Episode 18 –
Episode 19
Sanskar: (happy) she is alive Ragini.. My Angel is alive… But where is she?? She don’t know this
world.. How can she stay alone on the roads??
He gets tensed to think about her position… He gets up and thinks..
“Omg! Where is she? Is she’s safe? Or is this again a plan by Kaveri? What r they trying to do??
He gets worried!!
Ragini gets confused seeing him worried, she talks to him causally
Ragini: Sanky what happened? Who is Angel? Why are you worried?
Sanky: she’s my Angel Ragini.. I thought she is dead, but she alive! I’m so worried!! I should search
for her… I should get her today itself!
Beatles his phone and calls Ajay!
Sanky; Ajay, we need to search Angel.. U be there.. I’m coming!
Ajay: okay!!
He cuts the call…
Sanskar: Ragini… Il meet u later, I should go now..
Ragini: but Sanskar, where will u search for her? Listen!!
Sanskar: no Ragini… I don’t have time.. She will be there somewhere!
He leaves!!!
Ragini thinks..
“Sanskar where will u search Swara, when she is with me”? But I’m so happy I found u, Swara will be
very happy if she sees u!This is so beautiful day…
She gets soo excited to tell this news to Swara.. She goes to her home.. On the way she notice
Laksh sitting alone on the road…
She remembers how Sanskar tried calling Laksh, she understood that both have some fight! She
stop the car and goes near him…
Ragini: (teases) hello Laksh!!!! What r u doing here?? R u waiting for ur girl friend??? Hahahaahah!!!!
Laksh looks at her angrily!! Ragini gets tensed seeing his anger..
Ragini: Kya hua Laksh?? U look so upset? And today in office even Sanksar is so upset.. What
happened to u both??
Laksh gets angry hearing Sanskar name and he looks at Ragini very angrily and pulls she closer
holding her hands!!
Laksh: don’t dare to bring his name in front me understand???
Ragini is shocked…
Ragini: I’m sorry!!
Laksh realises what he did…
Laksh: I’m sorry!! I was bit tensed!
Ragini sits beside him…
Ragini: Kya hua Laksh?? Why r u angry at Sanskar?
Laksh: he cheated me Ragini.. He cheated my sister kavitha.. Though he is engaged, he started
loving another girl.. I hate him! Because of him, Kavitha tried to attempt suicide! He cancelled the
marriage because of her!!
Ragini: what?? Sanskar is engaged?
Laksh: Yaa!! With my own sister,
That day in Singapore u saw her na!!
(Ragini thinks about Kavitha and tries to remember her)
Laksh: how can he love someone after engagement! Nd that girl, Angel.. How could she love
Sanskar? I know such kind of people, they will love only for money!! Sanskar will get yo know that
soon..then he will understand the value of my sister Kavitha!!
Ragini tries to remember Kavitha at Singapore… In the bar, she struggles to remember but suddenly
she gets her view
And shocked… She remembers the two ladies talking to murder Swara..
Ragini: (shouts) is she Kavitha?
Laksh Kya hua??
Ragini: Laksh, I’m sorry, I was trying to remember my meet with Kavitha at Singapore..
Laksh: haa remember, that day u drank so much, and u slapped me too
Ragini: (smiles) I’m sorry Laksh!! Did u get hurt?? (She caresses his cheeks)
Laksh: (smiles and stares at her) Noo!! It’s sweet like u!!
Ragini and Laksh stare for sometime.. And they get disturbed by traffic sounds!!
They get uncomfortable!!
Laksh: wo… By d way what r u doing here? Nd how is Swara??
Ragini thinks…
This is all soo confusing, when Kavitha is trying to kill Swara, Laksh doesn’t know about Swara??
He even saved her.. I think Kavitha has some bad intentions to seperate Swara and Sanskar.. So
may be engagement is the reason… I should talk to Sanky!
Ragini: haa Swara is nice Laksh… Come home one day.. We all can enjoy!
