Categories: Daayan

Daayan 3rd February 2019 Written Episode Update: Jahnvi Becomes Daayan

Daayan 3rd February 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chandrika informs Aakarsh that Jahnvi went out with Dipank and he should not waste time waiting for her. Aakarsh asks if Jahnvi bring any bags with her. Chandrika says her Taiji brought 2 bags later. Aakarsh takes Nandini along for conference. At cave, dacoits attack Jahnvi and Dipank and ask why did they come here. Dipank says they came in search of Daayan. Dacoits laugh these 2 are more insane than them, there is nothing like Daayan. Daayan reaches there and posses Jahnvi’s body, and Jahnvi beats goons and they run away. Jahnvi attacks Dipank next, but he reminds her that he is Dipank. She collapses and when she wakes up, Dipank sees daayan’s lizard mark on her neck and says even she is possessed by daayan. Bablu is seen applying medicine to Daayan’s injuries. At hotel, Jahnvi’s

family and Aakarsh’s family meet and bond with each other. They wait for Jahnvi to return. Mainka says Jahnvi has gone with their sales manager Dipank. Jahnvi’s family gets tensed hearing Dipank’s name. Dipank returns, and Mainka asks where is Jahnvi. Guard lifts unconscious Jahnvi and bring her in. Prithvi trashes Dipank asking what did he do with his sister. Dipank says Jahnvi is possessed by Daayan. Pritvhi shouts he is lying. Mainka asks what is happening. Prithvi says Dipank is his another sister Manvi’s husband and his family was opposing their marriage, but Dipank brainwashed Manvi and married her, later he killed her, everyone used to call his sister as Daayan. Rimpi comes running and pleads not to beat her father, he is a good man. Dipank drops Rimpi to her room and returns and tells Nanrendra that they may not believe him, but Jahnvi is possessed by daayan and Manvi also used to do same before dying. Taiji says they are old fashioned but will not believe in all this superstition.

Jahnvi wakes up worried. Mainka asks her to go and rest in her room. Jahnvi walks into her room and looks herself into mirror. She is shocked to know that she is possessed by daayan. Daayan says she is also not spared by her attack. Jahnvi uses her mangalsutra, but fails to harm Daayan. She reaches daayan’s cave to attack daayan and sees Bablu unconscious on floor. She lifts Bablu and drops him back in front of orphanage. Orphanage manager sees Bablu on floor and follows Jahnvi shouts she took Bablu for sometime and now is returning him unconscious after many days, what did she do with him. Goons sitting nearby hear his pleas and attack Jahnvi. Jahnvi possessed by daayan again throws goons and manager in air and trashes them. On the other side, Aakarsh drives car towards conference venue. Nandini lures him and says she will go on a long drive with him always and will continue loving him, she heard conference is in resort. They reach resort, and she feeds him food. Waiter plays romantic music. Aakarsh gets sad remembering Jahnvi. Family searches Jahnvi in her room and does not find her. They search her in whole hotel and inform Aakarsh over phone. Aakarsh walks away from resort. Nandini walks behind him shouting Jahnvi…

Jahnvi is found on hotel floor and is taken into room. Aakarsh’s uncle tells Mainka that this girl is mad and she should send her with her family. Mainka scolds that Jahnvi is her daughter-in-law/DIL. Prithvi, Narendra, and Harsh leave hotel and walk on road when goons and hotel manager attack them shouting they are daayan’s family.
They all 3 run back towards hotel. Goons break run towards hotel, and guards lock main gate from inside. Goons jump gate and break electric fuse. Aakarsh’s uncle orders Asha to tie Jahnvi saying she is mentally ill. Jahnvi pleads to leave her, she will not go anywhere. Aakarsh reaches in his car, rescues Prithvi, Naren, and Harsh and take them back into hotel, asking Nandini to call police. Asha frees Jahnvi seeing goons attacking hotel. Jahnvi gets out of her room where goons are attack her, but Aakarsh comes to her rescue and points gun at goons. Jahnvi nervously hugs Aakarsh. Orphanage manager says he respects Aakarsh and should handover daayan. Aakarsh says Jahnvi is his wife and warns if he is inebriated. Inspector enters and arrests goons and manager.

After sometime, Nandini yells at Jahnvi that she spoilt her romantic night and broke her marriage with Aakarsh, if she troubles her again, she will not spare her. Jahnvi angrily strangulates Nandini and with her red eyes warns Nandini if she knows she is Daayan, she will kill her now. Nandini runs throwing things on Jahnvi. Mainak passes by. Nandini throws show piece on Jahnvi, and hits Mainka. Mainka collapses on floor. Aakarsh runs to her. Nandini blames Jahnvi that she tried to kill Mainka. Akarsh drops Mainka to her room and shouts at Jahnvi that she married him by trick, even then he accepted her, but she dared to harm his mother, he will not keep quiet. He throws her out of hotel and warns to get out of his life. He takes Jahnvi to her parent’s house. Narendra opens door and seeing Jahnvi and Aakarsh asks what happened at this time. Aakarsh says Jahnvi tricked and married him, he kept quiet, but she tried to harm his mother, he cannot continue with Jahnvi and will send divorce papers soon.

Precap: Prithvi tells Narendra that he did wrong by calling Jahnvi back to Ujjain, he should send back Jahnvi or send her to ashram. Dipank says they are doing wrong with Jhanvi. Aakarsh, Jahnvi, Chandrika with police reach cliff where they find Nandini’s dead body..

Update Credit to: MA

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