Hey guys!! Here comes next chapter. Thank you so much for your awesome vala response.
Recap: swasan marriage fixed.
After one week:
Gododia House:
Swara’s POV
Finally the day came when I’m going to marry that mysterious man. Its been one week since last time we talked on phone and even I’m not that much interested to meet or talk to him. Here I’m sitting in simple red saree with little accessories. My hands are all red due to hena I’m not the girl who like all this bcoz I was always indulge in my studies and you all won’t believe its first time I applied mehandi as its ritual so my dadi was adamant.
She looks so happy why not after all she is getting rid of me.This marriage is simple one with only the presence of family members bcoz all thinks sanskar is mad huh! I know how much mad he is!!!!!(make faces??). I was worried for ansh, he even cried alot when he got to know about my marriage. We both can’t live without each other moreover I don’t prefer to leave him with dadi so I talked to mom(sujata) and she agreed that ansh can live with me in their house after marriage. For that I’m relaxed, my great dadi is going to her sister’s house in Patna after marriage may be permanently I don’t know but she is damm selfish she didn’t forget to tell me that I should send my half salary to her every month. As I had promised my dad so I’m doing it. Don’t know how my life will turn up and down after marrying to that dangerous man.
Swara’s POV ends.
Dadi came to take Swara as its time for the rituals. Swara signed heavily and went down.
Sanskar is sitting in the mandap sometimes playing with things present there and sujata is stopping him. He saw swara and he felt different feeling. Swara is the only girl whose he went so close and here she is the first girl he is admiring seriously this devil know how to admire also??? But he can’t deny she is looking extremely beautiful in that blood red saree through which her little belly is visible, her long straight hairs flowing till her waist at the back and a nervous smile playing on her lips is like cheery on cake.
His heart did disco dance as she sit beside him but the next moment his devilish mind warned his heart that he is Sanskar Maheshwari, a man without emotions. He is stone hearted and no one is born to make him feel, not even this sometimes little kitten and other time fire ball type of girl.
They started performing the rituals as pandit Ji was directing them. Sanskar was behaving like mad all the time and swara was getting annoyed bcoz of his over acting.
They took seven round around the burning fire. He took a pinch of red vermilion and fill in her hairline. It was then their eyes met. Unknowingly they shared an eyelock saying now we are bounded in the most pious relation of marriage. Her eyes got wet and she roll them to prevent tears from falling down. He tied mangalsutra around her neck.
Eventually both got married. Elders blessed them and dadi hugged swara and started shedding her fake tears and said
” plzz take care of her sujata Ji she is like my own daughter”
” God send all dramebazz in my life only” swara thought seeing her dadi’s drama.
” Don’t worry now she is my daughter” sujata being innocent thought dadi really care for her. Swara’s eyes got wet and lips curve into a pretty smile as she found truth in sujata’s words. She feels like god has shown little mercy on her and gifted her a new mother.
All this time , Sanskar was highly frustrated as he is not the man to stand between ladies but here he is standing and unwillingly seeing their drama.
” your dadi is good actor” sanskar whisper leaning towards swara as he felt she is acting.
” but less than you” Swara replied sarcastically.
Sanskar’s eyes grew darker as he saw smirk on her face.
Swara looked away avoiding him.
Later, they all left to maheshwari house.
Maheshwari house:
They didn’t performed post marriage rituals keeping sanskar’s condition in mind so swasan directly went to room.
Sanskar’s room:
Sanskar enter inside and sign in relief that finally this marriage and all got ended. Swara felt everything new, she like the blue coloured room. Sanskar went to change while swara started looking at the room.
” I want to talk to you” later he come closer to her.
” hmm” she looked at him
” In this room I will act normal as you know my identity but outside you should also behave with me like I’m mad got it” he pointed finger at her
” okay but what if by mistake my tongue slipped and I revealed the truth??” Her eyes got narrowed and she made an innocent face. She is no less than him, she also love to play with danger that’s why she dared to tease The Sanskar Maheshwari.
” then the consequences will be worst” he pulled her closer and warned her.
Swara pulled herself back making faces.
