Categories: Desh Ki Beti Nandini

Desh Ki Beti Nandini 14th October 2013 Written Episode Update

Desh Ki Beti Nandini 14th October 2013 Written Episode, Desh Ki Beti Nandini 14th October 2013 Written Update

Episode starts from where it ended Thursday. Gayatri Devi explains why Akansha can’t be Party’s leader and she is determined to change Rajvir’s decision. Her sister in law comes in with tea and snakes leaving an embarrassed Gayatri Devi infront of Abhay and Suryaman (This Chachiji of Rajvir is up tp something I tell u, the kind of funny expressions she gives are beyond my understanding)

Nandini and Her Bos are at PRP office to finish the decorations, Boss as usual tensed about the decorations not being done yet. Nandini assures him to get it done in short time; she guides her team and does her work efficiently.

Rajvir’s Dadi takes him to a room where his old piano is carefully kept. Rajvir is excited to see this, following a sweet conversation with

her , he plays her favourite piece. Nandini who is doing her work outside listens it and eager to know who plays it. Her boss replies some musicians must be playing it, to which Nandini tells that she thought these people liked only English music but they seems to be interested in Hindi too. Gayatri Devi hears Ranvi playing piano and tells herself that playing music isn’t his aim in his life but she wants him to change the political history of India. Ranvir’s sisters and nephew also joins them in the room while Nandini is lost in Rajvir’s music.

Next day morning, Nurse gives Mrs Mishra a bill of seven thousands rupees, Nadini is also there. Nurse wants them to pay the bill as soon as possible so that they can discharge Mishra JI as they have other patients to whom they should admit. Nandini promises to arrange money.

At Raghu vanshi Mansion, Gayatri Devi is working in her office when her MIL comes and ask her not to spoil her health by working day to nigh. Chachi Ji brings the news of Ranvir not being at home and he also left his phone in his room.

Ranvir is shown Jogging in through a parc , few girls identify him and a group of girls and boys follow him. Rajvir is stunned seeing people clicking his pictures, starts to run fast. At the same time Nandini is riding her motorcycle, Unexpectedly Rajvir gets on nandini’s vehicle and asks her to go. Nadini sees him through her mirror and Says ” Rajvir Raguvanshi ”, as she doesn’t react ; Rajvir him self accelerate the vehicle and Nandini becomes Normal. A soft music in BG. Rajvir’s Guards are searching him but unable to find. As Nandini and Rajvir arrive in front of Rajvir’s mansion, he thanks her for the help , they are about to shake their hands Rajvir spots some media people running towards him, he runs away from there ( no hand shake ).

Raghuvanshis waiting for Rajvir in their hall, his Mom scolds has words with him for being irresponsible and going for jog without any guards. She asks him whether he doesn’t know who he is? To which Rajvir replies he has just come to know about it. He narrates the incident happened few mins before.

Nandini’s sister is disappointed that Even after meeting Ranvir personally Nadini didn’t take a pic with him.

Back to Raghuvanshi Raghuvanshi Mansion , everyone laughs at Rajvir. He sulks, ask god to bless the Girl ( Nandini ) who saved him and promises to him Mother that he wouldn’t go anywhere without guards. Abhay arrives there when Rajvir goes from there to take a shower, Gayatri and Abhay star at each other ( Talk through eyes )

Back to Nandini’s home , Nandini’s siter is again disaponted as her mother washed off the vehicle on which Rajvir sat , she calls her MOM Unromantic , in return get scolded for being late to school. Nandini’s MOM is delihhted as they are going to buy a new fridge today, Nandini recalls what the Nurse said about Mishraji’s bill.

AT Raghuvanshi Mansion. Gayatri devi is with Abhay in their office. Abhay assures her that Today’s press conference will give some positive results, Gayatri devi ask him to make sure Rajvir attends it.

Back to Nadini’s home, Nandini tries to convince her mother to pay Mishra Ji’s bill with the money they saved to get a new fridge. But her mother is adamant, tells Nadini cares for everyone but her own mother. She further explains the difficulties and insults she had to face because of their Old fridge. Nadini tries to make her mother realise a new fridge isn’t more important than Mishra Ji’s financial need. Her father agrees with her promises to go to the hospital and get Mishra JI discharged.

As Nadini is about to go to her office, she notices Rajvir’s watch in the extra helmet and decides to return it back.

Pre-cap : Press conference venue , Nadini is there to return Rajvir’s watch.

Update Credit to: Roshani

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