Fan Fiction

Destiny distancing us….(KKB) Episode 45

Naina touched the sketch of her with Arjun together.

Naina let silent tears and flipped to the next page read a poem there with Pragya’s sketch:

My wish is to wish for you….
My dream is to dream of you…..
My hope is to hope for you….
My world is only with the wish to dream about you with the hopes for you…..

Naina, This much of love Bhai have towards Pragya. Is this worth it?

She flipped the next page and saw the date as 13 March 2007.

Naina, This is few days before my wedding.

She started to read and tears rolled down her cheeks continuously for the love that Abhi had towards Pragya.

Naina looking at Abhi who was still sleeping, Bhai…I am so sorry for even to think that you should not be with Pragya now….You must be only with her Bhai…Your love is one of its kind and I shouldn’t be a hindrance to it….I should be only a help to it….You left your love only because of me na….I was such a fool not to understand this simple thing….I thought you didn’t know how to express your feelings but then you felt you shouldn’t express your feelings not to disturb me….how did I fail to understand this?

She closed the book and kept it back in his left hand again.

Wiping her tears she came out of the room and looked at Purab & Tanu.

Naina looking at them said” No matter what happens Bhai will be only with Pragya!”

Purab ” What happened inside that you changed your mind now?”
Naina “Mind changes happen as heart can feel the changes…”
Tanu ” What do u mean by that?”
Naina ” Nothing….He made me realized a change that I should have known earlier…”

Tanu ” What’s that?”
Naina ” Tanu! Thanks for being there with him but you also know how much he loves Pragya…”
Tanu ” I know…he looked so worried that for a second he thought that i was Pragya….and that’s why my hair got messed up from his hug!” She said that by caressing her hair.
Naina got a bit scared and asked ” Did he….” Tanu ” No Naina before that he realized it was me….He even knows her touches well….”

Naina worriedly ” How? How can we help them?”

Purab ” It’s not about helping them Naina…it’s about helping themselves too…I feel both are hiding things from each other….” He said that and sipped a glass of water.

Naina ” What do u mean? Pragya is also hiding something from Abhi?”
Purab ” Yes she is…in fact it’s from us!”
Naina ” Why do u think so?”
Purab ” That time I went inside the room she was to call her then she quickly hide her bag in a hurry realizing my presence….and she was also crying…but she is always like this and I guess it’s her way of keeping everything to herself….”
Tanu “That means both likes to hide things from each other?”
Naina ” No….they are scared of expressing it….they are scared it might hurt each other’s feelings…”

Tanu “Shall I suggest something?” Naina nodded her head and Tanu ” Why not we make them meet alone and express each other’s feelings?”

Purab ” If I am not wrong they are already meeting each other and how does it make a difference?”

Naina ” Yes I know that, as u said Bhai going there in disguise to meet her is part of his plan to teach Ranveer a lesson….of course they do spend time each other but it’s not as….”

Purab suddenly ” Cutie!!!”
Naina panicked ” Cutie? Is she awake?”
Purab ” No! We can make them meet each other with the help of her!!”
Naina ” I don’t understand…how will she help them?”
Purab asked Naina and Tanu to hear his plan and both grinned.

Tanu ” That makes Cutie as the cupid! Cupid Cutie!”
Naina with a smirk ” Haan she loves them and they also love her….they won’t disagree to whatever she says…”
Tanu “Chalo then we all explain to Cutie about this plan!”

Naina “No…I shall stay here…what if Bhai needs any help?”
Purab ” Naina…you are telling as if he got injured!” Naina ” No but….” Purab ” You two go and explain about the plan to Cutie….and I will take care of him…”

Naina ” But still…” Purab ” Trust me! He is also my friend…” Naina ” I will trust you even if u are not his friend…” She said that with a twinkle in her eyes.

They both had an eyelock and looking at that Tanu ” mujhe lagta hai pyaar is everywhere here…” She said that making Purab and Naina to look away from each other.

Naina walked in front asking Tanu to follow her in a rush.

Tanu, I guess I need to learn a lot from this love birds before I can fall in love!

Purab, I don’t know whether love is everywhere or not….but my love is here with every sight of her…

Naina opening the door ” Don’t know whether she waked up or not! If she waked up then she will surely ask for her Osaka again!”

Tanu ” Osaka?” Naina ” Gulab jamuns! She call it as Osaka…” Tanu ” Do u always give her?” Naina ” Not really…I do have to limit her in that…”

As she entered the room, Cutie was already awake and shouting ” Ma! Mumma! Mummy!!”

Naina ” Oh Cutie! Please! Just call me in one way! And don’t shout!”

Cutie smiled and looking at Tanu beside Naina shouted ” Monster! AM! Monster!”

Naina ” Chup! She is Friend’s friend!”
Cutie covered herself with blanket and was keep on saying ” Ask her to go away! She is a monster!”

Naina ” I will beat u Cutie for telling like this!”

Tanu ” Nevermind Naina…I know why she is telling like this…You convince her first and I will wait in the living room…”

Naina ” Sorry Tanu…I think she is just…” Tanu smiled ” It’s okay…just go and convince her…”

As she went out, Naina took her blanket away and looked at Cutie being very nervous with her eyes closed.