” one more thing, don’t you dare to touch my any material” he turned before leaving
” I will try” she shrugs only to gain a glare from sanskar
” btw where are you going??” She asked
” I don’t feel it necessary to tell you” he replied wearing his black jacket.
” can’t you take politely?” she crossed her arms at her chest.
” No” his look was stern.
” what work you do at night???” Swara is really curious to know.
” that’s none of your business” he was all set to leave but swara was again and again asking him one or the other thing.
” it means you do some wrong work” she act like guessing and thinking deeply.
” how can you say??” Sanskar was amazed with her words.
” that’s why you don’t want to tell” she replied smartly.
” see swara you are my wife only for the world but don’t interfere in my life. You should not care what I do as I don’t care for you” his voice was slow but dangerous. For which swara just nodded her head vigorously.
Sanskar went from the secret door.
” I think he has girlfriend and to meet her he used to go at night” her mind reasoned.
” let it be I don’t care for him” thinking this she went to washroom.
Sanskar’s car stopped in front of a farmhouse. Looking at it anyone can guess that its someone’s beautiful dream house but who knows what is going inside.
He parked his car and went inside.
Later, he is sitting on chair with a glass of wine in his hand when a person came
” hey bro” the man hugged Sanskar.
” hello lucky where were you?” sanskar settle down on chair back.
” was busy in supplying drugs” laksh put wine in another glass.
” when they will reach safely let me know” sanskar said as he took one sip.
” sure bro” he grin
” whose three members of SK gang I mean our gang didn’t blurted anything. Police became mad asking them who is SK but poor fellow’s how can they tell when they themselves don’t know who is SK” laksh said laughing.
” find new members on their place” sanskar’s lips has smirk indicating no can find him.
” okay SK I’m mean bro” laksh wink at him.
So SK is Sanskar Maheshwari in the drugs world.
” bro you got married like seriously??” Laksh was amazed as Sanskar and girls!! No relation.
” its bcoz of my mother” Sanskar signed sadly
” well my sister in law is beautiful?” A naughty smile came on laksh’s lips.
” very beautiful” Sanskar smiles as swara’s image in that red saree came in front of his eyes.
” ahem ahem good” laksh looks at him teasingly.
” show me the new drugs that came in the market” Sanskar diverted as he realized what he said.
” here it goes” laksh place a packet in front of him.
” tempting” sanskar lick it with his first figure.
“Yes” laksh agreed to him.
Maheshwari house:
It’s 2’o clock at night when sanskar enter in his room. He has taken drugs so was not fully in senses. He even has no idea that someone was already present in his room. Coming near the bed, he stumbled and fall on it.
” ouch” swara jerked as something heavy fall on her
Sanskar was lying on swara. Their faces were just inch apart.
” Sanskar” she mumbled looking at him
” hey you fire ball what are you doing in my room?” confusion was clear in his face.
Swara saw his eyes are red in that dimly light in room.
” I’m married to you today” swara tried to recall
” oh yes I remember” he nodded.
” you had taken drugs?” she is doctor and looking at his eyes she can guess.
” little” sanskar made a puppy face.
” get off me” she pushed him
And he lie on the other side of the bed.
Soon he went to deep slumber but swara was not able to sleep.
” he is really taking drugs” she sits and moved little close to him. She checked his pockets and got few packets which she found in her room that day. She held his wrist and got shocked to see syringes mark there.
” ohh god how can he spoil his life like this?? I have to do something” she was determined to know what the hell this man is trying to do??
She lie on bed not before giving him a look.
To be continued…
Precap: Sanskar care for swara??
How’s it???
So sanskar is drug smuggler and he is only SK. How will swara react when she will get to know??
Will she be able to take him out from this dark world???
To know keep reading??
Kindly share your views.
Thank you
Take care
nice …. interesting ….. ??… waiting for sanskar’s care toward swara …. but whats this drugs wala chakkar di ? …
Thank you so much dear I will post next part soon and about drugs you will get to know in the coming updates????? tc??
It’s awesome. So sanky is drug smuggler.???. And precap is little confusing. Sanskar …caring that also his fire ball. Great…..plss post soon
Thank you so much dear and all confusions will be clear as the story will proceed???? I will post next part soon tc?????
wow waiting for it
Thank you so much dear I will post next part soon tc????
