Heyy frnds! My exams are fast approaching!! From 21 of this month!! So update will be late!! Plz forgive me!! And here I go with next episode
Recap: gauri’s mobile with om..anika’s parents levae for kolkota…shivaye and rudra tease om!!
The episode starts with anika receiving a call
Anika: hello?
Girl: hello.. I need ur help!! Someone has kidnapped me!! I am in danger!! Plz help me!!!
Anika: but who r u? And where r u?
Girl: I am in a small hut near the highway road!! Plz save me!! They will kill me!! Plzzzz!! Hurry up!!
The girl hangs the call!!
Gauri : what happened anika?
Anika: gauri u take care!! I will be back soon!! She is in danger!!
Gauri: who is in danger? Heyyy
Anika rushes!!!
Here at oberoi mansion shivaye is on the call
Shivaye: ok!! I will be there in an hour!! Manage till then
Shivaye starts from home…here anika reaches a police station
Anika: sir!!! A girl is in trouble!! We need to save her!!
Police: who is she?
Anika explains the incident!!
Police: all this is nonsense!! We too received a call yesterday!! But found no one!! Miss don’t waste ur time!! They are just prank calls
They send anika
Anika: no!! This cannot be a prank!! I think she is in danger!! I will find it out!!
She waits for an auto but she finds none!!
Anika: I need to reach that place quickly!! What to do??
She searches in her purse and finds a blade!! She takes the blade and stops a car threatening the person!!!
The car stops!! She gets into the car and finds shivaye!!!
Shivaye: u? What’s that? Get out!!! I am busy right now!! I don’t have time for ur childish games
Anika: shut up!! And just listen to me!! Otherwise I will cut ur throat!!! Now silently follow my words ok?
Shivaye: are u mad? U want to spend ur life in jail!!? Anika comes towards shivaye with the blade!!
Shivaye: ok ok!! Tell me!! What should I do?
Anika: start ur car!! We need to reach the highway now!!
Shivaye: highway? But y?
Anika: no more questions!! The girl is in trouble!! If we will not reach her she might be killed by the kidnappers!!
Shivaye: kidnappers??
Anika: will u just shut up?
Shivaye: miss anika!! No one has ever spoke to me in this way!! Mind ur language ok? I am following ur words that doesn’t mean that u can be so rude
Anika: what’s ur name?
Shivaye: shivaye Singh oberoi!!
Anika: so Mr. Shivaye Singh oberoi!! A girl’s life is in danger!! And urs too ( she shows him the blade) so what do u want? Ur life or respect?
Shivaye: so mean!! U r taking my help and threatening me with blade!! I will see u later!!
Anika takes her phone and tries calling that number!!
Shivaye finds her little tensed!!
Shivaye: don’t worry!! Nothing will happen! She will be safe!!
Anika: ok ok stop!! Thanx for ur lift!! Now u can go!!
She gets down the car and rushes
Shivaye: she forgot her blade!! Let her go!! I don’t care!!
Shivaye leaves!!
Here gauri is worried!!
Gauri: God knows where anika is!! She is not receiving calls!! I hope she is fine!!
Anika goes through the jungle and finds a hut!!
anika: here is the hut!! May be the girl is in!!
She slowly moves towards the hut but finds few goons shouting at someone! She hides behind the tree!! Suddenly she hears a girl’s cry!!
Anika: oh my God!! The girl is really in danger!! But how can I save her!!?
She takes a stone and throws it on a goon!! It hits the goon and he becomes unconscious!!
Anika: wow!! Good shot anika!!
She somehow reaches close to the Hut!!
The goons are confused!!
Goon 1 : what happened to him?
Goon2 : he is bleeding!! Something is wrong!! someone is here!! Go and search for that person!!
The goons disperse and search for anika!! Anika slowly goes inside the Hut!! She finds a girl who is tied and is bleeding badly!!
Anika: hey!! Are u fine!! I came here to help her!! U called me!! Do u remember!!
