Episode 34
Snskar: yes Angel.. U are beautiful…he kisses her forehead… Come lets go now.. We are already
Swara: okay
Sanskar: Maa come lets go..
Ap: u and Swara go Sanskar, we know Shekar ji is angry at us.. Now he is sintuatuoj where he can’t
forgive us and he can’t punish us.. Both Kavitha and Swara are important to him.. Let’s not trouble
him.. Slowly things will settle..
Sanskar: k Ma..
Sanskar and Swara reaches gadodia house.. Shomi welcomes them but Shekar only welcomes
Shekar: Swara, come.. My princess.. Ur looking so beautiful.. (He kisses her cheeks)
Swara: am I really beautiful?? U know Annapurna Ma and Sanskar Also that I’m looking
Sanskar smiles seeing Shekar behaving like kid..
Laksh signals Sanskar to come to Terrace..
Sanskar: Angel, I’m going to terrace.. U stay with Ma..
Swara: no il be with u..
Shomi: Swara you won’t stay with me??
Swara: Maa Sanskar is alone na, I will be with him. He will again cry
Sanskar and Shomi smiles hearing her words
Shomi: Hahha Kk Swara, stay with him..
Sanskar : come Angel let’s go..
(He places his hand on her shoulder and they walk towards terrace)
Sanskar: (teases) Angel.. What r u saying Ma ?? Will I cry??
Swara: (smiles) Yaa.. Yesterday u said na, that u missed me so much..
Sanskar burst out laughing…
Sanskar: Hahahah Angel.. Ur my cute Angel.. He kisses her cheeks..
Swara smiles and hugs him..
Kavitha friends looks at snskar and gets shocked..they r confused.. They go to kavithas room
Swasan go to terrace, it was welly decorated with lightings.. Swara gets so excited…
Swara: sanskar it’s soo nice.. These lightings soo cute
Ragini: Swara.. Did u liked it..
Swara: yes..
Laksh: this is for u Swara.. All guests will come na.. Will introduce this Swara gadodia to everyone
Sanskar: (teases) but Lucky u forgot.. She is no more Swara gadodia.. She is Swara Sanskar
Maheswari now.. Introduce everyone like that..
Laksh: hahah Noo way.. She may be ur wife.. U introduce ur friends like that.. But to my relatives
she is Swara gadodia only..
Ragini: oofoooo guys, Plzz stop ur silly fight..
All three of them laugh..
Sanskar: Swara, today u should greet everyone.. Don’t feel shy.. Feel free Kk??
Swara: Kk…
Kavitha’s room..
Kavitha friends starts asking their questions..
Friend: Kavitha, u don’t believe I saw Sanskar hugging another girl..
Friend2: not only hug he even kissed her.. How can he, when he is going to marry u.. How can he do
Kavitha is angry.. And she tells the truth
Kavitha: guys I want to tell u something.. Actually Sanskar and me broke up.. And he is married too..
All are shocked
Friends: what?? But who is that girl?
Kavitha: (cries) she is Swara.. My sister.. Because of her he left me.. He started loving her.. I
couldn’t stop their marriage.. I hate Swara.. She may be my mothers daughter, but she is my step
sister.. I don’t love her.. I want to kill her.. I’m so angry..
Friends: we are sorry..
Kavitha: that’s k.. I’m just allowing this for my parents.. They r happy to know that Swara is back..
They kept even this party for her.. Nd she is not correct for Sanskar.. She is not educated, she don’t
know anything.. A very childish mind.. How can she fit for Sanskar.. I just feel like torturing her
but I couldn’t do anything..I just can’t bear to see her smiling face..
Friends:don’t worry Kavitha.. We are there na.. Just watch and see.. How will insult Swara infront of
Kavitha: really??
Friends: Yess.. We will make her cry.. U be happy.
Kavitha: Thankyou soo much.. (She hugs all of them)
Meanwhile guests starts coming.. Shekar is busy welcoming guests..
Shekar: Kavitha… Kavitha!
Kavitha: oof papa na.. Why is he screaming like this infront of everyone… Haaa papa coming…
She goes out..
Shekar: Kavitha, serve cool drinks for everyone..
