So here is the 2nd part-
Thank you so much for all your love you poured in through comments. Means a lot.
Replies to comments of previous part-
@Diha Is she being too rude? Waise I just wanted her character to be straightforward…Still you liked it that’s so sweet of you
Among so many people keeping things to themselves & need time to open up, I needed a character who has different shades but is extremely vocal. Besides, I can’t expect her to be sweet when her marriage is fixed against her wish & she is expected to do an extremely dangerous mission without any proper base.
Thanks thanks & thanks a lot for boosting my morale by your kind words
Lots of love 2 you too sweetheart
@Yasmine Khan I will definitely try to do that but I fear it might be a little later..I hope you will understand
Arre nah..Lyk- We love our family & we love our friends..that’s what she meant..So Riddhu has no #romantic love for Kabir
At first I felt it was not Nice episode..But I would have still been happy for your review..
Thanks a lot for being so kind
@Shivangi Thanks a lotttttt..
I will definitely try obsessive track but I feel it will be a little later…
Again thank u so much
@Riaa Are you the same Riaa? I mean are you the author of ffs- Luka Chuppi & Mrs. Raisinghania??
Anyways, Thanks a lot for your words..I really look forward to see more of your comments..I need them
@Jayashree Aww….Ur words juss warmed my heart..I wish to see more of you guiding me through your comments
Um..As for Riansh meeting they’ll meet soon
@Priyadharshini Thank you soooo much for your kind words
I am really glad you find it worth of ur time..
@JJ Thank you so much…It really means a lot
@Vkjhp Thanks a lot..I will try my best to not let you down
@Astha Ya, all the time I just want Riddhima to be a little more vocal at the right time that’s what actually made me write her like that..
Sooo glad to know that I didn’t bored you..I hope to see you comment again & again & again
@Riansh Lover Thank you so soooo much
Feels so nice to know u love Riddhima being like that because I was a lill doubtful to keep her that way as generally she is sweet n all..but she will have these shades too, at the right circumstances
@Aafrin Feels so good to see you find the title absolute. Some parts of destiny are definitely irreversible & bound to be but a lot more finds it’s base in the decisions we took. I wanted to put emphasis on the value of their decision so this I found apt
I hope to not let you down. Thanks again
*There are some common scenes- 1 week back, Riddhima had planned Vansh’s party instead of Sejal, but she hadn’t met him(but has seen his pic in the party). Whilst in the same party a cop who had gone to collect evidence- Neha, died by falling from the lighthouse. Riddhima, while returning saw Kabir and asked him what he was doing there.
Later Kabir followed Vansh and got knocked down while his colleague Mishra managed to track him and got him bandaged. Earlier that day Riddhima’s uncle and Kabir’s dad had fixed the duos marriage(mentioned before)
“Kabir standing like a monk won’t fetch anything”, Riddhima said frustrated
K: But Riddhima if I would have been having any proof why would I even dare to send you to that monster’s house
R: I get that Kabir but still there has to be some chunks of evidence or any thing of that sort
After this Kabir got into a deep contemplation
“U know what I have thought about it & I think it would be better if you choose someone else for your not so reliable mission” saying this Riddhima turned to leave.
K: Wait wait Riddhima..(with a sudden sense of realisation whose happiness was visible on his face)
I guess there’s something that can possibly make you trust CBI OFFICER KABIR. Saying so Kabir called Mishra and told him something.
A photo and voice was pinged on Kabir’s phone- Pic & Voice of cop Neha dying which was recorded on the police cap Kabir was wearing that day.(When Neha died saying that she failed,etc.)
K: See Riddhima. This is one of our most dedicated cop Neha & this is her last message as she died that day. Dying person don’t manipulate Riddhima.
Riddhima felt she had seen the girl somewhere…when suddenly something strikes her..She had seen that girl dancing in that arrogant’s party 1 week ago which she had to plan instead of Sejal..That Vansh…?? She felt numb for a second. She knew he was arrogant but a criminal was not something she could believe on.
R: But Kabir nowhere in the voice she has said that Vansh killed her & someone can morph the voice also.
K: That’s exactly why Riddhima we can’t use it as a evidence. She had gone to collect evidence in the VR’s party & died the death of a martyr. The same party Riddhima which you planned, this happened sometime later when I had asked you to go saying I’ll explain things to you later.
I understand you might not be believe to believe on this fact after seeing Vansh..That innocent and caring face in the orphanage is something that can manipulate any other person.
R: Hm…Something is definitely fishy about this person,I trust you with that Kabir. To find if he is a murderer or mafia or just an arrogant person- Just this much is my job. I will try my best to find all pieces of evidence, which I will definitely find in case this man is a threat to the society. But mark my words if I find out that he is not, I am gonna come back at that very instant & punch you hard on your face.
K: Hunh???
R: Ofcourse, for your misinformation about him. Lest I have my own conditions which we will discuss later on
