Well guys… so so so so sorry for updating the epi so late… so i gave 2 epis..
Let’s start
Episode 37
Sanskar: it’s because ofme.. Why did I send her there.. I should be with her na Laksh.. Why did I
allowed to go to that end..
He cries hugging Laksh… Laksh cries and they both console each other..
Shekar comes running to hospital.. He was soo worried for Swara..
Shomi cries watching Shekar..
Shomi: Shekar our Swara…(she cries hugging him)
Shekar: (cries) how did this happen?? Laksh, Sanskar how can you let that happen.. Can’t u take
care of her.. ??
How can u both be so careless..
Sanskar feels sad..
Sanskar: yes uncle.. It’s because of me.. I’m soo careless.. How could I let her go.. It’s
because of me uncle…
(He breaks down)
Shekar: (hugs Sanskar shocking everyone) Noo Sanskar.. It’s not because of u..don’t cry
Sanskar.. See nothing will happen to Ur Angel.. Don’t be upset..
Laksh, Shomi, Ragini and Sanskar all gets happy seeing Shekar talking to Sanskar..
At that time Maheswari family reaches..
They get happy seeing Shekar and Sanskar.
Kavitha friends listen this and they tell to Kavitha
Frnd: Kavitha Swara is in serious condition.. Finally ur plan worked..
Kavitha: yess I’m soo happy…
When she look around they find Adhrsh.. Kavitha is shocked… While Adhrsh is angry…
Adhrsh: I’m soo Ashamed of u Kavitha.. How can u try to kill ur own sister?? Are u not feeling
sad for it?? Arey she’s so innocent Kavitha.. She don’t know anything.. She don’t need gifts,
clothes etc.. But She needs love.. Which she missed these many years.. As a sister u should give
her best life… But today u tried to kill her??
Come with me he holds her hands and takes her…
Kavitha is shocked…
Adhrsh: look kavitha.. Look at everyone.. Look at ur dad.. “He loves Swara soo much.. He never
played with her in childhood.. But now whenever Swara comes home.. He is becoming a kid for
her.. He is playing with her…he is enjoying her company…Don’t u want him to be happy??
Look at ur mom… Though she is ur step mom.. Did she ever shown that difference.. Answer
Kavitha: Noo…
Adhrsh: then don’t you want to see her happy??
Kavitha gets sad..her eyes are filled with tears..
Adhrsh: look at Laksh… He knows everything Kavitha.. He knows every thing about u.. Not only
he everyone knows about u…How u and ur maasi tried to kill Swara… Did he tell ur parents??
Noo because he loves u too.. Did he scold u?? Noo he dint…He wants you to change and accept
Swara as ur sister..
But ur becoming selfish day by day…Ur thoughts are filled with evil.. Plzz Kavitha.. Just think with
ur heart.. How can u punish a kid?? Ur only thinking Swara snatched ur love.. But look at snskar..
He loves her soo much..did Sanskar ever shown that love to u??
Kavitha: Noo..
Adhrsh: because he found his true love.. Laksh is ur brother.. He dint tell ur parents because he
thought about u… But what about Sanksar, He can tell ur parents but he dint because he loves
this family.. He is a very big gift to this family..just think Kavitha.. Can Swara be happy if she
marries anyone else?? You know how the world is.. Won’t they play with innocent?? And Will that
person will loves Swara?? Will he treats a kid mentality as his wife?? Don’t u think Swara is lucky
to get Sanskar??
Kavitha cries.. She fees guilt for what she did..
Adhrsh: I know I should not involve.. But I can’t see my love being a criminal..
Kavitha is shocked..
Adhrsh: yes Kavitha.. I love u..that day in Singapore.. The day I’ve seen u I started loving u.. But
u came as a passing cloud and you came back to India.. Later I got to know that ur Shekar uncle
daughter.. That’s it.. I came to India.. Only for u.. I know everything.. But I still accepted u.. But
now u lost that right… I hate u Kavitha…
He leaves…Kavitha cries.. She feels sad for hurting her sister…
She looks at Shekar and Sanskar.. How Shekar is consoling crying Sanskar..she smiles seeing
both of them..
