Fan Fiction

when destiny meets (Episode 31)

Maya leaves to her rokm where she is staying from the day she left Nana’s house she sits in the bed and sees Akash’s photo in her phone blinking sees a Va from his number and picks the call with confusion.Akash asks her about her health with concern.She smiles and says “But,you are the one who got hurt and me,really fine,I think we met just before 30 minutes “.Akash smiles and sips the orange juice and asks her where is she staying .She asks him not to ask too much of question,and request him to take rest so that he can become very fine,cuts the call and sees the rain outside the window.she remember Akash playing with the small children and dancing in tjd rain ,gets happy .Akash moves the curtain and says to himself “She must be enjoying the rain,”.

next morning,Maya goes to ask about the next flight to Nagpur and heafz some familiar voice and turns to see the person,she gets shocked to see Poorva’s ex-fiance,Mathews standing with a small child in his arm.She smiles and asks him about his wife.Mathew remembers her and says”She is ,she us the lobby,see “,A young Assamese lady comes with some bag and gets shocked to see her husband talking with a girl.Mathew introduced both the ladies and says “God craze,I got out of that Poorva,she is really a “.Maya changes the topic and asks about the child’s name.He says “Akash”,Maya sees him with surprise.Mathew tells something to her.

Akash takes out the newspaper and reads the news about his marriage before 5 years and about his patch up with his wife.He smiles and wonders “Where did he get this photos?”and takes out the directory to call.the editor of the newspaper.Maya sees the newspaper on her way back to room and sees her marriage photo,she gets puzzled and takes a paper and reads it from the stall.She gets very much shocked and sees the news,she angrily asks the driver to go to the newspaper office.She reaches the place and hears the editor shouting with his staffs for behaving like this.He asks the persons to publish a sorry letter on tomorrow’s paper,Maya see this and thinks not to make an issue in his part.

precap:Akash and Maya gets struck into the shooting spot.


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