Episode 20
Sanskar: I will never leave u Angel!! I will also be with u okay??
Swara : (smiles) really??
Sanskar: Yess!!
Swara smiles and hugs him back
Raj: Thankgod Angel ur alive.. U know Sanskar cried for you so much..
Swara looks at Sanskar sadly.. And cups his face
Swara: u cried for me??
Sanskar stares at her lovingly and hugs her again..
Sanskar: shh!! Don’t talk anything.. I’m so happy Angel.. I’ve got u!! That’s enough.. I’ve seen u.. I got
my life back again..
(He kisses her forehead)
(He remembers Laksh and all… He gets happy)
Sanksar : Angel. Ur not alone, u have ur family.. They are alive.. In front of u..Ur not at all alone
Angel… U have dad, mom, brother… These 3 people love u soo much!! And Ur dad kept ur name as
Swara!! Nice na?
Angel: swara!! Ragini also calls me like that..
Sanskar looks at Ragini…
Sanksar: Ragini, ya I forgot to ask? How do U know Swara name? And Why Swara is with you?
Ragini: it’s a big story Sanskar, one day while my car was punctured, I saw 2 people talking… They
were planninh to kill Swara.. I can hear they voices… That lady said Swara.. So I got to know that
Angel name is Swara!! They suddenly left .. I followed the car…after few minutes, some rowdies are
trying to kill her, Thankgod at that minute Laksh saved her…
Sanksar: Laksh??
Ragini: Haaa Laksh.. He saved her! Nd ya I forgot Sanky.. Today I talked to Laksh, he was angry on
u about his sister Kavitha… Nd u know what u won’t trust this, I told u about that two ladies na… In
that one girl was Kavitha…
Sanksar: I know Ragini.. She is the one who thought to seperate me and Angel!
Ragini: but why Sanksar? Why she is trying to kill her?
Sanskar: because she felt Angel loves me.. So she tried to kill this innocent.. Nd u know what
Ragini… Swara is her sister.. How could she kill her own sister?
Swara just look at them confusingly…
Ragini: what??
Sanskar: yes.. She is Laksh sister also.. Laksh loves her soo much!
(He tells her what all happened, how they kidnapped Angel.. How Laksh used to talk to the grave
thinking its Swara, Nd how Swara was kept in room for many years and etc…
Ragini is hell shocked!!
Ragini: what? Swara has grown up in one single room?? How can they do that Sanskar?? Nd she
is Laksh sister? Woww I’m so happy! I can really see Laksh love for Swara, u know Sanskar, when I
said her name is Swara, he felt so happy, and he started caring Swara as her own sister.. When he
gets to know that she is his own sister, I think he will show her the best love!
Sanskar: Yaa Ragini.. Laksh is very good! And Kavitha they r heartless people.. Thankgod ange is
back, now I’m with her, now il see how they will seperate Angel!!
But I’m sorry for Laksh… If he gets to know the truth he will feel happy but he will feel sad for what
Kavitha did…I can’t trouble him!
Ragini: ur so good Sanskar, ur really a good friend.. Ur caring about Laksh.. Soo sweet!!
Swara doesn’t understand what they r speaking… She feels sleepy and sleeps on his
shoulder…Sanskar notice her sleeping and caresses her hair.. And he keeps talking to Ragini
Swara sleeps!
Ajay watches Swara sleeping…
Ajay: sanskar, I think we should go now, it’s so late and Swara is sleeping too!!
Sanskar: what? We should leave? So soon? Nooo
Ajay: but Sanskar…
Sanskar: Il take Angel with me.. That is better na! I can’t leave her again Ajay.. I want her to be
Infront of me.. It’s better il take her with me
Raj: but let her be here until the matter sets.. Because if Kavitha sees her she may do anything!
Sanskar: I don’t care her..
Ragini: sanskar, do as u wish, u think good about others.. So we won’t stop u.. But I will daily meet
Swara.. U should not stop me from that..
Sanskar: haha Kk… Anyways will leave now.. Il come tomorrow morning.
He looks at Swara, he makes her sleep on the bed and covers her with the blanket.. Nd kisses her
forehead..Nd whispers good night!
Sanskar: Ragini.. Take care.. Bye!! Nd Thankyou for everything..
Ragini: ur welcome..
He leaves!!
Maheswari house:
Sanksar is soo happy.. He rings the bell.. Ap opens the door..
Ap: sanskar, ur so late.. U know I was soo worried where were u? R u alright?
Sanskar: (happy) Maa!! I’m soo happy today.. This is my best day mom!!
Ap: Kya hua Sanskar?
Sanskar: come with me!! (He takes her inside and makes her sit) wait il call Uttara..
(He shouts calling Uttara name)
Ap is confused, while Uttara comes out..
Uttara: bhai, Kya hua?? U disturbed my sleep!!
