Dabangii 7th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Satya seeing Arya in the video. He asks the goons to follow Arya and find out what is she doing. Arya meets Ankush. She says we will see Satya together, don’t worry. Ankush says I was angry on you, you had put yourself in danger, but now I feel proud of you, Satya is a wounded lion right now, he has become more dangerous. Satya sits and recalls Arya. The goon calls him and says Aira has come to the jail to meet Ankush. Satya laughs and says she has fooled me, remarkable, she is Arya, not Aira. He lies on the bed and laughs. Ankush asks Arya to take care. She leaves.
At the court, Arya comes and calls Yug. She says he didn’t come here. She sends him an audio message. Ankush worries. Yug comes to the court. He doesn’t see Arya. He calls her. Arya gets kidnapped. Satya comes and sings Damini’s song. Arya is shocked. He says your mum is the root cause of all the problems, she started it, we will end it on you, I m going to give you full marks, you have fooled me well. She says you aren’t my dad, you are my mum’s murderer, Tanmay’s murderer, you are a devil. She cries and says my dad is Ankush. He laughs. Yug comes to meet Ankush. Ankush asks did you meet Arya. Yug says please, I can’t do anything now, relax. Ankush says Arya is in danger, she has a proof against Satya. Yug asks what’s the proof. Ankush says she has the proof, I have seen it. Sandy says the media has come. He takes Ankush. Yug thinks is Arya really in danger.
Satya threatens Arya. He gets Yug’s call. Yug asks are you coming to the court. Satya says no, I can’t come. Yug says fine, where are you. Satya says I have come for a meeting. He shuts Arya’s mouth. He ends call. Yug calls the man and asks where is Satya. The man says he left for Mumbai. Yug calls Arya.
Arya says Ankush and Bela have your confession video clip, you have accepted that you have killed Tanmay and everyone. Satya says it means I have really confessed it. She says yes, I have recorded it. He says I will get trapped, I do good acting, right, you think I got you here to just kidnap you, you have done a lot for Ankush, lets see what Ankush does to save you, will he confess it that he has killed Tanmay to save your life. Kasturi sees Ankush. She says I want justice for Tanmay, Ankush is a murderer. The men throw stones at Ankush. Yug tries to stop Kasturi. Satya asks Arya to talk to ankush. He calls Ankush. Ankush gets shocked seeing Arya on the video call.
Satya sings and says Arya has grown up, she has become beautiful and daring, did you lose your mind. Ankush says if anything happens to her… Satya says if she dies, then people will say she died for you. Ankush scolds him. Satya says we are back in the game, there is one way that you can save her, there is a twist, just confess in the court that you have killed Tanmay. Arya says no, you won’t do this. Satya says you have to confess the crimes if you want to save Arya. Arya says no.
Satya says my hands are not shaking today. He points the gun at Arya.
Update Credit to: Amena
1 Comment
OK this serial is hoing downhill

I think it’s time to stop watching
How come this satya guy always wins
Now he kidnaps arrya
I don’t think yug Is a smart cop …
Arya is so much smarter than him and to think he a secret agent