Hello guys!!! Very sorry for being late. Thank you so much dear for your response.
Let’s begin:
My dangerous boss and crazy me
(SwaSan fs)
Shot 14
Recap: swara agreed to go to Paris alone with sanskar.
SwaSan enter inside the airport as there was announcement of their flight.
Sanskar is walking with trolley and Swara is beside her.
Sanskar: we are going to live there for 2 weeks.
But he didn’t got any response and when he turned swara was not there.
Sanskar (mumble): now where she vanished??
He looked back and saw swara standing and staring at the poster on the wall.
He went near her and said
Sanskar: swara what are you doing here.
Swara: see sanskar there is sale of jeans and tops let’s go.
Sanskar: you don’t want to go to Paris??
Swara: no we will do shopping quickly.
Sanskar: shut up and come ,buy in Paris what you want.
Swara: but here it’s so cheap then why to waste more money.
Sanskar didn’t payed attention to her words just dragged her inside.
After few hours:
Swasan are in plane. Swara is yawning as she is getting hell bored sitting at the same seat. She saw Sanskar who was seeing the movie playing on the front TV.
Swara: what kind of movie is this??
Sanskar saw her and chuckles looking at her expressions.
Sanskar: its English movie.
Swara: I know but dialogues are less and kisses are more and no fun at all.
Sanskar: now I should ask them to play 3 idiots??
Swara: they will change but leave it there are foreigners they won’t understand let them see kisses only.
Sanskar: you don’t like kisses.
Swara(act like thinking): I was just thinking that their mouth don’t get tired doing so many kisses.
Sanskar(thought): wow what decision we are doing she is crazy but you also.
Swara: tell
Sanskar: actually I kissed only once so I don’t know.
Swara(narrow her eyes): whom you kissed???
Sanskar: you only on that day.
Swara: ohh it was your first kiss?
Sanskar: yes
Swara:(pinch his hand) same pinch mine also.
Sanskar hiss and signed
Swara(pout): next time I will not travel through plane, train is better.
Sanskar: why!?
Swara: in train we can roam here and there and make new friends but here like robot sitting at one place.
Sanskar: okay now keep quite
Swara: I’m going to sleep when Paris will come wake me up.
Sanskar: of course
Swara:who knows if I keep on sleeping they will land me on next airport.
She started laughing while Sanskar give her Are you serious??? Look.
Swara: I was joking you don’t know how to laugh also.
Swara lie her head on his shoulder as she was not comfortable on seat.
Swara: you have any problem if I sleep here.
Sanskar: no
Swara: thank you
Soon she slept. Sanskar stare here lovingly.
Swasan came inside when swara said
Swara(excited): ohh god sanskar Paris is very beautiful and romantic place next time we will come for our honeymoon here.
Sanskar: then what is this???
Swara: this is for business and we don’t love each now. When we will fall then will come.
Ohhh God Plzz give strong Ambuja wall so that Sanskar can hit his head on it.
Sanskar: let’s go inside.
After taking keys from reception they went to their room.
SwaSan room(hotel)
Swara’s jaws hit the ground as she saw it was not mere room but honeymoon suit which is decorated beautifully giving romantic feel. Sanskar was observing her changing expressions.
Swara: what is this??
Sanskar (casually): our room.
Swara: but it looks like honeymoon suit?
Sanskar: who said?? Its normal room have you ever went to honeymoon suit earlier.
Swara(confused): no
Sanskar: then how can you say.
Swara(point her finger): u don’t make me fool I had seen in serials honeymoon suit is like this only.
Sanskar: okay this is Honeymoon suit now happy.
Swara: but why this???
Sanskar: bcoz this room was only free here.
Swara: ohh
Sanskar went to washroom before she ask something else.
After half an hour:
Swasan are wearing night dresses to sleep when swara said
Swara: sanskar let’s go out.
Sanskar: swara its 11 at night now sleep
Swara: plzz
Sanskar: no we will go in the morning.
Swara jumped on the bed making faces.