Sanskar: if I say one news…ur sleep will go away!!
Uttara: what’s that??
Sanskar: Maa.. Angel is not dead.. She is alive!!
Ap and Uttara both are shocked.. And happy!!
Ap: what?? Swara is not dead?
Sanskar: ha Ma I met her today.. She is safe..
(He tells them what all happened)
Ap and Uttara are happy..
Uttara: bhai I’m so happy.. Bring her bhai.. I want to see u!
Ap: haa Sanskar, Plzz! Bring her.. I want to see her..
Sanskar: Noo Ma… Not now.. If I bring her here, defntly Shekar uncle and Laksh will hate her.. I don’t
like them to hate Swara even in they dreams.. Let the things settle!! Then il bring her.. She will stay
with me forever.. Il marry her Ma!
Uttara: Wowww… Then she will be my Bhabi!! I’m soo excited..
Ap: but Sanskar… She’s don’t have that matured mind… Do u think u can marry her??
Sanksar: haa Ma… Kavitha is welly matured, but did u see her works?? I hate those Ma.. Swara has
a pure soul! I want that.. I love her Ma… I want to show her what’s life.. She should learn new
things.. She should send on herself!!
Ap: I don’t have any problem.. Infact even I’m soo happy!! Gold bless u both.. But I want to see
Sanskar: tomorrow il take u both Ma!!
Ap: oaky!!
They share a beautiful hug!!
Next day!!
Sanskar is so excited to meet his Angel..
Sanskar: (shouts) Uttara.. How much time! Come soon!!
Uttara: 2mins bhai.. I’m coming..
Ap: (smiles) I’m ready Sanskar..
Uttara comes down.. And they all go outside near the parking…
Uttara: (excited) bhai.. I’m so excited to meet Angel..
At that time Laksh passes and looks at Them angrily hearing the word Angel…
He thinks how can they go to meet Angel?? All family his supporting him all t happy.. But did they
think about Kavitha? I hate them…
He looks at Sanky angrily showing all his anger
Sanskar also looks at him angrily..
He leaves…
Sanskar, Uttara and ap also leave…
Ragini house:
Swara looks upset.. She doesn’t eat anything..
Ragini: Swara what happened..
Swara: Sanskar
Ragini: Swara, he will come.. Don’t worry!!
Swara: will he really come again?
Ragini: haa Swara.. First u eat something…
Swara: nodes Noo!!
Ragini: hmm. Do u want talk to him?
Swara:? yes!!
Ragini smiles and calls him
Sanskar car:
Sanskar watches Ragini call and gets happy.. He lifts it
Sanskar: haa Ragini..
Ragini: sanskar, Swara is not eating anything.. Speak with her..
Sanskar smiles.. Nd puts the call on speaker
Sanskar: hello angel!
Swara: (smiles) Sanskar!
Ap and Uttara gets happy hearing her call..
Sanskar: Angel , why r u not eating?
Swara: (cries) why did you go? You said you won’t leave me..
Sanskar: Angel ur crying?? Plz don’t cry.. I’m coming now..
Swara: really?
Sanskar: Yaa..
Swara: I’m waiting..
Sanksar smiles and cuts the call…
Ap: sanskar, Swara really likes u soo much.. I’m so happy! My bahu is soo good!
Sanskar smiles..
They reach Ragini flat..and rings the bell
Swara gets happy,
Ragini: Swara, wait don’t run!! Il open the door..
Ragini opens it…
She gets shocked to see ap and Uttara
Ragini: yes whom do u want?
At that time Sanskar comes..
Sanskar: Ragini.. She is my mom and my sister..
Ragini: I’m sorry!! Plz come in…
They go inside.. Seeing Sanskar Swara gets happy, she runs and hugs him!!
Swara: you really came??
Sanskar: yes Angel!! (He hugs her back with so much love)
Ap and Uttara gets happy seeing her..
Uttara: Angel??
Swara looks at Uttara, but feel bit scared.. As she saw her long back.. She hugs Sanskar more
tightly, and hides her face near his chest..
Uttara: Angel u dint recognise me
Sanskar: (smiles) hahaha Angel!! Do u forgot her??
Swara looks at him,
Swara: she is Uttara na??
Uttara gets happy..
Uttara: Angel u know me, but why ru hiding??
She jumps in her and hugs her tightly
Uttara: wow I’m so happy today!!
Swara: (smiles and hugs her back)
Ap looks at her and kisses her..
Ap: Angel ur alive.. I’m so happy! (She looks st Ragini) Thankyou so much for saving Angel.. From
today even ur my daughter..
Ragini: woww that’s soo sweet of u all!!
Ap: today il prepare lunch for all of u..
Ragini: wow aunty! I’m so excited…
They all talk spending with them..
