Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 6)

Hii guys!! I am back with the update!!

I am really very sorry for last episode being short🙏🙏

So the episode starts with..

Kashmir, At their house, 28 December.. 11:00 in the morning

Just then their tour guide came.

Guide – Hello everyone!! I am Rohit Verma, your tour guide…

Kabir – Hii I am Kabir Raisinghania…
Vansh – Hii I am Vansh Raisinghania
Ishani – Hii I am Ishani Raisinghania
Sia – Hii I am Sia Raisinghania
Angre – Hii I am angre..

Rohit- Hello all..

Sejal – Hii I am sejal..
Riddhima – Hii I am Riddhima..
Aryan – Hii I am Aryan..

Rohit – Hii all..

Rohit – So this is your house..I will be staying with you guys.. You guys can go, keep your luggage.. Get ready and then come down.. Today we will be going for a long drive…

Everyone – ok!

All of them went inside the house. And gathered in the living room..

Rohit – So you guys belong to two different groups, right??

Everyone – yeah!

Rohit – then one group can stay in the ground floor and the other one can stay in the first floor…

Sejal(to Kabir and group) – you guys can choose..

Kabir – No you guys choose…

Sejal – No you!

Kabir – No you!

Rohit – Enough!

Rohit – wait let chits decide…

He made two chits and named kabir’s group – Group one…. And Sejal’s group
– Group 2…He removed one chit for the first/ground floor and it was Group 1…

Riddhima – ok then we will stay in the first floor..By the way, Rohit you can stay with us.. We are just three people..

Rohit – Nice idea! Good Riddhima..

Vansh and angre decided to share a room. Ishani and Sia decided to share a room. And kabir stayed alone.
Riddhima and sejal went to the same room and aryan and rohit in the same room
They all went to freshen up and came down after an hour…
They went out for a long drive and had their lunch out and came back in the evening at 6:30…

At the house , 6:30 ,Hall/living room

Ishani – It was so much fun!!

Riddhima – yeah it was so amazing!!

Rohit – Do you guys want bonfire??

Everyone – yes!

At the night

Everyone rested in their rooms and had their dinner and after their dinner they decided to have the bonfire… They all came out in the garden and were surprised to see the arrangements..

Rohit – Surprise!! I have done all the arrangements and now we can enjoy the bonfire..

Everyone came and sat down in a circle… Riddhima and vansh were facing each other…

Ishani – let’s do something… Hiw about a gane??

Sia – yeah!

Everyone – ok!

Sia – Truth and dare??

Everyone – ok!

Precap – Riddhima – I will choose truth!
Vansh – ohk!

Sorry guys if it’s a short one🙏

This is it for today… Actually i want to cover the whole game in one episode.. Sorry once again for a short one🙏

I hope you guys like it… Please do let me know about your views in the comments…

Lots of love from me to you all❤💕!!

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