Sanskar lie beside her, she jerked and got up
Swara: you will sleep with me???
Sanskar: yes there is no couch.
Swara looked around and there were only chairs.
Swara: okay.
She move to other edge of the bed and cover herself completely with comforter.
Little later, when Sanskar felt she slept, he slowly pull her closer back hugging. He kissed side of her head and slept.
Next morning:
Swara opened her eyes, she felt weight on her belly. When she saw it was Sanskar’s hand and he is hugging her.
Swara(mumble): why he is hugging me?
Sensing her moving Sanskar open his eyes only to see her confused face. He smirks and said
Sanskar: swara why are you hugging me?
Swara(widen eyes): no no I’m not doing when I got up we were like this only.
Sanskar: but yesterday night you hugged me.
Swara(bite her nails): I did that??
Sanskar nodded.
Swara(mumble): swara you are an idiot how can you do like this.
Sanskar was suppressing her laugh.
Swara: I only hugged or didn’t something else also!?
Sanskar: you wanted to do more??
Swara(move back): noo I was just asking.
She ran to washroom and sanskar started laughing seeing his condition.
Swara is waiting for Sanskar as he is in washroom getting ready. They have to go for a meeting.
Swara(hit the door): Sanskar how much time you will take??
Sanskar: 15 mins
Swara: I’m waiting in reception area come there.
Sanskar: okay
Swara went out.
In hall:
Swara went and sit on the sofa in waiting area. There were two girls sitting both are wearing one piece. They were seeing magazine and talking
Girl 1: he is soo hot
Girl 2: yeah he came back here after long time.
Swara thought about whom they are talking.
Swara: may I see who is soo hot?
Girl 1:sure
She give magazine to swara and her eyes got bigger as its sanskar’s pic.
Swara: sanskar
Girl 1:yes he is Sanskar maheshwari richest businessman in India. I had listened he again came to Paris.
Swara: earlier also he came??
Girl: yes two years back at that time I proposed him but he didn’t accepted but this time I won’t let him go.
Swara: what if he is married.
Girl: he won’t be.
Then only sanskar came
Sanskar: swara let’s go.
Swara went near and that girl also run to him.
Girl: sir I’m Ammy who proposed you last time.
Sanskar: ohh yeah(sternly)
Ammy: sir if you don’t mind may we go out for coffee when you are free.
Swara: no he will not come.
Ammy: who are you to say??
Swara: his wife.
Ammy; ohh you got married so sad
Sanskar: see you later.
Swasan went out.
Swara: why u want to see her later??
Sanskar: its just I said to leave from there.
Swara: but then also don’t say.
Sanskar: why you care??
Swara: I don’t like I’m your wife.
Sanskar: ohh plz don’t act like typical wife we don’t love each other moreover we are going to get divorce.
Swara got shocked but he is right they are going to divorce as they decided on their marriage. Sanskar noticed her face colour faded.
Sanskar(thinks): I’m sorry to say this swara but then only you will realize your feelings.
Swara’s eyes got wet and she blink them to stop tears.
Sanskar: come
Sanskar said opening the car door for her.
Swara (seriously): thanks.
Whole day passed in meeting and deals. They didn’t got time for each other. Sanskar observed that swara is soo silent. No fun nothing
Swara is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.
Sanskar came and lie beside her but didn’t said anything. Suddenly swara turn towards him and hugged tightly.
Sanskar was surprised but smiles.
Sanskar: swara
Swara: hmm
Sanskar: what happened??
Swara(look at him): I don’t know.
Sanskar chuckles and turn taking her beneath him
Sanskar; why are you sad??
Swara: I’m not.
Sanskar kiss her eyes then forehead.
Sanskar: but I think so.
Swara just look at him and then closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her.
Swara’s hands roam in his thick hairs pulling him more closer. A tear escaped her eye as she remembered about divorce. They deepen the kiss not willing to leave each other. When became breathless, they broke the kiss.
Sanskar join their forehead still lying on her.
Swara: sanskar
She said catching her breathe.
