Episode 16
Episode 17
Sanskar leaves from Ajay house.. He is full angry on Kavitha and so sad for Swara, While he was
going on his car, he gets Kavitha call.. He gets more Angry seeing her call.. And cuts it!!
She keeps calling he keeps cutting!!
After few mins.. Laksh calls him!!
.. He gets sad seeing his call as he couldn’t save his friend beloved sis.. He lifts the call.
Laksh: (happy) Sanskar, come home soon dude!
Sanskar: why lucky?? U sound so happy today..
Laksh: yeah Sanky! Actually you know today my kaveri maasi came to meet us..
Sanskar stops the car hearing the name Kaveri…
Sanksar: Kaveri???
Laksh: Yaa dude… It’s been so many years since I saw her.. Nd she’s so happy to hear about you
and Kavitha…she wants to meet you, come home soon..
Sanky: okay I’m coming.. He cuts the call…
As soon as he cuts the call he rings Ajay..
Ajay: Yaa Sanky!!
Sanky: Ajay Kaveri came it seems.. I want to know if she’s the same lady!! But I dint see her face..
Ajay: I saw her Sanky.. I will tell u if she’s the same one..
Sanksar: good, in coming lets both go together..
Ajay: okay!!
Sanskar leaves to Ajay house and they both leave to Laksh house..
Laksh house:
Seeing Sanky car, Kavitha gets happy and runs out!!
Sanky and Ajay notice her and gets angry
And he looks at her angrily!
Kavitha: (happy) hi Sanksar.. (She hugs him) I’m soo happy today, u know my maasi came.. She
wants to see u.. Come il introduce her..
Sanskar gets angry but Ajay tells him to be normal..
Laksh: hi Sanky and hi Ajay… What a surprise dude..
Ajay: hi Laksh… (He hugs him)
Kavitha holds his hand and takes him.. Before he goes Laksh stops him…
Laksh: arey Sanky wait a min.. Where r u going?? Did u forget, whenever you come here, did u forget
to give flower to Swara?
Here take this..
Kavitha gets shock hearings Swara’s name and looks at Sanskar with tensed face
Sanskar gets sad to think about Swara, he couldn’t digest the truth that Swara is his Angel…
Laksh holds his hands and takes him near the grave and keeps the flower on the grave and talks to
Laksh: Swara, after many days, me and Sanskar came together, we miss u Swara.. Good night!!
He smiles and looks at Sanskar..
Laksh: sanskar what r u waiting for.. Give ur flower to Swara..
Sanskar places a flower and thinks not to tell anything to Laksh.. As he is thinking Swara is dead,
nd they came out from that trauma long back.: Nd now I can’t tell she is alive and again they killed
her…if at all he knew the news he may feel bad.. I will handle this problem alone..
He looks at Laksh and they both go inside…
As soon as they go inside Kavitha gets excited…
Kavitha: maasi, here my Sanksar is back..
(She shows Sanksar to maasi, Kaveri who is talking to Shekar looks back hearing Kavitha voice, as
soo. As she reveal her face, Ajay is shocked)
Kaveri: hello Sanskar, nice meeting you.. I’m happy for you and kavitha, take care of my kavitha.. I
love her so much..
Sanskar has no expression he just nodes Kk…
Sanskar looks at Ajay shocking face, and ask him what’s the matter…
Ajay signals him to come out…
They go out to talk… Ajay tells Sanskar that she is the same lady who he had seen in Raj house..
Sanskar is shocked… Now he clearly understood everything, he angrily looks at Kaveri who is
pampering Kavitha with her love..
He gets more angry seeing both of them like that..he don’t know what to do.. If he takes action
against Kaveri then all will get to know about Swara too… He don’t want to raise her topic in front of
He eyes are filled with water
Laksh: sanskar, what r u doing here?
Sanskar: Laksh, actually call from Clients,I have some work.. I need to go..
Laksh: okay dude no worries bye..
Sanksar and Ajay leaves
As soon as they leave Kavitha comes…
Kavitha: bhai, where is Sanskar?
Laksh: he went Kavitha, he has an office work..
Kavitha: oh god, work work work!! He doesn’t care about me.. Maasi came to meet Sanskar, he
should be here na.
Laksh: Kavitha, work is important…he is bit dull now a days, because of pressure in office I think..
So don’t disturb him!!
Kavitha thinks..