Kavitha: me??
Shekar: Haa Kavitha, doing our works is not wrong.. Come go and serve..
Kavitha: Kk…
She takes cool drink and she serves everyone.. Adhrsh is talking in cal.. Kavitha goes near him and
she gives Coke to him.. And she leaves..
Adharsh: 1min.. I want Sprite..
Kavitha: takes Sprite glass..
Adhrsh: Noo I want Coke only..
Kavitha: ooofff here take it..
Adhrsh: wait wait.. I want Sprite…
Kavitha looks at him angrily and she goes without giving him anything.
Adhrsh smiles seeing her anger…
Friends: Kavitha who is that guy?
Kavitha: he is one brain eater.. Il teach him a lesson one day..
Friend: may be he is trying u…
Friend: and he is so handsome… Soo cute too.. Accept him Kavitha…
Kavitha gets angry..
Kavitha: will u plz shut ur mouth.. He can’t get this Kavitha so easily.. Il teach him a lesson.. Leave
about him.. Today our target is Swara…don’t forget girls..
Shekar waits for a guest..
Shomi: Shekar, what are u looking for, come inside..
Shekar: my new business partner Srinivas Prasad is coming with his family.. His father, Murali
Prasad.. a great singer in those days… He is coming to bless our Swara.. I’m so happy.. and Shomi
today u should sing a song.. His family loves music…And u know I invited them specially saying my
wife sings well.. u should make them happy..
Shomi: Shekar u invited them, that’s good.. But don’t tell me to sing infront of everyone.. Plzz!!
Kavitha hears their conversation and she gets an evil plan..
Finally the main guest arrived.. An old person gets from the car.. Shekar takes blessings from him..
And he greets his friend Srinivas..
Shekar: please come in..
Srinivas: Shekar where is ur daughter..
Shekar: she’s inside.. Plz come.. (He looks for Swara and calls Laksh and tells him to bring Swara)
Laksh cuts the call..
Laksh: Swara come papa is Calling u.. Someone came to see u..
He take Swara..
Shekar introduces Swara to them.. Swara looks at the old person.. She smiles looking at him..
As she never seen such old person anytime..
He blesses Swara..
Shekar makes them sit and welcomes other guest.. He keeps introducing Swara to everyone..
All ladies are talking…
They start talking about Swara..that she is looking very cute..meantime Swara walks passing them..
One lady stops Swara..
Those ladies call her…
Lady : Swara ur dress is very nice.. It is soo pretty for u..
Swara: (excited and claps her hands).. Even Sanskar said I’m so beautiful in this dress… My
papa bought this dress for me.. And this colour is Sanskar fav colour.. Even I like this colour becUse
Sanskar like it na..
Those ladies are shocked..
Swara watches different lights series.. She gets excited and goes towards those lights..
Kavitha friends hears them and they start talking loudly so that they will hear they words
Frnd 1: hey girls did u see, soo sad of Swara.. She is soo beautiful but her mind is not yet matured..
The ladies look at them…
Frnd2: mind is not matured matlab?
Frnd1: she don’t know anything.. Her mind is like 10years kid.. She even don’t know how to
read..what is good, what is bad..
Ladies are shocked..and they look at Swara..
Swara is looking at those colourful lightings.. She is playing with those small lights.. Lady gets
tensed as she is playing with current..
One lady goes near Swara..mean time Sanskar comes near Swara tensedly..
Sanskar: (tensed) Angel, don’t play with that lights.. It’s current Angel.
Lady stops going towards her…
Swara: Sanskar these lights are soo nice na.. Do U remember that day.. U gave me this type of
lights only na.. Now see they are many lights.. It’s so beautiful
Sanskar: (smiles) u liked it..
Swara: Yesss sooo much…
Sanskar: il buy it for u.. But Angel don’t touch them.. And see many of ur relatives came to see u..
Go and talk with them.. Be free.. Interact with them..
Swara: Kk Sanskar..
She keeps walking.. She remembers something.. And sgain goes near Sanskar
Swara: sanskar who is that person?? Why all are respecting him)Pointing towards that old man)
Sanskar: (smiles) he is our guest.. He is very elder to us.. That’s why all are giving respect.. Even u
give respect.. Ask him if he wants anything..
