Fan Fiction


Sun rays were beaming inside swasan room and it disturbed them, but one voice shouted ahhhh and sat on the bed with utter shock and the person face was covered with sweat. And gave glance to the surroundings. Thank god I’m safe and ghost did not eat me. Yes the person is sanskar and he saw swara sleeping peacefully on couch. He moved towards washroom and he started thinking about dreadful night. His mind was occupied with loads of questions!!!!!!
1 why the ghost attacked him?
2. how the ghost left him alive?
3. where was swara and how she sleeping in couch? he came to his room?
5.finally, if he narrates the story, will anyone believe him?

And after a long struggle, he came out of trauma and prepared to ask forgiveness from swara.
When he came out of washroom, swara was sitting silently and he went towards her and apologized for his foolishness. Swara did not react and sanskar felt sad and he gave puppy look face. But swara only knew how she took revenge on him and she made her face innocent and did not show any reaction, but inside her soul was dancing up and down. Sanskar was standing still becz swara did not even speak a word. I’m really sorry swara, I did not do it intentionally was his reply and he left room. Soon swara went behind him closed the door and she was dancing on the bed like mad girl and made the room into mess. Then slowly she calmed herself and went down for having breakfast.

At dining table suji started, we are going to attend distant cousin marriage so we will be leaving today okay. Soon sanksar replied no mom I have so much work so I can’t accompany you. Ram told, sanskar beta me and your mom are only going, you both stay here. Untill we return you both enjoy being alone and he gave mischievous look. Swasan gave a wide shock face.
Swara- No papa I will also come with you.
Sanskar – ha maa take her with you, she doesn’t know our relations na.
Suji- pagal shut your mouth, we are leaving and both staying here ok(looking at swasan).
Sanskar – omg for how many days i should bear this devil??
Swara – I heard what you told wild cat.
Sanskar – gulped, already she is angry on me and my tongue is adding fuel to the fire.
Suji and Ram – ok darlings we are leaving and take care of the house bye… swara beta be careful with this sanskar.
Swara – innocently ok mom and dad, take care miss you too.
Sanskar – god I can’t tolerate their drama, my parents are warning her to be careful with me. Its fate?? I’m the one struggling here but no one knows that, poor me.
Swasan – were left alone and gave a look to each other and concentrated on their work.
Swara – went for preparing lunch.
Sanskar – watching movie in hall.

Door bell was ringing and sanskar gave sigh and opened the door. He was shocked and gave hard punch on that person stomach and slammed the door on his face.
Lucky- aww its paining sanskar, let me in.
Sanskar – betrayer are never forgiven, so stay outside.
Lucky – sanskar let me in I will explain you the situation.
Sanskar- I’m not interested in hearing your story, leave before I stab you scoundrel.
Lucky – ok I’m leaving and he went.
Sanskar – after 10 minutes opened the door to check on lucky.
Lucky – crawled like cat and entered the hall.
Sanskar – saw him and both were fighting like enemies.

Inside swara was hearing their talks but never showed up or care for them.
Lucky – then bro how is your married life?? Enjoying ah????
Sanskar – gave shock reaction and signaled him not to speak a word.
Lucky – ah sanskar why are you afraid??? Anything happened?? Then how is bhabi looking??
Is she gopi bahu or modern bahu ???
Sanskar – gave him pleading look to close his mouth.
Lucky – sanskar is this you?? I can’t believe it men???? First time I’m seeing you like this, afraid for a girl?? Is she lady hitler or devil??
Sanskar – just nodded his head.