“He is dull not because of office work, it’s because of Swara” thank god! She’s no more!! And
Sanskar, why r u thinking of the person who is dead.. Nd don’t worry sweetheart, I will be urs
She leaves happily..
Sanskar and Ajay in car…
Ajay: I can’t believe this, angels own maasi kidnapped her.. How cruel is she?? How can she do
Sanskar: that’s because Swara is Shomi aunty daughter.
Ajay: stop joking Sanskar, Swara, Laksh and Kavitha all are Shomi aunty children only na..
Sanksar: no Ajay, Laksh and Kavitha mother is Dead when they were young.. Shekar uncle married
Shomi aunty.. Shomi aunty own daughter is Swara.. May be because of that she kidnapped her.. So
sad of them.. Aunty is soo good, she never shown that differentiation between them..
He gets frustrated and stops the car..
Sanskar: why Ajay??? How can Kavitha do this?? How can she kill her own sister?? What should I do
now?? It’s paining Ajay… Swara is Angel.. I’m so happy for that.. but she is dead I’m not able to
digest it, I’m missing her Ajay… I don’t know why, I never felt like this before.. I’m not able to
concentrate on anything..
Ajay smiles..
Ajay: sanskar I want to ask u something…
Sanskar: what?
Ajay: do u love Angel??
Sanskar: (shocked) what??
Ajay: I felt so.. Because I’ve noticed it!! Yes Sanskar.. Ur in love with her.. That’s why ur not able to
forget her!!
Sanskar: r u crazy?? Ur mistaken!! I’m engaged with Kavitha..how can u think like that Ajay..
Ajay: (smiles) Sanskar, ur engaged with Kavitha but I never seen love in you for Kavitha.. But I can
see ur true love in Angel!! The way u cared for her, the way you used to make her smile.. And you
know what you even kissed her.. That love..the way you treat her.. I felt that ur in love with her..
Sanskar gets shock, he don’t know why but he felt some happiness knowing that this is all called as
Sanskar: Ajay is this love?? Do I love Angel?? (He thinks about the moments he spent with her.. And
Sanskar: but she’s not here Ajay.. She is no more.. She left me… He cries…
Ajay: sanskar, Plzz atleast u got true love in these short time.. Plz don’t be upset!
Tell Laksh about swara he needs to know na!!
Sanksar: I can’t tell Laksh about Swara and about Kavitha too..
He loves Kavitha and Swara so much.. He still visit the grave thinking about Swara.. Now if he gets
to know Kavitha did this.. He will get hurt.. What should I do now..??
Ajay: sanskar, just do what ur heart say, take ur own decision.. But think before u do anything.. I will
meet u tomorrow he leaves!!
Sanskar goes to his house..
Uttara and AP gets happy seeing him..
Uttara: bhai, why did u come late?? Did u went to meet Angel without me bring her soon bhai..
Sanskar eyes are filled with tears, he don’t know what to answer..
Sanskar: I will take you when she comes..
He simply leaves.. AP looks at his tears, and thinks Sanskar is hiding something
Sanskar room..
He starts drinking his alcohol.. Thinking about Angel, and Ajay words…He again looks at Stars and
He talks to himself..
“I’m sorry Angel!! Your name may be Swara.. But ur my Angel.. Am I in love with u??
(He remembers his childhood moment how Swara touched his face when he told her to tell his
name, and in present how his Angel touched him when he was playing with torch.. Tear drops falls
from his eyes)
“Angel, I still remember ur touch.. That magic is same when your a kid too.. Ur d same, why couldn’t
I recognise you before? Why couldn’t I save you?? If I knew it before today, you might be with me
happily, in front of me..
He again cries, sitting on his knees and weepin… he hears a voice.. It was Swara..
Swara: (laughs) Sanskar, you came??
Sanskar lifts his head shockingly and watches Swara in front of him!!
Sanskar: (happy) Swara??
Swara looks at him and hugs him..
Sanskar: haa Angel, I came.. Now I won’t leave you anywhere.. You know I became mad, when ur
not around me..
He cups her face and starts kissing her face with lots of love !! And again hugs her.. Plz don’t leave
me Angel.. It’s killing me inside thinking ur not with me..