Swara: anything means?? should I ask him “do you want these lightings?”
Sanskar: (burst out laughing) what will he do with those lightings Angel? Not lightings.. Ask him
whether he wants to drink water?? Something like that okay?
Swara: okay..
Meanwhile Shekar announces on Mike..
Shekar: Thankyou everyone for coming here and wishing my beloved daughter.. I’m so happy.. Now
I have my complete family.. Plz have dinner.. Serve urself… Enjoy this party.. A small vote of thanks
All claps for their family…
All starts having dinner..
Shekar talks with Swara.. He introduces everyone.. He explains how they are friends.. Swara enjoys
her time with Shekar..
Shomi is talking with ladies.. A lady asks her
Lady: Shomi ji.. I’ve hear that..Swara is not matured with her mind is that true?
Shomi: (sad) Yess Aruna ji… She has that childish mind.. But that doesn’t matter to me.. I’ve got my
Swara back… I’m very happy..
Lady 2: ohh so sad.. But she is married na.. I’m scared about her future..
Shomi: scared? For what??
Lady: how can Sanskar live with this type of girl?? She don’t know anything.. Now it will be good..
But later, he may get upset with her one day.. At that time what will be her future?
Shomi is shocked..
Shomi: Noo nothing will happen.. I have that trust..
She leaves.. But she is scared.. She has took those words in heart.. She gets worried for Swara
Kavitha and her friends are talking.. They look at Sanskar and Ragini talking..
Kavitha teases Sanskar..
Kavitha: Prashanth what type of girl friend u want??
Prashanth: I want a reserved girl.. Who is welly educated..
Sanskar and Ragini hears them.. Sanskar understood why she is telling those..
Kavitha: wow that’s good Prasanth.. Abhi what type of girl u want??
Abhi: I want a girl like u Kavitha..
Kavitha: (smiles) Soo sweet.. Guys don’t u want a girl like Swara??
Abhi and Prashanth laugh..
Prashanth: nooo way.. It’s so difficult to beat her for one day.. How can we bear her life long…
Hahahahaha she don’t know anything.. Funny!!
Sanskar gets angry.. He was about to go.. Ragini stops him..
Ragini: sanskar they are teasing u.. Leave it..
Sanskar and Ragini both leave from that place..
Frnd: guys it’s so boring no entertainment
Kavitha: (smiles) guys I got a superb idea.. Let’s make fun of Swara..
Frnd: sure…
Kavitha watches all guests having dinner.. She goes near the stage..
Kavitha: hello everyone I know all are busy with dinner.. But here we are here to entertain u all..
All looks at Kavitha and smiles
Kavitha: soo let’s have some music.. My friend abhi is going to entertain with u all with guitar..
Abhi comes and starts playing guitar.. All gets involved in music..
Shekar and Shomi also enjoys…
Swara hears music sound she gets soo excited and enjoys the music
Sanskar: (smiles) Angel.. U liked this music?
Swara: yes Sanksar.. Same type of music I used to hear from the church.. I’m so happy to see them
playing in front me.. It’s soo nice na..
Sanskar smiles and gives a side hug..
Kavitha: Woww that’s so nice abhi… Now next singing.. Who wants to sing a song??
All nodes no..
Kavitha: hahah il call one name, they shouldn’t escape..
All are tensed, don’t know whose name Kavitha will call..
Kavitha looks at Sanskar… Sanskar is angry..
Kavitha: (smiles) so now I’m calling Swaraa!!!!
All gets relief and claps for Swara while Shomi, Shekar all are tensed
Shekar: Kavitha how can Swara sing…no Kavitha
Meantime Kavitha friends shouts calling Swara Swara Swara….
Laksh and Ragini looks at Kavitha angrily..
Swara: (confused) sanskar..why all are calling my name??
Sanskar: (smiles) they want you to sing a song Swara.. Will u sing??
Laksh: sanskar, will she sing??
Swara: Haaa I will sing.. That day Maa sang a song na.. Shall I sing that song??
