Fan Fiction

Depth of darkness – Swaragini fanfic Swaragini ch 2


“Chapter 2!”


Chapter 2:

Back at home, Ragini was crazily scribbling something on a sheet of paper, “Swara, listen to this…

“Hey you.., you broke my heart

Hey you…, you ripped me apart;

You crushed my soul

You played my role.

You hid so well

If only, I could tell;

Hey you.., you made my fall

Hey you, I was not your doll.”

“So_?” Ragini gazed on Swara, her eyes gleam with anticipation.

“So, what?” Swara replied tending to her flowers.

“How is it, my heartfelt poetry?” Ragini asked, cupping her face in her hands.

“You been telling me the same poetry for over a period of nine years.” Swara breathed a sigh. “Admit it, isn’t today the day, when your crush has dumped you?” Swara stressed, “move on, you were only sixth grader back than.”

“What dump?” Ragini blurted out, “I didn’t even got a chance to confess, back than my teach took my role and made him into a Snow White. I thought what a joke, he was supposed to be my prince, but than our teach has to announce the big revelation by popping my young teen fantasy, “that’s impossible!” She said, “because ‘he’ is a ‘she’ _ a girl.” …that cross-dressing idiot broke my tender baby heart on the very day I wanted to confess my feelings to him but it turn out to be her?”

“My drama queen,” Swara laughed.

“Swara, I tell you that boy knew I had a crush on him.” Ragini argued, “that’s why he didn’t told me his gender secret_ he even made me do all his petty chores, I even carried his books around!” Ragini was agitated, “He always order me like I was his pet. Crickle!”

Swara got entertained looking at Ragini pouting like a child. She knew, ‘Crickle ‘was a made up word Ragini had always used since little to make her feel better; to make matter worse, Swara added, “you mean a ‘She’?”

“You hate me!” Ragini announced loudly before she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Next day, the girls were called to bullies den, that was Ragini way to address the principal office. “What does the Comptroller want from us?”

“Let’s go see the principal, we will know for ourselves, what does she want from us?” Swara exhale audibly.

“Oh my two adorable bunnies, who forced you into Hawks den? Was it poor old me? How amusing.” Came the most hated voice across the room as the girls entered the door.

“I should have known, it’s because of you we had been call to principal office.” Swara pulled a cross face at Sanskar.

“Who else there could be, who can tolerate your temper SS..WW..AA..RR..AAA.” Sanskar mocked making Swara go all red in face.

“You!”  Swara forced forward but withdrew by a hand on her arm, “he is not worth your precious energy.” Ragini tried to calm her down.

“Excuse me, I’m here too,” a faint voice was heard.

Swara noticed another boy standing next to Sanskar, “oh my gosh!” Swara looked up at Ragini, “he is your latest victim..”

“My victim,” Ragini sneak a glance at the boy, “he is_?” It was a awkward pause, she remembered him and felt embarrassed for offending him yesterday without a given apology. Coincidentally when their eyes met she retreated immediately and dare not look back, for he was the same boy she had squashed yesterday.

“We are in big trouble,” Swara whispered. Ragini nodded and along them somebody else too.. It was Ms Elina, their Principal.

“Yes, as you both have already guessed, You both are in big trouble.” Came Ms Elina’s voice, which startled both the girls, they gulped together. “How did you heard, what I ju..s..” Swara started but Ms Elina cut her off.

“I have a good hearing, thank you.” Ms Elina eyed the girls. “I was hoping for a good explanation for your actions caused yesterday. Let’s see, what you guys have to say for yourselves_”

Ragini sulked, “Crickle!”

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