Recap: sanskar share his past with swara and sujata get to know sanskar is not mad.
Next day:
Swara opened her eyes and look around but Sanskar was no where.
” he went yesterday night?” She thought he must have left after she slept. Then only a paper caught her sight. She picked it and read
” I went in the morning so don’t misunderstand that I didn’t listen to your words”. — Sanskar
Swara smile staring at the paper. He is really different from the sanskar she met earlier. She took deep breathe and went to washroom getting up.
Sanskar enter inside his farmhouse. Laksh glare at him bcoz he didn’t came yesterday night and the deal was won by Sahil.
” why are u fuming?” Sanskar chuckles looking at laksh.
” seriously sanskar how can you be so careless we lost the deal” laksh yelled
” hmm I know” sanskar said normally.
” you are not affected??” Laksh asked. He was hell confused what happen to sanskar. He would die for deal and here he don’t care.
” no I’m stopping this business” Sanskar said
” what the hell is wrong with you???” Laksh shouted.
” calm down it’s just I don’t want any mess in my life. I had already got much” sanskar explained.
” doing this for swara??” Laksh narrow his eyes at him.
Sanskar smile and nodded.
” good but how you will end it??” Laksh relaxed bcoz he know sanskar is trying to change since swara came in his life.
” sahil is coming and I’m going to sell everything expect my company to him” sanskar said.
” if you want you can handle with sahil” sanskar further said he don’t want that laksh should forcefully leave all this.
” we had started together so will end also at the same time” laksh said
Sanskar smile at him.
Sahil came inside and sit with sanlak.
” you are seriously leaving smuggling world SK?” Sahil asked still feeling it hard to believe.
” yes and it’s your Merry time,no competition” sanskar smirk.
” of course but will miss this enemy” sahil teases.
” me too” sanskar said.
They finalized the deal and sanskar sell all his drugs and export business to sahil. Even he promised not to reveal that SK is sanskar. Later he left from there.
Sanskar felt light and happy as if some heavy weight is removed from his shoulder.
Maheshwari House:
Swara is in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Sujata came inside and swara smile at her.
” I want to ask you something swara” sujata said standing beside her.
” yes mom” she said
” Sanskar is not mad right??” Sujata asked seriously shocking swara.
Swara silently nodded her head nervously.
” and why all this??” Sujata’s tone was stern.
” I’m sorry mom but Sanskar has strictly told me not to tell anyone. He has a reason behind this” swara tried to explain
” what reason??” sujata asked.
Swara told her everything about dp and adarsh.How they tried to kill sanskar and all.
” they did all this???” Sujata place hand on her mouth in shock.
” yes but plz don’t say anything to Sanskar he was just angry at them” swara said.
” I’m so happy that he is fine and he has his own company I can’t believe” sujata’s was overwhelmed with this revelation.
” means you are not angry?” Swara want to confirm.
” no I can understand him and you both are happy with each other?!” Sujata asked.
Swara nodded looking down.
” swara you love him??” Sujata can see the spark in swara’s eyes on the mention of Sanskar’s name.
” no I like him” she said blushing all pink.
” don’t worry love will also happen” sujata pull her cheeks.
” mom may I and Sanskar go for shopping I want to buy things for sanskar. He have no dressing sense” swara said with annoyance.
” okay you both can go” sujata said.
” plz don’t tell anything about it till Sanskar wants” swara requested.
” don’t worry it will be secret” sujata assures.
” thank you” swara said.
Swara enter inside the room and saw sanskar sitting on the couch busy on laptop.
“Sanskar you are unbelievable sometimes vanishing and then again coming back suddenly” she was amazed to see him. Sanskar laughs at her reaction.
” okay get up we are going for shopping” swara stood in front of him.
” you go alone what I will do??” Sanskar rest back on couch.
” shopping is for you. All your dresses are just black as if you have colour blindness” she said making faces.
” okay will come” finally he signed as he know how much stubborn she is.
Swara parked the car as she was driving bcoz sanskar is mad for all. They came out and went inside the mall.
Swara went to gents garments and bought so many coloured shirts for sanskar. He was silent as its waste to argue with swara.
When swara was busy in collecting things, Sanskar went somewhere.
Swara got tensed as he suddenly disappeared.
After sometimes,
” finding me??” Sanskar tap swara’s shoulder from back.
” where you went?” Swara frown.
” I was here only let’s go” sanskar casually said and they came out of the shop.
Then swara shopped few things for herself which she needed.
Swasan came back in the car with ice cream. They sit in the car and started eating as it was more comfortable here then in the crowded mall.
” its yammy” swara said licking it.
” yeah nice I’m eating first time” sanskar said
” First time???” She facepalm and he nodded his head.
