Fan Fiction

Destiny distancing us….(KKB) Episode 34

Abhi and Pragya were looking at each other with shock after Cutie had revealed her cheating attempt.

Abhi let a sigh of relief and then smiled. Pragya too smiled which made Cutie clueless.

Cutie “ I am sorry…” She said that by looking down.

Abhi “ Sorry?” Cutie weeped her again by rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Abhi kneeled and Pragya also was beside Abhi.

Abhi “ Why are u crying for this?” Pragya “ Don’t worry Cutie!” Abhi “ Of course she would worry if not she would happy ah?” He asked that looking at Pragya.

Pragya looked away in irritation.

Abhi “ Come on Cutie! U tried and did it successfully!”

Pragya, What is he telling? Is he encouraging CHEATING?

Cutie looked surprised.

Abhi “ But cheating is wrong…as u don’t learn anything from copying. U said that others were saying the paper as easy paper! U shouldn’t care about what others say Cutie!” Cutie “ Then why did they say loudly?” Abhi holding onto Cutie “ Remember one thing Cutie, what u  see will be different to others, what they see will be different from u!” Cutie got confused hearing that. Cutie “ I don’t understand Friend!” Abhi “ U find the paper difficult as u didn’t study well….but for them it was easy as they studied well!” Cutie “ Right Friend…” Abhi “ No worries…now u know this!” Cutie “ But friend will teacher find this out?” Abhi “Even if she finds out, I am here to save u!” He said that and hugged her.

Cutie “ U are my best friend!!” Pragya “ I am also here!!” Cutie hugged both and said “ Friend and di are my best friends!”

Abhigya smiled and asked her to sleep for a while now.

Cutie “ Di! I am sorry…” Pragya “ Why?” Cutie “ Juice…” She said that in a low tone.
Pragya “ Oh Cutie! I will make for u juices that is sweet like u!” Cutie “ Really?” Pragya “ Really! Truly and Absolutely!”

Cutie hesitantly “ Friend…Di….Ma…” Abhi “ We will not tell about this to Ma! Deal Pragya?” Pragya “ Deal!!”  

Abhi ” What deal?” Pragya ” I mean deal in not telling about this to her!”
Abhi ” Oh…” He said that by looking up.

Pragya, What is running in his mind now?

Abhi ” Cutie! You look very tired! You should take a nap!” Cutie yawned and opened her arms for him to carry.

Abhi with a wide smile carried Cutie and brought her to the room.

He came back in a while and looked at Pragya.

Abhi “I need to tell u something…” Pragya ” Yes u may tell anything…” Abhi ” Purvi is getting discharged today…so….”

Pragya ” That’s a great news! Why are u telling that in a sad tone?”

Abhi “I am happy for that but then….”

Pragya ” But then?” Abhi ” I will miss u…”

Pragya realized what he was trying to tell.

Pragya turned away not looking at him.

Abhi ” I don’t know whether u will miss me…but seeing u everyday have become my habit that I don’t want to miss….”

Pragya hearing that was emotional.

Abhi ” But it’s okay Pragya…I will wait for u…” He said that and was about cross her when she held his hand.

Abhi looked surprised.

Pragya ” Don’t u think your wait for me is wasting your time?” Abhi holding her hand “I have already told u…I am telling u again…If I think it’s wasting my time then I wouldn’t have waited for all these years…from the time I saw u…from the time I saved u….from the time I loved u…I have been waiting…. I myself just got to know that my waiting is wishing my love for u to be stronger and deeper….”

Pragya looked at him and still couldn’t believe how can he even think like this.

Abhi slowly removed her hand from his. But Pragya didn’t let him go.

Abhi raising his eyebrow in surprise ” Pragya…” Pragya ” Wait for me…I wish to be only in your love…” Abhi pulled her closer and hugged her tightly.

Abhi “Your wish is my command!” Pragya smiled hearing that and asked ” What time is she getting discharged? Abhi “5 pm!” Pragya ” Now it’s already 3.30 pm! U faster freshen up and leave to receive her!” Abhi ” Let me hug for u some time na…” He said that by nuzzling on her shoulder. Pragya pushed him and said ” First go and u can hug me again later! Purab is also coming with u right?” Abhi ” So bad…ya he is coming to pick up me in his car…” Pragya ” Okok then faster get ready and I will prepare some food all of us…” Abhi ” My food is your hug…” By saying that he moved forward to hug again but Pragya ” No! If u never go now then I will call Cutie!” Abhi stopped and looked at her sadly.