Suddenly he hears a train sound nearby.. He comes to his sense.. He looks for her, but she’s
missing..it was a dream.. He gets sad.. And again cries..Nd gets Angry on Kavitha and starts
Kavitha how can u do this?? What did she do Kavitha?? She is ur own sister.. Am I responsible for
Swara’s death?? Did u killed her for me?? Why did u do this??
He cries…
At that time AP comes to Sanskar room..
But she doesn’t find him..
AP: sanskar where r u??
She doesn’t get answer, she goes to the balcony and gets shock seeing him crying..
AP: (worried) sanskar, why r u crying?? What happened Sanskar??
Sanskar looks at her and hugs her tightly..
Ap: Sanksar, what happened???
Sanskar: it’s over Ma, everything is over…I hate her Ma.. I want to punish her.. I don’t want her Ma..
She doesn’t deserve me..
AP: sanskar, u again fought with Kavitha??
Sanskar: She did a sin.. I will never forgive her in my life..
AP: what r u talking Sanskar? What did she do?
Sanskar: she killed her Ma!! She is dead!!
AP: killed?? who killed whom?
Sanskar: Kavitha Ma.. Kavitha killed her own sister… She killed Swara Ma.. She killed my Angel..
She’s dead Ma.. Angel is dead.. She is no more in this world!
AP: I dint understand Sanksar, plz tell me clearly?? What Swara and what Angel??
Sanskar : Angel is dead Ma, that lady killed Angel.. That’s because of Kavitha.. She told that lady
about Swara arrival in this house.. So that lady killed her.. And that lady is non other than Kaveri,
maasi of Kavitha.. And Angel is Kavitha own sister Ma.. She is Swara, whom we thought she’s
That Kaveri kidnapped her..
(He explains her everything)
AP is shocked, she stared crying..
AP: Angel is Swara?? She is Shomi daughter? She’s a kid Sanskar, why did they killed her?? Kavitha
did this??
Sanskar: haa Ma, I thought to tell Laksh, but I don’t want him to suffer.. And aunty can’t digest it
again.. She loves Kavitha so much.. If she gets to know that Kavitha killed Swara.. She will die Ma..I
can’t tell them
He again hugs her and cries
Sanksar: I don’t know what to do.. I’m helpless..
AP: (cries) why did they kill her Sanskar.. Don’t leave that Kaveri.. From childhood she never
showed love on Shomi and Swara.. Hey Bhagvan why did u do to that small girl.. She don’t know
anything.. She learnt how to smile recently, why did u take her?
She cries hugging him tightly..
Sanskar: what should I do now Ma?
AP: I will never forgive Kavitha.. Swara never got anything in her life.. Atleast do justice to her..
Tell shekar ji about this Sanksar,
Sanksar: Noo Ma… They may forgive her, she should get punishment..she did this all for me na,
now everything will happen by me Only.. I will break my relation with her completely.. She should
know what wrong she did!!
How can she kill her mom.. You know Angel is so good, I always wanted to be with her.. Her
innocence and all, that touched me.. When ever she used to hug me, I used to feel the protection
she needs from me.. But I couldn’t help her mom… How can she leave me and go..
I’m missing her mom.. I dont know why, I fell like she’s everywhere around me.. I..
At that time they hear a crying sound.. They both look back.. It was Uttara..
She listened to their conversation!!
She runs and hugs Sanskar..
Uttara: how can Kavitha do This bhai? Why did she kill Angel.. So sad for Angel.. I hate Kavitha
bhai… She not at all good for u.. Don’t marry her bhai.. She killed Angel!!
She cries and hugs him tightly…
AP cries seeing them and hugs them Whole night she consoles both..,
Next day:
Early morning…
A car comes and stops near the gate… A person gets down from the car and goes inside.. And
knocks the door..
AP opens the door and gets happy seeing him… It was Durgaprasad..
Ap: ji when did u come?
DP: surprise.. Haaa Annapurna.. Where is my son!!
At that time Sanskar comes..
Sanskar : hello dad!! How r u??
DP: hugs him.. I’m fine Sanskar.. But what happen to u.. You look so dull
Sanskar looks at ap sadly…
Sanskar: just not feeling well.. Now I’m okay..
DP gets a call and he leaves to office immediately
Sanskar calls Kavitha and tells her to meet..
Ragini decided to spend this entire day Swara so she dint went to office
Ragini: Swaraa!! Lets go to supermarket I need to buy so many items
Swara: (smiles) super market what’s that?
