Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 14)

Hii guys.. I back with the update!!

So the episode starts with..

They all went back home.. After dinner they went to sleep early as they all were very tired..

Room 1 (riddhima and sejal)

Bothe of them changed into their pj’s and went to bed.. Riddhima wasn’t sleepy so decided to surf through her phone.. When she unlocked her phone she saw some notifications pop up in her phone.. She decides to ignore it but when she saw the name of the sender she instantly clicked on it.. It was from vansh..

He sent some picture of them from the evening.. They had clicked many photos.. When she was seeing and adoring those pics.. She recalled her whole evening.. Her conversation woth vansh..

Riddhima(to herself) – wow man! Vansh is really very amazing to be with.. I didn’t knew that he was so fun to be with..

Riddhima in chat – Thank you for the pics vansh!

Room 4 ( vansh and angre) –

Vansh also wasn’t able able to sleep.. He was thinking about the Evening.. Just then a message popped up on his phone.. He was about to curse the person who decided to wake him up this late in the night.. But when he saw that it was from riddhima, his anger melted down.. He instantly clicked on her name..


Vansh – Your welcome riddhima.. But why are you up till now??!!

Riddhima – Yeah actually.. I wasn’t able to sleep so.. But why are you up??!!

Vansh – Same reason..

Riddhima – So..

Vansh – Let’s talk about something.. Let’s play truths..

Riddhima – sounds nice to me!.. So you go first..

Vansh – ok!.. So your favorite food?

Riddhima – Panipuri!!!!!

Vansh – OMG! You too!

Riddhima – yeah.. So my turn..Your favorite hobby?..

Vansh – Playing basketball..

Riddhima – Nice young man!..

Vansh – Thank you Riddhima!
(They continued the game for an hour but when it got late they decided to sleep)

Vansh – Oh no.. It’s 12..i think we should sleep now..

Riddhima – Oh yeah.. Good night Vansh!

Vansh – Good night Riddhima!

end of the chat..

Next day..

All of them got up except riddhima and vansh.. Everyone was a bit shocked to see the early birds sleeping till 09:00..but then they thought that they maybe tired .


Riddhima and vansh got up..Both of them got dressed and came down.. Everyone was chatting but stopped when they saw them.. Both of them went and sat down..

Aryan – are you guys ok..How did the early birds became sleepy birds??

Vansh – actually we got tired yesterday.. Maybe that’s why we weren’t able to get up..

Riddhima – Yeah..

Sejal – Ok so who’s gonna cook today?

Sia – It’s riddhima’s turn today..

Riddhima – ok then i will cook!

Riddhima went inside the kitchen and was about to start when vansh came.

Riddhima – Vansh you need something?

Vansh – I came to help you riddhima!

Riddhima – Thank you so much vansh!

They both decided to make fried rice and soup..

Precap – Rishi – It’s awesome Riddhu!..
Vansh – Excuse me.. I made it too!

So that is it for today guys.. I hope you guys like it.. And do let me know your views in the comments.. I will try to reply them all!!..and thank you soooo much for all the love and support you guys are showing to my ff.. It means alot!..

I know you guys are angry.. But please forgive me.. My final exams are going on and they are going to end on 25th….sorry for being inactive and not telling you guys about my exams..But please believe me..
I will be uploading two to three episodes after my exams for a whole week.. And now i know that you guys like the jealousy track so i am bringing a big jealousy track.. So stay tuned!

Question time-

Do you guys want the confession after two to three episodes or later?..

Lots of love from me to you all❤💕!!

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