Huh rude sanky but our swara is also not less marsu r u voting for helly in ita pls also inform ur other readers to vote fo her n bad a vala thank u update ke liye.
Yeah he is little rude but swara will bring him on track???? and I will surely request to vote for my hellu baby ??? thank you so much dear tc????
It’s amazing.. I like this story too much. Waiting for next to see his care . Post soon.
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon tc????
Awesome…….. interesting precap…
Thank you so much dear tc????
Very interesting
Thank you so much dear tc???
Wow loved it feeling sad for Sanskar
Thank you so much dear tc????
Hi di…. i read ur ff now… it was really really awesome… getting more n more exitmnt aftr every epi…
Precap was awesome…
As im out of station i cldnt comment properly…
Aww thank you so much dear I will post soon and don’t be sorry yrr you commented that’s enough tc?????
Amazing ???
Thank you so much dear tc????
Omg….sanskar galat rasthey pe hey…..bt Swara shamal legi…..such me u have brilliant brain …. Mtlb itna best ffs wo bhi alag alag topic par…. Aur sab upload karna… Yaar u r so Talented… Tc … Aur haa meri hindi jadha accha nei…so phele se sorry… Tc …
Awww so sweet of youu thank you so much dear and don’t worry about hindi tc?????
Thank you dear tc????
please post the next part soon dont make a little wait so much and
yess amazingly written
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon tc????
I m Very muCh saaddd ! That thiS show haS been ended ! It has made my wholE day sad ! ?? i will rate this show “THE BEST”
And pleaseeee i want to request to please start it again !pleaseee pleasee ! Isse bhi gande gande show chal rahe hain ! And please dont worry about the ratinGs it will become higher and higher when the show will continue please i beg the showmakers to please start it again ! It will be a great pleasure for all of us who are a die hard fan of this show ! Please Think over it anD thankS ! Your show was the best !
Hey dear I think you commented by mistake on my post to be honest I didn’t understood about which show you are talking.
Really amazing ur…
N I like swara’s new name..,, FIRE BALL…
Yuppp she is fire ball??? thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you dear tc???
Awesome dear…… It was too good….loved it so much. Eagerly waiting for next part post soon and cover pic is sooooo cuteeee I’m loving it so much.
Even I love this cover pic swasan look sooooo cute??? thank you so much dear will post next part soon tc?????
superb superb… and superb
Thank you so much dear tc???
It was awesome yaar???
Thank you so much anu dear tc???
O god he z really drug smuggler???
What swara z going to do
Let’s see what swara will do??? thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you dear tc???
Drugs ????????????????????????.

slap for him. Lux soap take this drug but don’t gave it to my Sanku ????????????????
Yeh kya kr raha h SANSKAAR no no Sanskaar it’s bad can’t see u like this??????????? drugs spoiling ur life. U r smart intelligent but this Lux soap?????????????? how dare he spoiling my SANSKAAR
Now coming to SwaSan. I hope SWARA will bring her Sanskaar back to normal. I love the way she talks to him. ??????????? little bit rudeness????? is nice. My wish is to have a happy married life to SwaSan ????????
Yupppp Sanskar is spoiling his life but don’t worry swara is there to save him??????
Yeah lax Ji is spoiling sanskar??
They will lead a happy married life don’t worry????
Thank you so much dear tc????
awesome dear..tc..
Thank you dear tc???
Awesome dear
Thank you dear tc???
Awesome dear I loved it Swara determined to change him
Yeah swara will change him?? thank you so much dear tc????
Thank you dear tc???
My tigress

she is such a brave yar… Bilkul nai darti…
Knw the story is gonna take u turn… I m desperate to knw how swara is gonna make sanskar change…..
N precap is ?????
Update soon dear… This one….
Nooop she is not scared from him at all??? let’s see how swara will change him thank you so much dear will post next part soon tc???
Thank you dear tc???
Awesome and excellent dear
Thank you dear tc???
Interesting but drug dealing is something I don’t want sanskar to do sorry if I hurt u but its my opinion and as a friend I’m telling u
Don’t be sorry dii you can share your views and about sanskar drug dealing don’t worry it’s going to change wait for further story plzz
Thank you dii tc????