Nurse comes and calls Sanskar that doctor is calling…Sanskar and All others both are worried..
Sanskar: Doctor what happened?? Is everything fine..
Doctor: yes Sanskar.. She is fine no need to worry.. She has burn marks.. Just take care of it..
Everything will be fine.. But this shock is not a small one.. It’s affects physically and mentally..
Patient might be in shock.. That too for a girl like Swara.. She won’t talk with anyone.. She will be
silent.. In one word she won’t be active like before.. It should heal mentally…but don’t worry..she
is lucky she dint get any cardiac attack
Sanskar gets happy…
Sanskar: Thankyou doctor… Can I see Swara now??
Doctor: yes u can.. We have given her medicine.. She Wil come to her sense after 3to 4 hours..
Nd meanwhile u can take her to ur home
Sanskar gets happy… He goes to the room.. He looks at Swara who is sleeping..
He goes towards her and caresses her face… He cries seeing her in that position..
He touches her burn marks..
“I’m sorry Angel.. I couldn’t stop u going,
He kisses her cheeks..
He suddenly think..
” kavitha, it was done by kavitha.. I know it was her plan.. How dare she so it.. Today I won’t
leave her..
He angrily goes out…he watches everyone.. All are tensed to know what doctor told…
Laksh: Sanky what did doctor said?
Sanky: hugs him… Swara is safe.. No need to worry at all…
All gets happy…
AP: sanskar.. Can we see Swara? She is alone at that room.. What if she wakes up.. She will cry
again…Il go and stay with her…
Sanskar: Maa doctor said she is unconscious now.. We can take her home now.. Then u can be
with her all the time okay?
Laksh: sanskar come first lets make that arrangements…lets take Swaragadodia from here..
Come na..
Sanskar: hello.. Lucky…She’s not Swara gadodia..she is Swara Sanskar Maheswari.. My angel..
Lucky: achaa… Noo way.. She may be ur wife but she is my sister…
Sanky: (smiles) achaa…
(He starts punching him in his stomach in a friendly way)
All gets happy seeing both lucky and Sanky.. As they think now the friends are united..
Sanky and Laksh laughs pulling each other leg… At that time Sanky watches Kavitha.. His laughs
vanish… Laksh notice it..
Lucky: Kya hua snskar?
Sanky: Kavitha… It was kavithas plan laksh.. She made this plan to kill Swara..
Laksh: what??
He angrily looks at Kavitha…
Kavitha looks at them guilty.. She cries holding her ears and tells sorry..
Sanskar: again new drama… She won’t change Laksh.. She will never change.. This time il never
forgive her.. I never seen such sister in my life..
Meantime doctor comes.. He gives some medicines…
And finally they take Swara home…
Maheswari house:
They bring Swara home.. Shomi and AP sits beside her.. And caresse her..
Kavitha comes to Maheswari house.. She slowly goes to Sanskar room and watches Swara.. A
forceful hand pulls her.. Nd takes her towards the gate…and he slaps Kavitha….It was Sanskar…
Sanskar: what r u doing here Kavitha?? How dare you come here again… Swara is safe so I’m
leaving u… Nd never come to this house again… U lost all that right.. Get out from here…
Kavitha: (cries) I’m sorry snskar… I know I did wrong.. But now I realised my mistake.. Plzz
forgive me..
Sanskar: forgive u?? How can I forgive u Kavitha?? U tried to kill my life… Did u ever know how
much I love Swara:..u will never understand.. Because ur selfish.. Ur love on me is also an
Laksh comes..
Laksh: sanskar.. Don’t talk with her.. She doesn’t deserve our friendship.. Nd I’m ashamed of
my sister today… Come Sanskar… Let’s go inside…
Kavitha cries hearing those words..
Sanskar room:
Swara slowly opens her eyes… She looks at Everyone.. She remembers the shock scene..
Shomi: swara.. How r u Beti??
She makes her sit..
AP: Swaraa.. Do u want to eat anything??
Swara doesn’t answer…
Shekar: tel Swara what u want?
Swara: Sanskar..
