Categories: DabangiiFan Fiction


AN : Hello everyone it’s been two years I haven’t visited TU as I was so busy with my life and had some health issues also. Now I have came back with a fresh story featuring the serial Dabangi which ended within a short span of time. Kindly read and drop your views .


Arya Rajyawadkar { Daughter of Satya Rajyawadkar and Damini Rajyawadkar }

Arya lost her mother Damini when she was 8 years old as her own father Satya shot her with gun . Arya didn’t receieved fatherly affection from Satya and he always mistreated Damini . At the day when Damini was dead Satya’s stepwife Kasturi shoot Arya also with her gun. But she was fortunately saved by her dad’s younger brother Jaan Rao who bought up her secretly for 14 years.

Eklavya Desai /Yug Sisodiya { Son of Hriday Desai and Meenakshi Desai }

He is the childhood best friend and neighbour of Arya and after getting to know that Satya has killed Arya’s mother and Arya is missing he determined to become a police officer for taking revenge against Satya Rajyawadkar . After getting training from police academy he changed his identity as Yug Sisodiya an NRI business man and offered funds for Satya Rajyawadkar’s political campaigns . Greedy Satya insisted him to marry his daughter Zai Rajyawadkar who is actually Satya’s elder brother Ankush’s daughter and everyone believes that Ankush has also dead 14 years back at an attempt of saving Arya and Damini. Eklavya introduces himself as Yug and gifts a costly diamond ring for Zai. Kasturi who is pretending to be the mother of Zai gets impressed with this  and asks Yug to stay at Rajyawadkar mansion as fiancee of Zai . Eklavya agrees to it and starts keeping an eye on all illegal activities of Satya Rajyawadkar.

Zai Rajyawadkar {Daughter of Ankush Rajyawadkar and Bela Rajyawadkar }

She is one of the selfish person who didn’t cares about anything or anyone. At childhood itself she hated Arya because her parents were so much affectionate towards Arya and she never felt sad on demise of Damini .

Satya Rajyawadkar

The deadliest man of Rajyawadkar mansion who is money minded, self centered and he can go to any extent for fullfilling his desires . From a local goon he has grown up as a politician and with his influence and power he had done so many illegal activities and due to lack of evidence police force never put him behind the bars. He killed his own wife Damini when she got the video recordings against Satya’s cruelties.

Kasturi Rajyawadkar {Step wife of Satya Rajyawadkar }

She is the right hand of Satya Rajyawadkar in all his crimes and all she need is the Chief Minister position of the state so that she can raise up her son Tanmai well. She is a very cunning woman who pretends to be Zai’s mother and at her bad upbringing Zai’s behaviour became worst and she totally ignored her own mother Bela who went to depression .

Bela Rajyawadkar {Wife of Ankush Rajyawadkar}

Bela is a sweet hearted person who loved Arya just like her own daughter Zai during the childhood of  Zai and Arya. Arya find her as sweet as jaggery so she used to address her as Gud Kaaki and the day when she heard the death of Damini, Arya and Ankush she lost her mental imbalance and went into depression. Zai never took care off her and never take her to hospital for treatement.

Maina Rajyawadkar { Jaan Rao’s wife }

At the day when destiny played with everyone’s life Maina’s husband Jaan Rao left home in search of Ankush, Arya and Damini and he never returned back. A disappointed Maina was later ill treated by her sister in law Kasturi and Satya always threatened her whenever she tried to go out of the house. She started taking care off her elder sister in law Bela but both of them were in house arrest surrounded by guards. Since she had no children Kasturi always hurt her heart with cursimg words and Maina tolerated everything with a blind hope that one day some one will arrive to change the bad destiny .

Jaan Rao Rajyawadkar { Among the trio of brothers Ankush, Satya , Jaan he is the last one }

Jaan Rao went to the spot where the incident happened and he find out dead body of Damini and also find Ankush’s poilce uniform shirt which was flooded in blood. He didn’t find Ankush anywhere but was able to find an unconscious Arya whose heart was beating though the bullet has stabbed her chest. Jaan immediately took Arya to hospital but when he find Satya’s goons are behind him he escaped from city and went to the outskirts of city Pune. There he bought up Arya as his own daughter for the past 14 years.

Ankush Rajyawadkar {Eldest one among Rajyawadkar’s }

He is an honest police officer who took special care off Arya during childhood days of Arya at Arya’s mother Damini’s request as she wanted her daughter to became a police officer so that she could save the nation and also give punishement for the merciless wolf Satya Rajyawadkar. Arya finds fatherly affection at Ankush which she never got from Satya as Satya didn’t want his heir as daughter . She used to call Ankush as Baba during her childhood days and they both had a great bonding. Ankush tried his best ways to save Damini when she was gun shot but failed miserably as Satya shot him also and he fell down from the top of the hill. While felling his uniform shirt got strucked in a tree’s branch and that was the one which Jaan Rao find later .


Now let’s move to the story{ After 14 years }

At Police Headquarters

Ankita : Tum ek secret agent ho Yug Sisodiya. Don’t forget your mission . You know that the post of Chief Minister is not an easy one . Because of the cooked up story by Satya and his barking dogs I lost my position of CM .

Eklavya : Madam CM I know it very well. Trust me very soon the empire of Satya will fell down and I assure you that you will get your post back. At any cost I have to catch Satya red handed with all proofs and evidences so that none of the loop hole can help him .

Ankita :  Yug, Why you hate Satya ?

Eklavya : Just like you but a difference. This is personal and I can’t tell it to you Mam.

Ankita : Fine. So what’s the plan ?

Eklavya : With the fake Ghar Jamai drama Satya has now allowed me to enter at his office room of Rajyawadkar Mansion. I am sure I will get some thing there .

Ankita :So tonight’s breaking news would be the very first step towards the failure of Satya Rajyawadkar.

Eklavya : Yes Mam.


To be continued…..



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