Fan Fiction

Its all about DESTINY (Episode 8)

Hey everyone …
I’m so so sorry guys…specially to u Jacqueline… U expected me to daily …but I was really busy coz of my exams…. I hope you all will understand n will support me ?
The episode starts
In the morning
Everyone was gathered for having breakfast
Bihaan was walking restless in his room….thinking whatever he said to thapki last night
Bihaan (mindvoice) – what u did stupid bihaan pandey! Now that chuk chuk gadi will tease u!!(funny music plays in BG )
Thapki was serving to everyone
Dadi – thapki beta…. where is bihaan??
Thapki – he’s in room dadi…
Kiran – don’t worry bhabhi…I’ll call him
She goes to bihaan
Thapki (mindvoice) – Why did he said all that…he’s such a stupid person! I don’t know how will I face him….wait a sec….thapki ….may bihaan didn’t remember whatever he said!! OK so that’s the matter …I saw in the movie that a person forgets whatever he says when he’s drunk!!
Kiran goes to bihaan
Kiran – bihaan Bhai…
Bihaan comes out of his thoughts – yes my lil sis!
kiran – r u upset?
Bihaan – nope nope ….I was about to come
Kiran( in a teasing way n in fastly ) – do u proposed bhabhi??
Bihaan – yes!! (But then he widens his eyes n looks at kiran nodding no)
Kiran laughs….- Ohhh!!! So that’s the matter!!! I see….
Bihaan – u…..( he runs after her)
Kiran runs laughingly…. N she collides with thapki….
Bihaan sees her (pretending to be in anger)
Thapki – what happened kiran?
Kiran – bhabhi I wanted to ask u something… N Bhaiya is not letting me to do this..(pretending like about to cry n was looking at bihaan)
Bihaan – wait wait u dramebaazz. Stop doing dramas
Kiran – look bhabhi he’s shouting on me….
Thapki – ignore him….u ask what u wanted to??
Kiran – wo bhabhi….I….wanted to ask…u….
Bihaan keeps his hands on kiran’s mouth n says….murmurs….- dear sister…do u want that top??that yellow one??which you’ve seen at that mall?? Come let’s go for shopping
Thapki – bihaan… Leave her…let her ask…
Kiran – wo bhabhi ….I….I…..
(Bihaan drags her away from thapki)
Kiran laughs n thapki smiles seeing the nok jhok of brother n sister
Thapki(in mind) – u have a good heart bihaan…. (She smiles)
Thapki bihaan n kiran comes to dining table…for breakfast
Vasu (rudely) – bihaan …will u stop irritating kiran
Kiran – maa we were just playing
Dadi – come sit everyone….today we are going to Shraddha’s house
Thapki bihaan looks at each other worriedly
Vasu – thapki u have to prepare sweets
Thapki – sure maa…
Thapki – maa sweets r ready
Vasu – OK give them to Sanjay n Ashwin they’ll keep the sweets in car…n u go n get ready…
Thapki – OK
Vasu – I know u r not happy with this marriage…. But I’m doing this for my son…
N she goes
Thapki – maa I’m too doing this for this family ….you’ll understand soon I hope
Thapki goes to her room….
Bihaan was hiding something….
Thapki sees him
Thapki – bihaan…
Bihaan sees her n suddenly turns his face away from her
Bihaan (mindvoice) – now happy b for bihaan pandey…chuk chuk gadi is going to tease u !!
Thapki – bihaan ….will u listen..
Bihaan – yes chuk chuk gadi….
Thapki – we are going to Shraddha’s house for fixing marriage date…..u know this na!-_-
Bihaan – yes go n get ready
Thapki – seriously!! Bihaan?…we’ve to stop this marriage anyhow…
Bihaan (mindvoice ) – I think I didn’t told all these….n that may was my dream ….( he takes a sigh of relief )
Thapki – Ol hlo!!…I’m talking to u….we’re going to Shraddha’s house!! N u r asking me to get ready!
Bihaan – don’t worry chuk chuk gadi…. I have a plan…..
He says something to thapki….she says…this’ll definitely work!
Thapki goes to take shower….
The tap handle breaks….
Thapki calls bihaan for help
Thapki – bihaan…. Come…see this tap….
Bihaan – Ohh chuk chuk gadi…can’t u live without troubling anyone for even one day?…
Thapki – bihaan…. First repair it….
Bihaan n thapki both were under shower….
They looked in each other’s eyes….
They were in deep eyelock…holding each other
Kiran suddenly enters to room…
She sees them …..
