Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 5)

Hii guys!! I am back with the update!!

So this episode will end all your curiosity and confusion…

so the episode starts with

Riddhima – Aryan i was thinking about Vansh!

Aryan – who??

Riddhima – Aryan are you serious??!! We just met him before 30 minutes!!

Aryan – oh that vansh!

*Flash back starts*

Riddhima and her friends were on their way towards the camp.. Just then suddenly a boy came infront of their car.. Luckily the driver applied the brake in time.. And the child got saved!

But the child got scared and was crying badly.. So riddhima and her friends got down and..

Riddhima – What’s your name little boy??!!

Boy – My name is Vansh!

Riddhima – where’s your house??!!

Vansh(pointing his finger) – there!

Riddhima and her friends dropped him in his house and told him not to walk alone on the road…

*Flashback ends*

Sejal – let’s go inside guys!!

Aryan&Riddhima(together) – ok!

They got inside and aryan went to enquire about their booking.. To which he came to know about kabir and his friends…
He came and told about it to his friends.. They didn’t reacted much but were a little worried about them…

At their house

Vansh and his friends just reached and were taking out the luggage when riddhima and her friends came..

Riddhima got out of the car and saw vansh… Vansh also saw her… They were surprised..

Riddhima&Vansh (together) – YOU!

All others – You know each other??!!

Riddhima and vansh didn’t want to disclose their first meet so they decided to lie..
Riddhima(to herself) – oh no.. I can’t tell them about our first meet!! I have to lie now!…. What to tell??!!!

Vansh (to himself) – oh no.. I can’t tell them about our first meet!! I have to lie now!… What to tell??!!

Others – Come out of your dreamland!! And answer our question!

Vansh&Riddhima(together) – actually we met out side the hotel..

They both were surprised on hearing that the other one also gave the same answer…

Precap – Riddhima – I think we should keep Rohit with us?

Sorry guys for a short one🙏

I hope you guys like it.. Please do let me know your views in the comments!!

Lots of love from me to you all💕❤!!

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