Fan Fiction

Desire for love (Part 6; Ignored)

Hi guys this is Rishi18 back with chap 6th

Scene 1:
Shivaay was standing still after the doctor left. He was still shocked about how weak his Anika was right now. He knew he would have to become her support system but before that he would have to ask for her forgiveness .

The biggest question was whether Anika would forgive him( u all know not so easily???).
Shivaay came out of his thoughts and went to Anika’s ward.
As he came inside her ward, he saw both his brother on the two sides of the bed sleeping in a sitting position. He knew both were utterly tired. He whispered so as to not disturb Anika. Both of them got up  and  Shivaay asked them to return home, though they were hesitant but returned home.

After Omru left, Shivaay went and sat beside Anika , he was looking teary eyed seeing his Anika so weak. He was just staring her and caressing her hair and he did not realize when he fell asleep.

Scene 2:

In the morning as the sunlight appeared Shivaay woke up and saw Anika getting disturbed by the sunrays he quickly went and drew the curtains but nevertheless Anika woke up.
As Anika woke up she was very thirsty and had a very strong urge to have water. She moved her hand a little to take the water from the nearby table but owing to the weakness she could not even move her hand to the table and she gave up. After few seconds she saw Shivaay standing with a glass of water, she tried taking it but soon realization fell upon her and she took back her hand. She turned her head away from Shivaay and faced the wall. Shivaay understood Anika was very angry and hurt and had a valid reason for it his guilt wad eating him,but still he tried” Anika see u wanted water , I have brought it for u .

Face me I will help u. “ Still no effect” Anika I know u are very angry but hurt urself , come have this water u will feel better” Anika was really angry and she decided to ignore him and closed her eyes pretending to sleep. “ I am sorry Anika please forgive me….”words died in his throat as he saw Anika asleep. Anika had heard his apology and wanted to forgive him but this time it was limit and she decided to punish him thinking this sleep really took over her and she slept. Shivaay who was really feeling hurt and guilty left the room with tears in his eyes.

Scene 3:

Rumya and Dadi were there in Anika ‘s ward . There were talking among themselves Anika was very weak to talk though she listened to all the chattering buttering, she was enjoying the cute nok jhoks of Rumya and was feeling much better. All were taking good care of her. Shivaay felt happy that though he was not there his family was taking good care.

During the day whenever Shivaay went to talk to her , she royally ignored him by either talking to someone else or pretending to sleep. Shivaay understood her and went away. Family was observing this and decided not to indulge in this and let it be between the couple.
Shivaay had talked to the doctor and he had told that Anika could get discharged by tomorrow provided she gets good care and a bed rest of 2 weeks with minimum stress or work

Scene 4 :
It was night time , visiting hours had got over and only one person was allowed to stay back. Shivaay stayed back as he knew he could watch Anika only when she was asleep.
He entered  Anika’s ward and saw her asleep and sighed in relief and sat beside her. He kept caressing her hair and did not realize when he fell asleep. He one hand was on her head and other was holding her hand.

His sleep was broken by some sound. He woke up and saw Anika murmuring in her sleep” Save me ,  don’t kill me Daksh.. Someone save me” As soon as Shivaay heard this he started consoling and assuring her.”  Don’t worry Anika I am here. Nothing will happen to you” Sensing Shivaay around Anika quickly hugged him and kept tightening the hug. Shivaay could feel her fear , he also hugged her tight and rubbed her back to sooth her . It did a magic Anika calmed and slept off in his arms. Feeling this Shivaay carefully placed her on the bed and kissed her forehead. He wiped her tears and saw her holding his hand tightly. He tried removing it but the grip was too tight. He smiled seeing it decided not to disturb her and slept with her.

Precap: Anika discharged, the anger continues..  guilt to increase.

So guys how was the chap , do tell me any particular thing u would like to be added and guyzz please comment how do u find my writing.
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