Soon tomatoes, eggs, brinjals, where heading towards lucky and sanskar and they were not aware of this. DISHOOM….TOPPPPP….SLUGH……… all fell on sanlak….
Lucky – Aww who the hell is this?????
Sanskar – knew it would be devil and he was laughing at lucky becz he too got darshan on the first day like him.
Lucky – sanskar save me….
Sanskar – bro you failed me, so no mercy.
Lucky – you too brutus :p
Soon swara headed towards them with flour and splashed over them.
Sanlak were terribly shocked and both were standing like ghost covered with flour, eggs and vegetables.
Swara gave them cunning look.
Lucky –cleared his face, hey monkey what are doing here??
Swara- hey donkey is this you?? Where were you these years stupid?? You forgot me?? Hate you.
Sanskar – gave question look at them
Lucky – bro we both studied at same college and we are best friends, don’t you remember I always talk about one monkey na, that’s her. And monkey don’t tell me you married sanskar.
Swara – like crying babe, my fate I have been married to this wild cat.
Lucky – what?? Then sanskar I pity for you , now I knew how your marriage life would have been. God only should save you.
Swara- donkey what did you say?? She came near him with knife.
Lucky – no baba, I said sanskar is blessed to get wife like you. Hey na sanskar??
Sanskar – did not give any reaction becz there will immediate action from swara if he replied yes.
Sanlak – gave smirk and signaled through eyes.
Swara – gave question look to them.
Sanlak – approached towards swara.
Swara knew their plan and she started running, but sanlak did not leave her, soon they caught her and both were hugging swara and she too got drenched in flour combo along with eggs and tomatoes.

Now three were looking like ghost and laughing looking at other.
This time someone was ringing the door bell. All gave question look and were regretting to open the door. Trio was pushing each other and finally swara landed in front of door and she opened them.
Swara was happy seeing the person, hugged her and forgot that she was looking messy.
Rags – ahh swara whats this leave me??? Shit you spoiled me babes.
Sanlak – who is this new character??
Swara – She is ragini, my friend cum sisoo. And what are doing here?? How did you find me???
Rags- ahh swara so much questions at a time?? Wait I will explain. I came to India yesterday and reached baadi today morning and came here to see you now.
Swara – you should stay here, no more blabbering ok.
Sanlak- gave her warm smile and welcomed rags.
Swasan raglak went for bathing and came to have lunch after few hours.
Swarags – had long talk and enjoyed themselves.
Sanlak – had good time and was enjoying in their room

It was around 7.00 pm all had their dinner and they planned to watch movie in home theatre.
Swara – adventure movie
Sanakar – fantasy movie
Ragini – action movie
Laksh- ghost movie

Four were quarrelling , fantasy, ghost, action, adventure….
Soon lucky came up with idea ok we can do inky pinky ponky and who gets the last key – that person wish will be granted. So he started inky pinky ponky father had a donkey, donkey died, father cried inky pinky ponkey. It was ending with lucky and he screamed in happiness.
Four arranged the room with cushion sofa, in front with table for keeping snacks and resting their legs. And lights were turned off for giving scary effect and home theatre with DDS effect. AC was switched on. Now the room was perfect for watching movie.

But problem started here, (no one can accept that he/she is not afraid of ghost, everyone is afraid of ghost) four gave smirk look to each other and ran towards the sofa to sit in middle so they may feel protected. Four were struggling to catch a place in centre and pushing each other. Finally, the order was sanskar > swara > ragini >lucky.
Movie started they were watching grudge and it was so scary and in one scene swasan were hugging eah other in fear that side raglak were hugging. Four had cute small eye lock and forgot their world. Due to scream from the movie they gained sense and composed themselves and they were having snacks in between and teasing others.
This time swarags were hugging each other due to fear and sanlak were hiding behind their back(imagine how comedy would have been to watch them ).

Soon four slept in sofa without their sense. Swasan were hugging each other and they can hear the other heartbeat and this side raglak were sleeping on other shoulders by placing their heads.
Ragini got up first in morning and she picked her mobile and took many snaps to tease swasanlak.
Rags went to sanskar room and picked foam bottle , she squeezed them on swasanlak nose and captured pics. Later she woke swasanlak and all went to refresh.

Tadda, how was today’s chapie????

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Thank you for reading, bye…..

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