Episode 22 – Here
Episode 23
*Episode 23
Swara and Sanky kiss passionately
After the kiss..
Sanky stares at her lovingly and cups her face..
Sanky: u made my life beautiful angel!
(He kisses her forehead and hugs her tightly)
Sanky suddenly remembers and breaks the hug
Sanky: Angel . Don’t kiss anyone like This.. This is only for me okay??
Shona: Kk!’
Sanky looks at her innocence and hugs her again…
Sanky: Hahahah Angel… Ur cuteness is overloaded
Swara hugs him back
She suddenly looks at the moon.. She laughs..
Swara: hahaha sanskar, did u see the moon..it again came..
She breaks the hug..and she was about to run, she slips because of the saree and was about to
fall.. Sanskar holds her..
Sanky: (tensed) Angel careful!
Swara: (smiles) I’m fine Sanskar..
Sanskar: Ul fall down Angel.. Don’t go..
Swara: but I want to see the moon..
Sanskar: idea!!
He takes her to the terrace.. He wears a quilt on the ground.. And he sleeps on the ground.. He tells
her to sleep..
Maheswari house:
Ragini: aunty il leave now..
AP: take care Ragini…
She comes out.. She notice Laksh sitting in his lawn alone and thinking..
She calls him.. Seeing her call he doesn’t lift it..
She gets sad, she can understand his pain..
She again calls him.. But he doesn’t lift..
She gets sad and goes near him and sits beside him..
Ragini: why r u not lifting my calls?
Laksh: why should I lift?? Who d hell r u?? I don’t have any friends.. He cheated me.. And even
you cheated me… Both were doing everything very silently.. When you know that Swara is Angel..
Why dint u tell me?? U hide the matter.. I hate you Ragini..
Ragini: (cries) Laksh listen.. Plzz listen…
Laksh: (pushes her) just leave from here.. Just get the hell out of here.. Goo!!
Ragini gets sad..
Ragini: Kk I’m sorry to disturb u.. I really don’t know that Angel is Swara, I just know it few days
back.. If u don’t trust me.. I don’t need ur friendship.. Bye!!
She leaves crying..
Laksh gets sad..
Ragini keeps walking alone on the road.. Thinking about Laksh words..
Laksh comes there..
Laksh: (shouts) Ragini.. I’m sorry..
Ragini: I don’t need ur sorry.. Just get lost!
Laksh runs towards her and stops her..
Laksh: Ragini.. I’m sorry.. (He holds his ears)
Ragini: (cries) u dint trust me..how can u think I’ve cheated u.. How can you use those words in
anger Laksh.. I hate u…
Laksh gets emotional and hugs her which shocks Ragini…
Laksh: but I love u Ragini…I love u soo much.. I’m very sorry… I’m a stupid.. I dint think anything..
Ragini gets happy listening his confession and she hugs him…
Ragini: I love u too Laksh..
They share a beautiful hug..
Laksh: don’t hide anything from me Ragini.. Tell me everything.. Plz don’t hide..
Ragini: okay..
(She thinks to tell truth to Laksh, as its the gud time but no no first let me talk with Sanskar.. This is
very important..
She breaks the hug,
Ragini: Laksh.. I need to go home..
Laksh: come il drop u..
Ragini: Kk!!
They both leave to Ragini’s house!!
Swasan place:
Swasan on the ground sleeping looking at the moon.. Swara totally enjoys it..
Sanskar watches her excitement…
Sanky: Angel.. U know ur soo beautiful.. Beautiful like that moon!!
Shona: really??
Sanky: Yess!!
She gets Happy and stares at him lovingly!!
Sanskar: Why are u staring at me Angel??
Swara: ur my best friend.. Jesus sent u.. Jesus is very good!! He loves me soo much that’s why he
gave u!!
Sanky laughs seeing at her innocence
Sanskar: Angel, leave all that tel me why do u love moon??
Swara: because it’s my best friend.. Daily I used to look at that moon.. She will daily come to see
Sanskar: haha really??
