Episode 27
Sanskar breaks the kiss and looks at the phone
It was Laksh
He smiles…
“Angel ur brother is calling”
Swara looks at him confused… Sanskar lifts the call..
Sanskar: lucky..Kya timing hai?? Ur disturbing us..
Laksh: disturbing? I’m disturbing?? Shut up okay…
Sanky: hmm now what happen why are you on fire?? Kk uTell me why did u call me now??
Laksh: wait.. Ragini wants to talk to u.. Let me connect the call..
He keeps conference call..
Shona: who is that??
Sanky: (smiles) Ragini…
Shona: Ragini ?? I will talk to her..
Sanky: (smiles) wait angel et me first talk to her..
Swara: Kk…
Laksh connects Ragini call.. They are in conference call
Laksh: Ragini speak Sanky is here..
Ragini: what the hell are you thinking of urself.. How can u do this?
Sanky: ragu cool down.. What’s going on??
Ragini: how can u marry Swara without telling me.. I just dint’t expect this from you Sanky…
Laksh: Sanky now did u get to know why I called u?? U married her and Ragini is yelling on me.. This
is not fair na
Sanky: Hahahaha… I’m sorry Ragini.. At that time I felt that was good…by d way it was Laksh idea..
So u scold him not me
Laksh: ha Yaa it was my idea.. But it’s over na Ragini.. Now why again that topic.. Swara is happy..
So be happy.. Anyways.. Sanky.. I want to spend some time with my sister..bring her out!!
Ragini: but Laksh.. I think that’s risky.. If Kavitha gets to know..
Laksh: will manage.. When Swara comes to my house, she should treat me like her brother…she
should be free with me..
Sanky: ya lucky ur right.. Swara is scared for what all happened in the morning.. Now she needs to
be free at this time she needs Laksh..
Ragini: Kk come to my house.. For dinner.. We all can spend some time.. And Swara is married ..
I should teach her many things..
Laksh: Hahahaha lol…Ragini.. U don’t need to teach her, I guess Sanky is already teaching her.. I’ve
disturbed him it seems..
Ragini : Hahahaha
Sanky: enough guys.. Will meet at 8:00pm..
Swara: Sanksar il talk to Ragini…
Sanskar: wait guys.. Swara wants to talk to Ragini…
He gives the call…
Swara: Ragini.. Why don’t u Come to see me
Ragini: Swaraa.. I’m sorry.. Will meet today.. And Congrats for ur marriage.. I’m so happy..
Swara: even I’m happy.. Sanskar made me smile.. I love Sanskar, he is my best friend..
Laksh and Ragini smiles…
Laksh: Swara.. Come soon.. Ur bhai wants to play with u..
Swara gets tensed hearing a new name and she gives the call to Sanskar..
Sanskar: hah Laksh.. She don’t know that’s u.. Anyways will meet at dinner..
He cuts the call..
Sanky looks at Swara and kisses her cheeks
Sanky: Angel.. I’m so happy.. Ur going to meet ur brother now.. He loves u so much.
Swara: (confused) brother???
Sanky: Yess.. Laksh.. Laksh is ur brother Angel..
Swara: I don’t want him.. He will take me..
Sanky: Angel.. He is very good.. U know from when you are small.. He used to care for u so much,
he is really sweet.. He even saved u na??
Swara: Yess..
Sanky: then u should talk to him.. Okay??
Shona: (smiles) Kk..
Sanky: good now come get ready.. Hmm wait il select ur dress..
U want saree or churidhar??
Swara: (thinks) saree…
Sanskar: (smiles) sure?? U can carry??
Swara: Haa
Sanskar: Kk.. Cool… Hmm wear this orange saree.. Is it nice..
Swara: (smiles) Haaa nice..
Sanskar: go to Ma.. She will help u..
Swara: (smiles) Kk
she runs..Sanskar smiles seeing her
Swara : Maa…
Ap: Haaa Angel… Kya hua beta..
Swara: Maa I’m going out.. Help me wear this saree..
Ap: sure come…
She takes her to her room and makes her ready…
Sanskar comes down.. He takes Swara and they leave to Ragini house
Ragini house:
Laksh reaches Ragini’s house..