Naina ” What’s wrong with u? Is this how u behave with others?”
Cutie still closing her eyes ” Is monster gone?” She asked in a shivering tone.

Naina ” Oh cutie! She is not monster…she is helping us…”
Cutie ” Helping us? She asked by widely opening her eyes.

Naina sat beside her and said ” Haan Cutie…Friend and di are a bit upset…”

Cutie ” Upset? What happened Ma?”
She asked worriedly.

Naina ” Nothing big, it’s just mushy pushy…” Cutie ” Oh no! Mushy pushy again!” She said that by looking at Naina.

Naina ” So now we have planned something…and u should help us!”

Cutie ” Me?” She asked curiously.
Naina making Cutie sit on her lap ” Yes my smartie cutie! Will u help us?”

Cutie ” Okie! I will help!!” She exclaimed and Naina started to explain the plan.

Cutie’s face change in excitement.

Cutie had doubts and she interrupted ” Ma but i don’t have that dress! Then how?”

Naina “What dress?” Cutie getting down from Naina’s lap went to reach for Naina’s phone and showed the picture by googling it.

Naina giggled seeing the pictures.

Cutie ” Ma! I am serious! I want this dress!” Naina ” Okok! If u wear this then u will surely be smartie cutie!”

Cutie ” I want it now!” Naina ” Now? Wait we will go and buy it tomorrow!” Cutie started to whine and Naina shook her head in disbelief.
Naina ” Okok! We will go later today!” Cutie hugged Naina and said ” You are bestie Mummy!”

Naina ” Ok you understand what i have told u so far na?” Cutie ” Smartie cutie understands everything!” She said that with a proudly.

Naina ” Alright, I will tell u the rest later…”
Cutie ” Ma…Osaka…” Naina ” Not today Cutie…I will give you juice…” Cutie ” Juice? I want sweetie juice…” Naina ” Haan! Let’s go out now and please don’t shout at Tanu…”

Cutie nodded her head as yes and both went out of the room.

Tanu looking at them ” Done?” Before Naina could answer her, Cutie said ” Double done!”

Tanu smiled and said ” Then I take my leave….It’s quite some time I am here…”
Naina ” No…wait…” Tanu wondered why she asked to wait as Naina went towards the kitchen.

Naina came back with a container
“There you go! This is for you…” Tanu “What’s this?” Naina ” Open it and see…”
Tanu opened the lid of the container “Wow! They look lovely! All for me?”

Naina ” Haan I could feel your excitement when I mentioned Gulab jamuns at the doorstep….” Tanu smiled sheepishly and said ” Yes I love them too….Thank u so much!”

Tanu left from there as she had some tasks assigned by Abhi.

Cutie looking at all this became upset as her Osaka had gone.

Naina ” Oye Cutie! There is still Osakas in the fridge!” Cutie hearing that beamed in happiness and yelled ” You are my bestie Mummy!”

Naina ” Now u got something new to call me!”

Cutie chuckled hearing that and Naina asked her to watch tv as she went to kitchen to make juice for Cutie.

Cutie called Rakesh secretly “Hello…” Rakesh ” Hello who is this?” Cutie ” Me!” Rakesh ” Me means? I don’t have time for you me!” Cutie whispered ” Cutie!”

Rakesh ” You can tell your name earlier right? You know I am very busy now!”

Cutie ” Oh sorry…then I call u later…” She said in a low tone. Rakesh ” It’s okay…tell me now…hold on!” He paused the game he was playing and attended the call again.

Cutie ” Hello…” Rakesh ” Ya tell Cutie!” He said impatiently.

Cutie ” Can we meet up?” Rakesh ” I got kung fu classes later! I am only free at 9!” Cutie sighed ” 9? Then never mind…” Rakesh ” Did angry bird and Pretty Pragya had problem again?”
Cutie ” Yes…” Rakesh ” I knew it! He is always like this!” He told in an angry tone.

Cutie ” No…I think they both…” Rakesh ” No Cutie! U cannot support him! He is very naughty!” Cutie ” I will tell you more later…Ma is coming! Bye!”

Rakesh, Angry bird! I will teach u a lesson for sure!

Cutie saw Ma coming and she looked around. Naina looked suspicious of her and asked ” Why are u looking around?” Cutie managed by saying ” No Ma…I am comparing our house with di’s house…”
Naina remained silent for a while hearing that and gave her the cup of juice.

Cutie “Ma why are u silent?”
Naina ” Nothing…”
Naina turned away and looked towards the balcony of their house and walked towards there.

Cutie followed behind and wondered why suddenly Ma became silent.

Cutie and Rakesh make changes to Purab and Naina’s plan leading to Abhigya becoming angry on each other.

PS: I was just feeling this story is not that nice, why i feel that way? I myself don’t know, maybe its due to my mood swings. I appreciate the fact that some of u all like and love this ff. Let me reconsider about ending this ff as I am not sure too…if I had made u all upset about mentioning the ending of this ff, I am really sorry about that especially to Katherine and Prathi, so sorry friends!?

Hope to reply all updates soon! ? I will do it once my pain gets lesser.


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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