D4 Get up and Dance

D4 Get up and Dance 2nd March 2016 Written Episode Update

D4 Get up and Dance 2nd March 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Nehtra calls Mikhail and says she is sending Vicky, he must give her the list. Baby moves out and in the way practices how she will talk to Mikhail. She comes to the room where Mikhail was working, she knocks and he asks her to come in without looking up. Baby calls him. He gets enraged and asks who allowed her inside. Baby says she is Vicky, Nehtra’s assistant. Mikhail was angry and asks how she can, he calls Nehtra and says this isnt Vicky, Vicky was a guy. Nehtra says all her assistants are Vicky, and since he can’t find her an assistant he must not interfere in his matters. Baby asks Mikhail about the list, Mikhail says neither he has to see her face nor listen her voice. He tells her to stand in corner and write the names of each student. The students enter the class, Baby writes their

names. Mikhail watches a student not being able to do it, he tells him to repeat and do it correctly but he again steps. Mikhail says that knowing a few good steps of dance, one cannot be performers. He points at Baby that if there is someone who wants fake publicity can leave the hall. He tells Baby to make the list. Mikhail comes out and tells Baby to make the list till tomorrow and update it on his calender as well. He says if there is a mistake again… Baby simply says that she knows she doesn’t have to come here from tomorrow then.
Sonam and Amar waited for Baby. Sonam was worried. Tara comes there, Tara says Baby is still in academy. Mikhail had given her a lot of work, she will get late. Amar asks to try her number, but Baby was so much into her work that she doesn’t attend the call. She gets Nehtra’s call, attends and tells Sonam she couldn’t leave the work in middle. Baby come out in the dancing hall, she looks around, comes to mirror and dances with it. She watches Mikhail outside in the open area, stops and peeks from behind the net curtains. She hides herself from him, then watching the way clear runs outside. Mikhail comes there at once, Baby hits him. He stares at her, then leaves.
Outside, Baby waits for Amar trying his number. Mikhail comes out of the academy and watches Baby there. She turns her face away at once. Mikhail doesn’t take his eyes off her until he dresses in his jacket. Baby looks behind at him, he was set to leave. Amar comes to pick Baby, Mikhail watches her get to bike with him.
The next morning, Baby was in academy working on lists. Ria comes to her and asks if she is the new assistant of Vicky. Ria introduces herself as classical dance assistant, she says that her name isn’t Vicky. Baby introduces herself. Ria watches the audition list and appreciates it to be systemetic. She says Mikhail will for sure appreciate her. Mikhail comes there, Ria shows him the list arranged so systematically. Mikhail says for him audition means more than just list, he doesn’t want anything less in auditions.
On the audition counter Ria asks Mikhail if Nehtra is not coming? Mikhail says no. Baby brings Bia the list, Bia calls Vicky and says she wants to tell her that she has done an amazing job, their auditions were never so smooth before. She thanks Baby. Mikhail asks Ria not to hold her on her head. Ria asks if Mikhail can see someone’s good? Maddy and Ria laugh that for Mikhail everyone is bad until their prove their goodness. Mikhail calls the next contestant. Mikhail tells him to wait outside for results. Ria asks if he really liked the performance. Mikhail says he was, but there wasn’t that Raghu’s attraction in him.
Nehtra comes to Vicky and asks her to get her salad. Baby gets it to her. Nehtra watches the lists, she asks what this is? Baby says this is auditions list. Nehtra asks if she is out of her mind, if she knows who Aneeli is; she is the lead of the musical. She tells her to remove Aneeli’s name from the list. Baby says the list only has the names that Mikhail gave her. Nehtra asks Mikhail why is there an auditions for Aneeli. Mikhail says Nehtra is a good dancer but not Aneeli. He will keep the auditions until he finds Aneeli in someone. Nehtra says she is the lead dancer of this academy, Mikhail strictly tells her that he will decide the lead of his musical, no one has the right to interfere, not ever Nehtra. He tells her to go out now. Nehtra leaves irked.

PRECAP: Sonam tells Baby that her mother and Kamini are coming here. Mikhail says to Ria if she has seen if this is Aneeli’s or Sonali’s audition. Baby says on phone she wants a leave for only one hour but Ajay says Mikhail is angry and wants her here. Baby comes and asks Mikhail if he called her, he says he wanted to tell her she has been fired.

Update Credit to: Sona

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