He is soo excited to spend some time with 3 loving people.. Sanskar his best friend, Swara his cute
sister, and Ragini his life partner..
He knocks the door..
Ragini opens the door..
Ragini: Laksh… U came soo soon..
(She hugs him) I thought u will be late today.. Soo sweet of u… (She pulls his cheeks)
Laksh: Ragini.. How can I be late.. I’m so excited.. I want to spend time with Swara..
Ragini: I know Laksh… Even I’m soo happy. Swara and Sanskar married… I’m soo happy.. Anyways
come inside..u know I made Swara’s favourite dish.. When she is here with me.. She ate chicken so
happily.. I understood that she loves chicken..
Laksh: Yaa Ragini.. When she was kid.. Even she used to eat chicken.. She loves chicken..
Ragini: Hahahah Soo sweet..
By that time.. Swasan reaches.. They knock the door…
Ragini and Laksh gets happy..
Laksh: they came..
Ragini: il open the door
Laksh: Noo Ragini…
Ragini: why?
Laksh: because il open
(Saying this he runs to hall)
Ragini: Laksh this is cheating…
Laksh: hahaa…
He opens the door… He gets happy seeing
Them.. Swara hides back of Sanky seeing Laksh.. As she is scared of him from morning..
Laksh notice her hiding and smiles..
Sanky: hello lucky… Kya acting yar?? U nailed it… (He hugs him)
Laksh: hahah lol.. U know I was soo tensed… By d way why my sissy is hiding??
Laksh : because of ur overacting, she got scared..
Laksh: Swaraa.. Ur scared of me?? I’m sorry.. (He holds his ears)
Sanskar: Angel.. I told na he is good, he is our party only.. He is ur brother..
She smiles looking at him…
Meantime Ragini comes..
She gets soo happy and hugs Swara and Sanskar…
Swara: Ragini… I missed u soo much..
Ragini: miss u too Swara.. Come lets go inside..
They go inside to the balcony..
Swara looks at the moon and smiles..
Swara: sanskar again moon came.. I told na.. She is my best friend..
Laksh is shocked to see her mind which not yet matured.. He looks at Sanksar shockingly…
Sanksar holds his hand…
Laksh eyes are filled with tears.. He gets angry thinking about Kavitha and Kaveri…
Laksh: how can Kaveri do this?? How can she play With such innocent girl..
Sanskar: lucky.. What happened it’s for our good.. She is back.. She is with us now.. Be happy.. And
u know, I really liked her innocence.. She don’t know what’s bad..
She is soo good at heart…
Laksh stares at Swara emotionally and hugs her..
Laksh: yes Sanskar.. She is back.. I don’t need anything.. My sissy is back.. He kisses her forehead..
Swara looks at Sanskar.. He smiles.. Swara too smiles..
Laksh: Swara u forgive me??
Swara remembers Sanskar words where he said good about Laksh..
Swara: (smile) Haaa!!
He again gets happy and hugs her..
Laksh: I’m so happy…
Swara: even I’m happy…
Sanskar: Hahahah by d way Laksh.. What’s next plan??
Ragini: guys what’s ur plan actually??
Sanky: Laksh.. I think this is enough.. Kaveri is send to jail.. And why to punish Kavitha.. Uncle and
aunty will become heartbroken when they get to know about Kavitha..
Laksh: Yaa ur right.. I won’t tell Ma and papa… But my only aim is that I want Kavitha to love Swara..
She should know what she did… Why can’t we ch age Kavitha.. Kavitha is not bad Sanskar…
But she loves u so much.. She did this for u.. But this is wrong way… She should know that..
Ragini: but Laksh.. Now she hates Swara.. She may harm her too..
Sanskar: yes Laksh… When ur with her she may not get chance.. But if u go to office??
Laksh thinks…
Sanky : I have an idea… Ragini.. Ragini is ryt..
Laksh: Yess… Ragini..is ryt..
Ragini: confused..
Sanky: Ragini u stay in Laksh house.. When Laksh is not there u can take care of Swara.. By that
time il reach home.. And il take Swara back to my house..