” you are impossible Sanskar” she signed how can someone live without ice cream(valid point?)
After they finished eating, sanskar saw there is some ice cream at the corner of her lips.
” it’s there swara” he pointed but she was not able to clean.
Sanskar hesitately lifted his hand and slightly rub her lips with his thumb. Swara’s eyes got closed with his touch.
Her breathe got stuck somewhere.
Sanskar also felt something in his heart which is very new feeling to him.
Swara open her eyes when she felt loss of sanskar’s touch. There was awkward silence between them. Sanskar take out something from his coat pocket to divert the topic.
” wo swara I bought this for you” he said extending diamond ring towards her.
Sanskar seriously don’t know how to handle girls or how to give them gifts and make them feel special.
” you went to bring this??” Swara raise her brow.
” yes did you like.?” He asked
” it’s beautiful won’t you give me” swara forward her hand towards him. Sanskar got confused and turn her hand placing ring on her palm.
” offo who give ring like this make me wear in ring finger” swara roll her eyes.
“Ohh sorry” sanskar again turn her hand and inserted ring in her finger.
” thank you so much” swara said making him smile. He felt happy that swara liked it.
At night, swara was coming to her room after completely her kitchen chores. She was moving in corridor and smiling at the ring sanskar gifted. She was so lost in her world when she bumped with someone
” careful dear” person said holding her shoulder.
Swara look up only to see adarsh giving her wicked smile.
” thanks” she said and tried to move back but his grip was so strong on swara’s shoulder. He caress her arm making her feel uncomfortable.
” that mad don’t deserve you” adarsh said moving close to her.
Swara give him disgusting look and push him with all her might and ran to her room.
Swara enter inside the room hurriedly, breathing heavily.
” what happened??” Sanskar asked looking at her condition.
Swara got relieved seeing sanskar. She tried to give him smile and shook her head in No.
Swara went to washroom to calm her inter turmoil.She stood in front of the mirror as tears brim in her eyes. It’s not the first time adarsh did this, since she has came in this house adarsh always find chance to tease her or speak something rubbish.
Swara(thinks ): I should tell sanskar. Earlier I was scared from him but now our relation is mending and I should not hide this.
Swara took deep breathe and wash her face.
Swara came out and went to her side of the bed. She was surprised to see Sanskar wearing casuals and all set to sleep.
” you are not going out today!?” Swara asked.
” no ” he said
” strange” she mumble to herself. Sanskar raise her brow while she shook her head.
Swara open drawer to keep something when she saw drugs there. She take them out and show to sanskar
” you still take drugs??” Anger and concern was clear in her eyes.
Sanskar curses himself as he by mistake kept them in swara’s drawer instead of his.
” see swara I can’t live without them I need them as I’m addicted but I will slowly slowly leave them promise” sanskar tried to explain.
Swara being a doctor understood that its not easy to leave this addiction.
” okay but you will not consume these I will give you from hospital as a medicine that will remove your restlessness” swara said
” thanks for your concern” Sanskar said
” its okay good night” she lie down.
Sanskar stare her for a second then lie on bed eventually closing his eyes.
To be continued….
I really want to know you are not liking my stories if you don’t want plz tell me bcoz I’m really upset with the response on previous updates. I always plan to give more updates but less response discourage me to write.
you can criticise in positive way but plz don’t be silent. it’s humble request. if you all are getting bore with the stories then also tell.
I’m thankful to the one to who comment everyday.
Thank you.
Nice epi
Thank you so much dear tc????
What happened dear
Nothing much dear Actually I was sad that swasan stories are less and response is also less but never mind will give my max updates for swasan??
Thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you so much dear tc????
hay dear ur stories are awsm and nyc episode
Thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Marsuuuuuuuuu amazing part yaar.. full of SWASAN.. sanskaar is trying to change for swara..
And dear this is the condition of almost all the swasan ffs these days.. that’s why SWASAN ffs are decreasing…
Don’t know why they are not commenting these days…
Hope this condition improves soon…
Yeah right nepuu here only swasan stories are less but on wattpad there are uncountable swasan stories??
Here also condition will improve don’t worry????
We love swasan to the core??????????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Awesome……… N sanskar leaving drugs dealing for swara… really liked it.
Yupp for swara he left it??? thank you so much dear tc????
Awesome dear Sanskar changing slowly
Indeed he is Changing?? thank you so much dear tc????
Plzzzzz upset maat ho….. TU pe sabse jadha cmnt tumri ffs pe hote .. ..I love this ff…. U r best writer….jo lok cmnt karte hey unke liye likho …. swara ko sab dena chahiye sanky ko nd sanky ko bhi bolna chaihye swara k sk k bare me….. Tc… Happy raho
Awww so sweet surely will continue writing it was just mane socha puchlu bore tho nahi ho rahe??????
