Destiny can’t be denied #Riansh (Episode 9)

Hii guys.. Sorry for being inactive for months…. I just got the inspiration to write again so decided to write again.. Really very sorry.. Please don’t be sad i will try to be active again..

so the episode starts with…

Ishani got up early because she was eager to know what her family planned for her birthday, but to her surprise no one even came yo wish her so she decided to go wash her teeths.. After washing her teeths she got down.. But everyone just greeted her with a small and sweet “Good Morning” She got very upset and quickly went back to her room.

Ishani to herself – how can they not remember my birthday.. I feel left, lonely.. Ahhhhh.. What should i do now.. Should I tell them.. Nooo.. If they don’t remember then why would i want them to, let it be.. I shall get ready or else i will get late..

She then got a quick shower and headed to her closet. After sometime of thinking and arguing with herself she settled on a plain short black frock. She got dressed up quickly with a light makeup abd headed down. When she got down she got greeted by family members but they were just acting as if nothing was special about that day so after a few minutes of talking she bid a quick “goodbye” to all and left in her car..

*Flashback starts*

The previous day –

Everyone got a message in their phone except ishani. They all opened it and read it.. ” Gather in the hall at 1:00 in the night after ishani sleeps .. Dont tell her anything just come down.. ”

It was from Vansh.

At 1:00..

Everyone gathered down and vansh explained them his plan to surprise ishani by giving her a surprise party. He asked them to be normal tomorrow and act like there was nothing special.. They all agreed and the mission surprise ishani started..

*Flashback ends*

After ishani left, VR Mansion..

Daadi – we were awesome!we did great.. But i feel bad for her.. My baby!..

Vansh – Don’t worry daadi! I know she will get happy and will forgive us after knowing about the surprise..

Kabir – yeah Daadi, Vansh bhai is right..

Anupriya – I hope sooooo!..

Saying so everyone left to check and do the arrangements for the party.Kabir asked his team to come and they finalised everything and started inviting their guests. Just then Vansh remembered about riddhima and decided to invite her and her friends too.. So he called her.

On Call..

Riddhima – hey vansh..Good morning..Whats up!!..

Vansh – hey riddhima.. Good morning.. Nothing much just wanted to invite you and sejal and aryan for ishani’s birthday..

Riddhima – ok…. We will be there.. And don’t worry we won’t tell her..

Vansh – why??.. Ohh wait.. Ho-ow do you know??!!!..

Riddhima – VANSH!!Forgot about our love birds… Sejal and kabir!!!.. He already told her last night and she told us today..

Vansh – Oh my bad! Sorry Riddhima!..

Riddhima – don’t be sorry.. And yeah what’s the theme??..

Vansh – The theme is gold and glitter.. They are her favorite colours.. And the time is 7:00 ok??

Riddhima – ok!

Vansh – Byee!

Riddhima – byee..

They hung up..

in the evening.. Vr Mansion, 7:10..

Everyone has gathered. All the guests have arrived. Just then vansh saw ishani’s car coming so he alerted everyone and asked them to hide and switched the lights off..

Ishani came in.

Ishani – Why is it so dark??.. Where are others??

Everyone – SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!
Lights got on.

They started singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU…. ”

Ishani got tears in her eyes . She felt overwhelmed..
Ishani – Awwwwwww!!! Thankyou so much everyone one!!!..

She came and hugged her family members and thanked everyone individually.. After they were done they decided to cut the cake.. Just as she was about to cut it..

Voice – How can you forget us!..

They all looked up to the direction the voice came from..
There were two people standing on the door. There faces weren’t visible as they were covered with gifts. Ishani walked up to them and stood right in front of them..

Two of them together – SURPRISE!
They got the gifts aside revealing their faces..

They started singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. ”
Ishani – OMG! Ragini! Rishi!..Awww thank you so much guys!!!

She came and hugged both of them..

Riddhima (whispering to Vansh) – who are they??

Vansh (whispering) – they are her best friends.. They left india a year ago..

Riddhima mouthed a quick “oh”..

Precap – Ragini came and hugged vansh. Vansh hugged her back.
Ragini – Aww i missed you so much…!!

So sorry guys for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I regret taking a break which later turned into a big one.. I am really very sorry.. But i will update as much as i can..I will introduce the new characters in the next episode..
I hope you guys liked it!! Please do let me know about your views in the comments.. I will surely reply to them all!! Really sorry again!! 🙏🙏

I love you guys soooo much!! ❤💕

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