Pragya insistently ” Go….” Abhi ” Ok…but u have to give me my food later!” He said that by winking at her and walked out of the house. Pragya was keep on smiling looking at him which made Abhi to be happy too.

Hours passed, Naina reached house together with Abhi and Purab.

Naina looking around the house “ Not bad…u two have maintained the house…in fact it is much better than last time…”

Abhigya smiled looking at each other.

Pragya “ I will go and call Cutie! She is still sleeping!”

Abhi “ No…don’t call her now…I need to talk to all of u here…” He said that in a serious tone looking at Naina, Purab and Pragya in front of them.

They looked puzzled and wondered what he wants to tell.

Abhi “ Purvi! I need to tell something related to u but it relates to everyone here too..” Naina “ What is that Bhai?”

Abhi “ From now onwards, Let me call u Naina itself!” Naina “Why?” Abhi “ So that he will not be after u!” Naina looked confused and Pragya hearing that was thinking who is the he is Abhi referring to.

Purab “ What do u mean? Who is after her?”

Abhi “I can’t tell who is that now…but for now u should be legally called Naina…I am talking to a lawyer about legally changing her name to Naina…” Purvi “ But why?” Abhi “ Trust me Purvi…no…Naina..This is the way to make sure u would be peaceful for some time…”

Pragya “ But why u have to do this now? Is there any problem?”

Abhi “ Not really…but it’s just a precaution!” Pragya “ Then who is the he u are refering to just now?” Abhi “Did I said about someone?” Pragya “ No but u did…” Naina “ He never mentioned about anyone Pragya!” Pragya “ Huh? He did na…Purab u did hear saying him about someone after Purvi right?”

Purab “ Yes he did…Abhi! Don’t try to cover up!” Abhi never said anything and asked Naina to follow him to see Cutie who was inside the room leaving Pragya and Purab to be clueless.

Pragya “ What is this Purab?” Purab “ I guess this is why they are brother and sister…” Pragya “ Why should they hide anything from us? We are all a family na…”

Purab “ They are not hiding from us…they just feel this is what we need to know…”

Pragya “ Oh god! Why are they like this?”

Purab “ U are telling as if u never hide anything from them…” Pragya looked away.

Pragya “ I got some work in the kitchen…”

Purab “ Excuses…” Pragya never told anything and headed to the kitchen.

Purab heard Cutie screaming and was taken aback by her loud voice.

Cutie ran out of the room and saw Purab.

Cutie “ U are here?” Purab “ Yes why not?” Cutie “ U too in my dream?” Purab “What? Dream?”

Abhi and Naina came out of the room and signalled to Purab not tell anything.

Purab “ What are u two telling? Just speak out!”

Cutie “ U can see them?” She asked by looking at Abhi and Naina who were in a freeze position.

Purab “ Yes! They are there na…but why are they not moving?”

Cutie “ Ma!!” She ran to her and hugged her.

Naina kneeled “ Cutie! U have been dreaming of me…” Cutie “ Yes Ma….u always come in my dream when I hug u!” Naina “ Hug me?” Cutie “ Haan! Your photo!” Naina hearing that hugged her tightly and kissed her all over her face.

Cutie “ I missed u Ma…” Naina “ I know…me too..”

Abhi “ Okok! U have to catch up a lot with Cutie for that u need to eat good food!” Naina was about to carry Cutie but Abhi “ Are u ok with carrying her?” Naina “ Bhai…I have been carrying her since she was born…” Abhi “ Yes I know that but now u are weak na…” Naina smiled and carried Cutie.

Meanwhile Purab looking at it tried not to relate her to his Bulbul but it was difficult for him.

Abhi “ Purab!” Purab came back to senses.
Purab “ You guys carry on…I have some work…” Abhi “ What work now? Eat with us yaar..” Purab “ No…I really have to go..” Abhi “ U are always like this!” He said that and looked away in anger. Naina “ Bhai is telling na…please eat with us…”

Purab “ Ok…” Naina smiled and went to look for Pragya in the kitchen.