Kiran – Maa…plz stop someone…(in a teasing way)
Thahaan comes to senses
Bihaan – kiran …actually… the tap broke down….so I was just…
Kiran laughs…- Did I asked anything?…. Ammm…I don’t remember….
Thapki worries
Kiran sees her…
Kiran – don’t worry guys….maa asked me to call u both…we’re leaving. But here………
Bihaan – Okk….we’re coming..
Kiran murmurs to bihaan – Bhai…its OK …u can take ur time…(she laughs) n leaves
Bihaan – god!! Don’t know what she was thinking… N what will she’ll tell to everyone … happy chuk chuk gadi…. Get ready faster…we’ve to leave…. Girls r really complicated …..they asks the problems to visit them
Thapki – R u done?-_-…..go n get ready u too…we’ve to leave
Thapki was wearing green sari with black border…n was looking very beautiful…
Bihaan was mesmerized…. He was just looking at her…
Thapki – what?
Bihaan – beautiful!!
Thapki – what!!
Bihaan- I mean this sari is beautiful…
Thapki – do u want an invitation card to get ready??
Bihaan – I was just going ?
Bihaan was wearing black jacket with white T-shirt n black jeans
He was looking very handsome
Thapki – wow bihaan!! This dress suits u!! Nice!
Bihaan – Oh my god!! Chuk chuk gadi is giving compliment to bihaan pandey!!…(he pats himself ) not bad!!
Thapki – we’ll be late -_-
Bihaan – oh yes yes…let’s leave….
Both were coming down through stairs…bihaan was following thapki…..n was irritating her
Bihaan – by the way…b for black always suits to b for bihaan pandey!!
Thapki was listening n walking…
Suddenly she slips…but bihaan catches her….
They were again in a deep eyelock..
(Na…… Played)
He makes her stand…n asks – r u OK?
Thapki nods
Bihaan – thankfully.. This time kiran didn’t saw us…otherwise!!
Thapki – bihaan…. Wait….
Bihaan -what happened now?
Thapki – I think no one is in house..
Bihaan – n the gate too is locked!!! Oh no!!
Thapki – call anyone bihaan
Bihaan calls to vasu
In car
Vasu’s phone rings
She sees bihaan is calling
Dadi asks her to pick up the call
Vasu – maa its a wrong no. ….n she cuts the call…
Vasu thinks -( I’m sorry thapki n bihaan… But u r not coming to ruin this marriage… I’ll not let u do this!!)
Kiran – maa bihaan bhai started liking thapki bhabhi I guess
Vasu smiles…..
She locks pandey nivas from outside without letting anyone know about it…
Kiran sees her
Kiran – maa bihaan bhai n bhabhi r still in their rooms….
Vasu – beta…u told na that they started liking each other… So for this ……they should spend some time together na!!
Kiran smiles confusingly…
Vasu goes
*flashback ends*
Vasu smiles….thinking
Bauji – why bihaan is calling?? He’s in the next car na!!
Vasu – will u plzz give ur one day to ur own son!! No need to pick the call… N no one will….
Everyone looks at her…..
Vasu – I mean…..this is the moment of my son’s life….I don’t want any call today…(she says covering her tensions)
Bauji – OK baba….no one will attend any call… Happy now!!
In another car
Kiran – ok we’ll play some game!!
Everyone agrees…
Kiran’s phone rings….
She sees it n cuts it…
Preeti – kiran….it was bihaan devarji’s call na!!
Kiran – yes bhabhi …but he’s in another car…he’s just trying to irritate us…ignore him…
Everyone laughs seeing cute fights of brother n sister
Kiran (mindvoice) – maa never thinked about bihaan bhai…any time….but what happened today?? May be she’s realized the good heart of bihaan bhai!
Bihaan- what the hell!!! No one is picking the call!! What happened to them!!
Thapki looks at him
Bihaan – what now!!! R u happy now!!!
Thapki – what I did?
Bihaan – we r late bcoz of u…we can’t do anything bcoz of u!! If anything wrong happened… Then…I’ll……I’ll……
Thapki gets angry….- this is ur prblm!! U can’t blame yourself for anything!!!
Bihaan looks at her…..
Thapki – I too don’t want to be happen anything wrong!! But you’ll not understand….
They both fumes in anger….
#Precap- Thapki n bihaan makes dinner together…..
Thanku so much for reading it……
N again sorry for not being regular…..
Plzz guys….do comment

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