Hello dil-e-ishqies……Ok I have tried my level maximum 2 give a long update….Am adding rumya also from this episode onwards as now as am missing them 2 the core…Shraddha…dear……I have put some rikara, but ur wish of rikara union…..hmm…it will take some time as above all omkara’s life is unexpected quest and gauri;s life is also like that…I want 2 show everything like that and omie’s character inspires me because it is connected with reality and as well as his perspective of looking world is something totally different compared 2 shivay and rudra …….But being ideal some times makes him 2 confuse him a lot and that is omkara…..Who is struggling with himself but also struggles with the whole world also……So it will take time as it needed because then only this ff will be able 2 show justice 2 the title…….I hope u have understood my view…..Ok guys…..pls check the previous parts here , if u have missed any one……
Scene – 8 {@ Gauri’s room, Sharma Nivas, Barely continues… }
Gauri was still lying on Omkara’s chest only……Omkara slowly released his hands from back and gauri gradually opened her eyes and finds that her hands were actually tangled with her husband’s body only…..All of a sudden she released her hands and stared Omkara….Omkara also stares her eyes……She was finding hard 2 take breath as @ that moment her eyes were witnessing her jatadhari hippy husband’s beautiful eyes only……Seeing her like these omkara feels bit awkward and finally he breaks the moment by coughing only…. Gauri realize that she was seeing her husband’s hot body without shirt and it made a shock on her eyes….
Gauri : Aah!!! [shouts]
Omkara : [shocked] Why are u shouting ??
Gauri : Wooh…Omkaraji…..U are standing shirtless like salman khan…..
Omkara : [embarrassed] Gauri……U pls go…..[omkara places his hands on his chest and stares gauri ]
Gauri : Ji…..Wooh knob…..
Omkara : I will manage……it….
Gauri : Sure!!!
Omkara : Sure…U pls…
Gauri : Ji…..[gauri leaves and omkara shuts the door and takes a deep breath]
Gauri smiles and starts walking thinking abt the moment only……Mean while she couldn’t think abt much as she finds that omkara’s mobile was continuously ringing only…..Gauri takes the phone and a pleasant smile comes on her face as the call was done by her cute devar ..Rudra only……Gauri attends the call…..
Gauri : Hello…
Rudra : Bhabhi…..Aap…Where is O ?? How was the journey ?
Gauri was unable 2 tell anything as she starts sneezing and coughing
Rudra : Bhabhi……What happened 2 u ?? Is everything fine ??
Gauri was not able 2 tell any thing as continuously she was coughing and sneezing only….Mean while omkara comes out from the bathroom and seeing gauri like these, he rushed near and asked her “ What happened gauri ?”
Rudra : Hello…hello…bhabhi…..[omkara finds phone in her hand and he picks it and accidentally he puts the phone in loudspeaker only….]
Omkara : Haa rudra…..
Rudra : O…what happened 2 gauri bhabhi ? And where were u ?
Omkara : [2 gauri] I think these happened because water was flowing on u …..
Rudra : Water!!! O….what are u telling ?
Omkara :Actually rudra…..Gauri and I was in bathroom….
Rudra : Haa!!! O…..So now u have become RSO…..Naughty boy !!!
Omkara : What u mean by RSO!!!!!
Rudra : ROMANTIC SINGH OBEROI!!! By the way this title actually suits rudy the cool super hero only…….But not bad O….U and Bhabhi were together in bathroom …..I guess u were under the shower only……
Gauri : Aapko…..kaise pata ??[gauri coughs]
Rudra : I have seen in hindi movies …where hero and heroine will be standing under the shower only…They will have some romantic eyelock…..By the way u are the best man but u was 2 weak in romance….I thought O …that for this u will stay as my student and I will teach u romance as I am the dashing romantic guy and girls like me …..
Omkara : [interrupts] Just shut up….Rudra……Stop this romantic lectures….pls…..
Gauri : Devarji…..The way u thinks …nothing like that happened…..Actually shower’s knob was not working and omkaraji was ….
Omkara : Yeah……it was hard 2 press the knob and water was not coming and I called gauri….