Ragini: hmm Kk.. Nice idea..
They 3 give hifi…
They look at Swara, she is busy in playing with flowers..
Swara: Ragini.. This flower is soo big..
Sanskar: u liked it Swara??
Swara: yes.. Daily k used to give water na.. See it became soo big..
Sanskar: Woww.. Angel ur hands have some magic.. (He kisses her hands)
Laksh and Ragini smiles..
Laksh: (teases) Sanky.. Don’t u think ur overacting.. Like seriously, how can u be soo flirty that too
with Swara..
Sanskar: hahah Laksh.. We need to follow in they way… Nd u know what.. No one can deal Swara
like I do .. I like her innocence.. She is my Angel
(He kisses her cheeks)
Swara smiles…
Ragini: Laksh learn some romance from sanskar..
Laksh : ohh really… (He pulls her hand)
Ragini: Laksh.. Arey this is public place.. Ur soo shameless..
Laksh: hmm Sanky did u see… Just now she said something.. Now again she covered..
Sanky smiles..
Ragini: guys come lets have dinner..
They all get seated and have dinner together.. Enjoying themselves
Laksh: I wish even Kavitha would be here.. It will be nice na..
Ragini: Laksh..don’t worry.. One day she will be with us..
After the dinner…
Ragini: guys u keep talking… I have some work with swara.. I should teach her many things..
Sanskar: ohh wow.. What r u going to teach her
Ragini: secret
Sanksar: ohh’
Ragini takes her inside…
Ragini room
Ragini: Swara now ur married.. You know ur soo lucky to get husband like Sanskar.. He loves u soo
Swara: (smiles) yes Sanskar love me soo much..
Ragini: even you should love him like that..
Swara: I love him soo much Ragini..
Ragini: (cups her face) I know Swara..u love him so much.. Marriage means not only loving each other..
You both should become one.. He always Make u smile na. So give him his gift.. U know all
boys wish to have an intelligent wife matured wife.. But Sanskar is the one who liked u completely..
Though ur innocent.. Take care of him Swara..
Swara is confused..
Ragini: I know you are confused.. Kk leave all that.. Listen.. Be with Sanskar always.. Help him, like
what ever he wants you give him.. When he goes to office help him.. Okay!?
Swara: (smiles) Kk..
Ragini: and main thing…U know ur Sanskar has lots of ladies following.. So if u see him talking with
any girl..
Give him a tight slap..
You are his wife.. U have that right.. Okay Hahahah.. Just kidding Swara..
Swara: Kk..
Ragini: but this is serious.. these boys na.. They try to tease us.. But we should not be weak.. If u
get any chance to tease him.. Even u start teasing him.. enjoy ur self what ur doing Swara.. This
life is not only this.. Try to Learn something new all the time.. And main thing.. Always be beautiful
in front of ur husband..
Swara: Kk
Ragini: (smiles) I don’t know what u understood.. But just in one word.. Love ur husband Swara..
Show him ur love.. And Face this world Swara.. Raise ur voice when someone is snatching
something from u..
Swar: k
Ragini: Kk this is enough for today.. Nd il teach u many more things.. Okay??
Sanskar: Ragini.. Done with ur teaching?? It’s raining we need to go home soon..
Ragini: come Swara lets go… And don’t tell to anyone.. It’s secret..
They go out..
Sanskar: Kk laksh.. Will go now.. Tomorrow morning il send Swara to ur house..
Laksh: sure I’m waiting…. Bye Swara.. Take care..
He hugs her and Swara hugs him back..
Swara: bye…
They leave
Sanskar: swara.. What did Ragini tell??
Swara: she said.. Not to tell anyone..
Sanskar: what?? but no problem tell me..
Swara: (smiles) Noo.. But she told me to give ur gift daily..
Sanksar: what gift??
Swara smiles and kisses his chin…which made Sanskar shocked.. And stopped the car..
Sanskar: Angel..
Swara: this is the gift.. U always make me smile na..
Sanksar gets happy and stares at her lovingly..
Suddenly it rains…
Swara: Sanskar.. Rain..
