Episode 26
Sanskar: hello…who has that dare to arrest me.. No one can seperate us, she is no more Swara
gadodia because she is my wife now.. Can’t u see.. We are married.. She is Mrs Sanskar Maheswari
All are shocked…
Kavitha is more shocked seeing them married…
Kavitha: how did u marry her?? When did u Marry her Sanskar?
Sanskar: why r u so tensed Kavitha?? Achaa Kk so you want to know when my marriage is done??
Kk listen
After Laksh and Kavitha leaves home yesterday night
Sanskar: dad I have a solution for this.. Will u agree?
DP: (confused) what’s that?
Sanskar: il marry Swara now.. No one can take her dad.. I think this is the best solution..
Dp: Kk Sanskar do as u wish..il cal pandit now.. Let’s do the rituals in the house itself…
He calls pandit..
Ap makes her ready by wearing simple saree and decorated her with flowers.. Like a new bride..
Finally rituals started…..Swara was soo scared to see all that….. As it was soo new to her…
Sanksar looked at Swara.. And whispers
Swara.. Today is our marriage.. These rituals are important.. If u do this no one can seperate us.. U
will be with me forever..
Swara smiles…
Swara: okay..
Finally Sanskar made Swara her forever by spreading lightly, a red powder, ‘sindoor’ on her head. It
is a symbol of love. He tied a “mangalsutra” around her neck. And took the 7 pheras..
It was a simple wedding..
Flashback ends
Sanskar: Finally Swara Gadodia has become my Angel forever.. R u happy Kavitha??
Kavitha is shocked…
Laksh: Sanskar.. How dare u?? How can u do this?? How can u marry her without our
Sanskar: (pushes him) I did this because I love her.. Now no one can separate us Laksh..
Shekar: sanskar.. I won’t agree this marriage.. This is not the marriage at all..
(He goes towards Swara) Swaraa.. Come Beti lets go.. He is not good for u.. Come (he holds his
hands and pulls her)
Swara gets scared.. She burst out crying..
All gets shocked…she hugs Sanky tightly…
Sanky: Uncle leave her Plzz… She don’t like to come.. Plzz leave her and plz go..
I won’t send her anywhere…
Kavitha: but Sanskar she is my sister.. How can U marry her without her permission
Sanksar: enough Kavitha.. She is my wife.. U can’t change that now.. Now plz go from here.. Or
else il give a police complaint on u that ur trying to separate Swara from me..
Shekar: sanskar.. Hold ur tongue… He gets angry and when he was about to beat him..
Laksh interrupts…
Laksh: how dare u Sanskar… (He holds his collar)
They start scolding each other… Swara gets scared and cries hugging ap..
Shomi: (shouts) Laksh stop it.. Laksh Plzz!!!
Shekar: don’t stop him Shomi… I can’t forgive that Sanksar..
Shomi shouts loudly…
“Stop it plz”!!
All looks shockingly at Shomi…
Shomi: Shekar plz go home.. Il talk to Sanskar.. Plz Shekar..
Shekar angrily leaves
Shomi: Sanksar.. I don’t know what’s happening here.. But I can only say that she is my daughter..
My daughter is alive, she is Infront of me.. Plzz give my daughter back to me.. It’s a request
Sanskar.. (She cries)
Ap : but Shomi ji.. She may be ur daughter but now the fact is she is sanskars wife.. Ur daughter is
married…Why r u not understanding this..
Shomi: Yess.. Ur right.. Swara is married.. My daughter got married.. I’m happy for that.. Sanksar I
have a small request..
I won’t seperate Swara from u.. But plz send Swara to my house for some days.. I want to spend
some time with my daughter.. Plzz Sanskar.. Im promising u.. Il send her after some days..
Sanskar gets tensed.. He looks at Laksh..
Laksh signals him to send..
Sanskar: Kk.. But one condition, only afternoons she will be with u.. When I come from office il bring
her back..
Shomi gets happy… She hugs Sanskar
Sanskar: Thankyou Sanskar..
(She goes towards Swara and kisses her forehead)
Ap: but Sanskar…
Sanskar: Maa.. Don’t worry… She will be fine..