Laksh: sure.. U know I like her so much.. Some connection.. She is soo sweet!! U both are very great
Ragini laughs…
Ragini: by d way Laksh, plz don’t be here.. Go home! And just think about Sanskar, he told he don’t
like ur sister before the engagement… So I think he dint cheat her..
Laksh: u may leave now!!
Ragini: what??
Laksh: Plzz leave me alone..
Ragini: Kk!! But go home soon…
She leaves noticing his anger!!
Sanskar reaches the place..
Ajay: Sanksar, I was talking here… I saw Angel on that lane..
Sanskar runs towards that lane..
Sanskar: u saw her here?? She may be here somewhere Ajay.. Let’s search!!
They keep searching for her in that area.. They show her pic near the shop..
But all tells her that they dint see her..
He gets upset and searches for her every corner!!
Ragini house:
Ragini enters very excitedly She asks aunty about Swara
Aunty: Swara is in her room.. Waiting for u..
Ragini runs to her room… She watches Swara looking outside the window..
Ragini: (laughs) swaraaa!!
Swara looks back and gets happy seeing Ragini…
Ragini goes towards her and hugs her..
Ragini : what r u doing?
Swara: I’m looking for sanskar, he always used to come near the window..
Ragini: Swara, u like Sanskar?
Swara: Yaa.. He is my best friend.. Jesus sent him!! It’s been so many days.. He dint come
Ragini: Swaraa.. Today I have a surprise for u..
Swara: surprise??
Ragini: Yess sweetheart… (She hugs her) Swara Sanksar loves u soo much.. Today I’ve seen his
love.. Ur so lucky… U should look more beautiful… Because Sanskar is going to see his Angel after
many days…
Swara doesn’t understand anything…
Ragini looks at her blank expression and laughs…
Ragini: Swara,Come here.. (She selects a beautiful white churidhar) wear this… U should look like
an angel..
She makes her ready…
Ragini: Swara ur perfect!! Sanskar will be stunned to see ur new avatar..
Swara: Sanskar?? Is he coming?
Ragini: Yess Swara!! He is coming today..
Swara: really?? (She gets happy)
Ragini: Yess.. U be here, I wil talk to him!!
Ragini calls him..
Sanskar is still searching for her..
He watches Ragini call.. And cuts it
Ragini: ooff this Sanskar na!!
She again calls him
Sanskar looks at her call and lifts it
Sanskar: Ragini?? Il call u later..
He again cuts it…
Ragini: ooff!! She gets angry and calls him again
Sanskar lifts it…
Sanksar: Ragini… Wait for sometime il call u again…
He again cuts it…
Ragini : Swara.. Sanskar is too much.. He is not at all giving me chance..
These both frnds na… Both r same… Swar
Saying This she again calls it..
Sanskar again looks at her call and gets angry… And lifts it
Sanskar: Ragini what happened? I told u ryt… I will call later..
Ragini: sanskar wait.. It’s important, r u still searching for Swara? If so then u don’t need to..
Sanskar: Ragini, il call u later I’m busy,
(He realises what she says) what? Not those arch for Swara?
Ragini: Yaa Sanskar, Swara is with me, come home..
Sanskar: Ragini, Plzz it’s not time to make fun!
He cuts it!!
Ragini: ooff!!
She gets angry again calls him and gives the phone to Swara!
Sanskar:! ragini.. Plz don’t irritate me!
Swara hears his voice.. She gets tears in her eyes.. Nd speaks
Swara: sanskar!!
Sanskar gets shocked hearing her voice.. He is speechless..
Sanskar: Angel??
Swara: haa!!
He gets happy.. His eyes are filled with tears..
Sanskar: Angel is it really you? Where r u Angel?
Swara: I’m with Ragini, when are you coming?? Come fast!
He gets emotional hearing her words
Sanskar: (cries) I’m coming Angel.. Give me 5 mins!! Il be there..
Ragini takes the phone…
Ragini: sanskar r u happy now?? Come soon…
Sanskar: Thankyou Ragini.. But I’m confused… Angel with u??