Girl: thanq so much!!! Plz save me!! These people will kill me!!! I am Payal!!
Anika: ok Payal!! Don’t worry!! Come with me!!
She unties her and holds her hand!!
Payal: do u know the way?
Anika: I don’t know!! First of all we have to escape from this hut!!
Payal: I think this is the way!!
They move out of the hut but suddenly the goons surround them!!
Goon1: Ohh! So u came here for her rescue?
Goon 2 : u did a mistake!! Now u will lose ur life too!!
Anika: y did u kidnap her?
Goon 1: revenge!! We want to take revenge!!!
Payal: revenge for what??
Goon: for insulting our boss!!!
Anika: r u mad?? Ur boss might have done something wrong!! Y r u people bothered about his insult!!? Will he fight for u if u people will be thrown in the jail? Don’t u people have common sense!! Can’t u understand such simple thing? Wait let me call the police!!
The snatch her phone!!
Goon: shut up!! Now be ready to die!!
He points the gun towards anika but suddenly someone comes and and hits the goon with a wooden log!!
The goons are shocked!
Anika: Mr. Arrogant???
Payal: who is he?
Goon: who r u? And how dare u?
Shivaye: shivaye Singh oberoi!!!
Shivaye hits the goons and holds anika ‘s hand who is holding payal’s hand
They rush and hide behind a tree
Anika: what r u doing here?
Shivaye: are u mad? U left ur blade in the car!! Do u think u r jhansi ki raani? How can u fight with them alone?
Anika: I can deal with them!! I don’t need ur help ok? Mr.tadibaaz
Shivaye: tadi what? What’s that?
Payal: Shhh!! They might hear and attack us!!
Here at oberoi mansion om is getting ready and rudra is busy with his work!!
Gauri’s phone rings …it’s soumya
Rudra: om!! Take the call!!
Om: r u mad!! I am in the bathroom!! How can I take the call!!
Rudra: then leave it
Om: rudra!! Answer the call!! It might be important!!
Rudra agrees and takes the call…he sees the contact icon!! It’s soumya!!
Om: lift the call rudra!!! Tell them that they can call after 5 when the phone reaches gauri
Rudra takes the call
Soumya: duffer!! Does it take that much time to lift a call!! Where r u? And where is anika? I am trying to call her from an hour!! My battery is about to die!! I will be reaching delhi tomorrow!! Hello? Speak something!!!
Rudra: ok I will inform her!!
Soumya is shocked to hear male voice!!
Soumya: hey!! Who r u?? Why is gauri’s phone with u? Are u a thief? Where is gauri?? Did u kidnap her or what?
Rudra: what do mean by thief!! She forgot her phone..and
Soumya: and u took her phone thinking that it’s ur property!!
Om hears rudra and comes out!! He takes the phone
Om: am so sorry!! Actually we r going to return her phone at 5! U can call her after 5!!
Soumya: so! She forgot her phone by mistake!! It’s ok!! Can’t that person say this politely!!!
Rudra: were u giving me chance to speak!! Sumo!!
Soumya: what did he just say!! How dare u!!
Om: am sorry!! If u have any message for her then I can convey
Soumya: my battery is about to die! I may not be able to contact her again!! Just tell her that I am safe and I will reach station on time
Om: sure!! Happy journey!!
Soumya: thanq!!
She hangs the call!!
Om: y were u fighting with her?
Rudra: she is the same girl whom I argued with in banglore
Om: I know!! She is gauri’s best friend!! She is coming delhi tomorrow!!
Rudra: so what!! I don’t care!!
Om: u said that u will apologise to her!!
Rudra: let’s see!!
Om: any how she will be in the same city!! U can apologise to her any time!! Now I have to leave!! Bye
Here gauri is still worried for anika!!
Gauri: should I go to police station or wait for her!!
I think I must wait for her!!
She continuously tries her mobile!!
Here shivaye anika and Payal sit at a corner
Shivaye: damn!! No signal!!