Rudra : [interrupts] Haa..haa..O…. I know it…..Kabhi towel ke bahane, Kabhi shirt ke button tootne ke bahane abbh…. O bhabhi ko bulata rahega…..Yeh toh sirfs shower ki knob hein……
Omkara ; Rudra…..will u pls shut ur mouth ?? Kuch bhi….She is telling right and the way u are elaborating things …..it’s like…..mm…
Rudra : Haa O…pls continue…..[omkara stares gauri]
Gauri : Rudra…..Omkara ji is right……[gauri coughs]
Rudra : I know…because O never lies….But what am seeing , seems u both are not able 2 see….
Gauri : What ? I didn’t get u….Pls…[gauri again starts coughing]
Omkara : [2 gauri] Gauri….Listen 2 me…This rudra will not stop his craziness as he has got ad now,…..And seems u are affected with coughing…..
Gauri : [2 omkara]No….Am…[gauri continues 2 cough]
Omkara : Gauri U just lie down on the bed…..Ok…
Rudra : No…[rudy screams] What’s happening ? What’s wrong with u , O…..Aaapko sharm naam ki koi cheeze nahi hein……Why are u giving live commentary of ur bedroom romance 2 ur bhai ?? [rudy shows his cry baby style]
Gaurika : What!!!![shocked] [gaurika stare each other;s eyes]
Omkara : Duffer…..Just keep quite…..[2 gauri] Gauri….He will not stop his loose talks……Pls don’t listen 2 him
Rudra : Haa ….O….Now u needs bhabhi only, U don’t care for ur bhai….. But O…. I love u more than that I used 2 love u earlier… I will hug u also and I will give u kisses also….. ummaah…..[gauri stares Om with shocking eyes, Om stares gauri;s eyes and finds hard 2 tell give any explanation……] Bye O…Take care of bhabhi……[rudy cuts the phone call]
Omkara takes a deep breath in a sign of relief and stares gauri…..
Omkara : Wooh….rudra….
Gauri smiles and again coughs…
Omkara : Gauri….I told u 2 lie down on bed……
Gauri : Am ok….omkaraji….
Omkara : What u mean by Ok ? First change ur dress……
Gauri : What ?? [shocked]
Omkara : I mean….It’s wet….If u will stay in wet dress, u will be feeling cold only……Ok ? After changing it , have this medicine….U will feel better… [Omkara takes medicine from his bag and places it on the table] And pls take rest also…….I will be back…..[omkara places his hand on her cheek and smiles…..He leaves….]
Gauri was staring omkara’s smiling face only…..When omkara left, she touched her cheek and stared herself in the mirror…..She felt really magical in omkara’s touch which was a unique feeling and was really special for her……She was not able 2 find what was that but that made her 2 feel heavenly only…….She stared herself in the mirror once again and recollected the moment which brought a smile on her face…….With that smile she moved forward and took a pretty salwar from her suit case…..
Scene shifts 2 the kitchen of Sharma Nivas…….
Omkara enters the kitchen and finds gauri’s maa engaged in work……
Omkara : Maa ji…..U looks so tired….I will make coffee for u….
Mrs. Sharma : No daamadji……I am Ok…..By the way half work is finished, once gauri also joins I can complete it…….By the way where is gauri ??
Omkara : Maaji…….Actually she is……
Gauri : Am here maa…..[gauri comes beside omkara by interrupting their convo] Maa…….omkaraji is telling right…..U keep all these here…And go and take rest……Go….Go…
Mrs.Sharma smiles @ gaurika as she understood that her damaad and beti can spend some time together…..
Mrs. Sharma : Ok…..Gauri….Make coffee…..Daamadji needs it….[mrs. Sharma goes 2 her room]
Gauri nods her head and takes things for making coffee….
Omkara : Gauri….I told u 2 lie down on the bed …..Why u came here ?
Gauri : Omkaraji….I am alright……I have taken the medicine given by you…..And now am feeling well…..
Omkara : Whatever…..U just go and sit there….I will make coffee….
Gauri : No…..Omkaraji…..Why u have 2 make it ? I am here…it’s my duty 2 make coffee for for u…..
Omkara : Really, can u show me where it is written that it’s ur duty 2 make coffee only ??? [om and gauri stare each other’s eyes….gauri was not able 2 tell any thing and she bowed her head only…..Mean while omkara starts preparing coffee…..]