Swara: (excited) Yaa Sanskar.. This all.. Everything is made by God!! Should I tell u how God created
that light??
Sanskar looks at her excitement..
Sanskar: Yaa Angel tell
Swara: (she explains very seriously shouting) in the beginning, God created many beautiful things
for 7 days.. In day 2 he saw they was no light.. Then God saw it and God said, “Let there be light!”
So there was light. God saw that the light was beautiful. So He separated the light from the
And at day 4, God fashioned two great lights—the larger light to shine during the day.. That we
named as sun!! and the smaller light to shine during the night that we named as moon, as well as
Hahaha it’s nice na??
Sanky is shocked and surprised.. He dint expect that she speaks continuously that too a story.. He
was totally speechless..
Sanskar: Angel, how did u know this?
Swara: I’ve Heard it from the church Sunday school.. That aunty used to tell so many stories from
bible.. I know all of it!!
Sanskar: ur a genius Angel.. By d way u told me God created for 7 days.. What is 7 Angel??
Swara: I don’t know.. But I only remember those names..
Sanskar: Hahahaha Angel.. Kk leave that tell me onething.. U said day 2 and day 4 what about other
days?? Ohh u remember only those days??
Angel: no Sanskar, I know everything, but I was telling about light..
Sanky: ohh really.. You know I don’t know these all.. Will u teach me plz??
Swara: (excited) Kk I will Teach u.. God created things for 7 days..
Hmm (she thinks) Haaa at day 1 God created heaven and earth!! In that he created night and day..
Sanky: (teases) what is heaven and earth angel?
Shona: don’t know…
Sanky: haha Angel.. Now we are staying on this planet.. This place is called as earth.. And gods
place is known as heaven.. Okay??
Swara : so Jesus house is heaven??
Sanky: yes!!
Swara gets happy and claps her hand as she has got a clarification for earth and heaven..
Sanky: so u know about night and day right??
Shona: yes…
Sanky: Kk now tell me about day 2..
Swara: day 2 God created sky and sea..
I know sky and sea Sanksar..
Sanky: Hahha Kk.. And day 3
Swara: at day3 he created land and vegetation.. What is vegetation Sanskar?
Sanskar: food.. He gave us food..
Swara:: (smiles) Kk…so at day 4 he created stars, sun and the moon… I know them Sanskar..
Sanskar: Kk at day 5..
Swara: day 5 he created birds and other… I love birds Sanskar.. They r my best frnds.. He created
them for me.. He is soo gud na..
Sanskar: Yaa Angel.. He loves u soo much!
Swara again gets excited and claps her hands..
SwAra : at day 6 he created us.. People and other big animals.. Nd at day 7 it was a rest day…
Sanskar: (claps) Woww Angel… I’m soo proud of u.. Ur a genius.. U can easily learn everything.. And
there is soo much to learn.. Do u want to study??
Swara: yes Sanksar..
Sanskar: (kisses her cheeks) sure Angel.. After our marriage. I will appoint a teacher.. U can learn
new things… Nd most happiest thing is you will be with me forever!!
He again kisses her cheeks..
Swara: will I be with you everyday??
Sanskar: haa Angel.. After our marriage..u will be with me forever!!
Swara gets happy and kisses his cheeks..
Thankyou for making me smile Sanskar..
Sanskar stares at her…
Swara: sanskar I’m so cold!!
Sanskar: Come, hug me.. Ul feel better..
She hugs him and sleeps on his chest hugging him tightly!!
Sanky: is it fine or should I bring the bedsheet Angel??
Swara: Its nice Sanskar..I liked it , ur with me na..now I’m not cold anymore.. It’s soo warm! Don’t go
anywhere leaving me Sanskar..
Sanskar turns towards her and cups her face.
Snaskar. Ur mine angel.. U will be with me forever.. I will never leave u.. Because I can’t stay without
you angel.. Ur soo important in my life..
