

Swara(hurt): I know but for now…. Please let me go (crying)

He leaves her slowly but holds by her shoulders.

Sanskar(looking in her eyes): Okay I’ll be waiting for u, I know u’ll come back to me love,
I trust my love 🙂

He kisses her forehead and she leaves his house.


Swara: why didn’t u tell me?? (Coldly) 😐

Shekhar(guiltily): I thought u wouldn’t understand beta and was waiting for the ryt time.

Swara(angry): Wowwwww……..great just great (claps her hands) everyone over here things I’m dumb and won’t understand anything(hurt voice)

Swara(hurtful voice):By hiding this thing, u kept me in darkness all my life Mr.Shekhar Roy.

She leaves to her room crying…… 🙁 🙁

So guys here’s the Teaser for the upcoming episodes.

I know I know u all are ready to pound on me like wolves for making our swasan cry…. hehehehe :p

But u people know ryt life has every phase happy and sad, good and bad…

And also there’s good time after every bad time…

Yaar mein bhi tho swasan ki crazy fan hoon, so trust me I would never separate my swasan

Now tell me how the promo is.

Good morning to everyone… 🙂

Have a good day and wait for my next epi today 😉

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