Laksh: Maa come lets go home..
He takes her and leaves….
Ap: sanskar, what r u doing?? How can u send her?? That Kavitha…
Sanksar: Maa don’t worry.. Laksh is with swara.. He will take care of her.. Angel come lets go to our
Ap is confused.. She goes to her room..
Swasan room:
Sanskar takes Swara to her room.. She holds his hands tightly crying..
Sanksar: Angel why r u crying??
Swara: will they take me?? I hate her.. She always scold me.. I won’t go with her..
Sanskar: Noo Angel.. She can’t do anything to u.. And u won’t go anywhere..
Swara: (hugs him) I’m scared.. Don’t go anywhere Sanskar.. They will again take me..
Sanskar smiles and hugs her back..
Sanksar: Angel don’t get scared… I’m there with u na.. Kk leave all that By d way where is my kiss..
Swara: im not smiling.. How can I kiss u??
Sanskar burst out laughing..
Sanskar: Hahahaha Angel… So today my Angel is not happy.. That’s why she’s not giving me kiss..
Kk fine.. But Angel.. Today I’m soo happy.. Very very happy.. 1st one.. U became my wife.. I’m urs
Angel.. And ur mine… No one can Seperate us…
Nd second one.. Ur family is happy to see u back.. They love u so much Angel…
I’m very happy… This is all because of u..
(He kisses her cheeks)
“Thankyou for making me smile Angel.. I love u soo much”..
Swara smiles…
Swara too kisses his cheeks..
“Thankyou for making me smile Sanskar, I love u sanskar”
Sanskar gets happy listening those 3 words from her… He stares at her lovingly…
Sanskar: (teases) Angel…I’m not satisfied…
Swara smiles and kisses him tightly on his cheeks…
Swara: (smiles) satisfied??
Sanskar: (teases) nooo….I want that kiss.. On ur birthday.. Remembered??
Swara smiles and gives a peck on his lips..
Swara: (smiles) sattisfied??
Sanksar smiles seeing her innocence
He pulled her closer to him. His arm around her waist tightened and he kept her long hair to the
other side… He leans and kissed her.. he bit her lips lightly which made her gasp in surprise and he
kissed her…which started out as a soft one soon turned into a hungry passionate one.
Sanskar: Angel.. Kiss me everyday like this okay…
Swara: (smiles) Kk..
He again starts kissing her.. Suddbely gets disturbed by a call..
Sanskar breaks the kiss and looks at the phone
It was Laksh…
The secret revealed!!!!!
The suspense gets over in the nxt epi..
Wait till then…
Guys 1 bad news.. I got to know that in other sites to i cant post neha’s ff. So if u want the other ff of neha i can email it to u on ur email id’s. I ll give 7 chapters at one time only and it ll be once in a week. If u guys want it so plz message me ur email address on my account.. i ll glad to give u that…
Neha’s other ff’s are
1. The revenge love story
2. The Princess in veil
3. The new relation begins
And Neha di is starting a new ff on her fb page from nov..
Plz let me know ur precious opinions abt this..
Thanks apurva di
For sending the ff’s
Here is my gmail id
Thx for the response i ll give u the other ff’s on 1 st nov…
Thx guys for ur valuable comments.
Thx behalf of Neha di….
Thx behalf of Neha di ….
Uh nailed it dear….bt y can’t uh post odr ffs…..uh posted intro na…..plz try if possible here only….
Actually telly people told that the ff should be posted by the author itself. So they denied my request…
Thx dear
Awesome chappy dear
Thx dearr
Amazing part dear..loved it..waitng fr nxt egrly
Thx dear. Ll try to post asap
Nice…..thanks for posting. My gmail I’d is archana.kumari0703@gmail.com
Thx. And i ll give the other ff’s on 1st nov…. ?
I love this FF this is the first ff I read in fb…????
Awesome episode, apurva my sweeeeeetheart thx for updating this lovely epi. ..below is my email. ..plzzzz send me neha’s ffs…I love you n neha soooooooo muchhhhhh. ..muaaaaahhhhhh