Anika: enough is enough!! We cannot waste or time here!! I am going!! Come payal!!
Shivaye: don’t act mad! They have guns!! It’s not safe anika!!
Anika: I know how to deal with them!!
Payal: anika!! Think about it!! It’s not safe!!
Anika doesn’t listen!! And she takes a wooden stick!!
They walk a few metres and a goon stops her!
Goon: here u are!! No one can save u now!!
He slowly comes near them and anika hits him!! Another goon comes and pushes anika!! Anika hits a tree and gets hurt!!
Shivaye shouts anika’s name and fights with the goons!! Payal too hits them!! She goes to anika and wakes her up!!
Anika wakes up and finds shivaye beating the goons!! She slowly goes and gets a cell phone and calls police!!
Suddenly a goon holds anika’s hair!! She shouts shivaye!! He saves anika and three of them beat the goons!!
Finally the police comes!! And catches the goons!
Payal: throw them in the jail sir!!
Police: y did u kidnap her? What do u want?
Goon: our boss wanted to take revenge!!! This girl’s dad fired him from the company for some petty reason!! He insulted our boss in public and even hit him!! He wanted to take revenge on his father by kidnapping this girl!
Payal: wait a minute!! My father doesn’t own any industry!! He is a bank accountant!!
All are shocked!!!
Goons: are u not Payal mishra?
Payal: Noo!! I am Payal sharma!!
Goons: that means!!!
Anika: u people kidnapped Payal sharma
Shivaye: instead of Payal mishra
Anika: do u have any experience in this field?? Is this ur first kidnap!!??
Payal: Payal mishra is my frnd and classmate!!
U people are idiots!! U would have asked me!!
Police: now regret in jail!! And give ur boss’s number!!
Shivaye: punish them inspector so that they will never ever think about doing a crime in future!!!
Police: sorry miss anika!! We thought that it was a prank and didn’t believe u!! U people did a brave job!! And mr.shivaye Singh oberoi!! I was shocked to see u here!!
Shivaye: it’s a long story!! I will narrate it later!!
Police: anika!! U r really very great!! U risked ur life for a girl whom u don’t even know!!
Shivaye is shocked!! As he thinks that Payal is anika’s friend!!
Payal: thanq so much anika!! U r real super hero!! And thanq Mr. Oberoi!!
Police leave with Payal for complaint and other formalities!!
It’s 6 in the evng and om waits for gauri near India gate
Om: it’s too late!! Why didn’t she come? I think I must find her home!!
He gets into the car and sees her card in her purse!! He gets the address!!
Om: yeah!! Here is the address!!
Gauri calls her number as she remembers about her phone!!
Om: hello?
Gauri: it’s me!! Gauri!!
Om: where r u? U said that u will be reaching India gate at 5!!
Gauri: plz help me!! Anika has not returned since afternoon!! I am worried for her!! She is not even receiving my calls!!
Om: ok!! Tell me where r u? I will reach there!! We will find her!!
Gauri gives the address and om reaches anika’s place!!
Here shivaye and anika walk towards the highway!!
Anika: where’s ur car?
Shivaye: that way!!
Anika is very tired and falls down as she cannot walk further!!
Shivaye: what happened?? R u ok? Look at u!! Ur forehead is bleeding!!
Anika becomes unconscious!!
The episode freezes at shivaye’s face
Precap: shivaye takes anika to hospital! Om and gauri worried for anika!!
That was the episode frnds!! A very long one!! As I will not be able to post for 4-5 days!! Drop in ur views in comment box
It was soooooooooo good..BT Anika ko Kya hua..4 days ????
Wow finally it was a fantastic epi
Wow amazingggg ?????? Can’t wait for next part
Awesome shivika nok jhok
Awesome without your ff 4 days ?
It is awesome dear… Waiting for the next update please post ASAP.
Awesome… waiting for next…
Awesome….waiting fr d nxt
Amzing….loved it
Loved it
Thnq so much frnds