Shekar calls Sanskar and tells that Swara came to consciousness
Sanskar gets happy and he runs to his room..
Sanskar: Angel… He goes towards her and hugs her.. “Are you alright?? How r u feeling now??
Angel: it’s paining.. What is that Sanskar.. I got so much of pain in that water.. I don’t like that
water She hugs him tightly)
Sanksar gets emotional and hugs her back…
All elders too gets emotional…they wipe they tears…
Shekar: Swara beta.. You know how much ur papa is worried?? Next time don’t play with rain
Swara holds Sanky shirt tightly remembering that incidence… She looks at everyone..
Swara: sanskar I’m soo scared..
Sanskar : (remembers what doctor said) uncle.. Swara is scared to see all.. Doctor said it takes
time to heal mentally..she will not be active like before..
Shekar: Haa Kk.. Shomi.. Come lets all leave.. Let her take rest..
Shomi kisses Swara..
And they leave…
All leaves… Sanskar stares at Swara lovingly and he places a kiss.
Sanskar: Angel u know.. How much i was worried.. What if something happen to u? Thankgod ur
He hugs her.. And embraces her in his arms.. And he starts kissing her all her face..
Sanskar: Will leave Angel.. Will leave from here.. I told na il take u on flight.. Let’s go far.. Only u
and me… I’m scared here… You know 2days back I spoke with Murali Prasad ji.. He is telling us
to come to Hyderbad.. He is ready to teach u music.. U will be a great singer one day Angel… U
know God gives everone a talent.. He even gave u.. A good voice.. Will go Angel.. Away from
everyone okay??
Swara nodes okay and she hugs Sanskar…
Sanskar again kisses her face with lots of love..Nd hugs her tightly…
At that time Laksh and Ragini comes with food…
Laksh: Swara how ru feeling now?
She doesn’t talk… And holds Sanskar tightly..
Ragini: Swara.. Ur scared.. U know what?? Today morning I had pani puri.. It’s so nice..
Swara gives a small smile…
Ragini: do U want to eat?
Swara nodes yes..
Ragini: il take you but first u should eat this rice..
Come have it.. She starts feeding her.. Swara eats it…
Kavitha watches them… How Ragini is taking care of Swara.. She feels happy seeing Swara
Laksh watches Kavitha standing.. He goes near the door and closed the door on her face..
Kavitha gets sad…
She leaves crying…
Episode ends
Kavitha tells truth to Shekar about her deeds.. Will Shekar, Shomi..forgives her??
Laksh watches Kavitha standing.. He goes near the door and closed the door on her face..
Kavitha gets sad…
Ragini watches this
She leaves crying… She hears Ragini words and listen to them..
Ragini: Laksh what are you doing? Let her come in..
Laksh: Noo Ragini.. She doesn’t deserve any right to come here.. She lost all that right.. How
could she do that? How can she hurt Swara?
Swara looks at Laksh.. She is confused..
Ragini: Yaa but may be she’s feeling guilt.. I’ve seen lot of change in her..we want that only na.. I
feel she changed..
Sanskar: Noo Ragini.. She dint.. I know about her.. She will never change.. It’s just her acting..
She got to know that we know the truth so she is acting so that will forgive her, so that we won’t
tell parents..
Laksh: exactly Sanskar… She badly deserves a punishment
Kavitha hears them.. She gets sad and she leaves..
Swara looks at Sanskar and cups his face
Swara: who Sanskar??
Sanskar: ur sister Kavitha..
Swar: what did she do??
Sanskar: nothing Angel.. U don’t think about anything.. Take rest.. Have medicine and sleep.. U
won’t get any pain more.. Come have it..
He gives the medicine.. Swara takes it…
At that time Sanskar gets call from DP…
Sanskar: Angel you take rest..il come now.. Papa is calling..
Swara: okay..
Ragini: il stay with Swara Sanskar..
Sanskar: Kk Ragini..
Laksh and Sanskar goes down.. He watches DP, AP, Shekar and Shomi.. Waiting for them..
Shekar: how is she Sanskar??
Sanskar: she fine uncle.. Don’t worry..