Yeah swara will tell soon thank you so much dear tc?????
I used to be a silent reader from d past two years….i really like ur stories especially dis one…continue to write….u r writing really goOd
I’m glad that you commented thank you so much for your words dear it means a lot tc????
awesome im liking it dont stop
Will continue ?? thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you so much dear tc????
good one epi bt i dont like k swara didnt tell sanky abt tht cheapo adarsh she should have tell sanky will break his bones n i want tht in epi too n ya u r very good writer in fact one of the best writer dso plz dont judge ur writing on d basis of response as in PAKISTAN all students have exams n i think in india as well so might be not getting time to comment like i am not getting bt ur disappointment made me comment i read n wait for ur this ff n also crazy girl wala so sorry as i didnt comment on ur previous epis will try to comment in future bt plz dont stop writing n dont get disappointed n ya post soon love u
Awww your words had really motivated me thank you so much dear and sorry I was not knowing about it???
Don’t worry swara will tell sanskar about cheap adarsh and he will break his bones?????
Thanks for your comment dear will post next part soon tc love you????
Diii…. dont you dare to stop your updates..!!!
Of you stop i will never talk with you…!!!?
Coming to the epi was fantastic full of Swasan…!!!!!!!
Sanskar is caring for Swara that’s why he is trying to change for Swara…!!!
Sujata is a very good mil neh…!!!! She is so understanding…!!!!
Sooooooo good..
Loved this part alot
Awww don’t stop talking I will continue them I was just asking????
Of course Sanskar is changing for his lady love swara????
Sujata is really good??
Glad to know you liked it. Thank you so much dear tc?????
Good… Finally he left smuggling…
Yeah he left for swara?? thank you so much dear tc????
Marsu amazing dear n don’t say that ur ffs r not good.For few person u can’t punish us.Marsu once u said that may be silent reader have some problem that’s y they r not commenting ur this line really touched my heart from that day I have decided whenever I am free I will surely comment on ur story don’t lose hope as u r a fantastic writer dear love u n pls post ur other ff eagerly waiting .
Awww so sweet of you??? don’t worry will continue them thank you so much for your words dear means alot??? take care??? will post soon ??
Amazing ???
Thank you so much dear tc????
Yes we don’t like your stories…….. We just love your stories dr……….?? Continue ur writing……??
Awesome as always dr……..
Continue soon…….
Aww so sweet ???? will continue dear??? thank you so much dear will Post next part soon tc????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Awesome dear your all ffs are amazing pls continue writing
I m commenting for the first time in tu
Sanskar leaving drugs for Swara is great
I’m glad you commented thank you so much dear your words means a lot???? yeah he is leaving drugs for swara????? tc????
I’m to always love all ur ffs. Plz don’t be upset.it is a relaxation from regular life.tgere are no better shows on tv it’s better to read ur stories.plz don’t stop it i became addicted to it.dear plz ur great writer.
Omgg I’m smiling like an idiot reading your beautiful comment?????
I’m glad to know you like my stories. Will continue them?? your words means a lot thank you so much dear tc?????
Thank you so much dear tc????
It’s good
Thank you so much dear tc????
Marsuuuu smile plz…

Pagal ladki… Isme kya bura lagana.. It’s OK… There are people who desperately wait for ur update.. So take a chill… N don’t tell it’s boring yar… As of now I don’t knw why people are not commenting… Bt u continue dear…
This was amazing yar… Loved this… Sanskar is really improving himself… N this adarsh.. What does he think of himself….
N now sanskar has left that drugs company… Then is he gonna continue with some other business… Coz he told swara that he is running a business…
N Yess don’t get dishearten…. N update soon
Awww so sweet of you vidhu and your comment has really Bought a smile on my face????? yeah some may be busy to comment will continue my stories I know they read though some don’t comment????
Yeah sanskar has his own company which he has established after earning money with smuggling and he is businessman????
Thank you so much dear for your beautiful comment. Will continue soon tc??????
Awesome dear……sanskar changing himself for swara……loved it…..sanskar should teach a good lesson to adharsh
Of course sanskar won’t leave adarsh for teasing his wife????? thank you so much dear tc?????
Thank you so much dear tc????
Loved it
Thank you so much dear tc????
O no marsuu is upset i donot like that. Ur story is really amazing dear but the low response is only for our lazeyness. Please give more update and more swasan lovely sence.
Awww so sweet of you??? thank you so much dear will surely give more updates

take care????
Don’t ever think your stories are boring.your all stories are just beyond amazing….and I loved your stories so so much it makes me fall for swasan again and again and more…..coming to the epi as always awesome…..
Awww glad to know you liked my stories??? thank you so much dear tc?????