Sanskar: U want to play??
Swara: yes
Sanskar: come
(They get down.. Swara enjoys the rain.. She starts jumping in the rain..)
Sanskar stares at her lovingly.. The way she’s enjoying..
Swara: sanskar this is very nice…
She starts turning…
Her long wet fringe falling on her face.. Made her look more beautiful..
Her saree fitted to her personality… He was stunned..
Sanskar: Angel enough u catch cold.. Come lets go..
Swara: Kk..
When she was about to go.. Suddenly she slips.. Sanskar holds her..
Sanskar: Angel… Ur alright???
Swara: Yaaa…
Sanskar: I told u to be careful.. See now.. Come lets go..
(He lifted her in his arms… Swara looks at him lovingly.. She remembers Ragini words that Sanskar
loves u soo much.)
She gets happy and kisses his cheeks again..
Swara: I love u Sanskar.. Ur my best friend..
Sanskar smiles
Swara hugs him tightly…
Sanskar: Swaraa… Ur soo happy today..
Swara: Yess.. U always make me smile.. That’s why I’m soo happy..
Sanskar: really…
He stares at her and kisses her forehead..
Both stare at each other…
Episode ends
Shomi gets to know that Swara doesn’t know anything.. She decided to be her teacher..
Don’t u think..”Our first teacher is our mother”
Hey guys…
Happy Diwali to all my friends here… Have a prosperous and may the light of the diva / lamp bring a light of happiness in ur life.
Light is coming in Swara’s life.. ???…
So i ll b giving u a diwali gift from my side.
Any guesses…
Guys so ur diwali gift is that i ll posting today more 2 epi’s of this ff. Isn’t it a gift…
So in return i also want my gift..
That is…
By giving comments…
Silent readers plz do comment today… if u dont comment tomorrow that is ok. But plz do today.. ??
Amazing dear
So laksh is with them and acting infront of everyone that he is angry on sanskar wowww
Happy diwali wish u all the happiness and success
Thx and same to u dear… ??
Thx darling….
okay commenting for u this is awesome fabulously written thank u thank u thank u thanks a ton for posting on behalf on neha di and hi fi i also love siddhant gupta alot……tc and post asap…….
Thx for commenting sriya..
Ur always welcome and ya same pinch for loving SG…
Awesome I loved it dear…..
If possible I want another chappy today
Happy Diwali Apurva
Keep smiling always…..
I gave a double dose for u dear…
Same to u…
And ya i m smiling because for all ur comments.
Be happy and keep smiling dear…
Thank u Apurva for ur double dose and it was soo cute chappy swara slaped Sanskar was awesome……?
Apiee diwali.. nyc
Same to u and thx dear.
Hppy diwali dr.
and nice epi..
lv it.
keep writing
Thx and same to u dear…
Thx xavia… And happy Diwali to u too. Keep smiling and be happy…
awesome. loved it
Thx Raina…
Amazing…. Loved it…..
Thank you rekha…??
awesome awesome awesome……and a very happy diwali………
Thank you Hemanshi for the comment and happy Diwali to u too…
Thanks for the double update..chapter was really good
Happy diwali
Thx simi.. Happy diwali to u too dear…
Amazing dear…nd laksh ws acting omg…waitmg fr nxt
Thx dear… Keep smiling and thx for commenting for all the epis…
awesome dear…
Thx dear..
Hey sry i just read ua reply on my prvs cmnt bt i thnk uh shd post it….cz it doesn’t mtrs d author z posting or any odr prsn…..bt author shd know dat ub r posting her ff here odrwiz no prob in dat…cz dr r many ppl who r posting TU stories on fb….
N i hv confusion dat hw lucky z cool wid sanky he qz angry on him na n hw z it lucky’s plan…..
Its ok dear..actually i tried posting it but they didn’t permit it and denied to post it. I also told them that the author is ready but then also they accepted it.
And ur confusion ll b cleared in the nxt epi…
Happy happy happy Diwali my sweeeeeetheart apurva n neha….I love your gifts…..thx a lotttttttttt my dearyysss…love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug
Same to u dear Roma.
Thank you and welcome. ..??