Gauri : [mind voice] I don’t know….where it is written….But I have heard that when wife makes something for her husband it will show that how much she cares him …… When husband eats it and will praise her it will be the most beautiful compliment that a wife needs because it shows her husband’s pleasure and a wife’s happiness lies in her husband’s pleasure only……
Omkara : Gauri…..Gauri…[omkara touches gauri’s hand]
Gauri : Ji…..omkaraji…..
Omkara : Where u lost urself ?
Gauri : Wooh….omkaraji……Wooh…..
Omkara : Its alright….If u can’t tell it 2 me, I don’t mind….[omkara smiles] Pls have ur coffee…..
Gauri : Omkaraji…..Aap….I mean u made coffee !!!!
Omkara : Yeah……This is for u…..[he handovers a cup 2 her] And this one is for maaji……I will give it 2 her……
Gauri : No…..I mean I will give it……Pls…..[gaurika stare each other;s eyes]
Omkara : Ok…….Till then let me finish my coffee…..[omkara smiles and takes his cup, gauri leaves]
Scene – 9 {@ Oberoi mansion}
Jhanvi : I don’t know whether om and gauri are fine or not ? I am trying om’s phone, but he is not picking my calls….Pinky…..
Rudra : O….is busy Mom….Now he will not have time 2 attend our calls…..
Pinky : Oh My Maata!!! Omkara is busys…..How is it possible ? He has went 2 attend festivals….
Rudra : Festival is just an excuse only…..The real thing is in barely they are dating or I think it’s a honey moon only…..
Pinky : Honey moons!!! Omkara……No ways……He can’t makes it so fasts….
Rudra : Choti maa….That’s ur thought only….In fact this time O has beaten me in romance…
Jhanvi : Rudra…..What are u telling ?
Rudra : Mom……O and Bhabhi spend romantic date in bathroom…….
Jhanvi : What????? [shocked]
Pinky : Oh My Maata!!!! Romances in bathroom……Jethaniji….I tells u….this time he has beaten shivaay also…..My shivaay always spreads tadi and anika always spreads raita only, they are not fulfilling my wish 2 see junior sso……I thinks before junior shivaay junior omkara will comes out…..[smiles] Isn’t it ?? Rudra…give me a wi-fi…..
Rudra : Choti maa…it’s hi-fi….[pindra shares a hifi and smiles] U know what ….He was giving live commentary of his romance choti maa…..[rudra shows his cry baby style]
Jhanvi : Rudra…I didn’t get any thing…..They are fine or not ?
Pinky : Oh My Maata!!! They are absolutely fines jethaniji……They are coming closers , that’s what rudra told now……I think maataraani will make their bond strongs…..[smiles]
Jhanvi : I hope so…..pinky……[smiles]
Swethlana over hears their conversation…..Swethlana’s view……
“Jhanvi….Smile as much as u want…Because soon this smile will be vanished from ur face as u will see ur son omkara’s …..[swethlana gives a crooked smile] Just wait and watch jahnvi….”
Tej : Swethlana….where were u ? I searched for u in whole oberoi mansion
Swethlana : Tej……I am here only…….[jhanvi passes her fingers on tej’s cheek] Seems ur son and daughter-in-law are much happy now….
Tej : I don’t want 2 hear anything abt them……Am feeling bit relaxed as for few days omkara is not before my eyes……I don’t want 2 see his face…..Any ways why we are wasting our time by telling abt my biggest enemy omkara?? [tej holds swethlana close 2 her and places his hands on her waist] Lets go…..
Swethlana : Yeah…..[swethlana gives a wicked smile]
Scene – 11 [@ Oberoi Mansion, Rudy’s room ]
Rudra : I think I have 2 call and inquire what’s happening between O and Bhabhi ??
Sowmya : Duffer, can’t u feel shame 2 call them ? They are married couple and they needs some privacy ……
Rudra : Oh Hello, why u came here ??
Sowmya : Dadi has told me that from now onwards I have 2 stay in this room….
Rudra : No……I can’t share my room with u…..
Sowmya : Who asked u 2 share it…Perhaps u have 2 be out of this room…..
Rudra : But where should I go ?
Sowmya : How should I know? Go and ask dadi ….
Rudra : See sumo…this is my room….My house…And u can’t stay here….
Sowmya : U have forgotten that Kalyani Singh Oberoi ur dadi is the eldest member of this house….This house belongs 2 her…..