Kabir right now would you please drop me at the orphanage. I guess I have exhausted enough of my brains today so I need some time & you would also need some alone to plan the things. I think I should ask Sejal to plan that party alone as I will be busy, (seeing a confused Kabir) ofcourse for the mission planning.
K: No no Riddhima you have to plan THAT party & that too alone
R: Srry? WTH!
K: Did you checked the organiser? I knew you haven’t. THE VRS! Such a golden chance to enter his life.
R: & may I know that how do you know that he is gonna make me enter his life?
K: Riddhima do you trust me or not?
R: With my life, yes. I know you would protect me. But after what all has happened today…with your actual intentions for this case..I guess for now it’s a NO
K: Ahh..You should trust me spy Riddhima..You have to spy on Vansh & not me…Forget it..I know it because I try to keep track of him.
R: Hm..Fair enough…Now drop me home..Make your plan, Share every info you have about him, some detailing of his house, basic outline of your plan and then we will finish it off with my rules. Now, no more ques..come let’s go.
Saying this Riddhima got seated in the car & Kabir drove to the orphanage.
While he opened the door for her, Riddhima muttered a thanks and turned towards the orphanage, walking and thinking what all happened today..’ahh..I still can’t believe of the man being a mafia after seeing him care for the children in the orphanage, just 2 days back.’ Suddenly she realises something, runs back and stop Kabir from closing his car window.
How do you know that I met Vansh at the orphanage..I never told you about that.
Kabir’s face paled.
Riddhima was entering the cruise with a transmitter pin on her head when suddenly the detectors warned.
Flashback shows how Kabir managed to convince Riddhima saying he was coming there to meet her but then he saw her with Vansh. And he noticed a gentleness in his eyes (well who can read Vansh’s eyes better than his Kabir #KaVa xD)
How he felt that he coincidentally found a trustworthy & competent person in Riddhima claiming that only she had the fire that could burn Vansh’s kingdom.
Riddhu: Whatever the hell you are speaking Kabir I don’t care. Then I am sure you must have already kept your plan ready because you would have done the future prediction of me agreeing, right?
& btw I am not going to burn Vansh’s kingdom even if I can (that toh we know baby)..I am going there to burn the kingdom of a criminal, if and only if he is.
You send me the address I will arrive at your office after an hour & then I would leave for the cruise for the mission (In Kabir’s head- Mission Destroy VSR ; In Riddhima’s head- Mission Criminal Treasure Hunt)
After Riddhima got all ready to leave for the cruise-
Kabir: Riddhima I know you are angry with me. But seriously I have no hidden intent and the information is correct. You make sure to take care of yourself, okay?
R: (Sighing deeply) I know you won’t put me into any difficulty until it’s really something necessary. And while I will be away make sure uncle (K’s father) takes his meds on time & exercises atleast twice. I will be missing you & Sejal. And btw I am not sorry for my behaviour because you deserved it idiot(smiles). Now can I get a friendly-goodbye hug?
They hug and Riddhima leaves for the cruise
Riddhima doubted Kabir’s intentions, mainly because of his determination to destroy VRS but finally decided to go on the mission as even the man(our Vansh)seemed suspicious.
Plus after seeing Kabir’s madness, she was sure if probably not she, he will definitely send someone else to perhaps again become a martyr. And as a matter of fact what if Vansh was actually a criminal, afterall the cop girl had died in HIS party. Hm…
She concluded- The mission is worth the risk…
Yeah I understand I will also wait for that obsessive track nice, is this like serial like riddhima meets Vansh on the cruise and he doubts him?or he knows riddhima first only
yes, yes, I am the same Riaa. Sorry, I don’t have a habit of logging in and commenting, so excuse me for that.
Anyhoo, I love this! Can’t wait to see Riddhima punching the hell outta Kabir, but also gotta look forward to what you’ve planned for us.
P.S.: The last image, lol.
Will love to see upcoming story..and also what happens after Riansh takraar..I am expecting this only bcoz after listening to kabir she will be a lil arrogant to vansh..I don’t think she will be calm with him after listening about him from kabir..

Happy new year and last pic made me laugh
Wow last photo happy new year it’s so funny
. Thanks for updates 

. keep rocking dear you and your updates 

. iam waiting for your next updates 

. happy new year 
So nice episode dear

Thanks for updates
Happy new year
It’s really super

Happy new year 2021
Wow fabulous

Thanks for updates
Happy new year 2021
Keep rocking
Happy new year
Episode is cool
I loved the sassy Riddhima ! Fantastically written!

Keep Updating!
Happy New Year!
Your story gives me great thriller vibes….i love it…
The episode was cool but the photo was funny we all are like 2020 go and never come back happy new year
I really don’t know about this before but today it seems like,
I loved this ridhima a lot and yup her character is so different and interacting and also different from others ff and some kind of os
( i mean sassy type

it should be quite unique, interacting and entertaining as well 

so good 
So nice and amazing start dear
Keep going lots of love and best wishes to you for the upcoming story track!!
Excited for the conversation between them
I’m right or am I right??
Well looking for their fabulous chemistry
No words to describe how amazing your updates are dear