Ragini: Hahahah Swara.. I will show you come with me..
They go to the market
Swara looks at all the items..
Swara: it’s so big..
Ragini: yes, will get many items here..
Swara: (smiles) nice!!
Ragini does shopping, while Swara moves to the next rack and watches all the products.. She
doesn’t understand but smiles looking all if it!!’
Suddenly she slips when she was about to fall, Laksh holds her..
Laksh: hello careful!
He looks at her, Nd get surprised seeing Swara
Laksh: hi Swara, how t u?
Swara smiles looking at Laksh, as she remembers him but get scared talking and runs towards
Ragini and holds her hands
Ragini gets confused and looks st Laksh she gets happy seeing him
Ragini: hi Laksh
Laksh: hello!!
Ragini: wow.. First time ur replying to my question
Laksh: laughs!! Lol!!
Ragini too smiles and slowly they talk.. While Swara smiles seeing them smiling..
Laksh looks at her innocence and smiles looking at her
Laksh leaves, Ragini and Swara too leaves
After 1 hour Kavitha comes..she runs to Sanksar room, she watches him and hugs him
Kavitha: Sanksar!!! Why did u called me?? Are you taking me anywhere??
Sanskar closes the door..
Sanksar: I want to talk to u Kavitha…
Kavith: (excited) Yaa tell me
Sanskar: why did u kill Angel?
Kavitha: what??
Sanksar: Yess,
Kavitha: what r u talking? I dint murder anyone…
Sanskar: I know Kavitha, don’t try to cover it.. I know everything about you and your maasi.. why did
u kill Angel?? Why did u kill Kavitha?? You know u did a big mistake.. Do u know who is she?? If u
know the truth you will never forgive urself.. How can u kill her??
(He shouts holding her)
Kavitha: (pushes him) yes I did.. Because I love u… I can’t see her in between us..
Sanskar: are you mad?? Angel is your sister Swara.. Ur own sister!!
Kavitha: (shouts) I know Sanksar, I know that she is my sister.. But I dint kill Swara.. My maasi did
it.. I felt even sad for her when I got to know the truth about my maasi.. I got angry on my maasi
too.. .. But after meeting Swara, I came to know that she’s in love with you.. That’s why I told maasi
to send her far from here.. But my maasi killed her… I’m not responsible for it!!
Sanskar : what? Angel is in love with me?? Kavitha?? Are you gone nuts?? She doesn’t know
what’s love.. How do u think that she loves me???
Are u crazy?
Kavitha: (shouts) Yess I am.. Nd Ur wrong.. She loves you Sanksar, when I went to meet her, she
only knows ur name.. Where is Sanskar? I want Sanskar?? Only these words she’s using.. I already
said u na Sanskar, ur only mine.. Only mine Sanskar.. I wont allow you to go with any girl.. I will kill
them.. .. Because I love u soo much… don’t think she doesn’t know what’s love is…she is just acting
in front of us.. She planning to snatch my love… So I just saved my love.. What’s wrong in it??
Sanksar: Kavitha just shut up… Don’t you think about ur Ma.. Before doing something to her??
Kavitha: I won’t think about anyone.. Why should I?? I don’t care too.. I trust my maasi that she
won’t tell anyone about this..and now I trust u too.. Because if u tell This to Laksh bhai or papa.. Il
just kill myself Sanskar..
Sanskar: ohh so ur blackmailing me??
Kavitha: just think whatever you want.. If u say this truth to anyone just think about my family, they
all r very happy, do u want to hurt them by telling truth.. I know Sanskar you won’t do because you
care for us…. Leave all that.. You know today papa asked about our marriage.. He told he will speak
with you.. So get ready!! Now no one can seperate us
(She again hugs him, Sanskar just gets irritated and mad seeing her madness and jerks her)
Sanskar: Kavitha just leave from her right now.. And get ready for the punishment! Don’t think I will
leave you.. He just leaves out immediately…
They get fresh up and have breakfast together.. At that time Shekar, Laksh and Kavitha comes
Sanskar gets happy seeing them but gets angry seeing Kavitha..
Laksh: congrats Sanky!!
Sanskar: (confused) why?
Laksh: you will get to know…
At that time pandit comes..
DP: pandit ji, tell us the good date and time for the marriage..
Sanskar is shocked while Kavitha blushes..
Sanskar: marriage ??