Swara: I’m getting sleep Sanskar..
Sanskar: sleep angel..
He slowly taps her shoulder to make her sleep.. And Sanky too sleeps hugging her!!
Next day:
Early morning..
Sunrays hitting the two love birds… And birds starts making sounds!!
This disturbed Swara’s sleep
She slowly opens her eyes.. She rubs her eyes and looks at the sun…
She smiles and gets up.. But she feels a heavy hand on her.. She looks at it and gets happy seeing
Swara: good morning Sanskar..
(She kisses his cheeks)
She gets up and wishes the sun…. She watches a tap, she goes and washes her face.. She looks at
Sanskar his sleep is getting disturbed by sun rays
She gets sad and goes towards him and she covers him standing in front of to avoid Ray’s..
Sanskar sleeps peacefully, she again moves a step side, again his sleeps gets disturbed.. She again
comes back to same place covering the Rays.. He again seeps peacefully
She stands there for some time watching him sleeping peacefully!! But gets angry on sun.. She
looks at sun and shouts..
Swara: yellow sun.. I know you give so much of light to everyone.. But now, plz goo and come again
later.. Sanskar is sleeping.. Go from here!!
Still sun doesn’t move..Swara gets sad
Swara: if u won’t go now, il tell Jesus.. He will punish you!! Goooo fast!!
Sanskar listen to her words and smiles in his sleep.. He slowly opens his eyes.. He watches her
standing Infront of him protecting him from Ray’s
Sanskar: Angel, what r u doing??
Swara: shh.. You sleep Sanskar, this sun na it’s disturbing you, I’m telling it to go.. But it’s not
listening he is not my friend
Sanskar burst out laughing looking at her cute sad face.
Sanskar: Hahahaha Angel.. Come here!!
She goes towards him..
He pulls her into a hug.. And closes his eyes hugging her..
Sanskar: Angel, when ur with me, I won’t get disturbed by anyone.. Not even with that sun..
Swara gets happy and hugs him!!
At that time Sanskar gets call from AP
Ap: sanskar, come home soon.. We need to go to temple!
Sanskar: haa Ma coming..
He cuts the call..
Sanskar: Angel we need to go to temple..a new place.. Come!!
Swara :new place?? I’m so excited..
They leave!!
Maheswari house:
Swaraa and Sanskar reaches home.. Swara gets down.. Sanskar takes her inside..
AP: Swaraa.. U came.. Come get fresh up and wear this dress..
She calls Uttara and tells her to help
Uttara: Bhabi come..
Kavitha is very angry.. She couldnt take it what’s all happening around her.. She goes to meet
Kaveri.. As only she can help her
Episode ends
Shekar watches Swara in temple..
What will happen??
Kavitha and Kaveri new plan..
Will that lead to separation of Swasan??
Let’s see!!!
Thank you guys for spending ur precious time and commenting in the ff and making me very very happy..
Don’t separate swasan again….
Awesome dear
Update next chappy soon
Its soooo beautiful
Swara’s innocence her antics are sooo amazing
I know this is neha’s story but u have added yours touch to it and made it more amazing
Its difficult to narrate someone’s else story but still u are doing it beautifully
son cute epi.
lv it
Don’t separate them
It’s too good I have already read your story on ………. But I don’t comments their that why I comments hear it’s so good yaar I can’t explain in word feeling like this is true story
Awesome and please don’t separate swasan
It wz amazing dear….loved it….n swara’s cute exprsion…….dat wz so adorable…..
Chapter was awsm..dont seperate swasan
Awesome, marvellous episode. ..swasan convo n swara’s innocence is very beautiful. …plzzzz don’t separate swasan. ..raglak love confession was very awesoooooome. …I hope ragini tells truth to laksh…keep it up honeyyy….love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart
Awesome awesome awesome!!!
aaahhh loved it dear..
Pls dnt separate my innocent nd cute swara frm her sanskar..c cnt live without him..hope laksh get to knw soon abt swara being his real sister….