Hey Guys, Thank you so much for liking the story…I hope it’s up to your expectations..I am not a experience writer so plz pardon my mistakes…N plz do comment..
So Let’s Begin..
*Girl POV*
Huh!! The word Life N love are way too similar…If Love vanishes your desire to live also vanishes….You know there are some people who once enters in our life never leaves from from there..they might leave physically but mentally they signs there presence in your life….once those people becomes you most wanted, most loved members of your life but later they become a part of your most bitter memories…
Likewise someone was also very much close to my heart..was my need, the reason of my survival, but today he has become the reason for my pain,sorrow,hatred towards my life…
N he is None other than MY LOVE”SANSKAR”..God how much I loved him..Actually not loved him but love him….that day changed my life upside down…I went far away from him just in fraction of seconds..N today I am here..here in AUSTRALIA….it’s been five years..five long years….everything changed my country, my surrounding, my identity..N my self..
From SWARA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI…I became SWARA..JUST SWARA….THE OWNER OF THE BIGGEST COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA..Surprising Right!! I myself is surprised with the drastic change of life…
” her chain of thoughts were disturbed By a knock at door..
Swara” Karan, No need to knock, come in
Here comes a dashing N super Hot man…KARAN SINGHANIA..
Karan” Hello Babes,
Swara” Uff Karan how many times show I tell you not to call me that..
Karan” OK. .coll down Babes. ..oh sorry Swara..
Swara”Hmm better..
Karan” So Swara…We are all set for the meeting N the Conference room is also ready the clients have came..
Swara” Karan you are the partner of the Company..No need to do this.
Karan” I know I am the partner, but I also know that u need perfection in your work, so I don’t like to take risk..warna tum kab dayan ban jao,
Swara” shut up Karan… come fast. The clients must be waiting..
Hmm..What a change yar, what a change, I mean in these five years this Girl have changed me completely, have filled colours in my life…I remember I was such a flirt (smiles) such a careless bachelor..but she changed me completely..Made me a Responsible Businessman…I still remember the day I met her..
* Flash back*
I was back from London, for a irrelevant trip with my friends…N was waiting outside the airport for my Dad’s Mercedes to come N pick me..
then was eyes spotted a girl..a pale girl sitting on one of the bench..Being me..I thought to have some time pass, …went to her and start flirting with her, but she was different I mean she didn’t even look towards me..but broke in tears,,I felt pity N took her with me as she fainted there…I took her to my home N she stay there for 3 weeks..she literally impressed my parents as well as me. I COMPLETELY FELL FOR HER..in such a small period..but she was not happy. .she was somehow hiding her pain. . I tried to ask her but ended up in finding nothing.. I took a year to be her friend..
I LOVE HER.. LOVE HER TO THE CORE..but I also know that she don’t Love me, she just consider me a good friend… ,so it’s better to hide my feelings..
” His Thoughts were broken was Swara, she came back to take him with her, as it was quite long she was waiting for him in the commference hall…
Swara” Karan.. (no response) Karan.
Karan” Huh..yes
Swara” where are u lost..come let’s go, I don’t want to be late..
Karan” No..Nowhere..ya let’s go.
They went towards the Conference Hall.
KARAN: A loving N carefree guy…Naughty N a big Flirt..But loves Swara truly..can’t see tears in herror eyes..is with her since five years, but they are friend from 4 years itself…
Always tries to find out the reasons behind Swara’s sorrow but always fail..LIVING IN AUSTRALIA WITH HIS FAMILY..
SWARA” A complete change personality..IS BOLD N CAN HANDLE EVERY SITUATION,..,Shows to be stone hearted, but I reality have no heart bcz it’s been scattered into pieces….LIVING IN AUSTRALIA FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS..IS THE OWNER OF S_R GROUP OF COMPANIES.(THE BIGGEST COMPANY IN AUSTRALIA)have build this company with the help of Karan N his family…Loyal N polite towards KARAN N his Family .
HEY Guys, done with the second Episode,,.I hope you will like it…I am not sure that if I would be Regular or not because I am a kinda busy in my daily chores..I hope you understand..
Plz DO COMMENTS.. do tell me about the flaws in the story..N if u didn’t like the storyline do tell me so that I could chafe it..
N for the Role of Karan,,whom should I chose..
I PERSONALLY CHOSE KARAN TACKER..but it totally depends on your Votes…
Good start dear plz continue and for karan karan tacker is the perfect choice he is hot handsome at the same time sweet also
Nice episode and for karan’s role karan tacker is best
Awesomee i think u should take karan tacker ?
Karan tacker is perfect.. N awesome update ??
maryaamm.. i love it.. i love it..i love it…
Nice… I think karan tracker is good for karan’s role
Karan tacker is perfect..
Loved d chappy maryam..
Continue soon
Amazing maryam..bht achha tha..loved it… Nd i uld like karan tacker fr karans role….
Waitng fr nxt..
nice i like both guys so u itself select it
nice…karan tacker