Uttara: Swara, I just liked this look if u.. Ur looking like an angel.. Soo beautiful!! By d way
tell me how did u stay these many days??
Swara: Uttara, u know Ragini thought me how to plant a rose.. Come il show you..
She holds her hand and takes her near the balcony..
Sanskar looks at her lovingly..
Uttara: Swara, Woww u did this?? It’s so nice!
Swara: (smiles) I helped her..
They keep talking and laughing… While Sanskar stares at Swara.. He just can’t turn his face off
from her
Ragini notice him.. And starts teasing
Ragini: sanskar, u can look at ur Angel later, can we go to office now??
Sanskar: so soon!! Just wait for few mins na..
He again looks at her..
Ragini: sanskar, clients are coming, u can stare at her later..
Sanskar looks at her angrily..
Sanskar: Ragini tum na, ur always a disturbance..
Ragini: acha!! Am I disturbance to u..
She starts hitting him!!
Sanskar: Hahahah lol!! I’m sorry..
Ragini too laughs looking at his expressions
Sanskar: haha Kk lets go.. But wait let me talk to Angel
He goes towards the balcony.. Ragini signs Uttara to come out.. Seeing him coming Uttara walks
out smilingly
Sanskar smiles and back hugs Swara..Swara looks at him and smiles..
Swara: sanskar, did u see this red flower, yellow one? Is it nice?
Sanskar: (rests his head on her shoulder) yes Angel.. It’s so beautiful like u!!
Swara: u liked it?? U know Ragini told that she will bring many roses.. She keeps on talking
Sanskar smiles seeing her talking!! He back hugs her tightly..
Sanskar: soo what I got to know is that, my Angel is soo talkative.. Hey na??
He winks at her
Sanskar: keep talking like this all the time okay??
Swara: okay!!
Sanskar: Angel I’m going to office.. Take care okay!!
Swara gets upset..
Sanskar looks at her dull face and makes her turn to face him and he cups her face
Sanskar: why r u sad?? I will come soon.. Il directly come here.. Uttara and Ma will be with u.. U can
spend some time okay??
Swara: okay..
Sanskar: Swara!! (He hugs her) don’t be like this.. I want u to smile.. I love ur smile.. Keep smiling
Swara: (smiles) okay..come soon!! Nd I’m not Swara, im ur Angel na.. U kept my name as Angel na..
Sanksar gets surprised the way she talked..
He feels soo happy and kisses her cheeks..
Sanskar: yes Swara, ur my Angel..!! (He looks st her soft mild palms and makes it touch his face
remembering his childhood days) we are made for each other!! Love u Angel.. He kisses her
Take care..
Swara: (smiles) okay!!
Sanskar: what okay?? Dint I make u smile?? (He shows his cheeks signalling her to kiss)
Swara understoods and kisses his cheek..
Swara: (smiles) Thankyou for making me smile!!
Sanskar smiles…
Episode ends
Ragini tells Laksh That Swara is not her sister..
Laksh is shocked
Thank u every one does who commented and plz guys comment yaar people the ff is not getting atleast 10/ 15 comments also..
Truly when i see low response i dont feel like to update the nxt epi. Guys plz put ur views and the more like this ff gets the fast it ll be published…
Silent readers also pls comment…
Hey chappyyy was suppprrrrbbb…..loved it. ….amazing dr. …..and don’t feel about the comments. …dr. …..many will be reading. …but they won’t hve tym to post. …..don’t feel dr. ..be happy. …….it’s amazing. ..mny will be silent. …
Do u know form mrng I am waiting for your ff dr. ……..post soon……
Waiting. ……..
Awesome but didn’t give part 19
I gave it see https://www.tellyupdates.com/darkness-light-epi-19/
Yipeeee finally dey r together …..loved d chappy…..n dun feel sad abt cmnts dear….
Epi was awesome. And please reveal kavita and kaveri real face infont of laksh and his family.And yeah don’t feel bad because i had read ur epi from long time and i know how much readers like ur ff.
Awesome dear I really want wt will be laksh reaction when he will got to know angel is his sister swara
Plzzz update another chappy soon
Don’t feel bad for low response many ppl like ur ff no no love ur ff
Keep smiling always…..?
Loved the chapter
Awesome yar
I want all neha di stories
I’m die heart fan of her stories
Please u post it or send me links of other ffs also
Please please please
Awww my angel is sooo innocent
Awesome episode. .wowwww apurva. …mind blowing update. …swasan lovely moments were veryyyyyyy awesoooooome. …loved it very very much. ..keep it up honeyyy. Love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart darling ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I read all the parts in one go they are just AWESOME
Yeahhhh loved it dearrr its amazinggg…finaly thy bth r tgthr…waitng how laksh wl react when he comes to knw abt swara his own sister..m rlly excited…nd dnt feel bad dear abt cmmnts