Shomi: Thankyou God!! She prays..
Sanskar gets call.. He excuses and goes..
Shekar: DP let Swara stay with us…Shomi is there na..
Shomi: but Shekar, Swara needs Sanskar more than me.. Let her be here only..
AP: (smiles) yes shekarji.. Let her be here.. I’m there na il take care..
Shekar smiles and agrees..
Laksh gets happy seeing both families are united again..
At that time Sanskar comes…
Sanskar: papa, uncle.. I want to talk to u…
DP: what happen Sanskar??
Sanskar: dad, actually I’m Planning to leave Hyderbad with Swara
All are shocked
Sanskar: we opened new branch in hyd.. Il take care of that…AndI’ve talked with Murali ji..he is
happy to teach Swara music I just got some hope.. Swara loves music.. So..
Shomi gets happy..
Shomi: I’m happy Sanksar, but how can I stay without Swara..
Sanskar: aunty.. Just for few years.. I should take care of my business and I should teach Swara
music.. And before that I promised Swara that il take her to Many places..she should enjoy this
world.. Will come again…
Laksh: how can you leave us Sanskar??
Sanskar: lucky.. I’m doing this for Swara…
Laksh : okay I understood.. Take care of her..
Shomi, Shekar, DP and ap gets happy..
Shomi: k Sanskar.. Take care of her.. I have full trust on u..
Dp: I’m happy for your decision.. Take care Sanskar.. When are you leaving??
At that time Kavitha comes… Sanskar angrily looks at her
Sanskar: tomorrow Papa…I can’t let Swara stay here..
Kavitha gets sad…
DP: okay.. Il talk to Ramu.. He will clean the guest house.. U can stay there..
Sanskar: Kk… Dad.. (When he was about to go)
Kavitha: sanskar 1 min… Plz don’t go.. I’m sorry.. I know I did wrong.. But because of me play
don’t leave Sanskar..
All are confused
Shekar : what happened Kavitha?
Sanskar: nothing uncle…
Kavitha : Noo dad, I want to talk to u..
Sanskar and Laksh are tensed.. What if she says truth…
Shekar: what’s that Kavitha…
Sanskar and Laksh looks at each other..
Kavitha: (cries) she goes near Shomi…
Maa plz forgive me.. Dat day.. I’ve tried to kill Swara with help of maasi..
(She tells them everything)
All are shocked..
Kavitha: I did this to get sanskars love.. But today I’m feeling guilt for Swaras condition.. I’m very
sorry… I will never repeat this papa… Plzz… Forgive me..
Shomi cries…
Shekar is heartbroken… His eyes are filled with tears to know that it was kavithas plan..
He slaps Kavitha..
Shekar: how can u do that Kavitha?? Because of u I blamed Sanskar… But u tried to kill ur
sister??? I’m ashamed of u
Kavitha cries…
“I’m sorry.. Plz forgive me papa…
Shekar turns his face and cries…
Shekar: don’t show ur face to me Kavitha.. Leave us alone…
He takes crying Shomi along with him…
Sanskar and Laksh are shocked to know that Kavitha really changed..
Laksh goes back of Shekar and Shomi and consoles them…
Kavitha cries…
AP: (smiles) Kavitha… (She kisses her forehead)
Kavitha is shocked
Kavitha: aunty u forgived me??
AP: Yess… U accepted ur wrongs.. Now I believe that u have changed.. We always love u…
Laksh and Sanskar also wants you to change.. And now u changed.. What else I want??
Kavitha hugs her..
Kavitha: I’m sorry aunty.. Will Ma and papa forgives me??
AP: Yess Kavitha.. They will..
She hugs Kavitha and consoles her.. She looks at Sanskar..
Sanskar angrily leaves…
Swara is sleeping… Ragini is beside her..
Ragini: Kya hua Sanskar??
Sanskar: I can’t believe this Kavitha accepted her wrongs Infront of everyone.. But I won’t forgive
her.. Ma may forgive her but I can’t…
Ragini: sanskar.. Cool.. See Swara is fine.. Don’t worry..