Laksh is shocked..
Laksh: Swara r u sure??
Sanskar: (smiles) lucky.. Don’t worry dude.. I know Kavitha plan.. But Kavitha doesn’t know about
Swaras talent.. Let her know it..
Laksh and Ragini look at each other confusingly..
Kavitha: Swaraa come…
Sanskar signals her to go… Swara goes near Kavitha..
Kavitha: swaraaa all the best…
Kavitha gives Mike to her.. Swara holds the Mike.. And says “Thankyou” she hears the Mike
resound.. She feels new.. She starts laughing..
Swara: heheh it’s soo nice.. My voice is soo loud here.. What is this kavitha??
All guests are shocked to see her childish way.. Some feels sad for her, while some giggles seeing
her innocence…Shekar and Shomi looks at each other…Kavitha smiles evilly.
But Sanksar smiles seeing swaras excitement
Kavitha: it’s Mike Swara… U start singing
Swara closes her eyes.. She remembers Shomi song… She starts singing..
(Sorry guys I have no idea about Hindi songs.. So not mentioning name of the song)
Shomi is shocked… Shekar is happy to hear such a beautiful voice.. All gets mesmerised with her
angelic voice.. The old man gets involved in her song.. Her voice, the way she sings.. He gets
Sanskar smiles.. He looks at Laksh and Ragini and winks
Laksh and Ragini are shocked.. They do t know that Swara sings so beautifully
Swara stops singing, she looks at everyone staring at her.. She gets shy.. She looks at Sanskar and
runs towards him and hides back of him..
Sanskar smiles..
Old man stands and claps… All starts praising her.. Shekar gets happy and hugs Swara..
Shekar: Swara.. You even sing??? who thought u this song??
Swara: i saw Ma singing this song that day.. And I learnt many songs from church also papa.. I like
Shomi cries and hugs her..
Shomi: my Swara is very intelligent Shekar.. I sang that song only once.. But she remembered that
Old man: Shekar ur daughter have lots of talent.. She will become a singer one day.. Join her in
music academy.. Or else send her to me.. I will teach her music.. She has been gifted with such a
nice voice.. Don’t hide her talent..she will really become a singer..
Sanskar feels soo happy seeing all praising her.. He remembers the first day how Swara sang a
Christian song praising Jesus.. Her voice captured him..
He loves her voice so much… He takes old mans words serious.. He gets a thought.. And he feels
soo happy…
But Kavitha is angry.. As her plan is backfired..
Shekar: if my Swara is interested I will surely send her for music classes..
All starts praising Swara for her hidden talents.. Sanskar keeps staring at Swaara.. He never
imagined that this day will come in Swaras life..
Party was over all are happy to meet Swara.. her song was been stamped in everyone’s heart.. No
one can never forget that..
Shomi and Shekar are very happy..
Sanskar and Swara reaches Maheswari house..
Swara changes her dress.. She folds her dress and again songs the same song..
Sanskar: (smiles and kisses her cheeks) Swara, u made me soooooo happy today..
I love u Swara..
Swara smiles..
Swara: really?? I love u too sanskar..
Sanskar hugs her..
Sanskar: Angel , are u happy?
Swara: I’m soo happy Sanskar, hehe I liked that Mike soo much..
Sanskar smiles.. He stares at her lovingly..he kisses her forehead
He makes her sleep on his shoulder..
Sanskar: Angel u made my life happy.. Ur different Swara.. Ur the sweetest and loving person..
Swara looks at him and smiles.. And ahe gives a peck on his lips..
Sanskar is stunned..
Swara: Thankyou for making me smile Sanskar..
Sanskar smiles and hugs her..
They sleep hugging each other
Episode ends
Kavithas new plan..
Will she succeed?? Will Sanskar forgives Kavitha for what she did??
awesome.. its from fb neha
will update there na..
i read on fb there,.. its awesome ff
Awesome dear…..yahooo kavi’s plan backfired…..
Awww shona
Kavita if u make a pit for someone else u will surely fell in it so be careful before messing with our shona
Awesome, marvellous, outstanding episode. loved it very very much. . Love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart ♡♡♡♡♡♡