Rudra : Whatever it be moti u can’t stay here….
Sowmya ; What u called me , moti!!!
Rudra : Moti…Moti….I will call u like that…..only…
Sowmya : Duffer….Duffer….Duffer…..
Rudra : Don’t call me duffer….
Sowmya : I will call u like that only…..because u called me as moti….
Rudra : Moti!!!
Sowmya : Duffer!!!
Dadi : What’s happening here ?
Sowmya : See dadi….ur grandson is calling me as moti…..
Rudra : Dadi…..ur friend’s grand daughter is calling me as duffer…..
Dadi : Rudra…Sowmya….Don;t forget that now u are not kids….U are couple…..U have 2 stay together in this room…..
Sowmya : But dadi…..
Dadi : I have decided it….No more arguments on it…….
Rumya stare each other’s eyes sharply…….
Scene –12 {@ Sharma Nivas}
Gauri gets back 2 the kitchen for keeping tray …….Mean while she finds that omkara has left the kitchen and was finds that he was standing near the window by engaged himself in certain thoughts…….Gauri takes some vegetables and starts chopping them….Meanwhile she stares omkara and feels sad…..
Gauri;s view…..
“I wish I could help omkaraji for ending his lonliness and healing his pains…..But he prefers 2 be alone and that’s making me 2 get more worried for him only…… Hey sankarji…….If I am not able 2 do anything for him, then why u made us 2 connect him and me ?? My heart is telling me 2 love him only, but his heart is not telling him anything……But gaurikumari sarma will love omkaraji till the end of her life though without any expectations and demands….Because I have trust in my love and more than myself I trust my omkaraji……. I can’t read his heart but in his eyes I am able 2 see so many questions which actually troubles him a lot……He doesn’t shares it with any one, but his silence conveys his heart’s pain 2 me and it gives me utter pain only…….AAH!!![SCREAMS] ……[Gauri finds that her finger was wounded ]
Omkara rushed inside the kitchen and holds her hand…
Omkara : Gauri!!! Why u are not focusing urself ? Oh shit!!….Blood is clotting…….U just leave these things …Let me put medicine on it.….Don;t move from here….Ok……[gauri was was staring omkara with teary eyes only]
Omkara takes first aid box from shelf and applies medicine on gauri’s wound…..
Omkara : U feel so much pain, won’t u ??[omkara stares gauri’s eyes]
Gauri nods her head in a sign of ‘No’ and smiles with wet eyes…..
Omkara : I know…..This is nothing, just a wound only……It will be dry within some time…. But the pain which I am giving u is giving ur heart more and more wounds only which can’t be healed….[omkara stares gauri with wet eyes]
Gauri : No….Omkaraji…..I don’t feel like that…..
Omkara : [interrupts] For convincing me u can tell that u are happy with me…..But in ur eyes I am able 2 see that ur heart is flaming in pain because am denying u from ur rights, ur happiness and from the love which u needs, but I am not able 2 give that…..won’t u ?? My life has become a platform for struggles and in that struggle I don’t know whether love has any space……..[omkara gets emotional]
Gauri : Omkaraji!!!! [literally cries]
Omkara : How strange is life, it had brought two strangers in a relationship which is able 2 reward immense pain only…….[omkara’s eyes are filled with tears] I have applied medicine……It will heal soon……[gaurika share an emotional eyelock]
BGM…..[film-Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Thaa] ” Ajnabi Mujhko Itna Bata…….
Dil Mera Kyoon Pareshaan Hai ……Dekh Ke Tujhko Aisa Lage…..
Jaise Barsoon Ki Pehchaan Hai….Kitni Bholi Hein Tu,….
Kitni Naadaan Hein….Dil ki baaton se Anjaan hein……
Kyaa Sochta Hun, Mein Kyaa Chahta Hun…Hein mushkil tumhein who batana..
Ho…Maine Suna Hein, Ki Mushkil Bada Hein…Dabi Chahaton Ko Chupana…..
Pyaar Ki har Ghati…..Mushkilon se ladi….Yeh naa samjho ki aasaan hein…..Ajnabee…”plays…
After a while, they breaks their eyelock and Omkara walks away……Gauri rubs her tears…..
Scene shifts 2 gauri’s room,…..
It’s night and gaurika decides 2 sleep….Gauri arranges the pillows and stares Omkara…..