He again gets call from his office.. After the call
Sanskar: Ragini we have meeting in office for our new branch.. Come lets go…
He looks at Swara.. He goes near her and pecks her cheeks..
“Take care Angel, il come again”..
He goes down..
Sanskar: Maaa be with Angel.. I have work..
AP: okay snskar…
AP leaves…
He looks at Kavitha and goes near her..
Sanskar: if u try to go near Swara.. I will kill u
Kavitha gets sad…
Sanskar and Ragini leaves…
AP sits beside Swara and caresses her hair..
Kavitha comes.. She peeps inside
AP: Kavitha why r u standing there come inside..
Kavitha smiles and goes inside..
AP: kavitha u sit here.. Il come just now okay??
Kavitha: okay Ma..
She sits beside Swara and she caresses her hair.. And holds her hand
“I’m sorry Swara.. Plz forgive me, I’m a bad sister.. But I promise you.. I will be ur best sister from
(She remembers how she was in that dark room for many years)
She kisses her forehead…
Swara opens her eyes..she looks at Kavitha crying..
Swara sits…
Swara: why r u crying??
Kavitha: nothing… U want anything??
Swara: I want water..
Kavitha gets up and she gives her water… She looks at her hair which is soo messy…
Swara: Thankyou…
Kavitha: (smiles) Swaraa look at ur hair… Come il comb ur hair..
She combs her hair.. And she freshens her..
Kavitha: (smiles) my sissy is looking soo cute..
Swara: really???
Kavitha: Yess…
Swara: Thankyou… (She kisses her cheeks) Thankyou for making me smile..
Kavitha gets emotional and hugs Swara..
“I’m sorry Swara.. Because of me u got so much of pain”..
Swara: it’s because of water.. Not u…
Kavitha: (smiles) sorry… Will u forgive this sister??
Swara: Yess…
Kavitha hugs her… “I’m so happy Swara”..
She kisses her cheeks..
“Thankyou for making me smile”…
Swara: welcome… (She looks here and there) where is Sanskar???
Kavitha; Sanskar went to office.. He will come..
Swara: I want Sanskar..
Kavitha: Swara.. I’m there na.. Should I tell u some story..
(She makes her sleep on her lap.. She tells her stories caressing her hair and she applies
ointment on her burnt hands)
Swara gets excited… And spends her Time with Kavitha..
AP watches Kavitha and gets happy..
After sometime..
Kavitha hears sanskars car sound…
Kavitha: Swara I need to go.. Sanskar came.. Il come later okay??
Swara: sanskar came okay…
Kavitha kisses her and goes quickly..
Sanskar comes to his room.. He looks at Swara and smiles..
Swara gets excited and she quickly gets up from bed to hug him… But as soon as she stands she
falls down..
Sanskar: Swara.. Carefull..
He holds her…
“Are you okay??
Swara: Haa Sanskar..
Sanskar: (worried) don’t get up Angel u sit..
Swara: I want to walk Sanskar.. il go to papa house..
Sanskar gets happy.. To see her normal, as doctor said she will take some time to be normal..but
to his surprise she is fine..
Sanskar: (excited) Yaaa Angel il take u… But not now.. After sometime..
Swara: okay..
Sanskar hugs her…
Sanskar: Angel.. Tomorrow we are going to Hyderabad.. A new different place.. You will like it..
Swara: really… (She kisses his cheeks) Thankyou for making me smile..
Sanskar: (smiles and kisses her back) love you Angel.. And Yaa listen.. When we are leaving..
You shouldn’t cry.. If u cry all will get sad..
Swara: (smiles) okay..
He looks at her burn marks..
Sanskar: is it still paining??
Swara: no Sanskar… Kavitha write that ointment.. It’s very nice.. I dint get pain..
Sanskar is shocked to hear kavithas name..
Sanskar: she came here?? (He gets tensed and caresses her face) did she harmed you??
Swara: Noo Sanskar… She told many stories.. She is good..
Sanskar thinks..”is she really chnaged?”
Sanskar: Angel.. It’s late..now come sleep..
He gives her medicines and he makes her sleep..