Ragini: sanskar will talk later.. First come soon.. Swara is waiting for u since so many days..
Sanskar: (smiles) I’m coming..
He cuts the call he gets very happy…
Sanskar: Ajay we found her, I talked to her she is with Ragini.. Come lets go!!
Ajay: who is Ragini?
Sanky; il tell u later, first come…
They leave….
Ragini house:
Ragini: Swaraa!! Sanskar is coming… R u happy?
Swara: (smiles) yes.. I’m soo happy!!
They keep waiting for Sanskar
Finally Sanksar reaches, he runs towards her flat…
He knocks the door..
Ragini and Swara gets happy..
Ragini: Swara Sanksar came…
She runs, Swara runs back of her… Ragini opens the door…
It was Sanskar…
Swara gets happy seeing Sanskar… She first gets tensed and hides back of Ragini…
Sanskar: Ragini where is angel?? (At that time he watches a girl hiding back of Ragini)
Sanksar: Ragini where is Swara??
He again watches that girl.. He can see her face… It was Swara!! He gets happy seeing her… His
Angel was changed… She was neatly dressed.. She was more beautiful… he gets happy and
dazzled to see her beauty… His eyes are filled with tears…
And he calls her…
Sanksar: Angel!!
Hearing his voice, Swara gets cry and slowly comes out..
He gets emotional seeing her.. His Angel is back.. She is alive.. He gets very happy.. Even Ajay is
Sanskar goes towards her… Seeing him coming she hides back of Ragini…
Sanskar smiles seeing her acts!!
He goes towards her and cups her face…
Sanskar: Angel, ur scared of me???
Swara nodes no…
He gets happy and hugs her…
Ragini gets happy seeing them…
Sanskar: (he hugs her tightly and cries) Angel.. I missed u soo much… I thought ur dead.. But ur
alive.. I’m so happy..
He hugs her tightly and cries… He remembers the scene when Swara was a kid.. How she touched
his face with her cute hands… And they meeting in the room…
He gets more happy…
Swara: why dint u come these many days.??
Sanskar: (smiles) I’m sorry!!
Swara: that Dar you told you will come tomorrow but u came today..
Sanskar smiles and hugs her..
Sanskar: I will never leave u Angel!! I will also be with u okay??
Swara : (smiles) really??
Sanskar: Yess!!
Swara smiles and hugs him back
Episode ends
Swasan lovely moments
Guys i ll b not posting the other 3 ff’s which are also written by neha only has the telly people are saying that it should be posted by neha only so. Thank fully i got the permission to complete this ff atleast. But i am not able to post it guys. It were so amazing but dont worry i ll be posting it in other websites from mid of november. I ll surely post the links in my account post so from mid november most probably from 12th of november i ll be posting it in my g+ account and ll share the link with u guys. But from 2 nd week of nov.. till then enjoy the fdtl season!!
Last but not the least…. Thank u all of u who has commented in the pre post. Thank u and love u all loads..
Happy to see u here Neva di… n sorry I have not commented about ur ff in fb for many days….actually I have to deactivate my account…. so I was not able to reply…. but I have secretly read them from my father’s fb ??….dont tell anyone it’s a secret….. n I’m just loving all of them…. plz post the next part of new relations begins soonnnn…. I’m waiting….
#somu shona
Happy for Swasan
Amazing it ws…ahhh loved it soo mch .finally sanskar met wth her angel??
Waitng fr nxt egrly
Awesome episode. ..apurva. ..it was very beautiful. …plzzzz honeyyy let me own ur g+ account id….I would like to connect with you. …believe me this story is very beautiful n I want to read this completely…my fb ID is Roma Anjum. ..n g+ id is romaa7860@gmail.com plzzzz send me link of this story….I’ll be anxiously waiting for you. …love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart ♡♡♡
Let me know* ur id of g+account
I ll be updating the other ff of neha but not fdtl so sorry for that and ya i ll let u know my id soon but i am starting to upload other ff’s frm mid nov. I am currently not updating any ff on g+.
Amazing finally swasan meeting
Really very emotional