Gauri : Wooh…Omkaraji…….Our house is small and bed is also small….Pillows are only two… So …the way we use 2 make laxman rekha in ur room , here we can’t do that……
Omkara smiles and recalls the way gauri arranged pillows one by one in middle as a border in bed…….
Omkara : Gauri……I am feeling head ache….And I want 2 sleep……
Gauri : Head ache!!! What happened ? [gauri came closer 2 omie and places her hand on his forehead]
Omkara : Gauri….Am alright…..[omkara takes her hand from his forehead] I will apply balm ….
Gauri : Balm!! No…omkaraji…I will make kaada for u…..Trust me within few minutes headache will go harharai….
Omkara : Gauri…..pls…..I just want 2 take rest……That’s all….pls….[omkara lie down on bed and applies balm on his head and falls asleep]
Gauri stares omkara’s sleeping face……She sits beside him and waves her hand through his forehead…..Gauri’s view….”Omkaraji is sleeping calmly now ……..Seems now he has got a relief from his complicated issues and prblms……I want he should be happy forever and I always want 2 see his smiling face only….Because when I find his smile before my eyes it will tell me that some how am in his life …may be it can’t be in heart but I am with him…..When he will cries, I feels myself bad because I am not able 2 wipe out his tears which makes me 2 realize that am gaurikumari sarma only, not gauriomkarasinghoberoi which is my heart’s biggest reality and I am not able 2 accept it because the sindoor which he filled in my hairline tells me that am his wife, the mangalsutra tells me that it is the symbol of my husband’s name and when I finds it on my neck I feel omkaraji is living with me…..But gauri knows these are nothing heart’s desires only which cannot be fulfilled…..But omkaraji….I promise u that ur wife gaurikumari sarma will never let u 2 fall down and will stand with u always whatever destiny has planned for us……[gauri gets emotional and stares omie with teary eyes]
BGM……” Tujhe Pyaar Karate Karate
Teri Neend Tak Udaa Doon
Vo Khushi Ki Roshani Ho Yaa
Vo Gham Kaa Ho Andhera –
Jo Nasib Hogaa Teraa
Vo Nasib Hogaa Mera
Mere Haathon Ki Lakirein
Tere Haath Pe Sajaa Doon
Aayuun Jo Apani Zid Pe
Tujhe Kyaa Se Kyaa Banaa Doon
Tujhe Pyaar Karate Karate
Teri Neend Tak Udaa Doon “ [film-naajayaz] plays….
Guys…..I have tried maximum….And hope this update have satisfied u, drop ur views
Oh my god…this episode was bang on….reni fi u made my day…rudy’s part was hilarious ????..i m expecting such moments in show also…nd thank God.. aapne kitchen om se cockroach nahi pakdwaya????…sorry for bad joke…rumya..???..i m missing their fights…thanks for posting it today…its my lucky day…luv u soooòo muchhhh diii…stay blessed….take care…
Hey thanks a lot….ho cockroach….Itni bhi bhuri nahi hun…ki omie ke haathon cokroach ko pakadwavun…waise mein rudy ko bahut miss kar rahi hun. socha abb se iss ff mein thodi rumya bhi daal du, kyunki woh sab ke favorite hein joh cute hein…..And lucky day….that’s nice 2 hear….And thank u so much…..love u 2 dear
superb didi……
Now gauri will always stand by om through all his ordeals…..
Thanks a lot abc
RENIMA DI aapne proof kiya ki aap ek GREAT DARWAAZA THOD(anika languge)
WRITER hai.seriously aaj ka part tho mere liye best part bana.aap HEART TOUCHING aur FUNNY MOMENT bhi dhe sakthe hai ye tho proof hua.FUNNY MOMENT se hasana HEART TOUCHING moment se dil ko choona easy nahi.but aap dhono bahuth acha kiya hai.hasaya bhi hai dil ko chu bhi liya hai.aaj ka part DHAMAKIDHAAR tha.i’ts OUT STANDING part.
IshKara,GauriKara,RuMya COUPLES and please include ShivIka scenes ????????
It’s khidki thod m],not darwaza thod dear….any ways u liked it which means a lott….Fun came just because of rudra only……So i hope the decision for me 2 bring rudy was right only…but yaar it is not always possible…i mean omie emotional hein and atist bhi hein…so fun kaaa laana mushkil hein, but gauri thodi toh hunor karti hein…..par mein usko widen bhi nahi kar sakti , kyunki meri ff ke theme se woh match nahi hoga….ishkara hamesha emotional hein …aur unke beech kabhi kuch fun nahi hua hein show mein,…..so uss mein pls don;t expect fun as i can’t give that and already i told it many times that am weak in showing fun …..And i don;t think i deserves all compliments which u give…….because luna , kehkasha , samm, all writes better than me….Unke ff ke saamne meri ff toh kuch bhi nahi hein….And shivika…..i will try….but already they are getting much scenes…now u will tell rikara is also doing well…but woh abhi hua hein, jab maine yeh ff shuru ki tab nahi , isliye isse beech mein nahi chod sakti ….isko khatm karne ke baad mein dekhungi kaise hein rikara show pe….agar progressing hein toh mei n rikara pe nahi likhungi….
Thank u so much uff…dear….u
Hey good episode ya I like it
This episode is emotional and sweet
Thanks shakti
Rudy part was lol!!!
And hate…hate… rikara had some hot moments… it’s good that he is not ill treating her.
Of course di, even I want a slow progression only … r u excited to see rikara on screen nowadays???
Thanks and rudy is missing yaar….that’s why i brought rudy here…..am glad u liked this….shraddha
Sorry not hate hate* haye.. haye…??
Thank u dear….first time some one has called me as little sis as here every one calls me either by name or calls as Di ……By the way my age is 25+ in august i will turn 26 ……just 2 clarify whether am little or elder …..
It is awesome dii… Little romantic rikara …. Lovely and sweet update dii.. With lots of love and care dii.
Thanks a lot nikki…
wowww very funny Rudy was soooo cute …his screaming scene was really funny I’m still laughing dear reading ur funny updt…
Thanks a lot ayshakgan
Liked the gaurika scenes a lot,the thing I like about your ffs are you describe the pain beautifully. You nail the emotional scenes which is difficult to write ,and Rudy was funny, overall nice …..?
Than u so much rasika dear
Thank u so much….typing mistake…sorry
Awesome epic…..Rikara scenes are nice….and happy to see Rumya….and loved our Rudy a lot
Thanks san
Awesome…Gaurika scene was fabulous
Loved rudy a lot in this epi ..lovely update
Waiting for next
Thanks a lot……
Wow dr.. I don’t know how u r writing such a perfect and professional way of writing.. Ur emotions and the way u portray their feelings r just Awww.. Let it go like slow precession.. I love the way u portray their Pov.. keep writing and pls try to give regular
Thanks verna….sorry, but i can’t post on a regular base as am working and i get free time very less only…..And i am writing another ffs one for rumya with ishkara and other one for ishkara only….So in midst on breaks i will find time 2 write small update ffs if new projects comes, then i will not get even a single minute…..So regualr update is really very difficult…..dude……Thanks for commenting and i will try 2 make faster updates…..
I loved dis part di…..sry 4 replying so late…..just nw saw it pm……it was awesome…..loved rikara scenes…….rudy’s part was so very nice……waiting 4 nxt……
Thanks yaar
Superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…. Sry for late reply….
Thanks a lot maha……even am not a regular updater…..and tmrw onwards my schedule is gonna very hectic…..So i will not be in tu for some time and will not be able 2 update any of my ff
Late late late late sorry di….I know now you would have got used to me giving super late comments and now this is top notch episode…I loved and still loving each and every bit of it…rudy baby he always rocks both in ffs and also on-screen I love him and the way he was teasing gaurika????how sweet he is to give his name to om?????I wish we could get a pinky like this in ib…I don’t wanna get started on it otherwise I will go for pages complaing and I want our innocent sensitive om back he is always wearing a angry bird face…but you through your ff quenched my thirst of seeing our old om….a man with a golden heart???
Gaurika as usual are awesome and gauri’s point of views are really heart touching di thank you for giving us such nice
Lov you
Hey chandini…..Am really over whelmed with ur lovely comment….Yeah om’s change is bit hard 2 accept, but situations made him 2 change…..But it should have conveyed properly…… But cv’s lacked it…..thanks for giving me such lovely words……And glad that u liked it which means a lot…..love u too…dear