Next day:
Sanskar wakes up he looks at Swara. He gives a peck on her lips and smiles..
Sanskar: “good morning angel”…
He goes down..
Ap: sanskar… I kept These sweets and food items all in this bag.. I talked to servant there.. She
will arrange it..
But Sanskar how will Swara be alone if h go to office??
Sanskar: (smiles) Maaa don’t worry…I’m there na.. While I go to office il drop Swara in Murali
uncle house.. Aunty is also there she will take care of her.. And afternoon il pick her… And at
evening I arranged a tutor for her.. She will get engaged in her busy schedule.. So don’t worry
Ap: Kk Sanskar.. Take care..I should even pack Swaras luggage also…
She goes to Swaras room and starts packing her bag..
Swara wakes up hearing voices…
She watches ap packing bag..
Swara: good morning Ma..
Ap: good morning Swara.. How r u feeling now?
Swara: (smiles) good..
Ap: Swara.. I kept all ur clothes in this bag.. And all it items in other bag.. Take care okay..
Swara: but why Ma??
Ap; ur going to Hyderabad na…
Swara: Am I taking all my clothes???
Ap: Hahaa Yaa Swara…
Sanskar comes…
Sanskar: (smiles) Angel.. Get ready soon.. We should leave now…
He holds her hand… Swara gets down.. And she walks normally..
Ap and Sanskar gets happy seeing her cured..
After some time Swara gets ready…
They all go down…
Shekar, Shomi Laksh, Adhrsh and Ragini are waiting…
Swara: Maaa when did u come??
Shomi hugs her…
Shomi: Swara becarefull okay??
Swara: okay Ma…
Shekar hugs her… He remembers Kavitha words.. He kisses her face with lots of love..
Shekar: take care Swara…
Laksh and Ragini also hugs her…
Ragini: Swara u should always tease Sanskar okay??
Swara: (giggles) okay..
Sanskar: Ragini.. Don’t spoil her…
All laughs looking his expressions…
Laksh: Sanky.. Take Care of her…Nd urself too..
Sanky: miss u dude!!! Try to come to Hyderbad…
Laksh: sure…
He looks at Kavitha.. She is crying…
Swara: bye Kavitha.. don’t cry il come soon..
Kavitha hugs her…
Kavitha: take care Swara..
They share a hug…
They tell bye to everyone… And they leave…
Flight :
Sanskar: Angel… Here this is flight.. Now we will fly…If ur scared hold my hands..
Swara smiles.. And she is soo excited..
She looks at the clouds.. And the sea..she gets soo happy..
Swara: sanskar this is very nice… We are on the sky?? Is this all god creation?? It’s so
wonderful.. God is great na?
Sanskar: Yess he is… Soo great.. That’s why he gave such a beatiful Angel to me
Swara : Yess im beautiful angel…
She again looks out and enjoys… Sanskar looks at her excited face and he takes pics of hers..
Sanskar: (teases) Angel.. I thought u will be scared but ur enjoying.. Aren’t u scared??
Swara: why scared? See it’s so nice.. I’m very brave Sanskar..
Sanskar: (smiles) Achaaa…
He stares at her lovingly…
They reach Hyderabad…
They go to their guest house…
Sanskar: Angel.. This is our new house…how is it???
Swara: it’s very nice…
(She was about to run inside)
Sanskar: arey wait… I have a surprise for u…
Swara: surprise?? What’s that…
Sanskar: (closes her eyes) this gift u will love it Angel..
He takes her in…he leaves his hand..
Swara opens her eyes.. She is shocked..
Swara: Uttara… When did u come???
Uttara: Bhabi…
(She hugs her) how was the surprise… From today I’m staying with u both…
Swara: sanskar really?? Uttara will be here??
Snskar: yes Angel… Her hostel is here.. I told her why hostel?? Come and stay with us… So she
came here… u liked it!?
Swara: Yess I loved it… Thankyou for making me smile… (She gives a peck on his lips)
Uttara: (teases) bhai…offo… How romantic Swara Bhabi is…
Sanksar: Uttara… Shhh.. Ur a kid..
Uttara: Achaaa!!
She starts tickling him….