Then the rest had dinner together with lots of happiness but only Abhi and Naina know that this happiness of theirs is at risk.
Naina “ So Bhai u want Pragya to stay with me tonight?” Abhi “ Yes…just for tonight so that she can take care of u…” He said that by looking at Pragya who was reading story book to Cutie from a distance.

Naina cleared her throat. Abhi came back to senses and said “It’s only for u…” Naina “It’s for u too right?” Abhi smiled as he was caught. Abhi “ Yes For me too…” Naina “ It means my guess was correct…u two are in love!” Abhi “But don’t show her that u know!” Naina with a smirk “Why is that so?”  Abhi “ She don’t want others to know…” Naina “ I can understand…but u know her problem right?” Abhi “ As far as I know I think I know everything…” Naina was about to say something when Abhi “ Go and sleep! I will tell u more tomorrow!”

Naina “ Okok! I will send her out to talk to u..” Abhi smiled widely and was waiting for Pragya in the living room.

After sometime, Pragya came back with a card and Abhi looking at that “ You know right Valentine’s day had ended?” Pragya “ Hello! This card is by Cutie to us!” Abhi in excited tone “ Really?” Pragya “ Yes…” She showed it to him.

Abhi read the card and said “ That’s so sweet…She thanked us which is not at all needed!” Pragya “ Ya…do u know she made this card by herself?” Abhi “ Are u serious? It looks as if she bought from some shop!!” Pragya “ That’s her talent! She draws, paints and even makes greeting cards!”

Abhi “ The first two I knew as she mostly does that after studying…but making cards, I never see that before!” Pragya smiled and asked “ What did u want to tell me?” Abhi “I need my food!” He said that by placing the card on the coffee table.

Pragya “ We all had dinner na…then what u want now? Don’t say u are still hungry!” Abhi stood up and was very close to Pragya who was standing.

Abhi “ I mean MY FOOD from u!” He said that by stressing the words my food.

Pragya “ What do u mean? I am already feeling sleepy…”

Abhi “ Oh Pragya! I am dying here of hunger and u are feeling sleepy ah?”

Pragya “ What? U did ate a lot just now!”

Abhi “ Yes…but not what I want!”

Pragya “ I don’t understand…what do u want?”

Abhi “ Hug!” Pragya “ Oh that food ah?” Abhi smiled and nodded his head heavily.

Pragya seeing him chuckled silently.

Pragya “ Then tell me who is the he?” Abhi’s face changed and he turned away.

Abhi “ It’s fine…I am leaving! Good night..” Pragya “ Arrey…” Abhi was about to walk away when she hugged him from back.

Abhi “ Let me go…” Pragya “ Sorry…” She was still hugging him as tight as she could Abhi “ No…I…” Pragya “ U no need to tell anything…but remember I am always with u…” Abhi “ I know…all I could say is Cutie is in danger by that Man…” Pragya was shocked and asked “ Which man?” Abhi “ That elderly man we met at the hospital…Please don’t ask anything else Pragya… “ By saying that he took off her hands and walked out of the house.

Pragya, Why he should be after Purvi and Cutie?

Abhi looked at the trio in front of him and was angry for their actions.

Abhi “ Why did u follow me?” Pragya “ You didn’t eat anything and left! That’s why I followed u to pass this lunch box…” Abhi moved to the next person “ Why did u follow me?” Cutie “ I followed di…she left her wallet on the table!” He then moved to the last person with an even more furious look. Abhi “ Why did u follow me?”
Rakesh “ I followed Pretty Pragya with Cutie!” Abhi got annoyed and said “ All of u are just mad!” The trio looked helpless of their action as for Abhi he walked in front.

Abhi, Crazy! Who ask her to follow me? Then now Cutie is also here leaving Purvi alone at home! Then this RAKESH, he still calls my Pragya as Pretty Pragya!

He looked behind to see and was shocked to see Rakesh being carried by Pragya!

Thank u everyone for reading.

Sorry for late update as I was busy in household chores. ?? Not sure whether I can update tmrw too as I am busy for preparations for prayers at home on fri. Let’s see how it goes,,,


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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