Sanskar: hmm
Swara: can’t we give chance to our relation.
Sanskar who just lie on his side look at her and said
Sanskar: of course we can but if you want.
Swara:I want.
Sanskar(smiles): me too
She hugged him placing her head on his chest
Swara: good night
Sanskar: good night.
Soon both slept in each other’s arms.
To be continued….
Precap: Sanskar proposes swara. Will she accept????
Kindly leave your comments.
Thank you
Take care
Awesome……. sanskar proposing swara……. interesting..
Thank you dear tc
awesome n amazing epi dr
Thank you dear tc
Woooowwww Amazing dr……..??
Thank you dear tc
Thank you dear tc
Thank you dear tc
Awesome ??????????????
Thank you dear tc
Awesome mars loved it a lot
Thank you dii tc
Awesome ???
Thank you dear tc
Really amazing and lovely epi dear….and very excited for next part post soon.
Thank you dear will post soon tc
Mind blowing
Thank you dear tc
Thank you dear tc
Amazing dear loved it
Thank you dear tc
Thank you dear tc
superb part
Thank you dear tc
Superb yar.. N their romance ? ? ?

N how cutely she asked that can we give our relation an another chance
Update soon dear ?
Swasan romance??? I’m feeling shy??? yuppp swara is cutie pie?? thank you dear will post soon tc
Thank you dear tc
Oh god… it was awesome…??
Swara ad her cute antics….??
Finally she thought to live forever with Sanskar……? Good Development…
Sanskar also teases Swara n Thinks like her….. May be company effects….???
Sanskar is going to propose… ohhh cant wait for it……..??
Yeah its Swara’s affect on sanskar?? and finally she got wit to accept him?? thank you dear will continue soon tc
Thank you dii tc
Awesome dear I loved it
Thank you so much dear tc????
Aww poor shona. She got scared just hearing about divorce. The precap is so exciting dear.
Yuppp swara got scared of divorce my baby??? thank you so much dear will post soon tc????
Amazing part naughty Swara ko bhi at last Sanskar se pyar ho hi gya
My heavenly couple #SwaSan ??
Awww thank you dear yuppp finally swara has also fallen for Sanskar?? take care??
great work marsuuuuuuu
wow i like this swara innocent sweet cute andmainly straight forward…just too good
Awww thank you so much dear tc??????
???? while reading kissing scene I felt goosebumps on my stomach???????
This cutie pie Shona… ?????????? poor girl hurt with Sanskaar’s word????????? but it necessary to realise her feelings.
Totally mad girl. They kissed each other still this kiddo not understanding her love huh???????.
Kiddo use ur mind. ???????? but Mars they didn’t went to buy jeans ???????.
And our clever Maheshwari. Hugged kiddo and acting like innocent boy?????? clever minded.
Now waiting for confession
I was also blushing writing kissing scene???? yupppp swara got sad with sanskar’s words but then only she will realize?? kar lenge jeans ki shopping b abhi tho paris mai aye hai?????
Naughty Sanskar teasing innocent shona?????
Thank you so much depuuu dear tc?????????
??????? please post soon I’m waiting
Pakkka this time will give soon depuu dear tc????
Awesome and excellent dear……..
Thank you so much dear tc????
Awwww. Dangerous boss becoming romantic hubby. It’s extraordinary. Waiting for next part. Post soon
Yuppp he is changing swara’s affect?? thank you so much dear will post soon tc????
Awesome dear…..
Thank you so much dear tc????
Marssu .. I’m fed up.. u know y .. by commenting long speeches abt u Nd ur ffs .. so from now onwards only ?????.. Okk.. loved it baby
Okay???? I have no problem this??? is enough thank you so much anuu dear tc????
Awesome kya baath hein nowadays ur giving lots of kissing scenes impressed….as usual loved the part dear
?? I’m becoming shameless ????????? so glad you are impressed?? thank you so much dear tc?????
Wow loved it it was soo funny and cute
Aww thank you so much dear tc?????
lovly dear
Thank you so much dear tc??