Sanskar smiles and hugs both Swara and Uttara…
Uttara: bhai today I’ve prepared lunch.. Let’s all have it.. And u know I invited all my friends
tomorrow. They are so excited to see Swara..
Sanskar: Uttara why did u call everyone?
Uttara: bhai I should show them my Bhabi.. My Bhai’s Angel
Sanskar smiles..
Uttara: but today only we.. It’s family time na..
Com let’s have lunch…
Swara: Kk Uttara…
They all have lunch together.. And spend sometime together..
Swasan room
Swara and Uttara were talking…
Uttar: okay Babi.. U take rest.. Will talk tomorrow
Swara: okay Uttara.. Bye goodnight
Uttara: kisses her cheeks… And leave
Swara gets up… She watches a window.. She goes near to that window.. She finds a big church
Infront of her…
She smiles… She gets soo excited…
She remembers her old days… How she used to be in that room, how she used to learn verses,
how she met Sanskar… How her life journey took place) how her life was in darkness and how
she came into light.. She thanks god for giving Sanskar in her life
She gets tears in her eyes… Knowing many of them with her…
She looks at the church And she starts her verses..
” O Give thanks Unto The Lord, for He is Good, For His Mercy Be With Us Forever..”
Sanskar comes..he listens to her verses..
He smiles..and listens
“Love Your God And Praise Him with All Ur heart, He will Bless You Abundantly”
Snskar: (smiles) he hugs her from back…
Angel… Ur verse is so good..
Swara looks at him and blushes..
Swara: snskar.. I liked this place.. See big church…
Sanskar: u liked it? he kisses her cheeks..
Swara: u know.. When I’m with rosy Ma.. I used to be soo alone.. But today my best friend is with
me.. Thankyou Sanskar…
Sanskar remembers his journey with Swara.. He gets happy…
And hugs her…
Sanskar: Thankyou for coming into my life Angel… I love u… U always make me smile..
Swara: then kiss me Sanskar…
Sanskar: (smiles) he looks at her very lovingly… And slowly lifts her chin… And kisses her lips..
They share a sweet, passionate kiss…
**************Story end****************
So guys here the story ends and for those who i send the another ff by mail – Roma and 2 more i ll b giving it on Tuesday… plz do cooperate…
Thanks for ur support ppl and sorry for not thanking u guys personally….
Good bye guys…
Its amazing
I will miss this cuteeee ff very much
Awesome ff with all updates, well nice end, story was amazing.., almost loved this 2 chappies also..,
It was mazing yaaar!!!!!
Loved it !!!
awsm story……i am a silent reader…but today i wanna comment….i luved dis ff to d core….d way u express swara’s innocense is just amazing….can u name ur other ffs …i wanna read dem …n ha for dis ff ..ek epilogue tho banta hai….
Sooo cute ff dr..
I lv it!!
Im gonna miss dis..
keep writing
be happy always
All the best!!
Awesome…..Superb Ending…….!!
Awesome yar
But I’m gonna miss ur ff ?
Give epilogue soon
Epilogue plz
Wow…Amazing Work…Its one of my favourites FF…Thank you so much for posting it in TU
But I didn’t expect the ending soon
Please send remaining episodes of other ffs through mail
Awesome…..but I m gona miss it….
Very very lovelyyyyyy n superbbbbb ending…Kavita regretted her deeds n changed. ..apologized to everyone. ..that was really heart melting scene. ..n the sister bond between swara n Kavita was very sweet. ..swara is truly an angel. …swasan best pair ever…loved all the families United n swara’s going to see the world n learn music. …such a marvellous story n very lovelyyyyyy unique plot. ..thanks a lottttttt neha for sharing your amazing treasure of stories with us. ..n apurva you’re such a sweetheart n lovely friend….I received all your emails n will read reply you back with my feedback. ..u will get my support throughout your journey. …I feel so blessed n lucky to have you as my lovely friends. ..muaaaaahhhhhh. ..thank you soooooooo muchhhhhh for making me smile. ..
love you loads. …takecare my sweeeeeetheartttsssss ♡♡♡♡♡♡