Fan Fiction

Destiny distancing us….(KKB) Episode 8

Abhi was totally tired by playing almost a day with Cutie and Cutie was stubborn too. In the end, Abhi ended up leaving Cutie at her home in the night.
Abhi “Sorry Naina…Cutie was keep on asking me to play with her and then fall asleep in the evening….” He said that passing Cutie who was asleep to Naina. Naina “Wait Bhai….let me go and lie her down on bed.” Abhi nodded her head and was waiting at the door step. Naina came back in a while. Naina looked at Abhi and smiled. Abhi “I am very sorry….” Naina “Arrey Bhai…how many times will u say sorry? It’s okay I know she is stubborn….” Abhi “Not stubborn Naina….just…” Naina interrupted and said “Bhai! Have u eaten? Do u want something to eat?” Abhi “It’s okay both of us ate the food that u gave us….” Naina “No! Come in Bhai….at least drink a glass of milk….u look very tired!!” Abhi “No Naina….I am fine….just take care of her!” Naina making a slightly angry face said “You are also stubborn like her!” Abhi giving a tired smile said “I am her friend right? Then I will be like her only….”

Naina “Ok Bhai…then u go and sleep now! You really need some rest now!” Abhi smiled and bid bye to her.

Naina, Bhai is hesitating to come inside my home at this time….I can understand u Bhai….until u know that I am your sister…there will distance between us….That’s why I feel destiny is distancing us…..

The next day:

At Abhi’s workplace
Abhi, This Cutie na….don’t know why she messaged me so many times early in the morning to meet at the secret place tonight? She is saying she have some secret message for me? What’s that?

He was wondering that while looking at his phone and just then Manoj, his colleague came to his cabin. Manoj “Girlfriend’s message?” Abhi “No yaar…when did I have girlfriend?” Manoj “Who knows? U always move house so I thought u had fights with girlfriends and they chase u away!!!” He said that by laughing loudly….Abhi felt annoyed and looked at him with a deadly stare. Manoj “Okok! I was just joking! I came here to pass this file….It have all the photos that u have taken checked by me and it’s approved…So now u have to pass to Boss personally….” Abhi “You approved right? Then why not u go and pass it to her?” Manoj “No Abhi….I am a bit busy as there is a client here….he is waiting for so long…need to attend to him!” Abhi “Why nobody else is here to pass is it?” Manoj “Please help me Abhi…After all this is your work too! Just pass it to her man!” Abhi said in a dragging tone “Okay fine…..” By saying that he took the file and headed to the cabin of Boss.

Abhi forgot to knock the door and opened the door lazily. Abhi looked around and to check whether he was in the right place.
Abhi, This is her room right? Then why there are two ladies standing here and talking something!
Abhi was about to close the door. Just then he was taken aback by the loud voice by one of them.
Pragya was talking to the other person but her face couldn’t be seen, only her back was seen.

Pragya “Try to understand!!! Yes we are new here but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any rights like the other old staff!!!” The other lady “No….how can I go and ask this now? I just joined and how can I ask for loan now?” Pragya “You should understand one thing….Our boss is very understanding and caring about her employees and what u are asking is your right too…You are not asking this loan for useless purposes…it’s for your family expenses….then why are u hesitating?” The other lady still looked worried….Pragya “I was also like u always hesitating but nowadays even if my rights may have been lost….I feel I can gain those rights by taking the right path in my life….This feeling is given by our boss! So please don’t hesitate….” The other lady “Okay Pragya….I will try to ask our boss today….” Pragya “Sorry for being loud but u shouldn’t hesitate for your rights…” The other lady hugged Pragya and thanked her for giving some confidence.

Abhi hearing this was impressed by Pragya’s words. That’s when his Boss tapped his shoulder and he let go off the door and it was closed. Boss “What are u doing here? Admiring our new staffs?” Abhi “Boss! I was just here to pass this!!” Boss took the file that he showed her and said “Oh this one…ok thanks….” By saying that she was looking through the file, Abhi scratching his head slightly and not looking at her asked “ If u don’t mind….Can u tell me which department does Pragya works?” Boss with a surprised look asked “Why? Why should I tell u?” Abhi with a sheepish smile said “No Boss….just…to…..” Boss “If u want u can meet now! She is just inside right? By now she would have known that u are outside when u closed the door loudly…..wait!” Abhi in a scared tone said “Boss! No!! I am going! I shouldn’t even have asked u!!!”

Boss with a smirk looking at Abhi rushing away thought, Abhi is always like this….always scared to talk to girls!! But he is surrounded by a lot of girls in his life!!! What an irony….

Abhi, How silly of me to ask her about Pragya? I should have at least gave a good reason to see her!! I always get stumbled with words when it’s about seeing girls!!
He was mentally scolding himself and that’s when he received another message from Cutie.

Abhi, This Cutie didn’t go to school today too! She is keep on sending messages!!!

Cutie sent the following message:
Friend!! Ma is scolding me!! Save me friend!!!

Abhi, What happened now? All the while she was sending messages to meet her at secret place but now Naina is scolding her.
He called the number that Cutie messaged and Naina attended the call. Abhi “Hello Naina…What happened? Why she never go school?” Naina “What else Bhai? Stubborn again! She is scared to go school and she made a big fuss in the morning!” Abhi “Is she beside u? Let me talk to her!” Naina “No Bhai…only if I beat her more then she will know how to be quiet!” Abhi raised his voice and asked “You beat her? How can u Naina?” Naina was taken aback by Abhi’s loud voice. Naina remained silent in response. Abhi still in a loud voice said “Pass the phone to her now!” Naina passed the phone to Cutie. Cutie with weeping said “Friend!! Ma is lying…I never go school…..Ma is bad….She is not….not showing Papa….she….friend! I don’t want Ma….I want Papa….” Abhi hearing that was also feeling sad for Cutie as she is missing her Papa. Naina looking at that was also feeling helpless as she don’t know how to explain to Cutie that her Papa is not alive.

Naina was having tears looking at Cutie. In a while Cutie wiped her tears and smiled after listening to Abhi’s words. She came towards Naina and passed the phone to her. Naina with a blank expression took the phone. As for Cutie she went inside her room. Abhi “Naina! If u can respect me as my brother then don’t ever raise your hand on Cutie! I know I am not that close to your family….I don’t even know what happen to her Papa…..but u can tell me what happened when I come to your house today. One more thing Naina….pass the phone to Cutie….I want to be in contact with her until I come down to see both of u!” Naina “Okay Bhai…..I am “ Before she can complete her sentence Abhi ended the call in anger.

Naina, Bhai is very angry now….I am sorry Bhai…I am sorry Cutie……I can’t be a good sister and I can’t be a good mother too….

Cutie “Friend!! Ugent!! Very Ugent!!!” Abhi “Huh? What’s Ugent???” Cutie made a sad face was holding onto her stomach with both hands in pain. Abhi “Oh no! Urgent!! You want to go toilet?” Cutie shook her head in response. Abhi was clueless of how can he bring to toilet in the place they were.
Abhi looked at Pragya with her face covered with scarf with only her eyes been seen. Abhi, This is the same eyes of Cutie’s di….


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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