Dp: Yess Sanskar, till how many days.. So me and Shekar want to do the marriage by next month..
Sanskar is shocked.. He looks at Kavitha..
Shekar: what do u say Sanskar? Are you ready??
Sanksar: (irritated) I’m sorry! I’m not ready for this marriage..
All are shocked!!
DP: what?? Sanskar??
Sanskar: Yess.. Dad.. I want to break my relation with Kavitha.. I don’t want to marry her..
Kavitha and laksh are shocked..
Kavitha: sanskar what are you saying?
Sanskar: Ya, Kavitha we aren’t to be together…. Nd dad Actually I thought I love her, but I dint.. We
had many fights and all.. We don’t have such adjustment in our life.. We can’t live happily each
other, our mindset is different
I know my decision will hurt you all, I’m thinking about my future and her future.. I’m sorry…
Kavitha eyes are filled with tears
Laksh watches this..
Laksh: sanskar, What r u talking? How can you leave her like this? She loves you and even u love
Sanskar: lucky, I’m leaving because I don’t love her, this is what I understood these days, I just
accepted because of you, because of our friendship.. But now I realised..
DP; (shouts) Sanskar, how can you break this relation now… Don’t u know ur already engaged
Sanskar looks at ap.. She signals him giving him support
Sanskar: but we are not married dad.. Plz don’t force me.. I can’t marry Kavitha.. She will be my frnd
like before.. I’m sorry Laksh Nd uncle.. I’ve realised that I can’t be happy with her…
Shekhar gets angry..
Shekar: sanskar I trusted you soo much.. How can you do this??? Ur thinking about ur happiness
but did u think about my daughter happiness??
Sanskar: uncle.. I’m thinking about our future after my marriage.. I can’t lead a compromising life..
This is my life plz let me live..
Shekar gets angry
Shekar: Laksh come Lets leave from here.. How can u have a friend like him..?
He angrily look at Sanksar and leaves without answering!!! While DP is shocked to see Shekars
Laksh notice Kavithas tears and Shekar angry… He still don’t know what to say!!
Whether to support his friend or his family..
He stands like a statue..he just takes Kavitha with him and goes to his house…
Sanskar gets sad seeing Laksh leaving… Tears falls from his eyes!
11pm night:
Sanskar in his balcony, he looks at Swara pic and thinks about Kavithas word how Swara used to
say his name, she is in love with him and all..
He thinks about her and talks to himself..
“Is this love??
He smiles..
Yes!! I’m in love… I love you angel! U always made me happy, smile.. But do u love me?? I’m missing
you soo much.. Why did you leave me alone?? It would be so nice if ur with me now.. I would have
embraced you with my love..
(Saying this tear falls from his eyes, he looks at the sky..
… Angel!! Ur may be far from me, but no one can take ur position, because ur here in my heart.. Nd
will be forever.. Ur memories are a stamp!!
He wipes his tears.. He thinks about Laksh..
“I know Laksh ur angry.. But I’m doing this for Swara, ur sister” when I got to know that she loves
me.. I can’t marry someone.. I know she is not alive.. But she’s with me always..
And Kavitha needed that punishment for killing Swara!!
He sleeps!!
Episode ends
Ajay watches Swara on the road.. He gets happy seeing her alive.. And he informs Sanskar..
Guys from now i ll not write in the other ff’s that they r written by Neha bc then the TU is not posting it… Her ff’s are
1. The princess in veil
2. The new relation begins
3. The revenge love story
Please continue.post next episode soon.loved the storyline
Plz update asap
Loved d chappy dear…..n plz post d odr ffs also aftr ds….
Awsm..continue soon
Plzzzz continue this i read this on the fb but when it got to episode 18 or summet there were no more episodes uploaded i rlly wanna know what happens plzzzz
Pls continue the story ……… I LOVE it
Awsm Dr ….
Waiting for next part
Plz i m waiting to know how swara and sanskar both will react after meeting each other and ragini’s reaction when she gets to know that sanky is swara’s sanskar and laksh reaction when he gets to know swara iis her sister
Hi apurva….plz my dearrrrr at least continue this ff….it’s my favorite one …n I was on cloud 9 to find it again….plz continue dear. ..I’ll die without reading the end of this story. …plz complete this marvellous story. ..it’s my humble request to my sweeeeeetheart. …love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug