Fan Fiction

Deceptive love – Shot 10

Back to the present,

Pragya reached her house early in the morning. She looked devastated as she walked passed her Ma. Her Ma was asking her why she was so late but she couldn’t hear anything. All her visions were covered by the events of Abhi leaving her alone. She unlocked her room’s door and saw her sleeping soundly. Pragya locked the door and rushed into the washroom unable to hide her tears. She turned the shower hose on and sat under it by pulling her knees to herself and again she cried uncontrollably.

The more she cried the more she remembered about him. It made her weak until she decided not to cry anymore. She wiped her tears and decided not to give another chance to him.

Pragya is now out of the washroom and she looked at her waking up and had angry look on her face.

“How dare you locked me up in the room while I was getting ready??” She asked loudly.

Pragya was not in a mood to answer her, she simply walked towards the wardrobe to get her clothes.


Pragya “Listen Clone….I am not in a state to argue with you or talk to you…I am already very tired and everything is tiring for me….”

“Does that mean you had lots of enjoyment last night? So good!!! I missed having fun because of you and if u call me Clone again then I will call u cheater!!!! Cheater bug!!!!”

Pragya sitting on the edge of bed closed her eyes letting a deep sigh.

Pragya “Ok, I know I had cheated you and in the end I also got cheated. But leave all that. Now I want to say sorry to you. I’m really very sorry….”

“Why sorry? For cheating me?” She asked

Pragya “No, it’s good that u didn’t go as I never had anything fun with him. He left me halfway. Now I am sorry for calling you clone. It would be hurtful to you right?” She said sounding genuine which made clone Pragya to nod her head.

“I thought you don’t have feelings towards me. It’s okay you are still good in a way.” She replied.

Pragya asked “Do you want a name for yourself?”

Clone Pragya smiled and said yes she wants one.

Pragya thought for a while and remembers a time when Abhi used to call her Prisha (Beloved).

Pragya “Prisha!! How’s that?” She asked excitedly.

“Not bad ah, you can think of names like this too. I like it! But what’s the meaning???”

Pragya pinching her cheek said “It means beloved. You are my beloved invention!”

Prisha exclaimed Ouch and tickled Pragya in return.

The screen shifted to Abhi’s Room

He was lying in the bed lost in his thoughts.

Last night he had returned to his house in a hurry and checked on everyone, he had then slept due to his current mental state and a tiresome day.
When he woke up this morning he had remembered that he had left Pragya abruptly all alone on a date he had asked for. He felt guilty for his actions but it was now too late.

He didn’t want to go out and see her as he didn’t have the courage to and so he stayed at MM.

At the present moment his mind was engulfed in thoughts
Who is this CEO? That day i did trace his phone location to the restaurant but damn to my luck i wasn’t able to see his face. He was there with bulbul, that’s for sure and he had his back to me. Nice tactic but that means that bulbul knows him. I need to find bulbul and ask her who is the guy but i have a feeling that he is someone close to me

That’s when he remembered how he had never went to met pragya on Prom night

Abhi was busy in getting ready, looking really handsome in his white tuxedo. He made last final touches to his look as it was a really special day for him. Pragya had asked him out for the prom and deep in side he had a gut feeling that pragya might propose him.
He locked his room and set out for college. Upon reaching the college he bought a bouquet of roses for pragya from a vendor on the gate and went in.
He was then walking towards  his destination that was pragya ,when he heard someone calling him out.
He turned around and found purab running to him.

Purab “You look extremely charming today. Is it for the day or for someone?”
Abhi blushed thinking of Pragya and replied as both to him.

Purab “Acha…That’s nice to hear and I know this usually happens in the prom night before all of us part ways we will find our soulmates in our classmates.”

Abhi “You tell as if you have found someone!” Purab in response chuckled and nodded his head as yes.

Abhi “What? You found someone? I thought it was Bulbul….” He asked in shock.

Purab “Come on yaar, after getting insulted by her how can I think of her again. Now it’s someone else. Even you know her.” He said calmly.

Abhi “I know her? Who’s that?” Purab “Don’t lie, she would have told u this as she is your best friend! I mean best buddy too!” Abhi swallowing a lump asked “Pragya?” Purab “Haan you see! You knew it man!!! Just acting to make fun of me!” Abhi’s heart broke into pieces and he dropped the bouquet that he bought while Purab smirked at him.

Purab “You dropped your bouquet…..” He said by picking it up and was about to pass it to him when Abhi said “Take it as my wish for your love towards her. I have no one to give that now….” He said that and wished Purab for his love before leaving in tears.

Back to the present.
Abhi sighed and  now was thinking, Did Purab really tell the truth that day? Why did he never asked Pragya was she really in love with Purab? Why did he believe Purab blindly? If Purab was in her life then why Pragya never told about that to him? Did he rushed by sending a letter to her and indirectly telling her that she is not related to his life?

I had left her back then too. And even now i did it yet again. But how is she still single?

Abhi got up and ready to go out and talk to bulbul.
As soon as he set out and checked his phone for the location he found that both bulbul and pragya were together. He was a little hesitant but he needed to know who was the CEO.
He reached outside pragya’s house and saw her leaving with bulbul and tara. He followed them behind on his bike without spooking them.
They were out for shopping. When pragya got a conference call from both bulbul and tara she told them everything and bulbul who understood pragya’s sadness told her that “there’s nothing that shopping and some movies at home can’t solve so get ready as we are going out.” pragya was hesitant but agreed to it.

Now they were at the mall. Abhi was close behind on their tail. He needed to have bulbul alone.
That’s when he received a call from “the most annoying person” labeled on his mobile . pragya at that moment went inside the restroom with the girls.
He stopped at the corner and attended the call.

CEO: How’s the progress so far?
Abhi: everything is moving on as planned.i am on her tail .But I need more money.
CEO: Money? I thought you have your own techniques to work efficiently.
Abhi: I need more hardware. Thank me that I am working for you. I do have a question why are we doing this?

CEO: That is not a question! Keep your curiosity to yourself now. I have already told u to be in your limit! As I told u before curiosity only kills your conscience. Just do as I say!

Pragya exited the toilet and started moving with her friends.

Abhi: Okay I have to go but you need to fulfil my demands or consider me out.
CEO: Alright! Keep in touch! Always update me!
Abhi: I will.
And he ended the call.
Abhi: what a guy!Curiosity kills conscience? If I am not curious then how will I follow her?

On the other side
CEO: If she had never talked to Bulbul that day….I would have never known that she is still in contact with Bulbul but now I have to be clear that she is not against me! For that he needs to follow her!

He thought that by throwing away the photo frame onto the floor. The photo frame was seen breaking into pieces revealing the faces of Bulbul,Purab,,Pragya and Abhi.

To be continued…………….


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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