Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 7)

Hii guys… I am back with the update!!

I know you guys are angry on me.. But i am really very sorry for being late🙏🙏
Please don’t be angry or sad🙏🙏

So the episode starts with..

They all came and sat on forming a circle. And decided to play truth or dare. Rohit brought a bottle from inside..

Sia – So guys on whosoever the mouth of the bottle points, that person has to answer and whosoever the back point has to question the other person… Ok??

Everyone – ok!

Sia spins the bottle , and the mouth points towards ishani and the back towards sia.

Ishani – Dare!

Sia – Dance Weirdly!

Ishani dances and everyone starts laughing seeing her.

Sia – omg di!… You dance so well!

Ishani – Sia!!!!

Vansh – ok.. Now spin it!

Ishani spins the bottle and the mouth of the bottle points towards aryan and the back towards Kabir.

Aryan – Dare!

Kabir whispers something in his ears.

Aryan walks towards sejal and starts acting as a monkey and pulls her hair then he snatches her phone and runs around.Sejal runs behind him.

Sejal – STOP IT!!!!!!

Kabir tried his best to not laugh but in vain starts laughing..Everyone was laughing now..

Aryan(running) – Is it enough??!!

Kabir(laughing) – Yeah Mr Monkey..

Aryan stops gasping..

Sejal(snatching her phone) – You!

Riddhima came and stopped her.. (From killing him)

Sia – what was the dare?

Kabir – I asked him to tease any one of his friends..I didn’t knew that it would turn out to be this good(laughs)

The trio settled down in their places and aryan spinned the bottle… And the mouth of the bottle landed on Riddhima and the back on Vansh.

Riddhima – Truth!

Vansh – Your biggest fear..

Riddhima – losing my loved ones..

The game continued and they played it for hours… And after getting tired they went to sleep…

(So guys i am skipping till 31st)

31st december, House , kashmir, 5:00in the morning

Riddhima got up and decided to go for a morning walk. When she was in the garden. A voice from behind.

Voice – Hi!Good Morning..

Riddhima – Vansh!.. Hii! Good Morning!

Vansh – Morning walk??

Riddhima – yeah!… You??!!

Vansh – Me too!!

Riddhima – let’s go to the lake..

Vansh – ok!

They both started walking towards a lake which was a km away from their house… On their way…

Riddhima – So Vansh Who do you stay with?

Vansh – My family!

Riddhima – How many members are their in your family??

Vansh – We are seven people… Me.. Ishani, Sia, Angre, Kabir, Mom and dadi..

Riddhima – Nice..

Vansh – whom do you stay with??

Riddhima – Me and Sejal..

Vansh – Your parents??

Riddhima – We are orphans…

Vansh – I am really very sorry…

Riddhima – No need…

They chatted a bit then they reached the lake and after some time they got back to their house.

31st december, 10:00 in the morning

All got up and got ready for the breakfast… Riddhima and senal made the breakfast.. After having breakfast.. They sat down together in the hall and decided to have a small new year party in the house… Just as they decided they started making the arrangements…
Sejal , Riddhima and Sia were cooking the food while the rest looked after the decorations…

In the evening

They finished all the decorations and went to get ready…The theme which they decided was black and gold..

9:00 in the night

All came down well dressed in black and gold.. Riddhima wore a saree which was black and her hair was tied back in a bun with gold roses pinned.. She looked the most beautiful girl.. Just as she came down, Vansh was standing in the living room alone.. Just then they saw each other.. Vansh was dressed in a black suit with gold design on it… He wasn’t looking less the a handsome prince…They both smiled at each other..

Precap – Riddhima – We are angry from you guys..
Vansh – we won’t forgive you….

I hope you guys like it… Thank you for all the love and support you guys are showing to my ffs.. It means alot..
Do let me know about your views in the comments…

Lots of love from me to you all❤💕!!

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